My first upload

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My first upload

Postby Erskip » April 19th, 2009, 9:02 am

I've just uploaded my first recording to WMM.
It's the first time I've done any kind of vaguely sexual hypnosis so comments, experiences, suggestions, requests etc would be appreciated.

Especially interested to find out which parts work and which don't, because when I listen back to them the induction is always nailed down but everything else is very meh.

The file is here if you'd be so kind as to give it a listen - [url][/url]
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Postby rgn » April 23rd, 2009, 2:55 am

I have been trying to find a file that was more erotic/sensual that is also gender neutral. So I was excited when I saw your file posted and did a preliminary listen. I have since listened to your file 4 times this week. The recording quaility of this file is very good. The varying pitch of your voice and background music work well. I'm no hypnotist so I do not have any specific recommendations on how you might enhance the file. But I do listen to a lot of files (and a wide variety of files). The best I can do is explain what I remember feeling after listening.

Your induction works very well but it gets intense for me. I really get a strong feeling of having something very heavy pressing down on my entire body for a period of time. Which leads into making it harder to breathe (harder to inhale actually) which makes me lose a bit of the deep trance towards the end of the induction. So I tend to feel more tense instead of deeply relaxed. The falling does not work exactly right, I feel more like I'm slowly floating down instead of quickly falling. I have mixed feelings about the sensual/climax portion. It sort of works and sort of does not work for some reason. I cannot seem to come up with a way to explain my feelings about this. Maybe its not long enough to fully develop in my mind (perhaps I just need more foreplay :wink: ). But I love the ending just after climax and I awake feeling relaxed and satisfied; feeling like I shared something special with someone. I am looking forward to many listenings of this file.
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Postby Erskip » April 23rd, 2009, 5:50 pm

Thanks for your comments, and appreciation!, it's curious that you and another commenter on the file liked the ending which I didn't put anything particularly hypnotic into. Just instead of saying that you awake refreshed as people often do I described that kind of gleefully exhausted feeling you can get after hypnosis, of which I can only describe as being sort of like when you're whole life seems to be going right, like you've just fallen in love and can just fall down anywhere and have all your muscles spread out knowing and feeling that everything's great.

The joygasm thing, yeah it kind of worked for me the first time when I tested it, I certainly shaked a lot and felt like a fell down again after the climax. Really it's probably just because I both didn't put enough sexual references in it in a hope of being sensual rather than jumping straight into fetish on my first file.

Did the 'my voice just fading away until you no longer notice it' bit not work either? I was kind of trying to do that so that the room would feel more like a real setting spontaneously appearing around you rather than just me feeding information.

Glad I made you feel special, and you should look forward to anything I create in future, I'll make sure it gives you a good buzz.
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Postby MacGyver » April 23rd, 2009, 7:14 pm

erskip, while i have not tried your file, i must let you know that if the sleeping mind is focused on your voice, no matter how low the volume is when you make the recording, the sleeping mind may still here it and the person may think their waking mind was able to hear it.

for example, i downloaded a file off another site that said to use anothe file first, and i did not do as was staated on the site, anywho, after she said the trigger, i did not hear any more of it during the analytical listen, i thought my computer was messing with me, loaded it to my mp3 player and the same thing, my waking mind di not hear the rest of the file, but, after playing with the first file for a few weeks, then playing with the other file, instead of her voice going away, it became the loudest thing i heard. eventhough my waking mind could not hear the rest of the file, once the trigger was in place, i heard it as my sleeping mind was that focused on the file and her voice.

so, even if you take the sound level down as you are producing the file, for some, if their sleeping mind is truly focused on the voice in the file, it will be as if their waking mind is actually hearing it at full volume.
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Postby rgn » April 24th, 2009, 3:26 am

Erskip, I think you are referring to your voice fading shortly after the fast fall? If so I would say it did work or either I assumed the room when you suggest hearing footsteps coming towards me. But I do not remember every detail that happens between the fast fall and being lifted. And the things I remember vary with each listen which is how I know I am blanking out on parts in this section.
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Postby Erskip » April 24th, 2009, 10:32 am

Oh right, that's good then. The purpose of the fall was to distract you so you wouldn't really concentrate on my words and just experience what I said instead. Didn't work on myself personally, next time I'll make sure to use some slowly gripping method so the person experiences them purely as orders rather than speech.

As for my next file, does anybody have any particular suggestions or desires? I've not really got anything specific planned.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 24th, 2009, 11:50 am

Erskip wrote:As for my next file, does anybody have any particular suggestions or desires? I've not really got anything specific planned.

Since you asked, would you consider attempting a hypnosis technique you've not tried before?

Many recreational hypnotists (myself included) use a direct approach. And that's good.






    - YOU OBEY.
But, it's more challenging to take your subject where he needs to go by an indirect route. It's more challenging, but it can be enjoyable and extremely effective.

Example #1 the nested loops technique, where the hypnotist tells a series of stories.

Example #2 a fixation technique, where the hypnotist focuses on the vehicle rather than on the outcome. This technique is occasionally used for mp3s here on WMM... fixation on a collar that causes obedience; fixation on nipple play to cause obedience. Either way, the outcome is obedience, and you're free to choose any vehicle you like.

Good trancing to you!
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Postby Erskip » April 27th, 2009, 5:30 pm

I don't think my method is AS direct as that anyway, just uses the ideomotor response a fair amount. I think

I just need to play around with how to lead into people feeling or seeing physical changes whilst they are in the trance, how to get them not to touch the area and shatter the illusion etc. Maybe I can try a little bit of nesting or fixation but it's pretty difficult working those things out for yourself when you're very stubborn to hypnosis.
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Postby rgn » April 29th, 2009, 11:59 pm

Have you tried listening to or creating your own file that basically takes you deeper and deeper into trance intermixed with suggestions to reinforce your desire to be happy, relaxed, and have the commands and suggestions become deeply absorbed by the mind?

I generally have no problems trancing unless I dislike the recording style or voice. I usually respond at least slightly to most suggestions while in trance. But often have no lasting effects after the trance. I found a couple of files from other sites that claim to help in this regard and have been using them for the past few weeks and it seems to be helping. The files have no awakener and may be put in playlist prior to other files. The other files can have an induction or not.

Sugestions - hopefully more erotic/sensual files to come some day (not all files need to attempt lasting changes). Maybe some erotic control elements - teasing, tickling, highly aroused....

"next thing I hear is his voice and I feel like I really need to cum. I need to blow but my hands are tied, this guy is in control. He's blowing me so slowly, so gently...its torture."
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Postby Erskip » April 30th, 2009, 8:29 pm

rgn wrote:Have you tried listening to or creating your own file that basically takes you deeper and deeper into trance intermixed with suggestions to reinforce your desire to be happy, relaxed, and have the commands and suggestions become deeply absorbed by the mind?

I generally have no problems trancing unless I dislike the recording style or voice. I usually respond at least slightly to most suggestions while in trance. But often have no lasting effects after the trance. I found a couple of files from other sites that claim to help in this regard and have been using them for the past few weeks and it seems to be helping. The files have no awakener and may be put in playlist prior to other files. The other files can have an induction or not.

Sugestions - hopefully more erotic/sensual files to come some day (not all files need to attempt lasting changes). Maybe some erotic control elements - teasing, tickling, highly aroused....

"next thing I hear is his voice and I feel like I really need to cum. I need to blow but my hands are tied, this guy is in control. He's blowing me so slowly, so gently...its torture."

Why own stubbornness to hypnosis is due partially to my understanding of hypnosis and/or cognitive and linguistic manipulation, though a lot of the time it just seems to be because the files either don't induce me properly just don't keep a hold of me, I think the only one which did was meRobot. And even then I still had to endure my poor imagination.

But despite the fact I want one click instant gratification I wouldn't really have myself any other way regards to my suseptibility.

I'll most definitely have something more sexual in future, not necessarily permenant changes but I like the idea of playing with what I can make you feel and what I cannot not in regards to sensation.
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Postby rgn » May 3rd, 2009, 10:27 pm

"...though a lot of the time it just seems to be because the files either don't induce me properly just don't keep a hold of me..."

That is exactly when I use the additional induction in a playlist, so I am already in deep trance before the file I'm having problems with starts. Sometimes its enough to give me a good experience of a file. I cannot say it improves my retention of any triggers or suggestions after awakening. It could be I have not encountered a file whose suggestions I really wanted to retain permanently.

I decided to try meRobot. Interesting induction in that I did not really feel like I was falling into a deep trance but once the test started it was obvious I had fallen under control - I could not breathe or move initially but I could not stop breathing that long so I guess I failed the test slightly. And the ending did not work for me - that had more to do with me and not the file.
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Postby Erskip » May 6th, 2009, 8:20 pm

rgn wrote:"...though a lot of the time it just seems to be because the files either don't induce me properly just don't keep a hold of me..."

That is exactly when I use the additional induction in a playlist, so I am already in deep trance before the file I'm having problems with starts. Sometimes its enough to give me a good experience of a file. I cannot say it improves my retention of any triggers or suggestions after awakening. It could be I have not encountered a file whose suggestions I really wanted to retain permanently.

I decided to try meRobot. Interesting induction in that I did not really feel like I was falling into a deep trance but once the test started it was obvious I had fallen under control - I could not breathe or move initially but I could not stop breathing that long so I guess I failed the test slightly. And the ending did not work for me - that had more to do with me and not the file.

I will probably try some more files in a bit, but one of the main reasons it is so difficult to go into hypnosis other than just the files not doing it for me is that I just don't give a huge amount of time or weight to them. My personality I suppose.
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Postby Erskip » October 18th, 2009, 6:34 pm

Just a heads up, the file is now downloadable for free users if any of you want to try it.

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