looking for test subjects

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looking for test subjects

Postby MacGyver » May 14th, 2009, 4:41 pm

ok, first off, hopefully i have this posted on the correct forum, i am looking for test subjects for an induction file and to give me some feedback so i may make any necesary changes in my induction, the subject would need to use the induction file a minimum of 7 times, and only then give me some feedback. i should have my yahoo on here, but post back with a pm so i know who is adding me to yahoo messenger. keep in mind that i am in the united states and in the eastern time zone, and that on friday - sunday i will not be online until after 6:30 pm as i work 13 hours a day, the file is also a wav. file and if put onto an mp3 player, you would need to use windows media player to sync the file to your mp3 player to listen or sit at your computer with earphones and play the file using windows media player.

also keep in mind that after nearly 20 years, i am a bit rusty and i have slightly altered my induction so the subject does not need to stare into my eyes to go under. male or female does not make a difference. after the 7th trance, you should notice something that of which has never happened to you before.

one last thing, you need yahoo messenger so i can do a file transfer through messener.
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Postby MacGyver » May 14th, 2009, 5:06 pm

one more thing, the word i use to bring you back out of this induction is CAMEL.
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Postby bucketwarrior » May 14th, 2009, 6:01 pm

~I am very interested in this.

My yahoo is thepeppersghost42@yahoo.com and I'll be adding you shortly.~
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Postby MacGyver » May 14th, 2009, 6:07 pm

if you post back on here and gwet an add from vanitysmurf24@yahoo, it is me.
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Postby SeraAngel » May 14th, 2009, 8:09 pm

I would mind trying you can e-mail it to me or try to catch me when I'm on (which is at odd times) Little_angel_sera@yahoo.com
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Postby MacGyver » May 14th, 2009, 8:24 pm

i will be back online after work tommorrow, i will add you then and if you come online before i have to go to bed, i will let you get a copy through file transfer, so far, my altered induction may be even more powerful than my original.

folks, within the next week, i am going to be making a new induction, have a few changes need to be made as one test subject pointed out tonight, other than that, they only remember parts as they did black out, so, within the next 6-7 days, they should have thier surprise if they listen once a day for a week.

in the mean time, i am going to make a new and cleaner version and will still need testers to give feedback, and the ones who sign up this week will most likely be asked to test the newer version.

i am gone for the night as i am an hour past the time i need to go to bed, my brother needed help, and you know you got to help family. laters all.

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Postby Krysta » May 15th, 2009, 9:09 am

alright, I'm curious, I'd take a look at it for you :3 krysta_elyse@yahoo.com
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Re: looking for test subjects

Postby davelowe1977 » May 15th, 2009, 9:36 am

MacGyver wrote:the file is also a wav. file

Create an adrive.com account or similar, share it and send me the link via pm (its secure - and so am I!).

I'll convert it to mp3 for you - it will be 10 times smaller in size and the transfers will be faster.

I can then put the mp3 on my adrive account and send you the link to the converted file. You can then upload it to your account and send the file link to whoever you choose as test subjects.

That way you get around all the problems of timing and sitting waiting for transfers to take place.

Hope this helps,
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Postby dharden » May 15th, 2009, 10:11 am

Add request sent - details in PM.
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Keen to try out your file

Postby jay067 » May 16th, 2009, 4:54 am

I am keen to try this out as well. My yahoo is jay067@yahoo.com
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Postby lorcain » May 17th, 2009, 4:36 am

I'd be delighted to help test this, my yahoo is larkin.fiona@yahoo.com
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Postby demigraff » May 17th, 2009, 6:54 am

Are you still looking for test subjects for this? I'd be interested in giving it a try. (I thought I'd already replied, but I can't see my message now, so I guess not) Yahoo ID is demigraff, but I suspect email (large_attachments@affordable-trance.co.uk) would be easier as I'm not online at regular times.
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Postby MacGyver » May 18th, 2009, 3:29 pm

demigraff, my limit on email attachments is 10 MB but i will try a compressed folder with winzip and see if i can send that if it would help, but keep in mind, it is not a finished induction as i am doing some tweaking and adding things yet.
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Postby MacGyver » May 18th, 2009, 8:47 pm

add me to yahoo messenger, and if we are opnlione at the same time, i can give a file transfer.
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Postby MacGyver » May 19th, 2009, 9:23 pm

for those of you who have or know where to download a free vlc media player for your computer, follow this link to MacGyver's Basic Induction 3,


the wav version is here [/url]http://www.adrive.com/public/63560c439b0981f4a00ff0b1adba0eb4f62d621e3cecaa56b85eeb53622f35ca.html

dave is going to see if he can put this into mp3 format for me so, as soon as i have that i will post another link, this way in oder to test my induction and give me feedback, you do not have to be online the same time i am online. so, demigraff, you should find atleast one of these links helpful.

for feedback, try and keep track of how many times you have used this basic induction so that i can get a rough estimate how many time it should be used, and soon i will make a file for a trigger test to make sure it works.

for those of you who got the little surprise in my first file i shared, it will be the same with one difference, which is why i am asking you to keep track of how many times you use the file before getting the test, this time, you should only notice the test if your subconcious mind thinks you are ready to proceed with other files i plan to make in the future, those of you who also wish to test the file but have not yet due to being online at a different time than me, now you can, but i need the feedback on the file so i know if i am ready to post it here or do i need to tweak it some more, thanx.
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Postby davelowe1977 » May 20th, 2009, 9:27 am

MacGyver wrote:for those of you who have or know where to download a free vlc media player for your computer, follow this link to MacGyver's Basic Induction 3,


the wav version is here

dave is going to see if he can put this into mp3 format for me so, as soon as i have that i will post another link, this way in oder to test my induction and give me feedback, you do not have to be online the same time i am online. so, demigraff, you should find atleast one of these links helpful.

for feedback, try and keep track of how many times you have used this basic induction so that i can get a rough estimate how many time it should be used, and soon i will make a file for a trigger test to make sure it works.

for those of you who got the little surprise in my first file i shared, it will be the same with one difference, which is why i am asking you to keep track of how many times you use the file before getting the test, this time, you should only notice the test if your subconcious mind thinks you are ready to proceed with other files i plan to make in the future, those of you who also wish to test the file but have not yet due to being online at a different time than me, now you can, but i need the feedback on the file so i know if i am ready to post it here or do i need to tweak it some more, thanx.

MacGyver: Done. See PM
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Postby MacGyver » May 20th, 2009, 3:05 pm

got the pm, and got it uploaded.

ok all, this link is for the mp3 version of the file.

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Postby MacGyver » May 23rd, 2009, 5:30 pm

ok all, MacGyver's Basic induction 4.5, leave me some feedback, and if possible, keep track of how many times you use the file before getting the test at the end, this will let me know if it is ready for this site or do i need to tweak it some more.

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Postby MacGyver » May 23rd, 2009, 5:33 pm

by the way, this is in mp3 version and has been cleaned up nicely by davelowe1977, so this one should be easier on the ears than my ones with the noisy A/C in the background.
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Postby MacGyver » May 26th, 2009, 11:35 am

ok all, i forgot to put a description about this induction file, one, it has some echo, which should help with trance, two, you ride an elevator, 3, there is an amnesia trigger, there is also a deepener, and there is a trigger to help with trance.

as per recent feedback though, i will be changing the trigger.

the current trigger, and with the trigger i choose next, now i am not trying to be mean but, i will try to make it so the trigger can only work with my voice, i do this for the safety of the subject. this means you can not give the trigger to someone you dont know very well and then end up in trouble. once i change the trigger, i will also make a file that will change the trigger with you to something that is not used nearly as much as the phrase i have been using.

remember, i appreciate any and all feedback i can get so i can make files good enough to upload here on WMM for all to use, then i will work on making files that use the trigger to put you back into trance.
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Postby MacGyver » May 26th, 2009, 2:25 pm

trigger change folks.

wav file


ogg file


this is to change the trigger for those of you who have been practicing with my induction, the trigger used in the induction will no longer be used in any of my inductions or files, so, if you have recieved the test that says you are ready for other files with that trigger, please download and use this change file and change the trigger, if not, you will not be able to use any of my files.

thanks, also, there will be a new induction on the way that uses the new trigger, only someone as weird as me could have thought this trigger up, LOL.
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Postby Nameless » May 27th, 2009, 1:17 am

Did you take down the older files? I can't seem to get stuff like 4.5 induction to download.
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Postby MacGyver » May 27th, 2009, 4:50 am

yeah, i am re-working the induction so it will have the new trigger rather than one that is widely used by others who make files, even some hypnotherapists may even use that trigger. i had my suspisions about it but was not really sure until i had recieved some feedback. the trigger i am going to be putting in my new file is said on tv and radio but, once again, i am going to make ti so it only works in my voice as i dont want people to be going into trance behind the wheel, then again, i think i am going to change the trigger one more time, a word that is hardly used any more, infact,it a type of car that you never even see or hear about any more.

so, forget the trigger change file, i am just going to tweak the induction, and set the trigger change in the newest induction. all else i am going to say about the new trigger right now is, the car i own and operate which gave me the idea for the new trance trigger was the economy car of the year 1980.

i dont want to come off as mean or selfish for wanting the trigger to only work in my voice, i do this for safety, this way should the subject be foolish enough to give out the trigger, then that person ends up turning around and using the trigger, then they cannot take advantage of the subject as it wont work. if the trigger only works in my voice with my files, then the subject is safer as someone cannot use my trigger to make the subject just give them all their hard earned money or go commit a crime or anything else bad that can happen. i do this for the safety of the subject.

i put a bit of thought like this into things i do, and yeah, i know i get to be a bit of a safety nut at times. so, inductions files are down for now, i will post files back up soon as i have the induction fixed with the new trigger, and it will also remove my first trigger and replace it with this new trigger. but dont fear, it should be back up in a day or so.
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Postby MacGyver » May 27th, 2009, 4:07 pm

ok, for those of you who have tested my induction files and have given me feedback on them, i appreciate the help so i could tweak out a good induction. my files you have been testing for me are gone, my latest induction, when finished will be uploaded here to WMM, with some minor changes, and a change of trigger.

to EMG, thanx for not getting upset and booting me for posting links to my files for test subjects. the links will no longer work as the files have been removed, all future files including my escelator induction will be uploaded directly here to WMM.

one last thing before i end this post as it is sounding bad outside and i may soon need to shutdown my computer due to the storm, there will also be a trigger test file uploaded here on WMM as well, this will tell if you truly are ready for my future files.
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Postby EMG » May 27th, 2009, 7:04 pm

MacGyver wrote:to EMG, thanx for not getting upset and booting me for posting links to my files for test subjects. the links will no longer work as the files have been removed, all future files including my escelator induction will be uploaded directly here to WMM.

Not a problem at all, I knew what you were doing and why so I just left it all up. I don't mind links that aren't selling things(and even put up with a few of those).
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Postby MacGyver » May 27th, 2009, 8:02 pm

i felt it better to be sure. my elevator inductionis about as ready as it is ever going to be for this site so, once it is cleaned up a bit, it will get uploaded and i will start on my escelator induction, which will go here without testing as it is actually that close to the elevator induction.
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Postby Val_Gal » June 8th, 2009, 4:12 pm

You can message me at val_gal66@ymail.com on yahoo messenger
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Postby astudmuff » June 19th, 2009, 12:41 pm

please send me a link to try
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