Hypnosis - Hyperfocus and ADHD

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Hypnosis - Hyperfocus and ADHD

Postby Firehawk811 » April 27th, 2009, 6:47 pm

I was wondering if someone can make a file that can use one of the traits of ADHD to its advantage.

Hyperfocus and ADHD

It is a misunderstanding that those with ADHD cannot concentrate and focus, because they often can. The difference is that they can intensely focus on what is of interest to them at the time (like swimming or video games) but have difficulty with subjects or tasks not of their choosing (like homework assignments on topics they don't like or group activities). They may feel overwhelmed when trying to organize and complete other assignments or responsibilities, leading to increased stress. In essence, they space out because of this overload.

Some of those affected with a form of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) may "hyperfocus" on activities (like staring out the window or playing a video game) that help them escape from the world. However, that trait alone is not used in the symptom diagnosis of this disorder. Intense focus is something that people—both those with and without ADHD—utilize in a positive manner to engage in life and complete tasks at hand. The key is whether or not that ability is used to help them function in everyday life.

I do hyperfocus on things like comuter games i have zone out into a game and 5 or 6 hours go by like nothing same thing with a Jizg saw pullze I can sit there and try to put it togather for hours on end before giving up on it. How could you play on a trait like this to use with hypnosis.

Any one eles with ADHD do this as well ?

I notice that it happens when you get excited over something your about to do or something you have been waiting a long time to come around. Shit i forgot what it was but there was something i was worked up about went to get gas in my truck payed for it forgot to get it had to go back to get my gas. The total opsite has heppen as well went in got gas forgot to pay for it. had to turn around and go back to pay for it.

Also can a file be bad to help control this or focus it in some way to be more helpful in life, or to give someone a little more control over it ?
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I Need to get a life, badly.

Postby Zombie_Genocide » April 27th, 2009, 8:40 pm

I have A.D.D.

I get home about 3:45

I can go till 9:00 and beyond.

And, yes. I have experienced many of these hyperfocuses. It might help if we could have a hypnotist that would direct this hyperfocus to what we need it to be on, so I seriously stop wasting all my time on Left 4 Dead. (Great Game)

And... I dunno, May these Hyperfocuses be the same thing as being "Superattentive" Which directly tranlate to "In Trance?"
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Postby Firehawk811 » April 27th, 2009, 9:52 pm

I spend alot of time on SRO, ROM and EQ1 & EQ2 (Ever Crack). Tryed WoW it was ok - Hated Final Fanticy Xl to kidish after going with WoW and EQ that was a joke
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Postby MacGyver » April 28th, 2009, 10:45 am

firehawk, now i have not ever been diagnosed with adhd that i know of but, given the way my mind works and all, your original post kinda sounds like me, like maybe i have it and dont know it, LOL.

the hyperfocus you talk about, well, that is part of how i used to rebuild pushmower engines so fast, i would focus to the point that the outside world went away and there was only me and that pushmower, i can do the same thing with racing games on the playstation.

now me, i think i may be doing the hyperfocus when i am shown a new job as all that seems to be around me is the person teaching me the new job and the equipment used to do the job, and it shocks and even scares people as to just how fast i learn things, but i focus as much as i can, and a job that would take someone a week to learn, i will be doing it in less than 2 hours, something that should take 2-3 hours for someone to learn, i have it in 10 minutes or less. i dont know, maybe at times i am able to focus with an intensity that most cannot.
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Postby Firehawk811 » April 28th, 2009, 11:23 am

Please dont use my post to figer out if you have ADHD. It is topic on a knowen system of ADHD. http://www.ask.com/bar?q=ADHD+hyperfocus&page=1&qsrc=121&ab=3&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhealth.msn.com%2Fhealth-topics%2Fadhd%2Farticlepage.aspx%3Fcp-documentid%3D100215544 this link will let you read the full page on the topic. Hyperfocus is something that someone with or without ADHD can do. Differnce is is it a postive or negtive influnce on there life and how much to an extream do they take it.

Talk to a Doc. if you think you have ADHD get his advice. In my experance and probly others that do have it. You on a personal level know something is wrong but hate the idea of having something mentaly wrong with you and advoid treatment untill the infulance on every day makes you stop and do something about it. It affect more then just focus it affects all things in life - Jobs - relationships - social skills - learning skills - inattention - impulsivity - hyperactivity and the list goes on. Im not a Doc so please dont use it in that manner.

If you do have ADD or ADHD and want more info on it or the local support group. Try http://www.add.org/ - There you will find infomation on life couching and the other treatments that are out there. You will be to search a list of life coaches in your area. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CHECK WITH A DR BEFORE YOU DO ANY THING BUR READ UP ON THE TOPIC.
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Postby MacGyver » April 28th, 2009, 12:00 pm

well, i can do the hyperfocus, and if i do it on the job, it ends up positive, i have yet to do anything negative from using my focus so intensly.

and no, i am not using anyone's posts to dignoasse myself, so dont get super worried i am gonna mess myself up by reading posts.

if you would take the entire world's population and make percentages, i am in the 2% that does things different, we have different thought patterns, we do things backwards from the other 98%, and people see us as just plain weird. i have had others try to mimic my way of doing things on the job and mess up, even to the point the machinery would have to be down for 2-3 days for repairs, their excuse, " well he runs the machine this way and the finished product looks good and the next department brags about how his stuff works," only to be met with the repairman saying, " just because he can do thngs backwards and get good results dont mean you can"

the thing is, i can run a peice of production line machinery the way it is supposed to be run, and have nothing buit problems, everyone else who runs it the right way does ok, but me, for some reason, i can do everything 100% backwards and get a better result with the finished product with no harm to the machine, everyone who tries to copy the way i do things will end up messing up the finished product, or blowing up their lawn mowers or something not good.

at first, doing things backwards was like a curse as i just could not make things workout doing them the way they are supposed to be done, then about 10-12 yrs ago, i was doing industrial maintenance, and my boss man watched me, when i done things the way he said to, i messed them up but, when i suggested i had a better way to do it, at first he laughed and let me do it, then afterwards told me i did it completely backwards and he had never seen it done that way before and continued letting me do things backwards as that was how i was able to get things done and my repairs held up longer than the repairs that were made the way they were supposed to be done.

my mind does wonder from time to time, and i can be easily distracted unless i am intensly focused on something i am doing.

if i went to a shrink now, at 32 years old, i would probably be placed in some kind of mental institution as some of the things i say sound really far fetched and 98% of the world thinks those things are impossible, which brings me to another little habit i have had since i was a kid, when i explain somethihng, and someone says it is impossible or it wont work or cannot be done, i build the device and prove them 100% wrong. i also have the ability to take things people consider to be junk and make something useful out of the stuff.
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Hypnosis - Hyperfocus and ADHD

Postby miseth_a » May 16th, 2009, 12:59 am

I've found that a good way to take advantage of the mindset an activity creates is to find a way to naturally blend the state causing activity with the activity you're trying to do while in that state. For example:

If you hyperfocus on jigsaw puzzles you could print out the script, cut it up, then put it back together again. The trick is to move directly from one activity to another so don't take smoke break immediately after the last piece is put into place. Actually you might even want to start reading just b4 you put in the last piece. Complete the puzzle to complete the trance. Heck you could even use the completion of the puzzle as the trigger for whatever suggestions your going for. "...pieces fall together from your hand onto your mind locking the truth, clearly seen for the first time..."

This does bring up the interesting idea of a video game that is actually designed to put you into a hypnotic trance. 8O

As a side thought, for those hypnotic theorists out there, this could be seen as an explanation for how incredibly poorly worded suggestions can still be effective after a half decent induction.

BTW MacGyver it seems like you hyperfocus on writing you forum posts. You provided all that detailed information but never actually got around to Answering the question as you were too busy with your (very interesting) self discovery/validation via Relating to the question. :D
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Postby MacGyver » May 18th, 2009, 3:24 pm

well, it gets hectic online sometimes, probably the best way to get me to answer a question to the best of my knowledge would be send me a pm on here as sometimes i have 15 different windows open at once and everyone is a different site, not to mention how things get goin here at the house. you also may have noticed, some of my posts get long sometimes, and at times i get so busy explaining things or when i make a post it is so close to the time i go to sleep, i sometimes forget about the question.
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