Questions from a newbie

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Questions from a newbie

Postby Country251 » April 19th, 2009, 9:59 am

Hello Everyone,
This is my first post here and I have an interest in this, and have a couple of questions. Please forgive me if this is a repost of someone elses questions.
1) I have listened to a couple of files( Induction by EMG and Cardigan_-_SuperHumanMind) and have noted that each has an inductoin, body and awakener. Is it best when listening to more than one file to not have an awakener between?
2) when I listened to induction, I don't think I went totally under but I was "feeling it " so to speek. How long does it normally take to and when do you know that you are under deep enough to take the suggestions of files such as superhuman mind?

Also I would like to thank everyone that shares their knowledge and time, I know it can get to be a pain answering the same question all the time.

Last edited by Country251 on April 21st, 2009, 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Country251 » April 21st, 2009, 6:42 am

Wow 73 views and no one is willing to help?
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Postby baby_jessica75 » April 21st, 2009, 9:35 am

your questions are rather hard to answer because just like everything else the effects of hypnosis is different for everyone. for your first question it would probably be best not to have an awakener between the files but this is also one of those person to person type things. I have seen some techniques that pull someone back up slightly just to push them down further into trance but I would imagine for most it would be rather counter productive to awaken fully between files. as for the next question this is also different for different people I know I seem to get more out of a file after it has reached the point where I no longer remember the entire file but it takes me several listens of the same file before it gets to thi point. my biggest problem seems to be trying to over analize and force things while I listen trying to MAKE the file effective keeps me from relaxing. allowing my subconscience to do its work instead of trying to force results with my conscience seems to work better for me personally.

As far as getting your wife to listen I personally would start talking to her about hypnosis in a general sense to feel out her opinions about the subject then find some interesting information to share with her let her build an interest in hypnosis with-in herself (you must have already had some interest in hypnosis of your own or you would have never ended up on this site)! if you allow her interest to build on its own then she will not feel as though you are just pushing your interest onto her this would be something you could do together and share rather than it being something she does just to appease you! Be gentel with it take the time to let her ask questions and if you do not know the answers to her questions do research so you can learn together! this is just my humble advise I am in no way shape or form an expert on this subject (or any other for that matter)! just trying to help with some ideas!! good luck!
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Re: Questions from a newbie

Postby zapnosis » April 21st, 2009, 11:02 am

To confirm some of what baby_jessica75 said, and hopefully add something as well...

1) What is best is what works best for you. Try out different things. It all depends on context, i.e. how your mind works. While going from one file straight into another may help you to maintain trance, a sudden change in voices or sounds may distract you and/or break the trance. Or it may not. Waking up and then trying to trance again straight away may be harder work for you, or it may be easier. The only way to tell for sure is to try it and see and even if something doesn't work now, it may work later on when you have had more experience of trance.

2) Some people can go into trance the first time they try, others have to try many times before going under. But it does get easier with experience - it is something you learn how to do. It took me 4 years of trying before I went under, but now I can go half way just by closing my eyes and clearing my mind without any suggestions at all. Some suggestions will be harder to accept than others for you. Basicly you know you're deep enough when you feel the suggestions taking effect. But some suggestions will work well with your mind and take effect quickly, some may never work at all. I find that the best policy is to enjoy the trance and simply to be aware that the suggestions may be taking effect.

3) Well, obviously we can only give the most general advice on this... I'd say that baby_jessica75 has it about right.

The tricky thing is that the best person to answer these questions is you... but I hope we have been of some help :)
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Postby Country251 » April 21st, 2009, 2:15 pm

Thak you both for the advice
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