are there files to remove diaper desires

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are there files to remove diaper desires

Postby hypnonoob-e » April 11th, 2009, 2:47 am

i know this is pretty much polar oposite of what most people in this forum want anyway
i dont know if this belongs here or general but anyway i get aroused by diapers but its not just the feeling of them its thought of them wearing them etc. are there any fils that could remove the want and/or the attraction to them and maybe some files to renforce the standard male desires

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Postby hypnonoob-e » May 7th, 2009, 10:51 pm

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Re: are there files to remove diaper desires

Postby davelowe1977 » May 8th, 2009, 8:31 am

hypnonoob-e wrote:i know this is pretty much polar oposite of what most people in this forum want anyway
i dont know if this belongs here or general but anyway i get aroused by diapers but its not just the feeling of them its thought of them wearing them etc. are there any fils that could remove the want and/or the attraction to them and maybe some files to renforce the standard male desires


You might have some luck with a reply to your question if you produce some evidence that you have tried to find any relevant files yourself.

Generally people will give helpful suggestions to questions more often if it appears that you have done your homework first.

Have a look / listen to some files that you think might work for you - you might be able to remix them to produce the desired effect. If you want advice on how to do that, then suggest the files and we can discuss it further.
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Postby LilJennie » May 8th, 2009, 10:10 am

Well there is also the matter that your desires are a part of your personality. Hypnosis could help you suppress your desires, but are you sure that you want part of your personality to go unfulfilled? Hypnotists might tell you that they're removing the desires, but they're really just suppressing them. Actually removing them would require restructuring your personality and who you are on a fundamental level, and are you sure you want to do that?

Another question, which you don't need to answer here but should probably ask yourself, is why you are so resistant to your desires. Which would be easier: changing your fundamental psychosexual makeup, or becoming more comfortable with it as it is?
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Postby baby_jessica75 » May 8th, 2009, 10:46 am

One of the questions I would need answered is what the term "standard male desires" means? each person has thier own desires and thier own prefrences! do you mean stero-typical male desires? the problem with this line of thought of "standard male desires" is the goal of stero-typical males is to supress thier desires! if you are interested in being the stero-typical male I would have to suggest you check out the traintotaljock files!
reality is no more than a agreed upon belief system that has no stronger roots in truth than any other dream of humanity.


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