by devonimp » February 9th, 2007, 10:41 am
Hypnosis is something where your mileage may vary. I've been working heavily with a heavily modified enchanted keyboard curse script for months now, and am just starting to see results when using triggers involving things like emotions or arousal. Still can't alter anything bigger tho, like perceptions, or even dream manipulation. Still... small as it is, its working.
Personally, I suggest listening to it several times a day to find what works for you. For example... I find it effects me most strongly right before bed and right when I get up, so I listen twice a day at those times. I've known people who can't get comfy listening to something in bed, so they work best sitting in their favourite chair. My experience tells me that basically, tips from other people can be good testing points, but I could write a fifty page thesis on how I get hypnosis to work for me, and it could be useless to someone else.
Two of the most important things to remember is A.) Believe it or not, getting discouraged can and WILL affect your results drastically o.o. Since hypnosis like furry transformation is pretty much mind over matter, if the mind doesn't believe its possible, or doesn't believe its working, it won't. B.) Persistance is a good way to convince your mind to believe. Another good tactic is.. honestly... just pretend its working. Act like its working, try to imagine its working. Affirmations are another good thing. Every day, before hypnosis, say to yourself "I want this to work, this is what I desire, what I wish..." and after say "I can feel it working, because I want it to work. It is working little by little.". I can't guarnatee success, but thats what I reccommend you try for a little while. And don't give up. Furry Transformation is one of those files that has the potential to take a long while to actually work properly.