Same complaint as others: NO results!

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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Same complaint as others: NO results!

Postby Roarrr » August 17th, 2009, 1:06 am

I have no problem listening without distractions but with no effect!
I'm perfectly comfortable and secure with hypnosis, no hangups about the scripts, have been hypnotized before with a good post hypnotic suggestion by a professional but just can't get there here.
any ideas?
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Postby zapnosis » August 19th, 2009, 11:21 am

My advice is to practice with what does work... go back to the hypnotist whos style worked for you.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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can't get down

Postby Roarrr » August 19th, 2009, 11:19 pm

that was a decade ago :?
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Postby Jeshi » August 20th, 2009, 9:13 pm

UGH, Another topic complaining about their own personal issues with files that doesn't give many details IN GENERAL HYPNOSIS.

If you need help with files put the topic in help with files.

You really haven't given any details, what files were you trying? how often did you try them?

It might be that you either didn't listen to a file or enough or the file itself was broken.
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Postby Roarrr » August 20th, 2009, 11:39 pm

Well negative asshole I did't refer to a specific script because I haven't been able to become hypnotized in ANY of the many ones I've tried. If you feel that you might be able to help but need more information, ASK rather than just make ugly comments that are of no use!
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Postby FloridaPuppy » August 21st, 2009, 11:03 am

Roarrr wrote:Well negative asshole I did't refer to a specific script because I haven't been able to become hypnotized in ANY of the many ones I've tried. If you feel that you might be able to help but need more information, ASK rather than just make ugly comments that are of no use!

Well newbie, you are one of hundreds of other newbies that stumbles into people who know hypnosis and expects everyone to do all the work for you while looking in all the wrong places. If you can't manage to find the right forum while not being able to manage giving any details whatsoever about what your interests are, what you have been trying, what you are hoping will happen, how you have been trying it, so on and so forth.... why should we fall all over ourselves to help you? Even when it was pointed out that you gave no information, you still posted about your problem with no information.
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Postby Roarrr » August 21st, 2009, 12:29 pm

I saw a blank page and responding in a like manner to the previous poster, I don't recall seeing any instructions to post the list you want, If you were a bit less hostile, you would have asked for the information rather than just negatively responded.
I DID offer my responses to what I see as the typical problems and that there was something else interfering.
Now, If you feel that you may be able to help me attain a trance state, request what you feel you can use to that end.
I didn't come here to put the system down but to learn what to do.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » August 21st, 2009, 9:11 pm

Roarrr wrote:I didn't come here to put the system down but to learn what to do.

There was an old man sitting on his porch watching the rain fall. Pretty soon the water was coming over the porch and into the house.

The old man was still sitting there when a rescue boat came and the people on board said, "You can't stay here you have to come with us."

The old man replied, "No, God will save me." So the boat left. A little while later the water was up to the second floor, and another rescue boat came, and again told the old man he had to come with them.

The old man again replied, "God will save me." So the boat left him again.

An hour later the water was up to the roof and a third rescue boat approached the old man, and tried to get him to come with them.

Again the old man refused to leave stating that, "God will save him." So the boat left him again.

Soon after, the man drowns and goes to heaven, and when he sees God he asks him, "Why didn't you save me?"

God replied, "You dummy! I tried. I sent three boats after you!!"

You have been told what to do by two different people.
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Postby zapnosis » August 22nd, 2009, 3:53 am

Chill, Winstaaan...

Roarrr, please appreciate that quite often file authors have to deal with complaints and demands from people who came to this site expecting too much and then got bored when they realised that they would actually have to put some effort in. Such people often show no gratitude for the hours of work put in and generally act like they deserved better when in fact they didn't even deserve what they got. Those complaints and demands are not just frustrating, they are insulting.

I'm NOT saying that's you. I think what the guys are looking for is some sign that you are willing to put some effort in to make the files on here work, like we already have, because a hell of a lot of people don't.

All that being said...
Roarrr, what kind of effects are you looking for? I mean, are you trying self-help, feminisation, what? And which authors have you tried, please? With this information I may be able to give you some more useful advice.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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GREAT! I have listened to at least a dozen scripts---

Postby Roarrr » August 22nd, 2009, 11:23 pm

Most several times. As an example, there is one that says I'll have erotic dreams, THAT should be achievable, not requiring genetic modifications etc.
I am able to stay on the speakers without mentally wandering onto other thoughts. I feel that I am as relaxed as is possable --perhaps with hypnosis one could also slow their heart down or some other affect indicating being MORE relaxed but I'm relaxed enough that I often drift off to sleep.
I AM unclear with a common statement that for instance I can't open my eyes that conflicts with the alternative statement that one is always able to be in control or that one can not do so IF ONE CHOOSES TO BE UNABLE !
I can't understand the lack of conflict in these two. Either I can or I can't open my eyes!
I don't know what else I can offer but please ask questions if you feel they will help.
and thanks for the civility
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 22nd, 2009, 11:38 pm

Roarrr - as opinion, I believe you're closer to the trance you want than you realize.

    Your Forum Posting says: I am able to stay on the speakers (voice) without mentally wandering onto other thoughts.
That wandering? Wandering onto other thoughts? That's trance.

It's exactly what you want!

It's unimportant whether the drifting off is like dreaming or simply remembering an item you want to add to the shopping list.

The wandering of your thoughts is a confirmation. It confirms your subconscious mind is reaching out to consciousness. It's a confirmation you can recognize as a gift your subconscious has offered you.

When it happens again - and it will - welcome it.

Sometimes, that's all the confirmation you need.
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Postby ftslave67 » August 23rd, 2009, 12:56 pm

Roarr--I agree with MNFriendlyGuy--I think you are very close. Sometimes, you can overthink these things; maybe you are a more analytical person that would welcome a more indirect approach? Try some of the NLP files, maybe--like Blink's induction & Good Boy files? There are also some files specifically created for more analytical types. Hope you find one that works for you.

As far as the "you feel like you can't open your eyes" suggestion--I would advise "fake it til you make it"? Just pretend--imagine the feeling that your eyes are heavy, getting heavier. Not everything works for every individual--I'm not a big fan of the "arm raising" deepener because I'm too conscious of my muscle movements/weight of my arms. But I go along with it and it seems to work out in the end.

And even if it doesn't "work", you can still just relax & enjoy listening. Maybe you'll even forget about it & you'll be surprised sometime.

The erotic dreams file worked for me, once, but doesn't always. But people don't always remember their dreams, do they, so how do you know.
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Postby zapnosis » August 24th, 2009, 10:37 am

ftslave67 wrote:As far as the "you feel like you can't open your eyes" suggestion--I would advise "fake it til you make it"? Just pretend--imagine the feeling that your eyes are heavy, getting heavier. Not everything works for every individual--I'm not a big fan of the "arm raising" deepener because I'm too conscious of my muscle movements/weight of my arms. But I go along with it and it seems to work out in the end.

Good advice. I've found it best actively to play along sometimes, it can get you over hurdles, but if you feel too relaxed to bother then don't... save it for another time.

Dreams are funny things. It seems to make sense that hypnosis could make serious differences to your dreams, but sometimes the mind is fickle like that. If it doesn't happen, it may not be due to problems with trancing. Some minds just don't do it that way.

Re: analytical minds, you might want to try a "confusion induction" if you haven't already.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby Roarrr » August 25th, 2009, 11:33 pm

Thanks all! Yes! I am the analytical type, been a standards and space shuttle engineer which doesn't have any room for how you feel about things--"just the facts man" I have had to pick around the scripts to find those that arn't irrational. When I hear now you COULD open your eyes but you can't because you don't want to a big horn goes off! HUH??!
I do play some of the scripts while doing something else on the idea that my subconsious will be hearing it but haven't seen any results yet. When I mention going off topicmI mean recalling that I have a paint brush full of wet varnish that I better get to or it'll dry hard! or something like that totally off topic.
I've gotten to the point that I can not do that and just attend to the speaker.
My expectations are probably too stringent: I expect to actually become addicted to something-- at least for a while or have continually or even ONE erotic dream that I'm aware of!
I think I DO attain a trance state when I get into a 'daydream' kind of situation where I'm really in the situation and can manipulate what I'm doing in the situation such as going back to when I was 15, kinda reliving it as I would knowing what I do now. ~~
In any case, I'll keep listening to see if I can get some results!
Always looking for a better way!
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Postby zapnosis » August 26th, 2009, 4:46 am

You should create a file. Seriously. From what you've said, you have the kind of attention to detail that would really pay off and help other people like you. I know what you mean about conflicting suggestions... that always nags me. As a file author, I've found it a real challenge to repeat a suggestion in different words while maintaining clarity.

I'd recommend playing around with brainwave beats - they can help to slow the mind and you can't over-analyse them. Oh and you can add them to any voice-only file with a program like Audacity (freeware from very easily. I have some experience in this, so let me know if you want more info.

Oh and if you're into femdom let me know... I can point you in the direction of some very good stuff - some free, some reasonably-priced.

Best of luck
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
Posts: 267
Joined: December 30th, 2006, 1:00 am

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