Addicted to Spookyloc

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Addicted to Spookyloc

Postby banghead » September 10th, 2009, 12:24 pm

I've only been listening to him for a couple of days, but I've downloaded all 3 of the files that he has up that apply to me. (Not the one he has for women, only.) I've listened to all of them pretty much nonstop. No hypnosis has ever had this effect on me before. I really can't remember the contents of one of them when it isn't on. (SL Slave You) I just need to listen to it again and again, but I lose track of time when it is on, and I lose track of where I am in the file.

I think that I am going to be listening to these files anytime that I have time. I've put them on my mp3 player so that I can get away from the computer and get some work done, but I think that I will listen to them nonstop whenever I am at home. I enjoy his voice so much, and it so nice and easy to obey him. It makes me happy and calm and relaxed.
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Follow up...

Postby banghead » September 15th, 2009, 7:02 am

Edited. See my final comment in this thread.
Last edited by banghead on September 21st, 2009, 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Flow123 » September 15th, 2009, 7:08 am

... :) wow. Glad to hear you enjoy it.
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Postby Jeshi » September 15th, 2009, 5:53 pm

His files ARE very very good, and while I want to listen to all his files they have suggestions to contact him in some of them and those are some of the commands that my brain tends to reject, probably because I don't feel comfortable getting in contact with people on an erotic website XD, especially not to the point that I'm enslaved to somebody I've never met in person.

But I do listen to Relaxation surprised a lot since it's very good and fun but doesn't have suggestions to contact SL or be his slave when not in trance.

I remember when I was first searching through relaxation surprised to find out what the surprise was without listening to it, I ended up falling into trance even though I skipped the induction and half the deepener, his voice and files are just that relaxing. And I still don't remember what the surprised is XD.
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Abandon ship!

Postby banghead » September 21st, 2009, 10:15 pm

I knew that he was young, but I thought he was in his 20's.

Turns out that Spookyloc is underage.

Funny how fast hypnosis wears off when it needs to!

Giving a warning shout out to all concerned.
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Re: Abandon ship!

Postby Jeshi » September 22nd, 2009, 5:30 pm

banghead wrote:I knew that he was young, but I thought he was in his 20's.

Turns out that Spookyloc is underage.

Funny how fast hypnosis wears off when it needs to!

Giving a warning shout out to all concerned.

BWAH?! SL is Underage?! Out of all the people on WMM SL would be one of the last people I'd guess to be underage.
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Postby banghead » September 22nd, 2009, 6:19 pm

I'm not going to drop docs here, but...

I googled the email address he gave me which lead to a twitter account, which led to a myspace. One of the friends of that account was another myspace page with a person who said he was 16 years old, living in muleshit texas. That person also identified themselves with the email address. His photos matched the photos in the IM account that SL had given me, and the Windows Live profile.

So, maybe it is all untrue and he really isn't 16. Some people have suggested that it might be an old page, but it had been logged into as of yesterday. Others suggested that he might just be pretending to be 16... but all his myspace friends are the same age. Maybe he was using someone elses photos on his IM account to keep from showing anyone what he really looks like. I'd be grateful to learn that this was a false alarm and that he is really the 21 year old that I thought he was... since then I wouldn't feel so terrible about having had erotic communications with a minor. Oh, Ick!
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Postby Blink » September 23rd, 2009, 4:28 pm

banghead wrote:I'd be grateful to learn that this was a false alarm and that he is really the 21 year old that I thought he was... since then I wouldn't feel so terrible about having had erotic communications with a minor. Oh, Ick!

A sexually precocious teenager is... pretty close to normal. Have you considered how creepy it is for an adult to be pretending he's underage on Myspace?

Let's be careful out there.

-- Blink
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Postby softy » September 24th, 2009, 3:53 am

'muleshit' texas?
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Postby Blink » September 24th, 2009, 5:22 am

softy wrote:'muleshit' texas?

I think I know this one. If you're in Halfway, head west until you leave Earth.

Either that or it's somewhere on the other side of BFE.
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