Weight gain

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Weight gain

Postby SkyllfulNynja » April 30th, 2009, 1:53 pm

Could you make a weight gain file of some sort? Fat preferably but I'm not picky and I don't really care in what way you gain weight either or maybe an inflation one like maybe general body inflation or stomach inflation that would be cool and thanks for reading!
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Postby CycoMelody » May 1st, 2009, 1:11 pm

Wow... This wouldn't be a difficult file to do. Perhaps I will look into it. Being an expansion fetishist as I am, I don't see that this could be a problem. Personally I think it could be quite fun :) Typically I am more for breast expansion (specifically my own!) but belly can be fun. So I will definitely look into it.

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Postby MacGyver » May 1st, 2009, 5:45 pm

so, melody, are you saying you would make breast expansion files? and if so, would those files give me some giant globes so i would have to wear some huge boulder holder?

or for the answers to these rediculous questions, may i should tune in the same weird time, the same weird channel. LOL
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Postby CycoMelody » May 4th, 2009, 9:22 am

The Chinese have a proverb that fits here.

Be Careful What You Wish For!

I am tossing around the idea of a Male breast growth file at the moment. In other words a breast expansion file :twisted: I already have given breast growth suggestions to a few women and gotten results. The first went from an A to a C cup the other started at a B and is currently at a D cup. But female breast enlargement hypnosis is easy. Seeing as they already have the proper hormones in the proper levels. Breast growth in men is a bit more tricky. Perhaps I could use my artist technique. Hmmmm... It just might work! :twisted: MacGyver I might just have to use you as a test subject as you are interested in "giant globes so i would have to wear some huge boulder holder".

Oh sorry about that. It was supposed to be.
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Postby MacGyver » May 4th, 2009, 12:55 pm

now i dont know, never been a test subject before, not sure i myself would want no ginormous funbags sittin with me all day long., might not be able to hide that ya know, LOL.
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Postby CycoMelody » May 4th, 2009, 1:45 pm

Well hon It is not extremely likely you would have ginormous funbags as with HRT, you are only expected to be 1-2 cup sizes smaller then your close relatives. And seeing as the average bust size gained from HRT is a B cup (which also is average for genetic women) I don't thing you would have much to worry about. Besides, who doesn't like being a test subject?
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Postby MacGyver » May 4th, 2009, 2:07 pm

that being said, my mom and sister have like, big ones that could not be hidden no matter what a sport bra is made of, now, if it could be stopped at a B or C, i could still hide those from my co-workers by wearin a sport bra, but, if they get huge like my mom or sister, i dont think i could hide those things, LOL.

now, if ya make a file that would stop at no bigger than a B or C, then i think i could be a test subject for ya, only thing is, trance is not often easy for me, but i could give it a try, and besides, bein a test subject would be like a totally new experience for me.
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Postby ranmafan » May 4th, 2009, 8:42 pm

I would volunteer as a test subject! hehe altho i'm kinda fat so i got some big moobs already. I think i'm an A cup already..havnt measured in awhile. XP i want to get as big of boobs as possible. :P
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Postby MacGyver » May 5th, 2009, 12:13 pm

well, i got one just about A cup moob and one almost half a A cup moob, LOL. maybe melody will make something so they even out and both of em end up filling a B cup bra, heck, if melody does a file to give a guy hips and round out his butt like a woman, and maybe even reduce a spare tire round the waste so the guy also ends up with an hourglass figure like a woman, i would guinea pig a file like that. i have pleanty of padding in the butt to work with, so, just need to make my body round that out, LOL.
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Postby davelowe1977 » May 5th, 2009, 4:29 pm

Maybe I have been out of the loop for a while but it sounds like some people are expecting to see physically measurable results from these hypnosis files whereas they might 'feel and experience' some changes, they aren't actually real - only perceived.

Obviously, if you are trans-gender and are taking hormone therapy or undergoing surgery, such an illusion might well help you mentally to adjust to a new body (and have fun with it!), but for the average Joe, listening to a file a few times will not make any short or long term changes to your real body shape, sadly.
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Postby MacGyver » May 5th, 2009, 4:59 pm

how can you be sure? the human mind is more powerful than you may think or know, the mind can do many wonderous things, if we just let it.

after playing with the fembutt file off and on for 6 or 8 months, my butt has grown some, i know i should have taken measurements when i first started playin with the file but, i can tell as my underwear are a bit more snug than they were before i started playing with that file. or maybe you are one who wants to guinea pig some new files when made and see for yourself that what you may see as impossible really is possible, and i have a REALLY bad habit of proving people wrong by making the impossible possible. so, maybe i should choose you as one of my test subjects to give feedback on an induction file which should be a bit different than most on this site, and once the trigger is in place really good, let ya test another file and see for yourself that changes with hypnosis are possible. and yeah, before i forget, i wanna let you know that the way i used to trance others 20 years ago, the suggestions worked the very first time given.

but now you are probably thinking i am an evil person out to scare people, but i am not. it just un-nerves me a bit to hear someone say that something just is not possible unless people take some kinda pills.

so, think about this, if changes with hypnosis are not possible, then when you cut yourself, your body healing itself is not possible, or when you get sick, it is not possible for your body to fight off the cold or flu. well, hold on a minute, your body can fight off the cold and flu, the human body can heal itself when scraped or cut, so, therefore, your mind is capable of making changes to your body.

ok, i think i will stop being sarcastic for now, if not someone might get upset and try to have me removed from this site for flaming or something, but i will keep you in mind for a test subject when i have a file completed and ready for testing, if that is ok, just let me know if ya want an arm raised or do you prefer the bird finger, LOL.
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Postby davelowe1977 » May 6th, 2009, 4:30 pm

MacGyver wrote:how can you be sure? the human mind is more powerful than you may think or know, the mind can do many wonderous things, if we just let it.

after playing with the fembutt file off and on for 6 or 8 months, my butt has grown some, i know i should have taken measurements when i first started playin with the file but, i can tell as my underwear are a bit more snug than they were before i started playing with that file. or maybe you are one who wants to guinea pig some new files when made and see for yourself that what you may see as impossible really is possible, and i have a REALLY bad habit of proving people wrong by making the impossible possible. so, maybe i should choose you as one of my test subjects to give feedback on an induction file which should be a bit different than most on this site, and once the trigger is in place really good, let ya test another file and see for yourself that changes with hypnosis are possible. and yeah, before i forget, i wanna let you know that the way i used to trance others 20 years ago, the suggestions worked the very first time given.

but now you are probably thinking i am an evil person out to scare people, but i am not. it just un-nerves me a bit to hear someone say that something just is not possible unless people take some kinda pills.

so, think about this, if changes with hypnosis are not possible, then when you cut yourself, your body healing itself is not possible, or when you get sick, it is not possible for your body to fight off the cold or flu. well, hold on a minute, your body can fight off the cold and flu, the human body can heal itself when scraped or cut, so, therefore, your mind is capable of making changes to your body.

ok, i think i will stop being sarcastic for now, if not someone might get upset and try to have me removed from this site for flaming or something, but i will keep you in mind for a test subject when i have a file completed and ready for testing, if that is ok, just let me know if ya want an arm raised or do you prefer the bird finger, LOL.

I can be fairly sure as most of the outcomes of clinical studies on hypnotic physical effects are either negligible or down to other factors.

One example is that your butt may have become larger because you ate more or took less exercise in the last 8 months.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean in your penultimate paragraph regarding the body being able to heal itself. The mechanisms involved in that process are well documented and understood as any physician, or biology undergraduate ought to be able to explain.

I don't doubt the power of hypnosis over mental issues, ranging from therapy to induced anaesthesia. There is plenty of evidence of this, and also the more minor effects of body dimorphic events.

If you wish to use me as a guinea pig for any of your files, please go ahead. I would be more than willing to participate in any study, especially given your stated prior successes.
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Postby MacGyver » May 6th, 2009, 4:50 pm

well, when i get the test file created, would ya wanna have an arm left in the air for a couple of minutes or would you rather raise your bird finger for a couple minutes, LOL. i plan to go both just incase that finger is found offensive to anyone, i also do stairs, elevator or escelator in the induction, the subjects choice though as most do not like the idea of all that walking down the stairs ya know.

i may be a bit rusty though as it has been 20 years since i last put anyone into trance, although you sound like you might be a fun subject.
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Postby User517 » May 6th, 2009, 8:15 pm

davelowe1977 wrote:
I can be fairly sure as most of the outcomes of clinical studies on hypnotic physical effects are either negligible or down to other factors.

The problem with clinical studies is that they look for something specific and quantifiable, and as always, the devil is in the details.. Although it has been found by some that effects are negligible, there have been several studies which suggest that hypnosis might allow for increased bust size, and growth/shrinking in certain areas, weight loss, behavior control, perceptions. Many of these studies are aimed at a general population, skeptics, or are administered by persons who don't know what they're doing. Some of these are even found to have data altered or ignored in order to prove the original conclusion of the person who conducted the study. Academically, hypnosis is often tossed in with other arcane practices like Astrology, and due to it being featured publicly as a gimmick for entertainment, or as a tool used by shady doctors who molest patients, most don't acknowledge its capabilities beyond these instances. Although this is the case, most in the know still suggest caution whenever dealing with hypnosis simply because the results are not always predictable.

And that is why most studies don't do well. It isn't something that works the same on everyone since people are wired differently, have different values, beliefs, and may be more or less willing to really accept the suggestions or even go into trance. Often these studies simply don't continue for long enough for any possible results to take. And depending on how that study is carried out, it may even be up to the individual's decision on how often they listen, or in what state. There is also often the placebo effect (real suggestions verses something fake) which is usually always treated as a means of discounting the changes of hypnosis. Hypnosis is not a drug, and cannot be tested for as an isolated variable. Both hypnosis and the placebo effect work off a belief that actions being done will lead to a particular outcome. As most often the outcome, both voiced and unvoiced of either is something wanted that will not cause harm to the person (due to moral issues), it becomes even harder to differentiate between the two. As you may have noticed, most of the files here deal with things that can be rather harmful or immoral, and may even go against things which that person is expecting. Which are factors that no study could test for. As anything presumed new and dangerous is concerned, people tend to be a bit more attentive, and more willing to adopt it into their person, this too helps the results.

Furthermore, the users of the files often are accustom to going into trance, and occasionally choose to have no advance knowledge of what specific things are suggested in the files, so therefore their results would be even harder to sort out. In the long run it doesn't matter if it is just wishful thinking or the work of suggestions, both utilize similar mental processes.

Once you've moved beyond that, it has been proven that the mind can cause some significant changes to the body including, but not limited to; changes in metabolism, changes in blood flow, healing, paralysis, desensitization. All these things are controlled by nervous or autonomic systems, and has been proven in certain extreme cases, can be influenced by specific will or effort. Many of these things, over time can lead to real physical changes, such as expansion of certain soft tissues, weight loss/gain, changes in muscle mass, im/potency, incontinence, decreased strength/mobility. This is how some prescription drugs also achieve these things. Hypnosis is just merely another way of tapping into those processes without it being drug induced or the result of many years of training.

It may all be in your head, but that does not mean that it is fantasy or totally impossible.
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Postby MacGyver » May 7th, 2009, 7:36 am

kudos user517, same thing i been trying to get across, but perhaps a better way of saying it. at one time, and hopefully soon to happen again, i used to be able to heal a wound overnight which would take a normal person 2 weeks or more, this was done using my mind to make it happen at such a rate.
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Postby davelowe1977 » May 7th, 2009, 9:53 am

I can't really disagree with anything you have said User517.

My original point was that listening to a 'larger breast' file a few times is unlikely to cause a man to suddenly have a real DD cup size. I just wanted to put hypnotic effects into perspective in case some people have an unrealistic impression of what might occur in a physical sense.

Obviously, a skilled hypnotherapist can have a profound effect on a person's mind, and to a limited extent, the body in unusually receptive people.
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Postby MacGyver » May 7th, 2009, 10:31 am

well dave, no it wont happen suddenly but, it can be done, same with butt and hip expansion.

but you can also have alot of fun with hypnosis, and i aint talkin bout the stuff ya see on a talk show, i mean for example, every time someone hears the word rain, they will get a drink of water on pour it on their head and have no idea what is happening or why they done such a thing, yet at the same time, you could take away any pain a subject is feeling, they might go to a dentist and not need anestheic as all they would feel was a tickle. you'd be surprised at what all the human mind can pull off.

as for breast expansion, lets say a subject uses a breast curse file where their breasts are to grow until the curse is removed, but the guy never gets any bigger than a C cup, that would be because his subconscious mind thinks that is the best looking size for his body, or if someone wants to stop the curse at a B cup and they continue growwing to a DD, well, once they start growing, the subconscious mind chooses how big they should be, the conscious mind has no choice.

well, i think i am going to end this post and drink some more coffee as i dont think that even i understand what i just said, not enough caffiene just yet ya know.

man it just aint easy going sane in a crazy mixed up world.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » May 7th, 2009, 12:03 pm

davelowe1977 wrote:I can't really disagree with anything you have said User517.

My original point was that listening to a 'larger breast' file a few times is unlikely to cause a man to suddenly have a real DD cup size. I just wanted to put hypnotic effects into perspective in case some people have an unrealistic impression of what might occur in a physical sense.

Obviously, a skilled hypnotherapist can have a profound effect on a person's mind, and to a limited extent, the body in unusually receptive people.

I would like to congradulate you Dave most people when faced with a compelling argument that oposses thier own they just restate what they believe to begin with with out even taking the other persons points into consideration here you have displayed the respect to take another persons opinion into consideration! this makes open discussion much easier!
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Postby davelowe1977 » May 7th, 2009, 4:22 pm

Thanks Jessie!

It's been a while since I posted here in earnest. Some of my debates with sandy82 ?? (who seemed to disappear years ago - have a look into the archives) were fantastic to have.

Since then I have joined many other forums and have one of my own (totally unrelated to hypnosis) so I suppose I have learned to recognise that age old prayer that I can only paraphrase - have the courage to change the things you can, patience to tolerate those that you can't, and wisdom to tell the difference!

I hope I have a new friend!

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Postby baby_jessica75 » May 7th, 2009, 6:03 pm

davelowe1977 wrote:Thanks Jessie!

It's been a while since I posted here in earnest. Some of my debates with sandy82 ?? (who seemed to disappear years ago - have a look into the archives) were fantastic to have.

Since then I have joined many other forums and have one of my own (totally unrelated to hypnosis) so I suppose I have learned to recognise that age old prayer that I can only paraphrase - have the courage to change the things you can, patience to tolerate those that you can't, and wisdom to tell the difference!

I hope I have a new friend!


You are welcome and yes you have a friend if you so desire! I have been into some rather drawn out debates as well over this very subject! although my beliefs seem to differ very much from those of many I still enjoy the debate and the discussion! my signature pretty much sums up most of what I believe. it is refreshing to see that there are those that can disagree without being disagreeable! I try to keep in mind that all I know is what I have been taught and the credibility of the sources of that knowledge is not really known to me since what I learned changed several times through out my education (i.e. Columbus discovered America) so there for the only thing that I know for sure is that I know nothing for sure! this includes the idea that we are so limited in our own choices as far as who we are or how we are formed! I have many beliefs which I enjoy discussing and debating! anyway nice to meet you!
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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Postby 1love » May 24th, 2009, 3:18 pm

Funny how the guy asked for a weight gain file and the subect quickly turned into breast expansion. I would love to see a weight gain file up. The one thats up kinda makes you addicted to food instead of the effects it has on your body. So if someone where to listen theyd love eating but not getting fatter.
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Postby CycoMelody » July 22nd, 2009, 12:55 pm

Ok Folks its here!!!! I created the Big N Fat file. I know some people wanted to gain body mass and well this will DEFINITELY do the trick. If you want to be big its 20 bucks but I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how well it will work. :)

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Postby MysteriousManInRed » January 12th, 2010, 7:16 pm

A temporary inflation file would be amazing and then you could do individual parts like belly inflation, breast inflation, and others... i would do it as long as it is temporary.
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