
For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby davelowe1977 » May 23rd, 2009, 8:54 am

Kalendaine wrote:*blinks*

Yes, dave, very informative. All has been made clear to me now.

Why not?

Well, you are right up to a point. In humans chromosomes are normally paired up from 23 each from both parents, but this does not translate directly into DNA (a gamete and the resulting person can also have XXY or XYY abnormalities, but this is beside the point).

The Y chromosome is actually only responsible for less than 1% of cellular DNA and DNA is ultimately what makes us similar and different - ie it controls our sexuality and the function of just about every part of our bodies.

To state that 'you get half your DNA from your dad, and half from your mother' is wrong. Its much more complicated than that.

So hopefully you can understand that the basic premise of the theory that you posted is wrong and so are the conclusions and ideas you then go on to extrapolate.
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Postby Deepthroat » June 26th, 2009, 4:49 am

I guess there is some possibility for this; if the brain can influence the healing of a defined incurable disease (e.g. cancer, of a given area), cause a rash to appear on an arm, blister, or even decieve someone into knowing that they had surgery, then I guess it may be a possibility. Ultimately, any skeptism would completely diminish any possibility for growth - a little faith would be useful, and it would be worth a try to see what happens over x number of years, listening to the file x number of times a week. Currently, after listening to the file 3 or so times, I've felt growth where a womb should be, and had even felt something like a kick the other day - this could be hallucigenic, something else (although, I had never noticed this before; I could be noticing whatever it was more often as a result of the hypnosis, but usually, if anything sudden occurs, like a kick, I'd notice it and would probably react pretty fast) or could be a womb growing.
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Postby sabrinaselentra » June 26th, 2009, 5:48 am

To true hypnosis changes your outlook and behavior but its a lot of fun to think it can do more. FYI i just uploaded a new file in the Enchantment series> the sorceress and the goth girl. Thats why use magic with hypnosis gets better results teehee, If your missing any of my files I am on brosix instant messenger username whispernymph. For girls only! Ok if your becoming a girl we will let you in. Under a lot careful observation. Smoochies
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Postby Almeidaz » June 29th, 2009, 12:15 pm

Just wanted to use the topic to fill in on some of my progress..

I used TrigVagina for about 2.5 months, since all I got from it was some crotch sensations and the triggers made little to no effect I progressed to Curse Womb, for about 1.5 week now.

Listening subliminals a lot during work (I mix the subs with actual music using apropriate software). And listening to it almost everyday using cardigans over2next file induction.

Even tho I would love to see "the impossible" happen (like some crazy fellas out there), I am too rational and analitic for that. Im just expecting to be fooled at some point (mebbe thats a problem).

Until now, All I got is:

- Penis is very very small, it was never big to start with, however, while sitting it is almost impossible to feel it with my hand.
- Lost capacity to "move" or better "tension" my penis.
- Erections are rare, however I have that traditional morning one, most of the days.
- While doing sex with my wife the sensations from my crotch are "confusing" sometimes she tells me im penetrating her and for all means thats not what im feeling...

Yet to see/feel:

- Absence of Penis or crotch, both visual and tactile
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Postby loony28 » June 30th, 2009, 5:44 pm

I'm curious about something Almeidaz. Has your wife said anything about the size of your penis now?
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Postby Almeidaz » July 1st, 2009, 8:36 am

Well, guess I was blessed with a wife that actually prefers a more lesbian type of thing. Not really a surprise for her, since from day 0 (and is like 9 years now) I was never really a "man" in bed with her...

Just to give u an example, after 3 months of dating, I simply told her i had serious wishes of having a girls body, and while not exactly promoting it, she listened to it and tried to understand to the best of her ability.

Of course there's a side of her that finds all this stuff somewhat strange, but we are working on it.
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Postby loony28 » July 9th, 2009, 4:21 pm

I think you may hav misunderstood my question. I'll try to rephrase it better. Has you wife noticed that your dick is getting smaller?
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Postby livelonger8 » March 10th, 2010, 7:49 pm

davelowe1977 wrote:
Kalendaine wrote:*blinks*

Yes, dave, very informative. All has been made clear to me now.

Why not?

Well, you are right up to a point. In humans chromosomes are normally paired up from 23 each from both parents, but this does not translate directly into DNA (a gamete and the resulting person can also have XXY or XYY abnormalities, but this is beside the point).

The Y chromosome is actually only responsible for less than 1% of cellular DNA and DNA is ultimately what makes us similar and different - ie it controls our sexuality and the function of just about every part of our bodies.

To state that 'you get half your DNA from your dad, and half from your mother' is wrong. Its much more complicated than that.

So hopefully you can understand that the basic premise of the theory that you posted is wrong and so are the conclusions and ideas you then go on to extrapolate.

Then why, when females have XX can develop masculine traits? And vice versa for male-to-female transsexuals. I understand that some changes appear permanent from birth (e.g. the forming of sexual organs), while others can be altered if hormones are taken at the right time.
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Postby Fragtagonal » March 19th, 2010, 10:57 pm

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Postby rickgek » September 23rd, 2010, 11:06 pm

Brutal truth. theses files claiming curses cause to grow a womb. or to become a pubescent she-male, or an 18 year old girl, or any other physically change DON'T WORK. There's an old saying don't believe everything you read or hear. IF it sounds to good to be true it is.
Fact is medical community proved there's no way a man can have or have their genitals change into fully functional female genitals. Hypnosis IF it works Which has been proven only on a very small select few. can only change mental things such as bad habits, or certain ways of thinking. IT can't cause no Physical change.Comparing it to what Jesus done is completely idiotic. Jesus was the son of god. We May be children of god but we don't have the power to change or physical appearance with our mind. Believe i really wish it would work. SO i could get rid of the scars on my tongue (Crevice from a dog bite back when i was 5) and get perfect teeth instead of the impacted crooked teeth. as well as the dog bite scar near my jugular vein near my neck. as well as few other changes. But there's living in reality and living in make believe and this ain't Mr rogers neighborhood. This is real life. These files are entertainment only. Those who try to say these files actually work better not do it in public otherwise they may have to serve a 72 hour evaluation in a insane asylum hopefully getting shock treatment. i currently listen to out of laughs the curse prepubescent she-male so far go 14 days left till the supposed finish of the so called changes. So far nothing. not even one slight change. as for an open mind i keep an open mind otherwise i would have gotten ride of the file by now. even if i didn't want the changes/open mind. It says in the file no matter what your conscious mind wants or thinks your subconscious mind wants the changes and they will happen. Well if that's were true there would have been changes by now. because even at a rapid pace no way in hell in 14 days you can go from where i am at to a prepubescent she-male. It's already been proven by myself and others that the hypnosis for musicians such as play better,etc. Doesn'T work. Only real physical effort meaning practice practice practice hard work. only gets to where you want to be as a musician. Same way which any body changes only surgery can accomplish some but not all of the exaggerated changes these files claim to cause. If changes like these was actually possible they would have already been reported on national news and be used instead of surgery for those wanting to change their sex physically. Or those who just want to improve their looks. So wasting time thinking these are going to work is time wasted that you could be doing something actually productive for yourself or others. these files are like the breast enhancement/penis enhancement creams/pills,etc are all products that Don't work. They give you a false sense of change and belief. These are like those parents who tell you you can do anything you want to do when you grow up which is a lie. You got to have talent or intelligence/skill to do certain things and not everybody can do certain things. such as music as example not everybody can sing but believe that lie told to them as a child which gives you those American idol rejects, half of the new signed pop artists today whose basically could be called throw away artists. sign'em suck the quick 15 minutes of fame /money they can make form them then drop them faster than Paris Hilton goes down on the paparazzi to keep her name in the public eye. So don't have a false sense of these files actually doing what they claim especially the curse files. They cant control a free will. The curse has no power over your free will. They cant cause physical changes to you. They may make you decide if you were thinking about having physical changes down by surgery to have it done. But that's it. As for those frogs who change their sex. THEY ARE FROGS and we are humans two different species, Nature effects them. Any effects that happen to humans is due to hormone imbalance due to hormones in food,water supply.etc. So those here who claim these files don't do physical changes are 100 percent correct as for the guy claiming it worked where is the national story, pictures, doctors statement otherwise Proof that it did what you said it did. are you hallucination or on any drugs to cause hallucinations. Sound like you may need shock treatment.
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