curse body of an 18 yr old girl

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curse body of an 18 yr old girl

Postby MacGyver » April 16th, 2009, 5:38 pm

if i remember correct, there were some kinda comments that hypnosis could not turn back the clock on age or change the body in any way, so, now i am curious as hell about this file as for about a week i been lettin the body play in a loop while i sleep. a day or 2 ago, had something happen that seemed strange. my bad knee was hurtin me, but i got it to pop and the pain went away, but i noticed that for some strange reason, i am now able to lock my leg straight like i can with my good leg for the first time in about 10 years since the accident at the construction site. my knee surgeon told me at the time i had my knee repaired that i would never be able to lock that leg straight again so, right about now i am curious as hell as to whether or not the curse body of an 18 yr old girl file could have anything at all to do with that.

i know the human brain and a wonderous thing and can do many wonderful things if we just let it, for example, the brain can make a person walk who was previously paralyzed from the waist down, or there was a person who lost part of their arm in an accident and grew a new hand, that kinda stuff dont just happen, the brain is powerful enough that it makes those things happen.

so inconclusion, i think i am curious as to whether or not my mind may actually be turning back the clock on my body.
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Postby iron_blade » April 16th, 2009, 10:40 pm

Hey, I'm one of the people who commented on the file on how you can't age backwards.

I still hold firm to my belief, however I did say that this file could possibly make you look and feel younger. It could even increase your lifespan because of the healthy effects, but I highly, highly doubt it will increase your life by anymore than 5 years.

You know how your subconcious plays a big part in hypnosis right? By chance, that is also what directs your body's aging and horomone process. Hypnosis can change your body, I know that for a fact.

My theory on hypnosis's effects on aging is that hypnosis directs your mind to tell the rest of your body to produce cells like they did when you were 18 years old. Techincally, aging backwards would mean having cells reverse their spliting to merging and having all of your dead cells come back to life. :?

I'm glad that your leg healed from hypnosis, and lets hope the effects get better as time goes by.
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Postby CycoMelody » April 17th, 2009, 8:46 am


I have to say it this way, How can we limit what the mind can do? The mind is the single most powerful tool on this rock. Scientists have been studying it for centuries and are still only scratching the surface of what its capable of. Iron_blade said not more then 5 years, I say go for gold with it! First off cells die every day. New cells take their place. On this principle you could safely say that it is possible to trace back farther then 5 years. I mean who is to say what is impossible? The only way to find out is to truly believe its possible. As the saying goes, you have to play the lotto to win.

You define your reality!
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Postby baby_jessica75 » April 17th, 2009, 3:39 pm

if you can regress 5 years then after that why couldn't you do another 5. it mkes no sense to me to say yes it is possible but only to this or that extent we have no clue what is possible till it is done but once it is proven that it can be done and is redone time and time again it becomes common place then there are new limits set for us that everyone thinks is impossible. I just don't understand how are these hard limits are set I think we each set our own limits by what we believe and what we are willing to try. take incidents where people have done amazing things during emergencies that has been attributed to adrenaline but it really seems that that much adrenaline pumped through the human body would cause the heart to explode! poeple do what seems impossible all the time so maybe there is no impossible!
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Postby Lostone0 » April 18th, 2009, 10:02 am

I remember though some time back someone named Baby Maddie was using the Curse Prepubescent file (Which I'll be using soon as I find a way to support myself and move away from my family so I won't be judged) and from what I can tell that has worked for her. While your cells can't merge, they can be modified to look younger, thus creating an age regression process. Though takes time to do.
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Postby MacGyver » April 18th, 2009, 6:19 pm

well, to put a limit of 5 years on it would be like putting a maximum lifting of 300 pounds, which i know is wrong, so, thje 5 year limmit is probably wrong as at one time, i was able to lift nearly 2000 pounds before my knee injury, and i dont count being able to lock my leg as full healing as i still have some pain but, it is an improvement.. there is less pain as well. but if i can get my body back to the way it was when i was 18, hell yeah, i would be in hog heaven, as the saying goes.

if the file would happen to change my sex from male to female, i am sure however that the change would happen slow and gradual, probably slower than most others as i drink coffee and was on a site that said the caffiene would slow down hormonal changes, so, would probably slow down the change to a woman if the file could actually get my subconssious mind to do that as my sleeping mind is like really resistant to begin with, LOL.

plus, i also shaved my beard down to a gotee as when i looked in the mirror, i noticed a big patch on the left side of my face where i seem to be losing my beard.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » April 18th, 2009, 6:51 pm

MacGyver wrote:if the file would happen to change my sex from male to female, i am sure however that the change would happen slow and gradual, probably slower than most others as i drink coffee and was on a site that said the caffiene would slow down hormonal changes, so, would probably slow down the change to a woman if the file could actually get my subconssious mind to do that as my sleeping mind is like really resistant to begin with, LOL.

plus, i also shaved my beard down to a gotee as when i looked in the mirror, i noticed a big patch on the left side of my face where i seem to be losing my beard.

congrats on the beard loss. as far as the effect of caffiene on hormonal changes I honestly think that these statments are truely inconclusive since they have no way to time line how someone will change to begin with since it is determined by each persons individual body chemistry and there is no way to know how quick or how slow hormonal changes would take with out the caffine. they say that cigarette smoking will inhibit a girls breast devolopment but my mother smoked all through puberty and she ended up with 38 DD she says if smoking inhibited her growth then she is glad she smoked!! I think these are just generic statments I am sure it is a healthy choice to avoid caffine and nicotine but to say the true effects these have on hormonal changes I think it would depend on the person! I honestly think it should be stated "that it is possible that these things may happen but not that it is absolutely true in all people!
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby MacGyver » April 19th, 2009, 6:30 pm

well, as for the loss of hair in my beard, either my body is changing cells to make me like i was when i was younger or my hormones may be changing, but, i am inclinced to think that my body is changing the cells to take me back to when i was younger as it took me 10-15 years to get a full beard as it only grew in patches. so i am thinking the file could actually be taking me back to when i was younger and in better condition. so, i think i will experiment with this file a bit longer and see what happens. now, i have not been trancing with this file but rather playing it on a loop while i sleep, but at a much lower volume setting so it is loud enough for my sleeping mind to hear it yet quiet enough for my waking mind to let me go to sleep.
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Postby alonewolf » April 29th, 2009, 12:30 am

interesting post MG. If this file is really work on you with a lot of play back.
18 yr girl is the one i listen too the most on WMP-wow! if it could real do what it says , too you inside and out,it whould be cool.To bad there isn't a a real magic potion ..for a instent starting out again at 18 and a girl whould make life interesting...
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Postby alonewolf » April 29th, 2009, 3:04 am

Well i came back too this psot too post again-sandwhich posting before bed.I just listened too this file twice one right after this post,and just now.A first time i did thesame one in one sitting.inbetween i listend too a couple more of EMGs,think the first one was full fem,something else ,Iforgot.and even tried someone elses which was more amussing ha ha then anything else.somethng about being bi....well then went too h.change w fm voice and ofcourse finshed with 18yr girl.So i took in a lot of female mind stuff tonigh a record amount for gonna go now-glad i dont have too be or morning all
be really interesting if i woke up one day and had a chest and had a no stand option....time will tell i guess...
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Postby MacGyver » April 29th, 2009, 6:29 am

yeah, i would love to have a magic potion for an instant fix but, since there is no such thing, just have to settle for hypnosis and the time that will take, LOL.
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Postby alonewolf » April 29th, 2009, 7:17 am

Mg- guess it means just beging stuck until further notice...hmmm-unless
you really wanted too help it a long....hee hee.
You know really though-being mostly just silly last night i didnot think of this ,but a perculier thought occured too me. I had a bit of medical problem that need to be taken care of,but my orignal secheudling was delayed,because my numbers were in an attempt too get my numbers down,I went on a dry food diet,for the better part of a month.My weight went down 20 lbs... be interesting if by listening too these files ,it helped my weight drop,and adjust too my crash course. Also another parcular thing , occured too me,maybe because -I am hear and just tring too add things up or maybe in fact -my front hair seems too be a little bit longer.Then I remember it the last time it reached this point.Again- it may be just graspping.but you seem to be having defferent things going on with you.At least thats the way your post read.
so who knows maybe one day we may notice somethign really off thanks too these at the very least ,there fun too listen too.
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Postby alonewolf » April 29th, 2009, 7:28 am

Mg- reading your post ,i was looking at your little pic /avtar thing.and just found where they were( iam a bit slow lol)No wolves present so i picked one that goes with these file in post (sort of) beside the hair matches mine sort
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Postby MacGyver » April 29th, 2009, 5:55 pm

heck, if ya lookin for that type of file, head on over to the hypnofiles site and join up, though i have not tried any of them yet, there is files to help get your weight down by increasing your metabolism.

there is one i had on this computer at one time but cannot seem to find on my hard drive anymore, just over 9 minutes of music and listening to the file was supposed to help with weight loss too. i dont remember who made the file but i thinkit was some kind of subliminal where your sleeping mind would pick it up but your waking mind would only hear the music.

now, as far as going back to the age of 18, i am all for it, if i would get a feminine shape, i am all for that, but if i end up having to wear a bra, i guess i will just deal with it as long as i dont have to wear a giant boulder holder, LOL.

yeah, got different things goin on, get to the point i may not practice trance sometimes a month at a time, things around here get stressful at times so, for me, it is not easy to just pick a file a few and stick with the file or files i am playing with. sometimes, i will listen to files that are only meant to de-stress a person, other times, my mind gets so full of crap i cant sleep and i end up loading blink's basic induction on my mp3 player to help me fall asleep, i have another file i am going to try one of these days that is supposed to help you sleep. so yeah, i have a hard time committing to one or a couple files, lots of gasoline engines here at the house to work on, 2 cars and the mowers to keep the grass cut ya know, a 9 speed bicycle to paint and build, another story to write to put into the story archives here at WMM, make my very first hypno-file and find test subjects, then possibly make more of them, which would probably be mostly feminization type files, that is after i type out my induction and choose a word to spell out for the awakener, which i may change the awakener for each file and somewhere down the lines i may even change my induction and style a bit just to keep everyone guessing, LOL, and i got my job in there somewhere, ha ha ha. LOL.
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Postby alonewolf » April 30th, 2009, 9:55 pm

Hey again Mg-
Thanks for the weight suggestions,I may check out when i have time and iam off.If my scale isnot messed up iam the lowest i been in quite a while-lets put it this way the 2000 seemed too kill me in that department.Again if the scale is right,I am realy only about 20lbs over suggested weight for my size.unless your a health nut .Then about 30.I seen at least two defferent healthy biggest goal now will be too try and keep it off and maybe drop another 5 or 6 lbs -baby steps.
Well you sound quite mechenically inclided thats good .I am not.I am so bad -my cousin (grade B mech at gm last i herd).use too explain cars too me using the Millium Falcon as arefrence point...lolMechanic wise hecki measure up too more the sterotypical girl then jr high-i did better in homech -then
I think we do have something in common over active minds.I often day dream ,and have hard time going too bed.I too will sidetrack my mind with something other then what iam
Back too this topic- Heck yah i whould rather start at 18 again as a girl.I mean why repeat.Maybe even go back too pre-teen and see what all the growing up fuss is that whould leave the problem of not being able too live on my own legally(here anyway)....So i think i will seattle for 18 yr old girl.Heck maybe even throw in a defferent race.givin that option i think i 'd go with Asain.because i like lot of Japaness and Chiness stuff-heck iam a big GOJIRA fan,and now Anime i think first choice also as for wearing a bar-well iam with you nothing too massive up top most a size above average for body build.Afterall massive has too start getting pain full when gravity starts taking effect.
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Postby alonewolf » April 30th, 2009, 10:05 pm

Mg--oh! ps.. if you write something,
maybe ill be your first guinnee pig or is that
because personal too me these files are fun relaxing things too listen too.
you know like magic -fun too do and watch..but do i take them too seriously ?no, do i think they'll work? no -not really but again it whould be interesting.
and if the 18 yr old girl did work-the only other thing i'd like whould l be perfect form for size,and sences whould be good.other then that what ever...hmm-perhappes thats asking too
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Postby MacGyver » May 1st, 2009, 5:23 pm

well, as for the bra, i was thinking of doing my own curse file but you would have to watch you did not wear a bra for breasts any bigger than you desire or they would start growing again and not stop until they fill the next cup size you wear, even if it was worn only once, soon, your old bra would be too small and you would have to go the next cup size up and as long as you did not go any biggeron the cups, the breasts would again stop growing once filling the cups of that bra to atleast a snug fit.

i have also been thinking of making a file to make you younger, no less than 18 of course, but, a person could either be femninine or a female, gonna take some thinkin to word that one just right, LOL. one thing that would be funny though, at 150 to 200 years old, sie of old age but have the body of an 18 year old girl, i bet that would have doctors really baffled, LOL.

yeah, leave it to me to think up some really weird stuff, LOL. but trust me, i do my best to use my weird only for good and try hard as hell to not harm any of the normals, LOL.
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Postby MacGyver » May 1st, 2009, 5:25 pm

die, not sie, get goin a bit fast sometimes and make a typo or two now and then, LOL.
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Postby alonewolf » May 1st, 2009, 9:36 pm

Hey I like where your going with the 150 too 200 yr thing.and still being 18 well now that whould be cool-like a vampire with out the blood sucking.
Hey weird is good.normal is
Well your post was amusing,i needed a laugh after work.
So now your thinking of tring a bra thing too-good luck with that.And the person isn't suppose too get one bigger then what they want too end up with basically.That sounds fair enough.Well in my case anything whould be bigger then what i have,i have none.ofcourse if these files actually really work,the jokes on me and i'll be needing them lol.
but you sound a bit more creative(after reading some of your other post throught WMM) then stick with a bra filler-bet you can come up with something better.
Well speaking of changing and stuff-other then looking at other post this morning.I also looked at voting.The one with full female insides sounds like it whould be a good add on too this file or other fem files.
Welp geting carried away again..
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Postby MacGyver » May 2nd, 2009, 7:13 pm

well, gonna go for the bra and panties together, and if the file works as well as i think it should given teh fact that i deepen the subject at the same time plus confuse them so they cannot analyze the induction, suggestions used to work the first time i gave them and when i woke them up they had no idea they were under and refused to beleive me until................................ yep, they had an arm in the air and could not put it down without help, so, trance induction, deppening, and confusion (or keeping the mind too busy to know what is going on) all at the same time, i should be really close to being sucessful as i was 20 years ago. and now i remember my induction, and need to write it down, alter it slightly so the subject can trance at home rather than having to stare into my eyes.

but now, with the cup size thing, it does not matter if the listener puts on a bigger bra or their lover does, so, if a guy has a woman who wears a bigger cup size than him, he would need to make sure she does not slip one bigger on him, even in his sleep, remember, the unconsious (sleeping) mind is running 24 hours a day 7 days a week and knows if something is happening whether the waking mind does or not, so, even if you are asleep, your body may still feel the bra being put on you, and if your breasts are not snug in the cups, well, your sleeping mind may think, "well hey, maybe this person is now going to allow me to make bigger breasts, time to get back in action, lots of work to do" and then he would grow to the new cup size. i am not sure if that would actually happen but, it could, if not, as soon as ya wake up and notice ya breasts are not snug, poof, you be doomed to the next cup size. well, the way i plan to do the file anyways.

but i plan to start with my old induction, a suggestion or 2 and then wake the subject with an arm out or something, maybe for the naughty folks leave their "bird' finger sticking up, LOL.

though it might be best i dont think too much, i could end up making a really really evil file or something, LOL. there be a couple on the voting page might sound good if i can mix them into one file and add my own spin on curse ccp and curse cum.

now, i dont know if i can do it in a file or not but, in person i can get inside someone's head and make them hallucinate, did this to a guy i was working with, and all the sudden i was told to shut up, he was enjoying a trip to the beach(while at work mind you) and all the sudden, he ran for a drink to wash the salt out of his mouth, LOL. then again, in the future, i may end up making files that are meant to be looped. gee, that idea sounds like fun, LOL.

now as for the bra and panties, i may even do a file to make ya go younger, back to 18, but have been toying with the idea to make it so you could only age to a certain age then go right back to being 18 and this would go on for as long as the subject lives, so yeah, for something like that, and dying at 150-250 years old with the body of an 18 yr old and the cause of death being old age, man i would love to be around to see that one and read about how it has the entire medical community baffled and scratchin their heads trying to figure that one out, LOL. yep, and at that age, they would die with perfect looking breasts of an 18 year old girl or shemale (which ever route is taken, shemale being the result of some cursed clothing files and female being the result of all cursed clothing files), i bet that one would screw them up to, specially once they find the birth record for the person, LOL

and man, i just had one helluva thought, what if when the person dies, they turn out to be 1000 years old or more? and what if there would be hundreds if not thousands more just as old and still living. wanna talk about bein like a vampire, LOL
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Postby alonewolf » May 2nd, 2009, 11:24 pm

So MG- you work both sides of the coin with this stuff.Thats pretty neat.
Personally ,I think get creative is good,but if you go overbaord in one file it may just sound like a big mess..I don't know but maybe keep it too your
Bra & Panty thing and maybe take another idea from here somewhere-but more then 3 in one-sounds like alot.Kinda not sure ,it maybe because I am tired(work thing),but are you talking about actually growing breast or think you have them? I treid a few of the for a day things here (i think they were female for a day & something about being a she elf in a forrest)
in short I didnot see a woman in the mirrior or a elfgirl.
Maybe I am just one of those...."He's using an old jedi mind trick"people.You know the one in the batch it can't be done too.And again if something does start to change in me from these files then welp-I guess ill have too eat those still this is a fun page,and its great that this stuff can really help other people.
But,like I said ,I'll deffently volinteer too be one of or the first victem of your file.Asuming of course its in the free/free- selection.Although i was kind of thinking of joining the other night,as a trail.Partly fromlisening too thses,and from reading other post about the files in this one you wrote in something(forgto file name) about your ankles getting smaller i think,or was that someone else?
still think yur 18 never aging thing is funny.matter a fact your post are funny.
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Postby SDoll » May 3rd, 2009, 12:13 am

MacGyver wrote:but i plan to start with my old induction, a suggestion or 2 and then wake the subject with an arm out or something, maybe for the naughty folks leave their "bird' finger sticking up, LOL.

I like that, it sounds fun. Maybe after you wake the subject up with their arm in the air, you tease them about how they can't put it down. Then of course let them put it down.
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Postby MacGyver » May 3rd, 2009, 7:23 pm

first off, yes i do plan to keep anything i make for this site free, remember, i have not performed hypnosis in about 20 years, and may be a bit rusty, lord knows i am sure as hell nervous just wandering if any file i may make will work or not, yet i am confident in using my old induction but slightly altered so the person need not look into my eyes, as for 3 things in a file, yes that is the wy i used to do it, those who were analytical like myself take a bit more work with my induction sometimes but, that is teh way i done it 20 years ago. the induction, distraction, and deepening all at the same time or close enough to work really well, i almost forgot the 4th thing, relaxation. with the way i can affect people and make them hallucinate just by talking to them, getting them to relax on the way down was really easy for me.

now, if i do the raised arm and/or bird finger, it will take a full two minutes to wear off, 2 minutes should be proof enough that the subject was under nice and deep.

the elevator, escalator, or stairs thing, this is how i take the subject deeper, i get them counting during the induction, to themselves in their mind while at the same time get them to relax and focus on only my voice.

i have also been thinking about including a trigger to help the subject hit the deep level as fast as possible, but i have not done a trigger before when doing hypnosis, so, if i decide to include it, it will be my first time implanting a trigger phrase in the subject. myself, i would love it if i could get a trigger implanted in my mind that worked every time for something like using another file.

i have also got to find where i put my device and i may even see about using it to give my voice a change, i think the file would be interesting as when i use the device, i sound like a chipmunk when it is played back, LOL

yeah, i can see it now, someone will be wqatching that new movie alvin and the chipmunks and when the chipmunks start talking, expect to enter trance as a result of one of my warped ideas, or files, LOL.

yeah, i could probably post these responses like 45 minutes sooner if i was not getting weirdly warped ideas and laughin at my computer while making the posts, LOL.

hey, i just had another idea, do different voice manips and see how many recordings i can make that end up sounding like chipmunks, LOL.

well, tis gettin late for me so, i had better be off to bed before i end up warping peoples minds beyond repair, LOL.

i promise to use my wierd only for good and to do my best not to harm the normals. :twisted:
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Postby CycoMelody » May 4th, 2009, 9:11 am

MacGyver wrote:
i promise to use my wierd only for good and to do my best not to harm the normals. :twisted:

What Normals?!?!?!?! There are no normal people on this site! The normal people are out having vanilla sex. The normal ones like doing the same things 1000 times expecting different results. Oddly enough, the same definition as insanity :p Anyhoo, good luck and I will likely be trying out your files. I have a few I will be making soon enough. The only reason I really do pay files is to supplement my hormone fund. A girls gotta raise money somehow. I do have intentions for a feminization file soon. Perhaps I should try a new means for male breast enlargement. Ya know? See if there is another way to get things groing...
You define your reality!
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Postby MacGyver » May 4th, 2009, 1:20 pm

yeah, i got an idea or three and getting things started growing, hopefully without needing to take hormones. but the subject would need to practice with my induction first as i am thinking mroe on using a trigger to get them back into trance quickly as i do not plan on using an induction on every file i make, plus the body of my files will be incredibly short compared to most of the files on this site. but i will be looking for test subjects for the induction file first so i will know if my induction is ok, any changes that need to be made and all. in the future, i may even consider making files for those who have a rubber fetish, and if i get enough positive feed back with my first file, i may even go as far as some the ideas on the voting page as i do believe my imagination does work good enough to maybe pull off a few of those, LOL.

as for weird versus normal, the weirdest friend i have considers himself normal and me weird, and i see me as normal and him as weird, LOL. besides, you know the saying, everyone is someone elses weirdo, LOL.
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Postby SDoll » May 4th, 2009, 8:51 pm

MacGyver wrote:in the future, i may even consider making files for those who have a rubber fetish, and if i get enough positive feed back with my first file, i may even go as far as some the ideas on the voting page as i do believe my imagination does work good enough to maybe pull off a few of those, LOL.

as for weird versus normal, the weirdest friend i have considers himself normal and me weird, and i see me as normal and him as weird, LOL. besides, you know the saying, everyone is someone elses weirdo, LOL.

What kind of rubber files? :o

As for being weird, since we do things that are not even know by most people, I think that makes us weird in a good way. :D
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Postby alonewolf » May 4th, 2009, 11:02 pm

Well good luck with your work....
and like i said I am gamed for anything ,just about,,
weird is good
normal is bad.
Heck look at old Albert (among others)there- doesn't seem like he was considered normal for his time.Bet lots of people who became well know is refered too in someway ad normal for there day.
welp haven't been on line sence the lasttime i posted here-,and came here through my hotmail...but think I'll keep this short
good luck again MG-and good night...
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Postby MacGyver » May 5th, 2009, 12:22 pm

well, as for the rubber, i might start out with something affordable, like maybe a fetish for them walk-in balloons, maybe doing their lover inside one of em or something, not sure, havent thought the rubber one out just yet, will have to start with my induction, then i have a set of femme files i want to create, then go from there.

i also have to see about making my A/C get quiet so i dont have all that background noise when i attempt to make a file, the mic i have on this computer even picks up background noise outside the house and in other rooms. heck, when i get around to recording the induction, i may even try it out on myself and may try out any other files i come up with as if i am able to hold the voice manip that sounds like a guy on HRT for a M2F transition, i think my mind could accept that one. now if i do the one with a device to make me sound like a chipmunk, that would take a couple of hours just to produce around 30-40 minutes, but, i am willing to spend the time to play around with it and see what i get.
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Postby MacGyver » May 31st, 2009, 8:04 pm

speaking of normals, they are the ones that keep tellin me stuff like, it aint possible or it cant be done, then i show em it IS possible, it CAN be done, it DOES work, and so on. LOL. normals never try things, and try to get you to not try things sayin there is too much risk involved or everything is just a scam for something. normals are funny, LOL in fact, every time i find a normal, i see a clown in my head laughin like hell, LOL.

got one elevator induction out, counting the direction i have been told to count according to what my test subjects are used to, going to bring out another elevetor induction counting in the direction everyone says is wrong because it is backwards according to what others count. counting the way everyone else counts in an induction, for my style of doing hypnosis was not easy for me, i actually made and erased 6 or 8 inductions before i even let the first recording be tested, and another 3-4 were made and erased per each other recording i had tested for me. then again, if i dont like the way it sounds, it dont get released, not even for testing.

so, got a "backwards" elevetor induction, then my escelator induction, then a trigger test file, then i will work on other files. i am also going to see if i can get enough quiet time here at the house to do a reading for ranmafan.
Posts: 450
Joined: May 4th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby alonewolf » July 22nd, 2009, 12:26 am

hey MG-hows it going?sounds like form your june 1 psot your starting with your own file things.
Well iam back here for the last couple hours after long break.Sence my las post i think iwas here once.
Anyway listened too this title file(c18yro),super,total and had one of the 15 or was 16 minute loops on for a double go around.then decide too se how it was going in the forum here with ya.
Welp have fun night.
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Joined: January 23rd, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby MacGyver » July 22nd, 2009, 6:58 am

things have been a bit busy, from time to time, my voice changes pitch and all, so, finding some quiet time so my mic dont pick up background noises at the same time my voice normalizes can sometimes be something else, i do have 3 inductions on site and am going to follow with a 4th, and a trigger test file, then onto other files.

looked in the mirror this morning and am now convinced i need to listen to curse 18 yr old again as i found a grey hair in my beard for the first time since i had last listened to curse 18 yr old girl, not sure i want a full transformation so, will just go with 18 yr old.

other than that, got the new shocks on my car and now it rides funny, guess i got used to it bouncin down the road over the years, LOL.

well, about all the time i got right now, have to be heading out soon, and will check the forums again somtime this evening when i return.
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Joined: May 4th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby alonewolf » July 22nd, 2009, 7:26 am

You put indocutions on this sight? Or is that something you still have only at home?
Well,Glad you feel like these files are helping you in whatever goal you are tring too atchive.Me ,like i said before my resistence is too strong or iam too sceptical.But the only thing deffernet with me is my hair-is getting in my eyes too much(not use too that ,because i have not had it cut i think all year-thanks too a medical problem i think i may have mentioned(sort of)here,the other month.So the hair is explainable,nothing else has occured ,sence i stopped coming,and i listened too these files a lot,for awhile there-consedering i am not using a portable.Well if i was too get results i whould want nothing less then all the way full fledge chic,right body parts(inside/out) and pretty face(mine now whould be just plain out at 18 whould be great. hmm-speaking of portable,i just got a little sony vidio/music player for free from my bank.maybe that will record these and i can listen too it when i sleep..heck hadthe thing for a couple weeks its not open
ok-bye-catch you later,and good luck with your changing and inductions.
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Joined: January 23rd, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby MacGyver » July 22nd, 2009, 2:11 pm

ya might wanna open that thing and find out what set-up and all needs to be done to get it ready to use. find out if it has to be charged to use or do ya just put in a disposable battery or what not, get it going and use it to be portable. for me, sitting here at the computer is not comfy enough for me to really trance, but if i take my mp3 player and lay down in bed, i can go much easier than sitting upright in a chair.

as for the 18 yr old girl, i might go with that one again as at the age of 18 my body's shape was more girly than manly in a way as i had hips and thighs like a woman and my waist was 10-12 inches smaller. so, even if all that comes of that file is i get that figure back and the greys in my beard and mustache are stopped, or if my beard and mustache slow down or eventually stop growing, i am good.

as for me having inductions, i have one elevetor induction and 2 escaletor inductions, with one more elevator induction and a trigger test file in the making. and when finished, another story, this one about being corsetted and with a bit of sci-fi thrown in, should be interesting when i get through with it. three might even be a request to have it made into a file, LOL.

i also have some femme curse files in the works as well, one file of EMG's that i used to listen to gives me an idea on how to pull those off.
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Postby alonewolf » July 24th, 2009, 6:53 am

Wow-Mg- glad you can remember what your body looked like at 18.If it was that much defferent from now.Me iam more or less the same.except for lbs ,and inches.My growth was slow-i picked up a inch or two after 18.of course weight eventually went up hill....this little nasty didn't really start too occur until the late 90's the start of the o's killed me,but after my problem i ve only put back a few(3 or 4) lbs so far(lost about 20).but heck i looked pretty much the same a lot heavier then iam ,i grew out before i grew up-so more orless looked like doo,and i never drank,or anything that whould do that ,just bad genes i guess.wooop-iam rambling again,but if these files did work they whould have a lot of extra flab too distribute at any age iam.Heck with the right distrubution,and some youth-i may end up looking like a model at best,or at worse average....lolanything whould be an improvement.
Yah- agree-although i never tried it but laying down in bed may make it easter too get into these things...then sitting up in a chair.

Ok so when and if you get you inductions(files) set up on here-let me know.

Yah i should open it up-i ve intended too a few times but got side tracked,
and never got back too it.
ok well good luck have fun, gotta go ,no time to listen too these fantasy today ,i have company,who may destrub me at anytime.
Posts: 17
Joined: January 23rd, 2009, 1:00 am

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