Quick Question

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Quick Question

Postby nytrmpter » May 17th, 2009, 8:30 pm

I guess this is as good of a place as any for this little question, but why are there so many men wanting to be women, but no women wanting to be men? I would think it could go both ways.
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Re: Quick Question

Postby VeryGnawty » May 18th, 2009, 1:01 am

nytrmpter wrote:but why are there so many men wanting to be women, but no women wanting to be men? I would think it could go both ways.

This is a very good question. In the world of psychology, this is somewhat of a million dollar question. If you published a paper which answered this question, you would probably win an award.

The typical answer is that since gender roles for women have been deconstructed faster than those for men, women can express more masculine aspects with much less criticism than men can express feminine ones. This leads to denial and buried emotions, hence obsession.

I tend to side with the physicists, though. The matter is biochemical more than it is pscyhological. Certain chemicals have estrogenic effects. If exposed to such chemicals at a young age (in the womb, for example) it can leave a lasting impression upon the brain, hence someone having a dual identity or altered sense of perception about themselves. And because of the nature of estrogenic compounds, it is much more likely for the body to be subjected to an estrogenic substance rather than an androgenic one. Hence, more MtF trannies than FtM. Scientists are investigating the same theory to explain homosexual behavior as well.

But there are thousands of theories why MtF outnumber their counterparts. Just take your pick. Nobody really knows, because nothing has been proven yet.
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Postby whatthe75 » May 19th, 2009, 1:07 am

I think its because it simply gets you more attention.So many guys ,especially the more 30 + guys dont get the attention they did when they were teens and miss it.The best way they can do this is to become female and get the attention more.I think it also increase their chances of getting laid too.
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Postby abba149 » May 20th, 2009, 11:14 pm

I don't care about attention i just wanna feel sexy.

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Postby VeryGnawty » May 21st, 2009, 3:21 pm

abba149 wrote:I don't care about attention i just wanna feel sexy.

men are robots

Goddesses are loving hope of all human kind

I couldn't agree more. The whole world could shun me, but if I could be female, I would have peace. Well, inner peace at least. I suppose if the entire world was throwing stones at me, I wouldn't have any external peace.

Being male just feels wrong. I cannot explain why.
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Postby abba149 » May 21st, 2009, 9:18 pm

VeryGnawty wrote:
abba149 wrote:I don't care about attention i just wanna feel sexy.

men are robots

Goddesses are loving hope of all human kind

I couldn't agree more. The whole world could shun me, but if I could be female, I would have peace. Well, inner peace at least. I suppose if the entire world was throwing stones at me, I wouldn't have any external peace.

Being male just feels wrong. I cannot explain why.

I'm starting a wig collection and soon going to buy dresses.

I already have tons of makeup
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Postby VeryGnawty » May 21st, 2009, 11:51 pm

abba149 wrote:
I'm starting a wig collection and soon going to buy dresses.

I already have tons of makeup

I don't care about clothes.

For me, it is entirely biochemical.
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Postby SDoll » May 23rd, 2009, 9:33 pm

I think our society treats women better than men. When someone is born male, they are restricted from a young age. They see everything in society is about the woman. As already stated, women can express themselves much more than men in our society. The worse part is, men do not seem to want to deconstruct their gender roles.

I don't consider myself male or female. But the bigger issue is that society doesn't admit that there are more than 2 genders. Some people feel that their body doesn't match mind, but others feel that their personality doesn't match their body. But some people only think that because they think if they're not one they have to be the other.

(I had more but my computer screwed up)
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Postby CycoMelody » May 24th, 2009, 9:03 am

hiya all!

Its not about being sexy for me, I am overweight and I don't think I can be sexy. Its not about being rebellious towards society or family or anything else, taking hormones is way too extreme and way too dangerous for that. Its about me being myself. I am an woman inside and that is how I identify. There was a chromosomal malfunction when I was still in the womb so I ended up with the wrong body. I am on hormones to be myself. No one should be forced to be 2 people every day. That is what I was. In my head I was a woman, physically I was a man. Even actors don't play a role every day. They get to stop when the camera stops. I chose to go through HRT, and to put myself at risk for my own common sense. If I wouldn't have I would have ended up dead somewhere. As far as how society treats women compared to men, it doesn't look at women and how they dress near as much as they do men but men are the gatekeepers. 9 times out of 10 Men will have a higher pay check, they will get promotions easier then women. Women do have things a bit more lenient with what they can do. They can dress how they feel. Men don't have that luxury. They are limited to jeans, slacks, or shorts, and some type of shirt or maybe a suit. Women can wear all of that and then more. So being their selves is much easier. Its also why you don't hear of female CD's, and you don't hear as much about women transforming into men. A woman can wear men's clothing out in public and no one will say a word because its just another style. If a man wears women's clothing out in public they are immediately laughed at and scorned being called a crossdresser, gay, or any number of other awful comments. I will stop here considering this got a bit longer then I intended. Just my two cents. :)
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Postby SDoll » May 24th, 2009, 3:04 pm

I have to ask, not to be rude or anything, but how do you know you're a woman? This question is for anyone. I completely understand the feeling of not being male, or more accurately the absence of feeling male. But do you really feel female? Or is it just since you don't feel male then you must be female. How do you know you feel female?

I'm sorry VeryGnawty but I have to disagree. While yes, being exposed to certain chemicals affects someones attitude and psychology, that does not determine their gender. If someone acts a certain way that's how we label them. But so many people assume if they are not one gender then they must be the "other". Gender is too complicated to give people only two options. What a "man" is allowed to do and what a "woman" is allowed to do can change.
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Postby Follower » May 24th, 2009, 9:25 pm

VeryGnawty wrote:

I couldn't agree more. The whole world could shun me, but if I could be female, I would have peace. Well, inner peace at least. I suppose if the entire world was throwing stones at me, I wouldn't have any external peace.

Being male just feels wrong. I cannot explain why.

I think women are just able to have fun a lot more. For some reason or another, it just seems that they're able to be free.

Aditionally, they have so much power in the world, but so many of them don't take what they can. While a man can hit on a girl and get in trouble, flip the situation around, and the girl won't get upset at all.

I've always wanted to experience being female, just because it seems more, "fun" and "light" of an experience. But, there is no way that I'm ever doing something that I can't change. I love my own identity way too much for that.
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Postby Wildsprite » May 26th, 2009, 11:42 pm

here is one I'll add to this, it is a proven fact that most M2F TS's have a female brain, I am one of those types, I have a female brain, those types are confident, most of them knew they were females from a young age even if they were too scared to do anything about it and hide it

to answer the question of "how do you know?" you just do, there is no other answer

but I also know many M2F TSs who have a male brain, those types I don't understand at all, those are probably the ones looking for attention

I for one don't want attention, I don't like people much, I just want to be myself and screw anyone who doesn't like it
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Postby Fnipper » September 17th, 2009, 5:31 am

I believe a lot of the reasoning behind the difference is that males often are far more constricted in our society in what is acceptable to wear, what roles they should have in society, and which behaviors are considered acceptable. There is a great deal of pressure to conform to certain ideals and to be a member of the 'pack' or clique. These pressures start at very early ages. From what colors the baby can wear, what hair length is acceptable, will they be a member of the sports team. Over time these pressures can be psychologically constricting. Perhaps it is more a personal act of rebellion than a drive to get attention.

Of the two MtFs I have known, the last thing they want is more attention. A great deal of attention had been thrust upon them at very early ages by their parents. Not the nice, appraising kind. They were singled out in their families, before the age of ten, and labeled as sissies and outcasts and often repeatedly abused and humiliated.
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