Stoopid Brain

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Stoopid Brain

Postby chelseybaby » July 23rd, 2009, 6:01 pm

okay, totally new at this and struggle to slip into a trance, this is how it usually goes for me:
I start to feel my limbs becoming heavier, and start o relax a little. When it says "ignore all other sounds in the room" I become painfully aware of every little sound and just sit there without slipping into a trance of any state. If I feel myself slipping into a more relaxed state I become aware of this and regain greater contiousness until I'm just sitting there with my eyes closed.

When I open my eyes I find that my limbs have turned blue, like all the capillaries in my legs have burst (almost zombie-like). Is this a normal experience of the whole heavy limb deal, or am I just a freak :oops:
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Re: Stoopid Brain

Postby baby_jessica75 » July 23rd, 2009, 10:54 pm

chelseybaby wrote:okay, totally new at this and struggle to slip into a trance, this is how it usually goes for me:
I start to feel my limbs becoming heavier, and start o relax a little. When it says "ignore all other sounds in the room" I become painfully aware of every little sound and just sit there without slipping into a trance of any state. If I feel myself slipping into a more relaxed state I become aware of this and regain greater contiousness until I'm just sitting there with my eyes closed.

When I open my eyes I find that my limbs have turned blue, like all the capillaries in my legs have burst (almost zombie-like). Is this a normal experience of the whole heavy limb deal, or am I just a freak :oops:

As far as the becomming more aware of every sound in the room when the file says the oppisite it sounds as if you may need to use a program to edit that part out so it doesn't push you to think about other sounds it is just a suggestion going the other way the suggestion just reminds you that there are other things and you start thinking about them and then notice them. this just may not be a good suggestion for you personally. and as far as becomming aware of the more relaxed state and then pulling yourself out there may be something that causes you to be nervous or resistant to the idea of actually giving in to go into trance the only suggestion I can give is pratice and you may overcome this.

the whole blue thing sounds scary and dangerous to me! you are not a freak but this also doesn't sound normal or safe to me. if you usally lay down for files I would suggest that you try sitting up and see if this doesn't change the blue limb problem. I am not a doctor and i am nowhere near an expert when it comes to hypnosis this is just my opinions and I could be wrong!!
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Postby pimp951231 » July 24th, 2009, 5:08 pm

I kno what you mean. When they say that other noises should help u out or ignore them, i just cant, i seemed 2 notice them more. Im sorta a begimer to, but i have got into trance and its alot easier now. like alot. I just cant go deep yet. Well For me my arms and legs get numb ( but not blue lol), i can barely even feel them, sometimes at all. The first time i got into trance i sorta like drifted away in my head. What i mean was i stop trying to listen to every little thing he says. I actually sorta tried my best to ignore the file, and i sorta like doze off and woke up when the guy counted down. It felt like i slept the whole time. Now im training with cardigan- deep trance. Its been working to. I get in trance alot faster, but still sorta hard. I now listen to file while counting the amount of breaths i take, thats been helping alot. I sorta like snap out to when i notice im trancing, but idk lately its been going away. When ppl say practicing is key on this forum, it is sorta true. If u hav any questions pm but like i only kno some lol not alot.
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Postby Ladon » July 27th, 2009, 8:28 pm

On the 'ignore other sounds' thing, that's actually exactly what SHOULD happen. That suggestion seems sensible, but think about this...

I want you to think about a pink door.

Ignore any thoughts of a blue door...

Only think about the pink door.

You weren't even aware of the blue door until I mentioned it. By suggesting that you ignore all other sounds, the hypnotist is actually pointing those sounds out to you, which works against the intended suggestion.

You might also be a little bit rebellious, 'resisting' the suggestion, so to speak. There are some people that can only be hypnotized when the suggestions appear to be the opposite of what is actually desired. For examples:

I don't want you to relax right now

You don't have to close your eyes if you don't want to

Maybe those sounds won't help you relax...

I liked the way it was put in Trance Formations. They pointed out that a mother will sometimes accidentally encourage something they were trying to prevent. "Don't spill the milk"
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