Meh, I'm Having Trancing problems.

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Meh, I'm Having Trancing problems.

Postby Zombie_Genocide » April 11th, 2009, 2:07 am

Title says it all. Basicly, In a nutshell, it goes like this.

I lie down, get relaxed, and start listing to the induction of a file. I sure I go into a trance.

So, I Cruise along though the induction, my mind way out there...

"And Now, Were going to try something new."

Bam. 8O
I snap out of it like that, because I am finally happy were past the induction. As soon as the hypnotist starts to move on from the induction to the actual changes, I feel my mind wake up, and start concuously(Sp?) analyzing the file.

Suggestions? Tips? Advice?
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Postby diapers_forever » April 12th, 2009, 10:58 pm

Explanation: Your mind notices a skip. I have trouble especially when I have a different person than the induction. I can't do Bubble into Keyboard curse.
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Postby Zombie_Genocide » April 12th, 2009, 11:05 pm


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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 13th, 2009, 8:03 am

Welcome to WMM, Zombie_Genocide.

On Saturday, you posted a message that describes an observation you've made about trancing... you're happy when you get past the induction, and you believe you snap out of trance at that point.

Before posting a response, I want to acknowledge a posting you made for a different topic... Why do you listen to hypnosis files? Your response was: I was bored, and decided to take it up.
    It makes me wonder something.
It makes me wonder because of the nickname you've chosen - "Zombie_Genocide". I wonder whether you've seen the video by Derren Brown about a zombie shoot-up game.
    It also reminds me of something.
It reminds me of a former client. Before guiding his first trance, I did what I do for someone new... I asked about his fears & phobias. Let's face it - someone who's afraid of deep water will be unable to relax while listening to an induction that invites you to dive in.

His response was interesting. It was interesting because he told me he fears zombies. And, until I watched the video about the Waking Dead game, I hadn't considered the possibility of inducing trance by talking about zombies. So, I talked about elevators and escalators; about staircases and swinging in a hammock and all sorts of boring things. And everything turned out just fine.

Which leads me to your observation... you're happy when you get past the induction, and you believe you snap out of trance at that point.

What your conscious mind does during trance is unimportant. It can come along for the ride if it wants to. There will even be times when you want both your unconscious mind and your conscious mind to listen.

It's unimporant whether you understand why what your conscious mind does during trance is unimportant

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Postby Zombie_Genocide » April 20th, 2009, 8:59 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:Welcome to WMM, Zombie_Genocide.

On Saturday, you posted a message that describes an observation you've made about trancing... you're happy when you get past the induction, and you believe you snap out of trance at that point.

Before posting a response, I want to acknowledge a posting you made for a different topic... Why do you listen to hypnosis files? Your response was: I was bored, and decided to take it up.
    It makes me wonder something.
It makes me wonder because of the nickname you've chosen - "Zombie_Genocide". I wonder whether you've seen the video by Derren Brown about a zombie shoot-up game.
    It also reminds me of something.
It reminds me of a former client. Before guiding his first trance, I did what I do for someone new... I asked about his fears & phobias. Let's face it - someone who's afraid of deep water will be unable to relax while listening to an induction that invites you to dive in.

His response was interesting. It was interesting because he told me he fears zombies. And, until I watched the video about the Waking Dead game, I hadn't considered the possibility of inducing trance by talking about zombies. So, I talked about elevators and escalators; about staircases and swinging in a hammock and all sorts of boring things. And everything turned out just fine.

Which leads me to your observation... you're happy when you get past the induction, and you believe you snap out of trance at that point.

What your conscious mind does during trance is unimportant. It can come along for the ride if it wants to. There will even be times when you want both your unconscious mind and your conscious mind to listen.

It's unimporant whether you understand why what your conscious mind does during trance is unimportant

The thing that's important is having fun

Ah, I see, Thanks for the information.

As a matter of fact, I have not seen that video, and I am going to check it out.

Anyway, I am just Thinking i snapped out of it, but in reality, I have not.

Intresting, and rather quite helpful, I'm greatful.

Also, On another note, that blue text makes me feel like your staring into my soul. XD
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la la la

Postby Calimore » April 22nd, 2009, 4:53 am

Lately my conscious mind has been going off and doing the stupidest things when I'm trancing. It's almost like it's off playing Jacks sometimes. At other times, it's almost like it's decided to write, direct and star in it's own little dream sequence. Sometimes, recently, it seems to be standing there, watching me as I trance.

My conscious mind seems to think it silly that I can be tranced. Of course, for a long time now it's been lead to assume that I couldn't be hypnotized, so I can see why it is so skeptical.

Still, the suggestions work, the training sticks and the triggers get stronger each and every time they are used. So, while my conscious mind just stands there and shakes it's head, my subconscious mind simply smiles at it and says, "just wait and see".

Happy Trancing,
Last edited by Calimore on April 22nd, 2009, 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Meh, I'm Having Trancing problems.

Postby Erskip » April 22nd, 2009, 9:06 am

Zombie_Genocide wrote:Title says it all. Basicly, In a nutshell, it goes like this.

I lie down, get relaxed, and start listing to the induction of a file. I sure I go into a trance.

So, I Cruise along though the induction, my mind way out there...

"And Now, Were going to try something new."

Bam. 8O
I snap out of it like that, because I am finally happy were past the induction. As soon as the hypnotist starts to move on from the induction to the actual changes, I feel my mind wake up, and start concuously(Sp?) analyzing the file.

Suggestions? Tips? Advice?

Yeah I experience pretty much the same thing. If I actually get under and it feels all numb and trancey then I'll generally just manage to wander off somehow, at best I try to convince myself that I'm still all dead and my head is floaty in the hope that I'll start to feel it a bit and then slowly drop under again but it rarely works.

Even listening to the file I just uploaded I managed to get a near perfect induction everytime but then when the file tries to do something I just lose it, although oddly in that file I had a section where you start falling which seemed to suddenly induce me again quite unexpectedly.

I think the problem in my recordings is probably reinforcement, if you say that when you breath in and out you feel a pressure and strain on your breathing, as if it can't even move within it's numb lifeless frame or something to that effect then that's only going to work for as long as they consciously notice they are breathing. If you then have a quite quiet and gentle voice in the background telling you regularly when to breath in and out, then you will be consciously acknowledging that you are breathing and so will reinforce whatever strain or weight or deadness you apply to it.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » April 22nd, 2009, 10:15 am

the only suggestion I can give is to edit the file and in a few place add another count down to deepen you this may help to keep you in trance as it would turn the whole file into an induction but still have the suggestions you want through it as well!
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Postby hypnointerest » April 23rd, 2009, 12:25 am

This may not be the file at all. Do you feel apprehensive at the end of an induction? This could be your mind very clearly showing you that you do not want to go under. Perhaps you are the type of person that needs to hear the file a few times, listening to every detail to make sure that there isn't anything in them you want to hear, before you can go into trance. Perhaps you are unsettled by temporarily giving up the driver's seat if you don't know where you are going?
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