TrainBimbo file

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TrainBimbo file

Postby Lindsey » June 15th, 2005, 10:05 pm

I've been listening to hypnosis files from this site for about a year now, but they've never actually worked on me - I just get off listening to them. :twisted: So the other night I decided to give the TrainBimbo file a try, and... it definately had some effect on me, I just felt really .... I don't knwo what the word is, but it definately worked. lol Anyway, has anyone else tried this file and had success with it? I was totally surprised (but in a good way! lol). I think I'm going to usethe deprogram file just in case theirs any lasting effects, because I don't want this to affect my job too much or anything. I think I'm going to try other files tho, becuase maybe this means I'm finally getting used to hypnosis and files I wanted to work before might work now? or maybe I'm getting my hopes up for no reason.

- Linds
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Joined: May 11th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Linja » June 16th, 2005, 2:33 am

That feeling you experienced is a good sign that things are working. It does take a while for these things to work, and with me it started with a "feeling", so keep at it and you should see your results developing.

Just a matter of personal curiosity (feel free to not answer), what drew your interest towards that particular file? Yeah, the deprogram is a good idea, just for safety's sake.

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Postby ericksll » August 15th, 2005, 7:38 pm

I havnt tried that one cause I dont have the money. maybe one day or if i can find someone to but it for me. I am very interested in TrainBimbo though. I have been doing the TrainHumiliation1 and Curse milk and have noticed a big change in my personality. Forinstance, triving home from anotherstate, I work a tanktop and atretched it so any trucker or anyone driving by could see from from the sid the profile of my boobs incluting a good part of the areola. I thought it was soo much fun and an many ways sexually exciting turning on all these men teasing them. I am also looking into some medications to help induce milk production. It is so weird but I love it. I cant wait for things to relly change. For now, I am still concious of how I am acting at times. I am starting to feel liike I want to be dominated and forced to do things. Can anyone help me? Can I be saved from all of this? Or, am I already beyond help and these tapes which I listen to both asleep and while awake and at work my future? I guess the last thing I want is to ecome bi or a lesbian. Then what will I do?
email me at or IM me on MSN messanger

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