Questions about YOU thread

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Questions about YOU thread

Postby Flow123 » June 21st, 2009, 7:12 pm


Ok this was stolen from a place which stole it from somewhere else... so the quality is prolly getting worse, like when you record off of a recorded cassette. BUt here goes, just replace my answers with yours, and have fun with it!!!


i am most happy when - it varies, but lately, when i can skype with Master

You know when i am happy because - i stretch and mmmm a lot

What makes me blush - a lot... i am very vanilla... or at least pretty vanilla...

One word to describe myself - silly

My good point - my friendship

My bad point - i tend to put things off

Fave food - Tony's Pizza at the Town Center MMMMMM.

Fave drink - Starbucks Frappaccino (god i need to find a cheaper favorite drink)

Fave past time - hanging with my friends, playing games (video/board/role-playing), watching/going to movies, and as of late... hypnosis

Fave type of movie - most

One film that made me cry was - recently? The Proposal. before that? Up. before that? Drag Me to Hell. I'm a big sucker for an emotional story...

If i was a flower i would be - o.O how would i know? what an odd question... I'm just going to hit my DEFAULT ANSWER button. That usually works. - LAURENCE FISHBURNE

If i was a sweet (candy) i would be - do i have to be a sweet candy? Smarties then i guess...

If i was an animal i would be - KITTY!

If i was to be something i'm not it would be - LAURENCE FISHBURNE

A code i live by - my area code.

Thought for the day - so i have to change this every day? or just today's thought... uh, ok, here it goes. "Damn stupid Best Buy! I waited months for this game to come out, waited until i could get to your store, to get it, and you are out of stock, and what!? you only had 7 copies!?!? screw you!" sorry bout the language. XS

How do i kiss - like... never, unfortunately T.T

How do i hug - lovingly

Most effective part of my body - my skin. It seems to keep everything inside.

Random comment - Dire death badger, YES!

Not so random comment - LAURENCE FISHBURN

and finally ...............

If i could meet one person on here it would be - um... iunno, at this point, i know everyone i want to meet, but if someone comes along... special... then yeah... them. :) and i like meeting new people too, but geez, come in and TALK!
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Postby lorcain » June 21st, 2009, 7:17 pm


I am most happy when – I’m with my friends

You know when I am happy because – I’m smiling :)

What makes me blush - not much really

One word to describe myself – friendly :)

My good point – I am very friendly and helpful!

My bad point – I’m pretty secretive

Fav Food - chicken curry

fav drink - smoothies

fav past time – Sports, with music and reading close seconds

fav type of movie – comedy or action

If i was a flower i would be – a red lily :P

if i was an animal i would be - a cat

if i was to be something im not it would be – a superhero!

a code i live by – enjoy the craic :)

thought for the day - It’s always sunny on Mondays just as you’re going back to school/uni/work, but rainy on a Friday evening…

how do i hug – warmly and huggingly

most effective part of my body – Hair, it used to be down to my ankles but I got it cut, down to my waist again though :)

and finaly ...............

if you could meet one person on here who would it be – Why limit yourself to just one? :P
Posts: 60
Joined: November 27th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby jakeofspade » June 21st, 2009, 11:02 pm

What a great way to break the ice, Flow!

Hello everyone! I'm Jake.

I am most happy when - I'm talking with people.

You know when i am happy because - I probably will not shut up. :P

What makes me blush - Not much, or anything.

One word to describe myself - Curious

My good point - Friendly

My bad point - Sometimes Negative. D:

Fave food - Organic Rice! (Vegetarian Here)

Fave drink - NOS Energy Drink

Fave past time - Chess, Reading, Games and Anime

Fave type of movie - Drama or

One film that made me cry was - None.

If i was a flower i would be - A Lilypad, do they count?

If i was a sweet (candy) i would be - Hrm... Probably, Peach Rings. The sugar ones, they're awesome!

If i was an animal i would be - Probably a not-so-active cat.


Thought for the day - It couldn't be this bad. Oh wait, it wasn't. ^_^

How do i hug - Snuggle-y

Most effective part of my body - The Bones. They're awesome.

Random comment - zomgwtfmediconthepointburnlolbackburnersss

Not so random comment - This is serious business, guys. Hypnosis and all shouldn't be taken lightly.

and finally ...............

If i could meet one person on here it would be - Everyone. :3
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Joined: April 13th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby MRhello » June 23rd, 2009, 11:34 pm

Hey! this is a GREAT Idea. Good ice-breaker.

Hello everyone! I'm Mathias. (ACTUAL IRL NAME! Cool, huh?)

I am most happy when - I'm helping others, or gaming. PROTOTYPE!!!!

You know when I am happy because - I use emoticons, and improper grammar and sp311ingz. :lol:

What makes me blush - Lotsa stuff. I am actually quite modest. (usually... :twisted: )

One word to describe myself - Squirrelbait. :D

My good point - I could probably be a successful stand-up comic! If I wasn't too lazy to stand up, most days. 8O

My bad point - My temper is somewhat... unstable. Think Bruce Banner on government rage-inducing drugs. 8O (KIDDING! It's actually my hobbies: I am the uuber-nerdling of the century...)

Fave food - None! (I cannot taste or smell. Brain damage...)

Fave drink - None

Fave pass time - Chess, UT3, Prototype, Warhammer online, Battlefield 2142, MIDRECFIGC (Dark-Ages Recreation Fight Club- I iz an Archer!!! [And I do quite well, too.])

Fave type of movie - Action/Comedy (Think Hancock)

One film that made me cry was - AvP:R. I Hated it that the alien queen got blown to steaming, acidic bits... :(

If i was a flower i would be - A Rose- Pretty, but mess wit it the wrong way...

If i was a sweet (candy) i would be - Chocolate covered grasshoppers! B/c I can't taste, I go for texture. And, BOY! DO THOSE have an interesting texture...

If i was an animal i would be - Timber-wolf. I love dogs, I live near the mountains, and the wolves know me. They attack other people who are noisy; Me, though, The come up to, poke around, and leave. Or, they keep me from their dens when they have pups, but they never do more than growl softly.

A code I live by - Be one with nature, Part of the Sky, and when the Dark comes, feed the earth in peace.

Thought for the day - I need to check on Tuff-head. (One of the wolves aforementioned) He seems to be rather... On-edge. He might be sick, or someone disturbed him. Either way, not good.

How do I hug - Warmly.

Most effective part of my body - My hands. I help around the house, do PC repair work, wrestle with the doggies, etc.

Random comment - Black-tail shouldn't of eaten that carcass... He's gonna be irritable for days.

Not so random comment - Agreed, Jake. Hypnosis is a tool, or a recreational helper, not a plaything.

If i could meet one person on here it would be - Anyone who needs help working out their lives, their problems, or just needs to talk.
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Joined: March 18th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby MRhello » July 6th, 2009, 2:44 am

Slight update:

I work with the forest-service part-time. That's why I acted as if I knew the wolves I mentioned. I hike and survey near there, and they got used to me, and a few others. Just wanted to clarify; I thought I had sounded like a psychopath with canine on the brain...

In any case, just an update to my previous post.

PS- I have no clue why I didn't just edit that post... :oops:
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Postby zapnosis » July 6th, 2009, 1:09 pm

I am most happy when – I’m fascinated

You know when I am happy because – I'm not glaring into space

What makes me blush - alcohol

One word to describe myself - NO

My good point – depends on your point of view. For me, I'm just glad I'm me, purely because being me suits me pretty well.

My bad point – all my bad points are good... see previous

Fav Food - pasta

fav drink - water

fav past time – apophenia

fav type of movie – original

If i was a flower i would be – something black

if i was an animal i would be - an elephant

if i was to be something im not it would be – something else? Sorry, the question is pointless.

a code i live by – everything that happens, happens for a reason. Maybe not a good reason, but a reason anyway. That reason is part of what we know as existance. With it, we are what we are. Without it, we are nothing. Be glad of it.

thought for the day - People who have things tend to believe that they deserve what they have. This could explain why we have war, genocide, starvation, murder and rape in a world of plenty.

how do i hug – like I don't want to stop... often true

most effective part of my body – My brain... not a boast, every other part of my body is crap.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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