Feminization successes

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Feminization successes

Postby zion_r_liengod » September 22nd, 2009, 8:40 pm

Hello, one and all. I've recently decided that I want to become a female. Something that will be tough to pursue, however, I'm willing to endure it.

5 days ago, I picked up a file called "Go go Girl Bubble". A file by Catgirl, I believe. I listened to it once the first day. The very next day, not only did I listen to it again, I picked up the "Super Female Whammy" File. The next day, I listened to the two files again. No results, however, I'm a patient person. I didn't expect results so soon. The next day... I found myself having irresistable urges to crossdress. So I did. To avoid my family from seeing my female clothing ,I wore my male clothing over them. Smart, I thought. Throughout that day, I found myself being quite forgetful. Forgetting where I put a fork, mere seconds after putting it down. Those kinds of things are quite unlike me. Concerned, I talked to a friend. He told me it might be the suggestion for "Go Go Girl" So I dropped the GoGo Girl file. In place, I picked up "Train Hormone change". I listened to those two files. The next morning, I find myself completely unable to stop cross dressing. Feeling good, I simply changed clothes and went on with my day. Adding a new file to the arsenal... Calschastity. I listened to these three files, and ended the day.

Today, I wake up... without an erection. I always... ALWAYS wake up with an erection, I did not today. Happy with that, I found myself checking my chest... now, I'm 20 years old, 122 pounds, 5' 9" so I have a bony chest... however, I feel some squishiness... signs of breasts, I presume... So, I'm hit with two reasons to be happy today.

Any advice, suggestions, or comments would be appreciated
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Postby livelonger8 » September 23rd, 2009, 9:07 am

What other changes have you noticed? (Hormone-bound)
Also, try to learn more about the effects of oestrogen so you understand what changes should occur, for them to transpire. Female hormones secreted via the testes and/or brain should reduce your body hairs, increase scalp hair growth, make your skin smoother, widen your hips, increase nail growth and repair, breast growth and lactation, thin your waist, shrink your penis/testes, cause fuller lips, heighten your chest and should also propagate many other feminine-bound effects.
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Postby Alien4420 » September 23rd, 2009, 10:16 am

My advice would be to be sure you know what's in these files before you listen to them, because as I think you're discovering they can be very effective at modifying behavior and some behavioral changes, like dressing full time or acting feminine or being dumb, can have a serious impact on your life. I'm not trying to discourage you, just suggesting that you drive carefully, because whether they alter you a little bit at a time or produce a dramatic change, these files will change you, and it can be difficult or even impossible to reverse the changes -- the files make you want and enjoy them. Which makes them great, you'll love the effects. But by the same token, you have to be sure that the suggestions in a file won't hurt your job or your family. Some of us didn't take the warnings seriously when we first listened and have had to deal with some fairly major changes in our lives.
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Postby livelonger8 » September 23rd, 2009, 11:49 am

Alien4420 wrote:My advice would be to be sure you know what's in these files before you listen to them, because as I think you're discovering they can be very effective at modifying behavior and some behavioral changes, like dressing full time or acting feminine or being dumb, can have a serious impact on your life. I'm not trying to discourage you, just suggesting that you drive carefully, because whether they alter you a little bit at a time or produce a dramatic change, these files will change you, and it can be difficult or even impossible to reverse the changes -- the files make you want and enjoy them. Which makes them great, you'll love the effects. But by the same token, you have to be sure that the suggestions in a file won't hurt your job or your family. Some of us didn't take the warnings seriously when we first listened and have had to deal with some fairly major changes in our lives.

Any sources for these drastic/permanent changes?
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Postby Alien4420 » September 23rd, 2009, 12:43 pm

livelonger8 wrote:
Any sources for these drastic/permanent changes?

For me the big ones have been Curse Forced Gay and Curse Stroke Sissy, it's been six months since I first listened to Forced Gay and at this point I rarely even think about trying to turn straight again. Stroke Sissy is still in the balance, I first listened to it years ago and loved it, swore I'd never listen to a curse file again, but I keep getting sucked back in. I've gone a week without listening but it's the most addictive file I've ever used, I'll be dead-set against it and then walk over to the computer and put the headphones on. Other guys who have used it say it keeps doing that to you until a year later you're dressing full time.

Also, what happened in my case is that I listened to a bunch of feminization files over a period of several years -- Mistress Seductra, Mind Mistress, various things on this site. And they changed me bit by bit, made me want to be a shemale and got me interested in sucking cock. That led me to listen one day to Train Sex Men, which led me to listen to Curse Forced Gay, which got me thinking about Stroke Sissy again. So even the milder files or files that you listen to only a few times can end up having a major effect, because one file leads you into another.
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Postby livelonger8 » September 23rd, 2009, 4:52 pm

Alien4420 wrote:
livelonger8 wrote:
Any sources for these drastic/permanent changes?

For me the big ones have been Curse Forced Gay and Curse Stroke Sissy, it's been six months since I first listened to Forced Gay and at this point I rarely even think about trying to turn straight again. Stroke Sissy is still in the balance, I first listened to it years ago and loved it, swore I'd never listen to a curse file again, but I keep getting sucked back in. I've gone a week without listening but it's the most addictive file I've ever used, I'll be dead-set against it and then walk over to the computer and put the headphones on. Other guys who have used it say it keeps doing that to you until a year later you're dressing full time.

Also, what happened in my case is that I listened to a bunch of feminization files over a period of several years -- Mistress Seductra, Mind Mistress, various things on this site. And they changed me bit by bit, made me want to be a shemale and got me interested in sucking cock. That led me to listen one day to Train Sex Men, which led me to listen to Curse Forced Gay, which got me thinking about Stroke Sissy again. So even the milder files or files that you listen to only a few times can end up having a major effect, because one file leads you into another.

Wow! I know arousal files (e.g. animalistic lust, five minute orgasm and curse anal slut) have worked highly effective for me after falling into a trance via the same method I use to fall asleep (to just let go and allow my thoughts to spiral with images, sounds and intuitive thoughts occurring). However, none of this has went against your will? And furthermore, any other sources? And could hypnosis induce a desire too overwhelming to the conscious mind that it could create suicidal thoughts as a repercussion? (e.g. if a feminization desire had become a need to the point where they were willing to commit suicide over it?) Or would these desires be filtered by the unconscious mind if they were in conflict?
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Postby livelonger8 » September 23rd, 2009, 6:25 pm

... I've felt like my core self - the actual "you", or the "me" of my mind was female whilst the rest could have acted somewhat masculine. For instance, I don't recall wanting to play with dolls, although was attracted to bright colours such as pink and purple, and wearing anything feminine from my age group created an intense arousal (non-sexual), even at the age of 4.

I do recall wanting to be a girl several times before, perhaps when I was 4, 8 or 9, and had even planned on having sexual re-assignment surgery when I was 13 - once I understood that it was possible for male genitalia to be reconstructed into that of a female's, I wanted it. I also had no attraction towards females before I hit puberty - I had thought they were pretty but had also in turn, thought that it was disgusting to have a girlfriend.

On the contrary, I do recall saying "I love <insert boy's name here>", and had exhibited similar behaviour upon male's to that of a girl (e.g. I had cried and had behaved very emotional when I lost a mate or friend (male), and had mostly felt female around males). Later on however, my primary motive for wanting to be a female was for their capacity to attain prolonged and intense orgasms; I used to think, "Oh, well at least she has a female reproductive system", regardless of attraction or age.

Last year however, before I started listening to hypnosis, I had learned that it was possible to transition into a female via hormones, and that was something I had planned on doing at some point from the moment I learned this. I have also experienced spontaneous sexual attraction towards male's - I had consciously thought of a male's penis being disgusting, and had turned my head/eyes away from it when it was visible. Instinctively, the first time I masturbated, I had used my middle finger similar to how a girl fingers her labia - I had done this for a year until I learned that I was supposed to use the palm of my hand (this was also the most pleasurably intense method to orgasm for me).

One time however, in less than, or within a few seconds, I was immensely compelled to it (this was February 2006 - I didn't start listening to hypnosis until August last year (2008)) - I think this could be due to my genetics. It also wasn't until November/December last year that I had started to listen to feminization hypnosis; initially, I wanted to experience intense orgasms, but when I had learned that it could induce a hallucination where one perceives themselves to be a female, I had started to listen to hallucinogenic trances, and may have accidentally come across feminization trances during that period.

I had listened to these files 3 - 4 nights a week, and had went into an "off" period where I was distracted by something else (these periods lasted between weeks and a month). Towards April, I had noticed how my voice felt somewhat feminine and masculine; it would respond masculine in an aggressive situation and feminine (soft and light) in the presence of males. Few times it had appeared masculine whilst males were present, where had mostly appeared masculine when females were nearby.

I had also desires for purchasing lipstick - to experience the feeling of wearing it, although I still would have chosen to be female over being male (April this year). By mid-May, I had noticed how the skin around my breasts had gone soft and was lifted slightly, almost as if breasts had started to develop - this had produced a lot of confidence (I was depressed that night and over encumbered by other problems, but after I noticed this, I had felt great).

The night after, my friend had acquired an estrogen kit and had given me 5 estrogen pills. I had taken these by instinct without question, and -- within 2 nights, I was developing breasts, had felt very girlish, wonderful and overall, had created the best feeling I have ever experienced in my entire life. Shortly after the mental effects of estrogen worn off (2+ weeks after), when my body started producing testosterone again, I had started feeling depressed and was hoping that I'd be able to go through hormone replacement therapy.

Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to due to a counselling session I'm going through; I was told that I would be required to wait until this was finished and would also be subjected to psychotherapy - another year. My instincts however, are telling me to complete a transition before I'm 19 - to at least attain or pass a female figure.

As time passed by, I had started listening to feminization hypnosis again, and I think it may have reduced the amount of testosterone secreted; my cum had appeared very discrete to how it did before I took estrogen, and when I felt testosterone rush through again, it went back to normal. A month after this had occurred, the cum went back to how it was when I took estrogen.

Now however, I'm listening to feminization hypnosis on a weekly basis - 2-3 nights a week. My desire to become female has increased gradually since, and has now become too overwhelming.

I now feel that I'm female - my instincts are telling me that I'm female, in fact, I don't recognize myself as male - I am female. However, I have been experiencing a lot of depression from this, that has increased gradually. I am currently desperate to transition - for my body to be corrected. I've even considered, and have come close, and have been (and may still be) tempted to commit suicide in hope that I'd be reincarnated as a female; the absence of reproductive organs has also depressed me a lot.

I'm wondering if... by listening to those files, that I had realized my gender, and had recognized it more over time (my friend had also taken estrogen the same time as me but was able to tell themselves that they're male; they didn't want to be female but wanted to experience the effects of the hormone (a guy had also experienced a brain tumour last year that had caused his brain to produce abnormal amounts of estrogen, and despite its presence, converting his body into that of a female's, he still identified himself as a male)).

Sorry for the long post and lack of relevance towards the thread; I'm wondering if this was hypnotic suggestion or whether my mind had unsuppressed my hidden desire to transform my body into a female's at an early age to prevent social conflict (I do remember wanting to be a girl and feeling overwhelmed by it when I was 8 or 9). My self-image and internal voice has also been mostly feminine and very similar to that following the effects of estrogen.[/i]
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Postby Alien4420 » September 23rd, 2009, 8:35 pm

livelonger8 wrote:
Wow! I know arousal files (e.g. animalistic lust, five minute orgasm and curse anal slut) have worked highly effective for me after falling into a trance via the same method I use to fall asleep (to just let go and allow my thoughts to spiral with images, sounds and intuitive thoughts occurring). However, none of this has went against your will? And furthermore, any other sources? And could hypnosis induce a desire too overwhelming to the conscious mind that it could create suicidal thoughts as a repercussion? (e.g. if a feminization desire had become a need to the point where they were willing to commit suicide over it?) Or would these desires be filtered by the unconscious mind if they were in conflict?

I'd say, based on my own experience, what I've read, and what I've seen of the experiences of others on this site, that yes, hypnosis can go against your will, or rather change it. It's not 100% effective, though, that only happens in movies. You'll reject a suggestion if it bugs you too much, pop out of trance. Forex, some files have told me that I like to swallow cum, and since that's a health risk that I don't want to take, when I hear that suggestion, I wake up and reject it. Suggestions can also wear off/be thrown off depending on how often you've listened/outside influences/etc.

One way a hypnotist can get around this is by convincing the subject that something is true, rather than giving a direct suggestion. There are lots of other techniques as well, which are layered on in the curse files with remarkable effect. I've also found that files that use and change your sexuality are remarkably sticky.

I can't answer your question about suicide except to say that these files aren't designed to make you feel suicidal or unhappy, so I'm guessing that it would have to be an indirect consequence. But that's something to consider if someone is prone to depression or has had suicidal thoughts in the past. A file like this will create more than a need, it will create sexual desire, and that means that guys have given up their wives, families, and jobs to become gay or feminized. So you'll find a way to do it, and have to deal with the consequences. It's possible to get kind of frantic when you realize that you're trapped (or come to believe it, since the files plant that suggestion to discourage you from escaping).

So I think people should be very careful before they listen to these files, read the accounts of other guys who have used them and been changed by them and make sure they're OK with the consequences. Forex, if you become a full-time sissy, will you lose your job? Because under the influence of these files you won't sit around wishing you could be a woman, you'll become one, and then you'll have to face the consequences.
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Postby Alien4420 » September 23rd, 2009, 9:37 pm

livelonger8 wrote:
Sorry for the long post and lack of relevance towards the thread; I'm wondering if this was hypnotic suggestion or whether my mind had unsuppressed my hidden desire to transform my body into a female's at an early age to prevent social conflict (I do remember wanting to be a girl and feeling overwhelmed by it when I was 8 or 9). My self-image and internal voice has also been mostly feminine and very similar to that following the effects of estrogen.[/i]

I don't really know how to answer that, since hypnosis can free or reinforce existing desires, or create them. I can say though from personal experience that it produces significant change. I've never been a transsexual, in that I've never thought of myself as female. And I've never been effeminate, or interested in dressing, or had characteristically female interests. But I did have a sexual desire to have a woman's body, it wasn't my main sexuality but it was enough to lead me to dabble with hormones and even consider SRS. The feminization files I listened to gave me a desire to be a shemale rather than have SRS, that was I guess the first big change (I don't mean to insult transgendered women here by using that usually insulting term, I use it because for me it's just a question of sex rather than of gender identity). Then they got me interested in sucking cock. Finally, Stroke Sissy has given me a desire to dress and made me intermittently effeminate. All of these are big changes from the way I felt and in what turned me on. So while I can't say for sure whether the files resurrected repressed desires or created new ones, I can say that they've resulted in real changes and it doesn't surprise me that you've experienced changes as well from the files you've listened to.

By the way, I agree that you should start on hormones as soon as possible, while your body retains its teenage slimness and before your body hair and beard come in fully. The results will be very much better appearance and save you a lot of time and money on hair removal. If the psychologist won't recommend you for HRT right away, ask them to put you on a testosterone blocker. That will prevent you from becoming more masculine while the psychologists go through their pompous silly control freak thing. Also, I can't recommend self-medication with drugs that may be dangerous, but neither will I hide from you the possibility: look up the hormone do-it-yourselfer's group on Yahoo.
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Postby livelonger8 » September 24th, 2009, 2:13 am

Alien4420 wrote:
livelonger8 wrote:
Sorry for the long post and lack of relevance towards the thread; I'm wondering if this was hypnotic suggestion or whether my mind had unsuppressed my hidden desire to transform my body into a female's at an early age to prevent social conflict (I do remember wanting to be a girl and feeling overwhelmed by it when I was 8 or 9). My self-image and internal voice has also been mostly feminine and very similar to that following the effects of estrogen.[/i]

I don't really know how to answer that, since hypnosis can free or reinforce existing desires, or create them. I can say though from personal experience that it produces significant change. I've never been a transsexual, in that I've never thought of myself as female. And I've never been effeminate, or interested in dressing, or had characteristically female interests. But I did have a sexual desire to have a woman's body, it wasn't my main sexuality but it was enough to lead me to dabble with hormones and even consider SRS. The feminization files I listened to gave me a desire to be a shemale rather than have SRS, that was I guess the first big change (I don't mean to insult transgendered women here by using that usually insulting term, I use it because for me it's just a question of sex rather than of gender identity). Then they got me interested in sucking cock. Finally, Stroke Sissy has given me a desire to dress and made me intermittently effeminate. All of these are big changes from the way I felt and in what turned me on. So while I can't say for sure whether the files resurrected repressed desires or created new ones, I can say that they've resulted in real changes and it doesn't surprise me that you've experienced changes as well from the files you've listened to.

By the way, I agree that you should start on hormones as soon as possible, while your body retains its teenage slimness and before your body hair and beard come in fully. The results will be very much better appearance and save you a lot of time and money on hair removal. If the psychologist won't recommend you for HRT right away, ask them to put you on a testosterone blocker. That will prevent you from becoming more masculine while the psychologists go through their pompous silly control freak thing. Also, I can't recommend self-medication with drugs that may be dangerous, but neither will I hide from you the possibility: look up the hormone do-it-yourselfer's group on Yahoo.

Thanks for the advice! :D Unfortunately... I didn't start puberty (At least I think so anyway; I had no sexual attraction towards females until then) until I was 13, and had started growing facial hair when I was 16 - I took hormones this year (18 ). Hopefully I'll be able to get more hormones next month.
Last edited by livelonger8 on September 24th, 2009, 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby livelonger8 » September 24th, 2009, 2:19 am

Alien4420 wrote:
livelonger8 wrote:
Wow! I know arousal files (e.g. animalistic lust, five minute orgasm and curse anal slut) have worked highly effective for me after falling into a trance via the same method I use to fall asleep (to just let go and allow my thoughts to spiral with images, sounds and intuitive thoughts occurring). However, none of this has went against your will? And furthermore, any other sources? And could hypnosis induce a desire too overwhelming to the conscious mind that it could create suicidal thoughts as a repercussion? (e.g. if a feminization desire had become a need to the point where they were willing to commit suicide over it?) Or would these desires be filtered by the unconscious mind if they were in conflict?

I'd say, based on my own experience, what I've read, and what I've seen of the experiences of others on this site, that yes, hypnosis can go against your will, or rather change it. It's not 100% effective, though, that only happens in movies. You'll reject a suggestion if it bugs you too much, pop out of trance. Forex, some files have told me that I like to swallow cum, and since that's a health risk that I don't want to take, when I hear that suggestion, I wake up and reject it. Suggestions can also wear off/be thrown off depending on how often you've listened/outside influences/etc.

One way a hypnotist can get around this is by convincing the subject that something is true, rather than giving a direct suggestion. There are lots of other techniques as well, which are layered on in the curse files with remarkable effect. I've also found that files that use and change your sexuality are remarkably sticky.

I can't answer your question about suicide except to say that these files aren't designed to make you feel suicidal or unhappy, so I'm guessing that it would have to be an indirect consequence. But that's something to consider if someone is prone to depression or has had suicidal thoughts in the past. A file like this will create more than a need, it will create sexual desire, and that means that guys have given up their wives, families, and jobs to become gay or feminized. So you'll find a way to do it, and have to deal with the consequences. It's possible to get kind of frantic when you realize that you're trapped (or come to believe it, since the files plant that suggestion to discourage you from escaping).

So I think people should be very careful before they listen to these files, read the accounts of other guys who have used them and been changed by them and make sure they're OK with the consequences. Forex, if you become a full-time sissy, will you lose your job? Because under the influence of these files you won't sit around wishing you could be a woman, you'll become one, and then you'll have to face the consequences.

Thanks again! :D I think suggestions that have a negative repercussion are rejected; from my experience, the 5 minute orgasm file was rejected several times potentially due to its capability for having me scream! That's definitely something I wouldn't want anyone in this house hearing, so I guess my unconscious mind must have occluded the trigger and suggestion from occurring.
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Postby Alien4420 » September 24th, 2009, 5:49 am

livelonger8 wrote:Thanks for the advice! :D Unfortunately... I didn't start puberty (At least I think so anyway; I had no sexual attraction towards females until then) until I was 13, and had started growing facial hair when I was 16 - I took hormones this year (18 ). Hopefully I'll be able to get more hormones next month.

You should still have good results at 18. Facial and body hair can always be removed, it's just a matter of time and expense.
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Postby Alien4420 » September 24th, 2009, 5:58 am

livelonger8 wrote:Thanks again! :D I think suggestions that have a negative repercussion are rejected; from my experience, the 5 minute orgasm file was rejected several times potentially due to its capability for having me scream! That's definitely something I wouldn't want anyone in this house hearing, so I guess my unconscious mind must have occluded the trigger and suggestion from occurring.


BTW, five minute orgasms may just be impossible with a masculine hormone balance, a lot of this stuff is carried over from our days as fish and occurs in the spinal column.

Anyway, I've found that suggestions that have negative repercussions can take hold if the repercussions aren't extremely serious, or part of you really wants the suggestion, or you listen repeatedly. Which the curse files make you do. Which I mention just so you don't make the mistake I made of saying "Oh, I an throw this off" or "I can fix this later," because it isn't always true. I mean, these files have made people leave their wives and girlfriends, they really have to be taken seriously and used only if you can live with the results.
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Postby livelonger8 » September 25th, 2009, 6:45 pm

Alien4420 wrote:
livelonger8 wrote:Thanks again! :D I think suggestions that have a negative repercussion are rejected; from my experience, the 5 minute orgasm file was rejected several times potentially due to its capability for having me scream! That's definitely something I wouldn't want anyone in this house hearing, so I guess my unconscious mind must have occluded the trigger and suggestion from occurring.


BTW, five minute orgasms may just be impossible with a masculine hormone balance, a lot of this stuff is carried over from our days as fish and occurs in the spinal column.

Anyway, I've found that suggestions that have negative repercussions can take hold if the repercussions aren't extremely serious, or part of you really wants the suggestion, or you listen repeatedly. Which the curse files make you do. Which I mention just so you don't make the mistake I made of saying "Oh, I an throw this off" or "I can fix this later," because it isn't always true. I mean, these files have made people leave their wives and girlfriends, they really have to be taken seriously and used only if you can live with the results.

Hehe, they were fun when they worked though! :O (well, they didn't last 5 minutes but had occurred for 3 minutes and increasing in their capacity! (very intense, almost left me screaming in pleasure!) - but I don't think these orgasms where physiological responses but rather a hallucinogenic response.

In the absence of listening to hypnosis for a month or longer, could suggestions comprising of negative reactions be occluded through our unconscious mind? (i.e. given enough time and if hypnosis isn't interpolating it during the when we're not using it, shouldn't our unconscious mind be capable of removing them?) I've noticed how my unconscious mind seems to obstruct negative thinking if the emotional response is severe; i.e. if certain thoughts or perspectives had led to depression, furthermore increasing the likelihood of suicide. I assumed that it should reset our instinctual response if the conflict is too negative (similar to how it resets the emotional brain).

I'm amazed at the effectiveness of hypnosis; I never knew anything about it before last year, and was still skeptical of its potential. I thought the most it could induce were mere transient hallucinations.
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Postby Alien4420 » September 26th, 2009, 1:36 pm

livelonger8 wrote:Hehe, they were fun when they worked though! :O (well, they didn't last 5 minutes but had occurred for 3 minutes and increasing in their capacity! (very intense, almost left me screaming in pleasure!) - but I don't think these orgasms where physiological responses but rather a hallucinogenic response.

In the absence of listening to hypnosis for a month or longer, could suggestions comprising of negative reactions be occluded through our unconscious mind? (i.e. given enough time and if hypnosis isn't interpolating it during the when we're not using it, shouldn't our unconscious mind be capable of removing them?) I've noticed how my unconscious mind seems to obstruct negative thinking if the emotional response is severe; i.e. if certain thoughts or perspectives had led to depression, furthermore increasing the likelihood of suicide. I assumed that it should reset our instinctual response if the conflict is too negative (similar to how it resets the emotional brain).

I'm amazed at the effectiveness of hypnosis; I never knew anything about it before last year, and was still skeptical of its potential. I thought the most it could induce were mere transient hallucinations.

Hmmm . . . maybe I was hasty about that orgasm file . . . I'm thinking I should try it -- for research purposes of course, LOL . . .

Anyway, my sense is that we don't have a very accurate understanding of the precise roll of the unconscious mind. Freud's model -- ego, libido, superego -- which is in elaboration of the earlier theory, appetite and will -- is functional but coarse, and the information from brain imaging and other modern research, while impressive, is still too fragmentary to yet provide a comprehensive understanding. So I won't speculate on which part of the mind is responsible for what. But I have noticed and read about phenomena similar to what you describe. The mind will tend to reject things that it believes are seriously dangerous to us. And in the absence of reinforcement, hypnotic suggestions do tend to wear off with time. Negative experience can also cause the mind to repress (Freud's term) the behaviors that caused that behavior.

I think that hypnosis tends to bypass the mechanisms that protect us from remembered harm, in fact trance seems to consist of disabling the mechanism that does that. It's as if you turned off your antivirus utility and left your computer open to any program that happened to come along, malicious or not. And then, once the change has been made, experience and suggestion will tend to reinforce it or reverse it. I sense this going on all the time now, because these sissification files produce in me a strong desire to sissify myself, and then the next day I look in the mirror and say "Hey, I can't do that," and I start to bury (repress) the effects of the sissification files . . . and then I get horny and listen to the files again, and I'm back to wanting to do it.

I've also had some experience of my subconscious burying things that made me feel suicidal, that wasn't hypnosis but a couple of times I've opened up painful maternal abandonment stuff from my early childhood and both times I ended up feeling suicidal, and when that happened yeah, my brain protected me by burying the stuff again . . .
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