Okay I've gotten into summer so I can train myself in the mornings now and afternoon too and I've started branching out into a few files.
I've already pretty much determined I'll need to train more for Milk Farm to start working because I can barely picture the images in my head and I definately don't feel any of the blanking out or the 3 hours is 3 days but occurs in 3 seconds thing. I'm not entirely sure how that file is supposed to work with the wakener added on it already but I know I can't risk using it without 3 hours free without risk of interruption lol.
My big question is for EMG's TrigMasturbation... this might be bias from the Virtual Hypnotist version of this file but... are we actually supposed to start masturbating during the file itself or just listening? I'm not sure because right now I'm only going into light trances at best and I don't want to jerk my way out of it (literally). Thanks for any help that can be provided!