Taken from Experimental Hypnosis
Efforts have been made to solve some of these difficulties by developing special techniques for the induction and regulation of hypnotic trances, sometimes with little regard for the nature of hypnotic behavior. One of the most absurd of these endeavors, illustrative of a frequent tendency to disregard hypnosis as a phenomenon in favor of an induction technique as a rigidly controllable process apart from the subject's behavior, was the making of phonograph records [or mp3 files]. This was done on the assumption that identical suggestions would induce identical hypnotic responses in different subjects and at 2 different times. There was a complete oversight of the individuality of subjects, their varying capacities to learn and to respond, and their differing attitudes, frames of reference, and purposes for engaging in hypnotic work. There was oversight of the importance of interpersonal relationships and of the fact that these are both contingent and dependent upon the intrapsychic or intrapersonal relationships of the subject....