Question for ABDLs

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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Question for ABDLs

Postby CycoMelody » April 20th, 2009, 5:32 pm


I am visiting this corner of the forums to ask a really simple question. What are you looking for in a file. I am looking to do a file or 2 up for ABDL's Maybe free, maybe pay. It all depends on how things turn out. Either way I would like your feedback. What is it that would make a file appealing to you? You can send me a PM, reply here, or even contact me on the chat as I am there quite often. Let me know! I am itching to hear from you.

Thank you!

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Postby Exrandu » April 22nd, 2009, 1:40 am

In my opinion, the file that is missing from our section of this site is a Trigger file for acting like a baby. There's plenty of trigger files for wetting yourself, etc., but no files for triggering infantile behavior. I would love love LOVE to see a file like this. Curse Thumbsucker almost does it, but it has a lot of other commands which I think weaken the trigger command. I recommend listening to that for an idea of what I'm talking about, though.

Speaking of that file, a simple thumbsucking file would be great too! Or rather, a file that makes you want to always be sucking on something, whether it be a paci or a bottle or your thumb.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » April 22nd, 2009, 5:21 am

I don't know how well this would work but I would like to see a couple of topics from this site combined such as Diaper feminization , diaper submission, where the desire to wear diapers is increased and the wearing diapers acts as a trigger to bring about feminization or to increase submission. as I said I have no idea if this would work but since you asked i figured i would add some suggestions!
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ABDL files

Postby abchipster_13 » April 22nd, 2009, 2:50 pm

I have to agree with those who have commented already. Those are really great ideas.

As an AB, i would really enjoy being able to let loose and be a real time baby for a period of time, either with a trigger, or a file that sets a time limit. I think it would be fun to regress back in time and just be a real time baby. Wetting naturally, or messing to. I believe diapers should be used for their purpose, and I do use mine as intended, and love every minute of it. I am diapered 24/7 now and love it.

The thumb sucking curse is a really hard one to deal with. Thumb sucking should be a natural thing, but not for the duration in the other file as a curse. I am kind of afraid of curse files myself.

Right now I am using the anti-Potty training file. I have listened to it 3 times now, and hope it is working.

Thanks for your interest in thinking about us. We are people to who just enjoy an unusual life style. For me, tis is who I am, and want to be as much as I possibly can. This is not just a fetish, it is real life, and any files that can help make it more real life would be fantastic.

Have a nice day.

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Postby CycoMelody » April 22nd, 2009, 3:44 pm

Hi yall!

Its me again. I got an idea I am bouncing around. It will likely end up being a pay file but not an expensive one. I tested this on an AB yesterday and it worked out amazingly well. It is a trigger that regresses a person to a baby. It is an exceptionally strong suggestion dispite it being a trigger. It is a shorter induction but Highly effective and that is part of the reason why the suggestion is so strong. I took my test subject under by putting them into a little scene where they are being held by Mommy. It worked AMAZINGLY well. So does that fit the bill? Oh the only condition I put on it is someone else has to say the trigger. After all, a baby isn't exactly going to be able to revert right? :twisted:

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Postby Ladon » April 24th, 2009, 11:09 am

That sounds very cool. I have fantasized about a more practical hypnosis-toy, but have been unable to realize that dream yet. While I have lived 24/7 diapered in the past, it's not practical for financial reasons right now.

I have dreamt of a file that would instill a trigger for immediate voiding of bladder and bowels, with short term incontinence (until waking the next morning) regardless of the circumstances involved. Mommy would like to be able to have her baby out in public and suddenly take his potty priviledges away when he's not expecting it.

We've also talked about a fantasy of being forced to double over and push, as though I suddenly had a powerful stomach cramp. In addition, the file would create the sensation of a large BM being "downloaded", even if there wasn't the need in reality.
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File ideas

Postby wetdl » April 27th, 2009, 9:58 am

All of those ideas sound good
As for my personal wish list…

A file to cause temporary loss of control (bladder and / or bowel) for a limited time, say 2-3 hours. Nothing like that exists now. I (as many) cannot play for 24 hours.

A bedwetting file (self-triggered) that works for that night.

I am still trying to trance for the first time, so any file that can get me under would be great, if its diaper related and not risky, I’ll be listening.
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Postby nappyboydiaper » April 29th, 2009, 3:52 pm

:D I love melodys idea-love to see it out
Another evil one might be to trigger someone into a 3 year old? Not embarrased to wear diapers or have a pacifer in public- totally convinced there 3 yrs old till untriggered :?: :?: :?: Also a desire to be naughty :?: :idea:

Yeh love to be able to walk during this
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A Daddy Training File

Postby Nappyboy » June 25th, 2009, 4:26 pm

I loved reading some of the suggestions in this post. I was wondering the other day how cool it would be to have an AB file aimed at straight, bi and gay men that would be a Daddy training file which would help those men who feel uneasy about being around an AB want to find a person they could nurture and look after on a full time basis as an adult baby. A lot of AB files centre around regression diapers and wetting. Maybe with a Daddy Training file more men will want to be explore and then there would be more daddies for us babies. And regardless of the sexual origination or age of the Adult baby.
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Postby daredevil298 » July 8th, 2009, 3:20 am

i have to agree that i would love a file that triggers you to wet the bed for 1 night. i also have and idea from an old australian add: it was for a washing machine but it featured a boy having a nightmare and wetting the bed, he then used the washing machine but it was quite enough so no one else woke up. my idea was to have a file that would make you have a scarey dream and you would wet yourself from fright before waking up.
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Postby wetmick » August 1st, 2009, 5:51 pm

i'll be honest im fully dl,i hate the whole ab scene it makes me want to vomit however i do talk to ab's who think that of the dl scene so why not cater for both
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Postby bedwetter74 » August 13th, 2009, 12:53 pm

Hi Melody,

I personally would want the kind of file that has a short induction (congrats!) and no awakener. It would reinforce how sextually appealing it is to wear a diaper and wet. I could trigger it and have 1-3 hours where I lose control and feel as though it turns someone else on. It should be self triggerable.

Best of luck!
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Postby CycoMelody » August 13th, 2009, 4:31 pm

for those that were interested...

This is my first baby file. Careful it works :p
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Postby soundexcess » October 15th, 2009, 10:48 pm

I would like to see a diaper file that does not address ab or regression in anyway at all I really am more dpl than any thing with ab tendency, perhaps a wet mess only diapers file, esp[ that could be looped at night.
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Postby mathwl » December 8th, 2009, 6:37 am

how about a file that is self triggerable and self untriggerable that makes you completely incontinent and unable to walk/use your legs? that could be interesting. and if you want to add some humilation into it make them scared of getting caught like that. or add some slavery to it and make it so that someone else had to untrigger it by taking their diaper off of them.
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RE; Questions for AB's

Postby abchipster_13 » December 8th, 2009, 7:24 am

This all sounds very nice. However, there are many of us who want to be babies, and do not have any one to trigger us. a self triggerable file seems to be better here. Plus, setting a time limit would help us as well.

Now, not to make things more difficult, but is it possible to have a file such as this, but still lets you do your adult functions while under this kind of trance. Basically meaning, that deep inside you know you are a baby, or toddler who has to wear diapers, but yet is still able to function for all things adult.

A friend of mine did this to me with hypnosis, and it turned me into a 3 year old constantly. I could still function as an adult at work, make family decisions, and yet, i always felt as though i was a 3 year old. I did ask him to remove it after a while due to other things that came up. He is not available anymore to do this for me.

Still like your ideas. We also need a thumb sucking file but not as harsh the one that exists now. No curse, just a gentle one that gives us more comfort without the worry of being cursed for 6 months.

Sometimes as AB's, I think it is important to have gentler inductions or triggers to help us feel more like the babies we are or want to be.

Thank you.
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