
For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby 2ndperspect » April 7th, 2009, 3:45 am

Hello, I'm totally new here and curious about feminzation. I simply want to know as much as I can about feminzation. I've read many comments on the files and gone through a lot of the forums, but I do'mt think they really give a good idea of what these files can do.

So, I'm trying to great a fully comprehensive discussion board in the hopes that it will become a great pool of information to help any looking into this ort of thing

Please, write your ideas, thoughts, experiences, likes and dislikes, questions, comments, significant background, anything and everything you can think of, even if you think it's trivial because might learn something important from it.

I am a tall 16 year-old guy, completely straight with nuerous girls into me, but I have been immensely curious about gender change. I don't feel like a woman but I'm itching to know what it's like. I've tried crossdressing before (just at home alone) and have listened to a few of the free files for a couple days now. Started with only the visual and mental files (ex: Bra Filler, Cardigan Victorian Girl, TrigBoobGrowth, Trig Virtual Crossdressing) because the idea of a "curse" kind of scared me. I didn't notice anything special while listening no real sense of deep relaxation or listlessness. I moved up to Feminization change into female, FembuttGrowth, Portal and the Pink Fairy, and tried Curse Breast Growth Male once, again with nothing special. I blacked out both times I've listened to Bubble Induction and also on my second time listening to Feminization change into Female, so I think that the soft background music helps, but again there have been no effects so far.

I most want to hear advice you have and experiences. Pictures, measurements, records, etc are the best. But please, leave long descriptions so we get the full idea.

Also, I've been reading through the forums and it seems like many people just go for well-known really effective curses right away, like Curse Stroke Sissy and Super Female Whammy. I'm extremely tempted to try them but deeply concerned with some of the stories I've read, especially Curse Stroke Sissy because of all the stories of people unable to stop listening to it and getting pleasure from it while hating what's happened to them.

Why do you do it? Why did you start? What's makes it so hard to stop listening? What has happened to you from listening? Has it been good for you? Would you you reccomend it to others?

I look forward to long, comprehensive replies and will check this often.
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Joined: April 7th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby Lobotaru » April 7th, 2009, 11:32 am

2ndperspect, the effects of the feminization files found on this website vary widely. Some are merely to explore what it feels like to be a girl (the reason I started listening to them), and others are designed to cause permanent change. The ones that cause permanent change are the feminization training files (at least all the ones I know of), which all have the purpose of altering a subject's psychology and then following that their physiology. Whether or not such files can cause the desired physical changes is highly speculative and seems to vary from individual to individual.

As you know, hypnosis is a highly focused state whereby suggestions can have greater impact then when in a person's normal state of mind. The idea of the Trigger files it to temporarily cause strong hallucinations and delusions of being the opposite gender. These files might start out with little effect, but with practice the intended effects become much stronger. I must emphasize that trigger files are designed to be temporary, except unless noted otherwise in their description.

The feminization training files are for people who want to actually be turned partially or fully into a woman. These files may include permanent changes in sexual orientation, hormonal changes, behavior modification, and similar effects. From what you say in your above post, I presume you are not interested in being a full time girl, so these are absolutely not the files you should be looking at or trying to go into.

Actually, I've found that one of the best files (at least content wise) for temporary transformation or experiences is the "Trig Experience" file, which will make you experience whatever you see in a picture or video for yourself. Better yet, there is a female voiced version by GS (Goddess Spiral, whom I've never been able to find any website for). So you can try both voices and see to which you respond better.

Also, there are suggestions at the end of each file telling the listener to come back and listen to those files again and again, so keep in mind that once you start listening to these, you will probably want to listen to them more often.

Hope this helps.
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Postby Tarret » April 7th, 2009, 2:23 pm

Isn't 16 a bit too young for this site?
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Postby Lobotaru » April 7th, 2009, 8:14 pm

Actually... I have no idea. I know 18 is considered the minimum age in most states, but there might be exceptions that I don't know about.
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Postby Krysta » April 7th, 2009, 10:54 pm

18 however, is the posted lower limit for the site, as must be agreed to on the way in...
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Postby 2ndperspect » April 8th, 2009, 12:31 am

Fine i'm young, but I consider myself very mature. Besides I'm not using the files to change myself. I'm listening to them and picking them apart to see how they work. I said I was curious about feminization but i'm positively intrigued by hypnosis as a whole and I just thought I'd start in a place that interested me. So please don't hold this back, I'm just trying to understand it and hopefully improve it.

I just want people's experiences, comments, advice, opinions, etc. I said I'm wary of files like Curse Stroke Sissy and Super Female Whammy because I've read the stories and results from people who have tried them and I'd rather stay the way I am. I want to know the effects of these files on listeners without causing irreversible damage to my life and identity.

So please help out, I'm only trying to improve what is going on. Give me whatever you can. And something just occurred to me. If anyone is able to, a script or text document of Curse Stroke Sissy or other generally powerful file would be greatly appreciated.

Please and Thanks for the help (especially Lobotaru)
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Postby Follower » April 8th, 2009, 1:03 am

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you 2ndperspect. I'm as straight as possibly can be, but I've always wondered what girls feel like in their bodies.

I'm too attached to my own identity to change myself completely, and afterall, I don't think that'd even be morally right if I want to be myself, but I'd like to experience being a woman for just once. I'm just highly curious.

I've been working with HornySchoolGirl for some weeks now, and I've come up with some minor, results, I think. I walk differently when I'm triggered, and I have a higher sense of overall excitement. Aditionally, my voice changed to a higher octave without me attempting to do so. I'm going to continue with this and see where it goes, but there's no way in hell that I'm ever listening to Super Female Whammy or CSS. I love my family, my life, and where I am right now. And those stories on the forums scare me to death. 8O
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Postby diapers_forever » April 8th, 2009, 9:46 pm

I know in England it's 16, but 18-21 in other places... and is it the location of the user or of the site?
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Postby 2ndperspect » April 9th, 2009, 12:27 am

Fine, ban me, I really don't care too much. I only started here out of happenstance anyway. It's just that some of the other easy to find and well-known sites really didn't have much to offer.

Well, that's what for honesty. It's clear I'm not going to learn much from you annoying people who insist on discrimination by age, when it should be on maturity, because that would restrict these pompous pricks who can't deal with the fact that maybe, just maybe, some young person may have his head on straighter than the majority of this site's users.

Thanks Lobotaru and Follower, I can see you're the some of the only sincere people here interested in more than a kinky sex drive.
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Postby Krysta » April 9th, 2009, 1:31 am

with all respect to the original poster, I point out the rules here, because I believe a site owner has the right to expect the rules he sets to be followed. As a tist, I expect the same when running a trance. As far as content goes, if you're mature enough to handle it, I believe you are welcome to explore it in any legal way you can.

However, I dislike being accused of being brainless, or only motivated by my sex drive. It's disrespectful, no matter the age of the poster. Personally, I love doing femme work, and the processes of feminization in general. Sadly laws dictate that policy must be policy, as we have no other way to assess your actual maturity.

I'm always happy to talk with new people on the subject, provided the venue allows for it. And any wishing my input on the subject are free to contact me as appropriate.
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Postby iron_blade » April 9th, 2009, 8:12 pm

Since ur new feminizer here, I completely recommend listening to LRfemale orgasm. That file works wonders for new people and it did work for me. The first time I listened, it only gave me a little tingle down my back. Yet, by the 3rd time I was crawling up and down the sheets moaning. :)

But if your not into that kind of thing, I understand that. If not then I'd recommend to listen to curse enchanted keyboard. Yes, its a curse, but not a bad one at all. All it says is that whenever you type THE E ND (without the space in end) infront of a command or sentence, then it will become your reality. That file takes a week before taking even a minor effect, but trust me its worth it after about 1/2 a year.

I don't recommend that you dive into anything deeper since your only 16. Some stuff on this site can be scary. Good luck to you and all you other newcomers!
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