Every Good Boy

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Every Good Boy

Postby Duckypin » September 26th, 2009, 7:28 am

Thanks for another great diaper file. I like the manta like quality of the file. You have great images and led me deeper and deeper into the heart of my need to wear my diapers. I want to be a good boy! Thanks, Duckypin
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Postby LilJennie » September 28th, 2009, 4:27 pm

Sounds like a wonderful file! Is there any chance of an "Every Good Girl Wears Diapers" version?
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Postby sarnoga » September 28th, 2009, 6:43 pm

LilJennie wrote:Sounds like a wonderful file! Is there any chance of an "Every Good Girl Wears Diapers" version?

Sorry LilJennie, I didn't know girls wore diapers. I'll give it some thought but I'm not sure I know enough about girls to pull it off. Would you care to suggest the appropriate modifications to the script?

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alternative idea

Postby Duckypin » September 29th, 2009, 6:02 am

Hi Sarnoga,
Thanks for the great file. I am enjoying it. Sometimes, however, I wonder about myself as the good boy. I wonder about a reverse file, the good boy kept his underwear clean, the good boy had safe and respectful habits in the potty, the good boy did not have accidents. Realizing that this may turn to a curse file that makes the baby boy accept the consequences of his failure to be a good boy-diapers with full use and no return to big boy underpants.
Just a thought,
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Postby LilJennie » September 29th, 2009, 11:51 am

sarnoga wrote:
LilJennie wrote:Sounds like a wonderful file! Is there any chance of an "Every Good Girl Wears Diapers" version?

Sorry LilJennie, I didn't know girls wore diapers. I'll give it some thought but I'm not sure I know enough about girls to pull it off. Would you care to suggest the appropriate modifications to the script?


Well I'm not a girl physically, but inside I feel like I am a little girl. I'm just asking on behalf of everyone who likes diapers and either is female (there are a lot of women who like diapers, just not as many as men) or identifies as female (transgendered males, for example).

I have not looked at the script (yet), but I could make some suggestions once I get a chance to. I doubt it would have to be changed radically.

addition: Well, now that I have listened to the body of it, the changes that would be required are more complex than I'd originally thought. I'm not sure I can do this. I think you're right -- it would probably require the input of somebody who grew up female to adapt it properly, and it probably wouldn't be as useful for those like me (biologically male but identifying as female) as I had previously thought.
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Postby sarnoga » September 29th, 2009, 6:55 pm

Thanks for understanding, LilJennie. I was reluctant to try what you suggested for just that reason. It would be dangerous for me to tread too far into areas I don't understand without first doing significant research. By dangerous I mean too likely for me to flub it up and create an inferior file.

Sorry I couldn't be more help. Maybe I will think of a way sometime in the future to make a file that would appeal more directly to you or someone in your position. I guess that one just wasn't it.

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Postby LilJennie » October 2nd, 2009, 11:33 am

I was all ready to help you out, too, but oh well. I understand; if I made files I would want them to be the best I could make them too. But thank you for even thinking about how one would go about it, even if it turned out to be more complicated than it initially would seem.
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