Need help one more time

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Need help one more time

Postby zion_r_liengod » April 7th, 2009, 7:28 pm

What does someone do... when a hypnotist nearly ruins your life?

I've been working with Elena's files recently. Especially the "Night Night" file. This file installs a trigger to go into trance. Night Night Pet. This trigger can only be used by me, Elena, and people I give permission. However, I didn't know that.

Then I met someone who wanted to become a hypnotist, named Sebringblue06. I decided I'd let her try and trance me. Using my trigger, just to get some experience. Anyway, she tried it thing went ok. Of course, I didn't know I wasn't really trancing, it felt like I was, but I didn't.

A couple days later, she asks me to try again, so we did, and she used a suggestion, tried to, a suggestion that.. well... in her words... "You'll forget about everyone you know except for me."

That would cause some serious problems in my view. Anyway, I wasn't actually trancing, because she didn't have permission to use my trigger, so it had no effect on me. Still, she tried. I took a screen shot of the convo, if anyone wants to see it.

Anyway, just tonight, I take it she figured she wasn't gonna have her way with me. I saw her talking to someone knew, asking them to go onto "MSN" with her. What does this say to me? New victim. What do I do? I want to help that person dodge what I did, I want to help people dodge the fate that almost fell to me...

Nobody heeded my warnings on HF, no one bothered to listen, everyone ignored me, what can I do? Leaving HF myself to attract people to my profile to learn about it... did nothing, no one cares!

What does one do, in this kind of situation... I'm not good with people...
"We're not tools of the government, or for anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at. But at least I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox
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Postby Lobotaru » April 7th, 2009, 8:20 pm

That's an interesting situation. I doubt such a suggestion would ever work unless the person was somehow convinced it is something he wants. I know for a fact that NLP can be used on unwary subjects to cause unexpected effects, but actually putting someone under and then giving them suggestions like that directly shouldn't work. You have to word it right so that the person thinks of forgetting then somehow direct that upon something else the subject knows.

But yeah, I'd definitely stay away from that hypnotist.
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Re: Need help one more time

Postby whatthe75 » April 8th, 2009, 2:00 am

[quote="zion_r_liengod"]"You'll forget about everyone you know except for me."


Sounds like quite an amatuer thing to suggest and word in that way.SO i doubt if she would ever have any effect on anyone else.The fact you said she TRIED it with you for a few sessions shows a lack of here skills,so i think she will fail in mind meesing other people.

To forget everyone you know,you would need to know who everyone else you know is so that your mind could forget them,which gives a catch 22 situation.Your mind needs to know who they are so you can forget them.SO the end result is you remember them more.


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Postby BobbyS » April 8th, 2009, 3:17 pm

I'm in agreement it sounds like a very amateurish thing to do, but you were still right to let people know.

The problem is internet erotic hypnosis is a very dirty business. But while this Elena sounds psychotic, there are also so many arseholes out there that there is a risk you could come across as someone trying to put her down. Also, there are a lot of people out there who either aren't serious when they say they want to be tranced, don't care or haven't thought through the effects of serious suggestions on their life.

Again, good on you for trying to make others aware of the situation, and while I doubt her stupid suggestion would ever work on anyone, I'd steer clear of her (if indeed it's a her).

Remember kids, play safe online - there are a lot of fuckers out there!
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Postby MacGyver » April 8th, 2009, 5:05 pm

always keep the surveilance going, never trance without it or you could find yourself in something you do not want.

i dont know if this has ever been posted here on WMM or not, so i am going to post it here now.

count out. if the person trancing you is trying to make suggestions you do not like or want, try and count yourself out of trance, count mentally, 1 -2 - 3 - 4 - 5 and WIDE AWAKE!

i have done this before as i have used files that sounded good in their description but when listened to, there was things i did not want, i did not like where the file was going, and so, counted myself out of the file.

before you allow anyone to trance you in person, make sure you can trust them first, if you feel you cannot trust them, then do not do it. get yourself a safety net set up in your mind, this will allow your unconsious mind to bring you back out of trance just incase your waking mind is not there at the time you need it.

look, i aint ya daddy but, there are alot of mean people out there that use hypnosis for all the wrong things, for even personal gains, and yep, you guessed it, at your expense. and those people are unethical. they dont care about their subjects in the least.

as for me, the worst thing i have EVER done to a subject is to wake them up leaving an arm in the air and they could not move it until someone had put it down for them, and what you described about the person zion, i would NEVER do that with a subject. if i trance someone, it would most likely be like i used to do, for fun and games to make them believe i can do it or that they can be put under. nothing made people more of a believer than to be brought back out thinking that not a second had gone by and they notice their arm is in the air.

when i find a subject that can withstand my voice enough to enter trance, there is a nice laugh and their arm is put down for them within a minute of them noticing, and a good time was had, but the person you talked about sounds like she is trying to, well, "own" the subjects. maybe they want to see if they can trance people into giving away everything they own.

if i were you, i dont think i would trust that person ever again, myself, i would be done blocked that person and not allow them to contact me ever again or at the least avoid them like the plague as they are not right.

it just aint easy goin sane in a crazy mixed up world.
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Postby PeppermintT » April 9th, 2009, 5:36 am

BobbyS wrote:I'm in agreement it sounds like a very amateurish thing to do, but you were still right to let people know.

The problem is internet erotic hypnosis is a very dirty business. But while this Elena sounds psychotic, there are also so many arseholes out there that there is a risk you could come across as someone trying to put her down. Also, there are a lot of people out there who either aren't serious when they say they want to be tranced, don't care or haven't thought through the effects of serious suggestions on their life.

Again, good on you for trying to make others aware of the situation, and while I doubt her stupid suggestion would ever work on anyone, I'd steer clear of her (if indeed it's a her).

Remember kids, play safe online - there are a lot of fuckers out there!

You read the original posting wrong. Elena is far from psychotic and in fact always takes great care to suggest that if the listener feels uncomfortable with any suggestion she makes at any time, then that suggestion will not work. There is no compusion with her suggestions at all or so it seems to me (unlike EMGs curse files for example which don't give much wriggle room, by design). It seems that in this case another would be hypnotist, named as SebringBlue06, misused the trigger she had installed (in fact Elena also words the Night Night file so the trigger works with other hypnotists & files if that is what the listener wants). However the safe guards Elena installs in her orginal Night Night induction should prevent the trigger being abused in this way so I am pretty certain there was no chance of the original poster being successfully hypnotised in this case, (although as has been pointed out already it is a very badly worded suggestion by SebringBlue06). I guess it underlines that one should be careful about giving out trigger phrases to other people you don't know.
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Postby BobbyS » April 9th, 2009, 2:15 pm

Argh, sorry! I didn't mean Elena, I meant this Sebringblue06!'s been a hard week.
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Postby zion_r_liengod » April 10th, 2009, 9:14 pm

Thanks everyone for your input.

Elena is very nice, I've spoken to her myself. I have tranced with the Night Night trigger, and found that it works.

Had it not been for Elena's safe guard, I could've been in trouble. My mind works very literally, so when it says they have to have permission to use it, then I have to say myself... "You may use my trigger"

The point here isn't wether this girl... "Sebringblue06" can, or cannot trance me into forgetting everyone I know... the point here... is what I can do, to stop her from trying this again. She is very amatuerish right now, but who's to say she won't get better and try again? hm?

What do I do about that?
"We're not tools of the government, or for anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at. But at least I always fought for what I believed in." - Gray Fox
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Postby Henrique » April 10th, 2009, 10:45 pm

"You will forget anyone you know, except me" won't work, since the brain would need to remember them, as stated above.

But if she used "You will only remember of me", could it have worked?

Instead of "Forget your name", if told to "Your name now is (fill the blank), and you will answer only to this name" would it work?

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Postby MistE » April 11th, 2009, 8:14 am

Yes, it wasn't me who did this, but that Sebring person.

Anyway, Zero, when you see this? Contact me! I can give you some advice, teach you some mechanisms to help yourself out in dangerous hypnosis situations, and throw some free voice hypno into the bargain to make you feel better about the whole thing.

And if there is ONE thing that pisses me off, it is people attempting to use my triggers, or any triggers, on nonconsenting individuals. Non-con play is fun, but actually convincing people to do things they might not otherwise do because of the way they perceive hypnosis working is NOT okay when it crosses out of that person's comfort zone.

Seriously, people, be better to each other. That's not directed at anyone, though I'd like to direct a big old ****off at anyone who tries to trance ANYONE into doing something they have not gotten explicit permission to force on them.
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