What tf works ?

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What tf works ?

Postby KHKYLE » August 26th, 2009, 7:54 am

I got problems with the tf hypnosis.
I can,t get it to work.

Somebody know wich one is working ?
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Joined: July 11th, 2009, 12:00 am

Re: What tf works ?

Postby Score_Under » August 28th, 2009, 9:44 am

KHKYLE wrote:Somebody know which one is working?

For me, none. For others, though, it seems almost every file works.

I don't know. I'm just hoping for a miracle (with regard to my aptitude in being hypnotized) in maybe a year or so. :lol:
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Postby DKaiser » August 29th, 2009, 9:53 am

Long theory wall of text:
Transformation is often considered one of the hardest forms of hypnosis(on this site, at least). Action modifying(like TrigFreeze) is rather simple, because you are already capable of doing it, and just need a suggestion to perform that specific action. Our behavior adapts to environmental suggestions all the time, so using hypnotic ones for behavioral change isn't overly hard(if slightly time consuming for permanent effects).
However, Transformation is a different matter. You need to fool all of your senses(primarily touch and sight), while leaving your mental state intact. Generally, this causes conflicts, as your mind will insist that you are human, regardless of what the file says, and thus reduce the effectiveness of the suggestions.
When working with a client, I found that continual application of transformation files prompted changes in how he felt his body, letting him feel a tail, ears, and so forth, but he couldn't actually see the changes. The body tends to instinctively trust sight more, and doesn't like things interfering with it as much as it accepts feel being manipulated(as that happens all the time, try feeling stuff with your arm or foot asleep next time).
Continuing on that theory, we have a few answers:
1. Insert some memory to negate that "I'm Human" response.
2. Run the hypnosis through a master/dominant viewpoint, to weaken resistance.
3. Continually bombard the mind with a TF file until it gives up.
The third is what most people try, and if you look at the comments for TF files, you'll see that it's only effective among good trancers. Since your comments suggest you're not, that method won't work here.
The second only works well if you have submissive tendencies, but if you do, any files that negate resistance, remove memory of the trance, and so forth will do. Even though your mind will remember being human, you will have that submissive "need" to live up to the suggestions, and thus override the usual reaction.
The first is what I deal in, and there's a few options there. Some furries like the idea of a total memory conversion, where they remember their entire life as being the target creature. This can be a bit tricky, but the person has little fear of the effect "timing out", since once those memories are in place, the mind will help you keep up that effect.
Alternatively, you could try putting in a memory of the transformation being something natural, a memory where the subject recalls changing into the target creature, while attaching that memory to good feelings and enjoyment, so that they latch on to the transformation, but still remember being human.

If this only managed to thoroughly confuse you, then PM me with your questions. Likewise, if you're interested in some more specific effects, then ask me, as a specific file will work much better than a broad one like TrigMorph, or other master TF files.
Last edited by DKaiser on September 1st, 2009, 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Score_Under » September 1st, 2009, 9:01 am

DKaiser wrote:Transformation is often considered one of the hardest forms of TF(on this site, at least).

Or rather, one of the hardest forms of hypnosis, maybe?

Also, as for your 1-2-3, I think only 3 is really suitable for most - 1 sounds like it would only work as permanent (and you might refer to yourself in odd ways to members of the public...), 2 sounds like it would work but only for those that roll that way (It's like my exact opposite or something), and 3 may take a lot of time but if it works, then I'd consider it worth the effort.
Posts: 42
Joined: April 21st, 2009, 12:00 am

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