arrrghhh, its not working!

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arrrghhh, its not working!

Postby dwerrell » May 29th, 2009, 8:12 pm

Been trying a couple of files again for the last week or so (tried a few months ago and no-go) and i just cant seem to get into a trance. I have even tried those longazz inductions that are supposed to work on everyone and still get nothing more than a good relaxation session :roll:

Not sure what the problem is, maybe im focusing too much/not enough, i dont know...
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Postby Alien4420 » May 29th, 2009, 8:45 pm

Are you sure you aren't going into trance? It's possible to go into a light trance without knowing it, in fact I understand that hypnotists sometimes have to convince subjects they're in trance by giving them a suggestion and showing that they respond to it.
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Postby dwerrell » May 29th, 2009, 9:09 pm

well, being that i dont think i have ever been in trance i guess i dont have much to compare it to, but aside from just laying there being lazy... None of the files that i have tried seem to work, most of them are files that are supposed to have instantaneous results (for ex babytime)
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Postby pliable » May 29th, 2009, 9:43 pm

Have you listened to the same file over and over again? Have you tried adding the accelerator, susceptibility and suggestibility files? What do you think is preventing you from going into a trance? What happens when you listen to them? Do you just zone out or do you listen to them and try to picture what is described?
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Postby dwerrell » May 29th, 2009, 9:54 pm

I have tried so many different inductions its not even funny!

I try to stick with one or 2 different files, and switch around the inductions to see if anything helps.

I actually just tried listening to the 24hr babytime file now, as usual through the induction i find myself focusing pretty hard on the words but still find that im just not relaxing 100%. BUT, this time, about half way through the file i found myself zoning out a couple of times (do this every once in a while) and one time after zoning out a bit i started to feel all tingly, almost like my entire body was vibrating softly... Shortly after that i returned to my usual state of only feeling slightly relaxed.

Still no success from the file though
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Postby Alien4420 » May 29th, 2009, 11:28 pm

dwerrell wrote:I have tried so many different inductions its not even funny!

I try to stick with one or 2 different files, and switch around the inductions to see if anything helps.

I actually just tried listening to the 24hr babytime file now, as usual through the induction i find myself focusing pretty hard on the words but still find that im just not relaxing 100%. BUT, this time, about half way through the file i found myself zoning out a couple of times (do this every once in a while) and one time after zoning out a bit i started to feel all tingly, almost like my entire body was vibrating softly... Shortly after that i returned to my usual state of only feeling slightly relaxed.

Still no success from the file though

Sounds to me like a good sign, I've had exactly the same sensation while in trance, in fact, it tells me that I've gone from a light trance to a somewhat deeper one.

Maybe you're trying too hard? Trance is more something that happens than something that you do. It's not that you aren't doing it, it's that you're doing it by putting the analytical part of your mind out to pasture, by doing less. If you're a habitual analyzer like I am, that can be hard to do. For example I'll slip into a deeper trance and then think to myself "Hey, I'm in a deeper trance!" -- but the moment I think that, I'm out of the deeper trance.

Also, for many people, physical relaxation seems to help lull that part of the mind, but from what I understand, relaxation isn't actually necessary to hypnosis. Just relaxation or occupation of the part of the mind that tells you whether something is real nor not.

Here's a question: When you watch a movie, do you forget you're watching a movie and feel like you're part of the action? Or do you always know it's a movie and view it analytically? Or something in-between? To the extent you forget it isn't real, you're in trance, and all you have to do is get into the same state, which your mind already knows how to achieve -- it's similar to (identical to?) the state we're in when we daydream. If you're completely analytical, you'll have to practice to get there.

I've also noticed that I'll pop out of trance if you really don't want to do something. For me, a strong part of making a file successful is being willing to let it work, to be obedient to somebody, which as a chronically rebellious sort isn't natural to me. It isn't so much that I have to want something, as that I have to want to allow somebody to make me do something even if it isn't something that I want.

Finally, going by what people say here, sometimes people will try for a long, long time without success and then one day to their astonishment they find themselves doing exactly what a file tells them to. It's almost as if they let down their guard and the suggestion took over. And once you've done that, you should be able to do it again.
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Postby pliable » May 30th, 2009, 2:26 am

It sounds like a light trance, but I don't know for sure; I'm still new. I'm very suggestible, and the files work for me immediately. Often the first thing I feel is tingling, basically exactly as you described , like a slight vibration all over. It's hard to recognize what a trance feels like at first. I was using self help hypnosis, and I thought I was just falling asleep every time I used them, but it was trancing. It takes a while to get used to the feelings.

You may want to look at the FAQ section if you haven't already, under Help on the menu. It answers a lot of questions you may have and describes some of the things people feel in trance. For example, I didn't realize that the trances were making me hot. I just thought I was hot. Now I realize that every time I go into a trance I get hot. It would have taken me longer to connect that on my own. Another thing that I didn't realize is that my muscles tensing was part of the trance. I feel really relaxed, and in a medium trance my body is pretty limp, but as I go into a deeper trance specific muscles start to tighten and relax or I start to twitch. I didn't even realize this was happening at first, but I came out of trances with Charlie horses a few times. I thought people always relaxed in trances, but that's just not the case.

I would say that since you had the tingling episode, that you are on your way to going deeper into trance. I can offer a few suggestions that may help. Of course, they also may not because it might just work for me. I really do believe that almost anyone can learn to go into trances though. The human brain is very powerful, and each time you repeat an experience your brain makes or strengthens neural pathways increasing the ease with which you can experience or do that thing again. You would not expect that when learning a new language you would quickly be able to fluently and eloquently discuss the ramifications of global warming. It would be more likely that you'd feel pretty proud of yourself if you were able to ask for directions or order a coffee. This is a new skill you're learning too. Celebrate your successes and give yourself time. With time and practice it will happen.

I read the description for the 24 hour baby file you mentioned, and I think that file may be a bit ambitious for a first trance also. I personally believe that the main reason that many people have trouble trancing is that they have some fear about it. This fear may be subconscious or you may be aware of it. I have no doubt that you really wish to experience it, but self preservation is a law of nature. Your mind takes it responsibility to protect you very seriously and if part of you is saying "that sounds fun" and another part "that's kinda weird and scary" it's pretty likely that self preservation will be stronger than any suggestion. You may want to think about what could be holding you back. If it's a general fear/uncertainty about hypnosis, you may want to learn more about the process of hypnosis.

I would venture that a 24 hour baby file for someone new to hypnosis may play a part. I'm assuming you haven't experienced the baby feeling at all at this point. You really do not know exactly what it will be like, yet you are trying to subject yourself to 24 hours of this new experience. Most new experiences are frightening on some level. I can understand the appeal of reverting to the baby state. Babies are cared for; babies are perfect. But babies are also very venerable and delicate.

My opinion would be that it would be a lot easier for your conscious mind to let go if you try something simpler. I noticed that there's a file that turns you into a baby for only 20 minutes. That would give you a chance to experience the feeling you're interested in, and your mind would experience that it was safe and nothing bad happened. There's another called Infantile Tendencies that might be easier also. That one said something about wearing baby clothes, baby toys etc. If I were to try that one I would consider taking a special baby item to bed with me while trying to trance. Maybe a "blankie" or baby toys. For me anything that makes the experience more enveloping makes my trance deeper. Also to help allay any fears I would tell myself that my blankie would comfort and protect me.

Another option is that you are reacting to something in the particular file. If you find anything in the file scary or worse creepy and somewhat terrifying, I would say pick a different file, at least to start with. Some of the files on here are actually quite scary to me, and I would not try them at all, and then there are others that you think that sounds good except for ..... If I were going to try one of these I would be sure that I was 100% confident that that thing would not have any affect upon me. I have many ways of doing which I will not share in a post. If you feel this would help you PM me. I have a beautiful and rare mind, and I hope you will realize the same about yourself and always protect it. Hypnosis is very powerful, and if you aren't sure about a file, don't use it. For example for me the slut files sound like a sexy fantasy. Do I really want to act like a slut? NO. I am 100% certain I can deflect those behaviors if I listen to the files? No. I'm not going anywhere near those files.

There are many different types of inductions, and you should try to figure out what type will work for you. That should make it easier to find files that will work. Types include: visualization, confusion, relaxation, counting. There are a lot more, but those are ones I am personally familiar with. I think there are also color inductions. Too bad no one has made a lullaby induction, that might be affective for "newborns" to help first timers get used to trancing. I personally find that the files with the effects get me into deeper trances too. The Induction relaxation sounds like an easier one for a newbie too.

Finally, I would say don't try to hard. I think that can screw things up. If you feel all tense and pressured about it how would it ever work? Hypnosis is about relaxing and letting yourself go. Don't think about how it didn't work last time. That type of self talk actually tells your subconscious mind to expect the same results. Don't think "I hope it works" or "maybe it will work this time". Those statements may seem positive, but there is actually a lot of doubt in both of them. I would tell myself out loud "IT WILL WORK eventually" emphasizing the words in "caps". The "eventually" takes a lot of the pressure off. If it didn't work, I would not focus on feeling disappointed it didn't work. I would tell myself "hypnosis starts off subtle. I may have been in a light trance and not realized it." And then "IT WILL WORK eventually" and "I am one listen closer to having it work."

As another suggestion on how you can take the pressure off you might want to try the MM Baby Training Series. Perhaps having a series would take some pressure off because you would have the knowledge that each file has to be listened to several times to have full effect. I would deliberately not keep track of how many times I listened. Just listen in order, then start back at the beginning. (Keep in mind that this does not have to all be accomplished in one day and/or several times in one day. That lead to significant side effects for me.) I would pace myself, and just listen as long as I enjoyed the file. That's another way to take the pressure off, if you enjoyed the file, especially a lot, but you didn't get hypnotized, have you really lost any thing? It WILL work eventually.

These are some files I would recommend to make you more susceptible to hypnosis and easier to hypnotize.

EMG's TrainSusceptable with Calimores Subliminal Suggestible

The accelerator file. I like the on with the biaural effects. You need to listen with headphones.

Suggestible, Suggestible Remix, SuggestiveTranceTrigger. Train Susceptable.

Those would all be a good place to start. If you want more info about what I do while listening to the files to get into a trance, I'd be happy to tell you more. Just ask or PM me.
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Postby dwerrell » May 30th, 2009, 10:29 am

holy mile long posts batman! :lol:

where to start...

Yes i am very analytical, as you mention about movies, i find myself constantly thinking about how fake the thing is as im watching it!

This is likely my biggest issue as the entire time im constantly trying to be aware of whats happening and what i 'think' should be happening...

As for the 24 hour file, i have also tried the 20min file (alot more than i have the 24hr one). but readong peoples comments on both filesit seems that neither one tends to last for that ammount of time and the 24hr one would be favourable because it is more suggestive.

as for some comfort things, ive got that base covered! Binky and ba-ba and all that are on hand ready to go 8)
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Postby Alien4420 » May 30th, 2009, 11:35 am

dwerrell wrote:holy mile long posts batman! :lol:

That's what happens when it's 3 AM and you can't fall asleep, LOL.

where to start...

Yes i am very analytical, as you mention about movies, i find myself constantly thinking about how fake the thing is as im watching it!

This is likely my biggest issue as the entire time im constantly trying to be aware of whats happening and what i 'think' should be happening...

I have to struggle not to do that. There are some techniques that can help, like repeating the hypnotist's words to yourself. It occupies that part of your mind. Or just concentrating on something else. Like once I just kept thinking to myself "Do less . . . less . . . " It wasn't so much the suggestion as that it gave that part of my mind something to occupy itself and derail the incipient thoughts.

Also, I've seen it suggested that visualization exercises are good for people who are very analytical . . . I seem to remember having read something about that on Mind Mistress's site, she has some good hypnosis tips and links to a test of hypnotic susceptibility.
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Postby pliable » May 30th, 2009, 3:48 pm

I have measured my posts, and actually combined they are just shy of a mile. :D

So it helps to know that you are very analytical. Based on that I would say that the relaxation inductions will not be helpful for you in the beginning. I would guess that you would just lay there analyzing each of your muscles and their tones and thinking of how you do not really feel that relaxed. I would recommend confusion inductions, especially those with extra effects like layering, echos, and biaurals. There is one of these that I really like:'>Blink's Basic Induction w binaural effects

I have a strong analytical side too, but that side cannot be indulged if you want to be hypnotized. This file talks about things that are related, but not very closely. Or perhaps related more closely than you realize? For me the more I try to analysis the story the less it makes sense and more confusing it is. This one doesn't have as many effects as I would like. I use the version with the "good girl" phrase added. That one has an echo, which actually helps to use your analyses against you. You're busy analyzing the story, engrossed, thinking how bizarre, and there is an echo but you can't focus on it if you're analyzing the story. The echo is just being absorbed. Do try to visualize what is talked about in the story. There's also a "good boy" version with the echo effect. To me these are good ones to sleep listening to, but then you won't really know if you went into a trance or not.

I would not learn more about the techniques used in hypnosis. It would probably engross you in trying to analysis which technique is being used at the moment.

If you are "turned off" by the concepts of obedience that Alien mentioned, you may want to try so "vanilla" files. I have found that the obedience concepts are actually more a feature of erotic hypnosis, then of general hypnosis itself. I would recommend You can get files for $0.99, and there are lots of self help concepts so you should be able to find something you like. I like Erick Brown, but find a voice you like; his have good effects. I recommend these "vanilla" files because: (1)many of them are a lot more professional, up to 6 layers, slowing heartbeats in the background, echos, biaurals; (2) they don't have the dominance overtones; (3) once you can get a deep trance from one file, it will be easier to repeat with others.

So if it's too long again--complex subject.
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Postby MacGyver » May 30th, 2009, 4:58 pm

blink's basic induction, have not tried one with binurals but have the one without the effects, and when i have insomnia, like i may not sleep for 2 days straight and even then have a hard time sleeping more than 2 hours, i put that on on my mp3 player and run it in a loop and guess what? half way through, if i get that far, i remember getting to the beach and something about sand, and that is all as by that time i am out like a light bulb and with it running on a loop, i stay asleep all night long. one time i woke up just as the battery in my old mp3 player quit, looked at the time, i had been out a good 12 hours. slept like a log.
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Postby dwerrell » May 30th, 2009, 5:42 pm

i have tried blinks basic induction (along with quite a few others) to no avail.

I might just give that one that you posted a try and see what happens.

Wonder if it will help if i ram my head through the wall a few times first! :lol: 8O
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Postby dwerrell » May 30th, 2009, 8:18 pm

Well, i think i may have found an induction that might be working a little better for me. Its the pacifier induction, the person speaking isnt the greatest but having my attention drawn to the pacifier in my mouth most of the time seems to help.

I cant say that its totally working for me yet, but after using that induction to the babytime file i woke up feeling very weak and cranky for a few minutes...
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Postby ranmafan » May 31st, 2009, 9:22 am

Human beings are trance machines... everyone goes into and out of trance every day, several times a day. Everyone can be hypnotized, and most people can be hypnotized very easily. Hypnosis is like a guided daydream, or thinking about things while you do something else. It’s incredibly relaxing, and easy to do. If you’re willing to be hypnotized, and follow the simple instructions of the induction, then I’m sure that you’ll have fun. Perhaps you are thinking too much about it or putting too much emphasize on it. Also I suggest closing your eyes when you do try it again.
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