Do your prefer a male or female hypnotist?

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Do your prefer a male or female hypnotist?

Postby taintedx » February 12th, 2009, 9:13 am

Howdy all,

I'm rather new to this site (although not to the fetish[s]), and I'm guessing this topic has been brought up before, but I couldn't find anything on it using the search engine, so here it is: Do you prefer a male or female hypnotist, or are both equally arousing? I assume it's linked directly to your sexual preference (if girls turn you on, you want a girl to hypnotize you, if it's guys that float your boat, you want a guy, and bi's are blessed to enjoy both). But I suppose the nature of the fantasy may also be a factor. If you are a straight male with a forced to be gay fetish, you may want it to be a guy doing it to you.

Anyway, the reason I'm asking is I recently got involved with a small production studio that focuses primarily on fetish material, and we've decided to get our feet wet on this site by recording some free files and seeing how it goes. We have both male and female performers, so knowing the gender you prefer as well as the corresponding fetish [they do mild and general fantasies, but they brought me in as a writer because of my reputation for twisted and extreme humiliation scripts--so there's a wide range] will help in deciding what we do with the first few recordings.

Thank you for your time, and now I'll take the Mad Hatter's advice for telling a story: "Begin at the beginning, and when you come to the end...stop."

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Postby MacGyver » February 12th, 2009, 9:48 am

myself, i prefer a female voice. i can trance with a male voice, just not as easily. then again, i am a guy and a female voice is a bit of a turn on for me when it comes to the files. it also helps me if there is a slight echo to the voice and maybe some kind of background music or noise.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 12th, 2009, 10:33 am

Thanks for your posting, taintedx - your first.

You asked: Do you prefer a male or female hypnotist, or are both equally arousing?

Because I'm one of the lucky ones who's both a subject and a hypnotist, this response has two parts, answering from both perspectives.

    In the role of subject, I prefer hearing a male voice. Yes, this preference is probably based on my sexuality. And the preference holds true, regardless of whether the trance is recreational (arousing).
    In the role of hypnotist, I've formed an opinion that there's a large group of males who prefer hearing female voices, especially if she uses a dominent inflection. It's my guess that the size of this group proportionately correlates the group size for male hypnotists who prefer compliant females - also large.
Additional Thought:

- It's unnecessary to make an "either/or" decision; one or the other. The recording studio's access to both female & male performers makes it possible to use both female and male voices within a single recording.
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Postby zapnosis » February 12th, 2009, 11:41 am

Generally I prefer a female voice, reflecting my sexuality, but in a particular context that would change - e.g. as a guy, it would be strange to have a female hypnotist trying to force me to become gay. The context should match the content. Then again, I often think that technique is more important than the right voice.

As to subject matter general D/s hypnosis is likely to go down well, training the mind or experiencing a fantasy, but many start off with a simple induction and wakener file to test the water. Of course there are all sorts of ideas under "voting" on the menu.

"Twisted and extreme humiliation", eh? Sounds interesting... Welcome to the site! :D
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Postby hypnointerest » February 12th, 2009, 12:41 pm

Feminine voices for convincing me to do things I am inhibited about,
male voices for reinforcing self-confidence and the like.

And just a note, the whole forced gay thing is funny to me. It's not really forced at all in most cases. The subject is interested in gay activities or has gay tendencies and they want a female there to prove to themselves that they aren't "really" doing it themselves, they are being "forced".
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 12th, 2009, 1:25 pm


hypnointerest wrote: ...And just a note, the whole forced gay thing is funny to me...
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Postby whatthe75 » February 12th, 2009, 2:05 pm

I have no preference - it just depends on how good their voice tone and control is.
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Postby Kenn » February 13th, 2009, 11:23 am

To me it really depends on how soothing their voice is rather than wether it sounds male or female. But then again, I'm one of those 'blessed' bi's so that could explain why.
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Postby Fixx » February 13th, 2009, 3:41 pm

Other things being equal, I usually prefer female.
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Postby KatTF » February 13th, 2009, 8:59 pm

I tend to favor both, but slight preference towards female.
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Postby lettuce » February 15th, 2009, 2:50 pm

Despite being a (mostly) straight male, I prefer male voices. My views of it is that I seek relaxation rather than arousal when going into trance, so all that really matters is how relaxing the voice is. And personally I find male voices more relaxing than female voices, probably due to being lower pitched.
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Postby homerj1620 » February 15th, 2009, 4:20 pm

female. I find it very difficult to trance to male voices.
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Postby nadinouli » February 16th, 2009, 11:20 pm

I dont have a problem with either
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Postby Jacoburline » February 16th, 2009, 11:43 pm

I think that the subject will probably generally have a preference toward the gender he or she is attracted to--particularly with erotic hypnosis. For me, that would be a female voice, so I find that I prefer a female voice.

This would ultimately be because the subject associates the voice with the pleasure of that attraction. In the same way that looking at an attractive person is its own reward, hearing a voice that you find attractive is also its own reward.

And, naturally, the gender you're attracted to will be able to arouse you in erotic hypnosis more easily.
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Postby pokmin » February 18th, 2009, 5:05 am

personally i prefer female, and i know it's based on my sexuality.

Female voices in general tend to be more calming to me, so they really bring me down into trance much easier then male voices. however one exception is Cardigan, his voice just makes it so easy to go into trance.
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Postby groomlakeguy » February 23rd, 2009, 5:37 pm

I'm a straight guy, and hypnosis is too sexual to me for it to work with anything but a female voice. Not all female voices either, mind you. If they're dominant, they just don't work. I like them slow, positive and soft, more contemplative than commanding. They're extremely rare. I've only found a couple.
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Postby Eskie » February 27th, 2009, 11:49 pm

Some female hypnotists speak too quickly, and this can make it more difficult to slow a cuckold's brainwaves down to 3-8 hz. It is critical to stop all beta brainwaves so the conscious mind does not interfere.

But generally, it is (always much better) for a man to (submit his mind) to a woman COMPLETELY so she can make the adjustments required in the cuckold contract he has put his agreeing signature to.
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Postby Lobotaru » March 1st, 2009, 8:43 am

For me its much easier to trance to a woman's voice. I've done it a few times listening to a male voice, but a female voice is just a lot better to me.
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Postby diapers_forever » March 2nd, 2009, 7:49 pm

I haven't heard enough girls, in all honesty. I find background sounds and the like more important.
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Postby C87 » March 8th, 2009, 6:12 am

Anyone able to make a small list of some of the female authers with many files by them?

A little bit of everything
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Postby Alien4420 » March 26th, 2009, 12:52 pm

In general hypnosis, the style of the hypnotist and the nature of the suggestions seem to matter to me more than the gender. In my limited experience, though, male hypnotists have been more likely to make suggestions that are conceptual and logical, which is what I find most conducive to a trance since it's the way I think, rather than concrete and reliant on visualization.

I've also responded strongly to the suggestions of both men and women in hypnofetish settings, but I've never heard a male do an erotic visualization scenario, so I can't make a solid comparison in that case. I did listen to a Mind Mistress CD in which she created a scenario involving sex with men, and found it effective. She just did it from a third person perspective. And I was a woman for the ride, which worked as well.
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Postby Alien4420 » March 26th, 2009, 2:19 pm

hypnointerest wrote:And just a note, the whole forced gay thing is funny to me. It's not really forced at all in most cases. The subject is interested in gay activities or has gay tendencies and they want a female there to prove to themselves that they aren't "really" doing it themselves, they are being "forced".

I think one exception to this is when you have an erotic attraction to being made to do something that you wouldn't ordinarily want to do. For example, a hypnodomme once made me rub soap on myself while I masturbated. I wasn't into rubbing soap on myself, but I did want to be controlled by the hypnodomme, or I wouldn't have listened to the file in the first place.

I'm not sure how far a hypnotist can go in doing something like turning you gay in the absence of an existing tendency. Which kind of interests me right now because I listened to CurseForcedGay yesterday! But I tend to think that most of us have repressed sexual desires which a hypnotist can release if we aren't so dead set against it that we reject the suggestion. And I think that a hypnotist can create new desires in a willing subject, just as life can, once he's gained access to the subconscious, where these desires live and are repressed or unrepressed by the brain in response to experience and influence. So while I think it's possible that some people may be using hypnosis as an excuse to do something they really wanted to do anyway, I tend to think that in other cases there's more to it than that.
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Postby amarino » October 7th, 2009, 6:21 pm

I don't really see how one could "force" someone to change their sexual orientation. I do think that it could help unlock suppressed desires though.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 7th, 2009, 6:36 pm

amarino wrote:I don't really see how one could "force" someone to change their sexual orientation. I do think that it could help unlock suppressed desires though.

Some six months after I made that post, I'm convinced that one can, provided of course that they're reasonably hypnotizable and agree to go under.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 7th, 2009, 6:38 pm

amarino wrote:I don't really see how one could "force" someone to change their sexual orientation. I do think that it could help unlock suppressed desires though.

Some six months after I made that post and my first listen to Curse Forced Gay, I'm now convinced that one can, provided that they're reasonably suggestible, agree to go under, and don't have such a strong objection to homosexuality that they reject the suggestion and come out of trance.
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Postby amarino » October 7th, 2009, 7:22 pm

On what grounds? Did you "turn gay"?

Or did it simply help you accept that you are at least partially attracted to males?
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Postby vassy » October 7th, 2009, 8:29 pm

Honestly lots of the guy's voices here are waaay to nasaly for my taste. I'd like to think that my Hypnotist is at least someone sexy. But the files I seem to end up listening are all guys. I don't make any concious effort to do it that way it just happens to be the files I pick because I'm a female and thus am not interested in feminization, or frankly any of the other big kinks. I like my erotic hypnosis mild and my cheese sharp thank you.
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Postby amarino » October 7th, 2009, 8:31 pm

vassy wrote:Honestly lots of the guy's voices here are waaay to nasaly for my taste. I'd like to think that my Hypnotist is at least someone sexy.

You and me both!

Urk, EMG sounds like an asthmatic Ben Stein...
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Postby Alien4420 » October 7th, 2009, 8:46 pm

amarino wrote:On what grounds? Did you "turn gay"?

Or did it simply help you accept that you are at least partially attracted to males?

No, it was a dramatic change in my sexuality, I'd never been attracted to men's bodies, though at the time I listened to Curse Forced Gay I already had partial interest from listening to some other files that alter sexuality. If you check out some of the Curse Forced Gay threads in the Success Stories forum you'll see accounts by other guys who had the same experience. Some even went back to being straight after listening to Curse Forced Straight.
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Postby amarino » October 7th, 2009, 8:55 pm

I don't think finding males attractive necessarily means that you are gay. Did you feel like you could fall in love with a man and have a sexual relationship with him? Did you want another man to hold you in his arms and kiss you?
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Postby Alien4420 » October 7th, 2009, 9:02 pm

amarino wrote:I don't think finding males attractive necessarily means that you are gay. Did you feel like you could fall in love with a man and have a sexual relationship with him? Did you want another man to hold you in his arms and kiss you?

Oh yes. We're not talking subtle here, we're talking major sexual attraction. Think of reacting to men as you (assuming you're straight) react to women, and you'll get the idea. Wanting to kiss and so forth. And losing at the same time most of your sexual attraction to women.
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Postby amarino » October 7th, 2009, 9:18 pm

I find it hard to believe, but I suppose its possible. I still think its more likely that you are bisexual and simply had one side of your passion amplified. Perhaps you had kept that side suppressed for so long that it overwhelmed you when coaxed out.

Oh, and by the way I am gay.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 7th, 2009, 9:46 pm

amarino wrote:I find it hard to believe, but I suppose its possible. I still think its more likely that you are bisexual and simply had one side of your passion amplified. Perhaps you had kept that side suppressed for so long that it overwhelmed you when coaxed out.

Oh, and by the way I am gay.

Well, yeah, that's why a lot of us do it, we don't really believe it either until we do, LOL. In fact, after six months, I still sometimes wake up thinking I'm straight, and that lasts until I see some hot guy or look at porn.

Check out those threads I mentioned. You'll find that a lot of people have experienced the same thing. I'm middle aged, and if I'd had any gay inclinations before I would have noticed.
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Postby amarino » October 7th, 2009, 9:56 pm

Okay then, but it is possible to spend years in unconscious denial, trust me. I might only be 20, but I still deluded myself for years. Still having trouble understanding my true feelings. Only as recent as yesterday did I realize that the true reason behind my disdain for flamers was my envy of them.

It seems as though people interested in listening to such a file would be disproportionately more likely to have suppressed homosexual desires. Perhaps that could be attributed to its success rate. Hypnosis doesn't really work unless you want it to...
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Postby Alien4420 » October 8th, 2009, 11:36 am

amarino wrote:Okay then, but it is possible to spend years in unconscious denial, trust me. I might only be 20, but I still deluded myself for years. Still having trouble understanding my true feelings. Only as recent as yesterday did I realize that the true reason behind my disdain for flamers was my envy of them.

It seems as though people interested in listening to such a file would be disproportionately more likely to have suppressed homosexual desires. Perhaps that could be attributed to its success rate. Hypnosis doesn't really work unless you want it to...

From what I've seen, people listen to Curse Forced Gay for various reasons. Some are bi and want to become gayer, or more comfortable with their sexuality. Some are fem, either naturally or as a result of feminization files, and want to more completely play a feminine role. Some have a hypnofetish and are turned on by the idea of being transformed or forced to become something. I've seen other reasons as well.

Anyway, I agree that someone who's dead set against being gay will reject a direct suggestion, someone who listened the other day did just that, popped out of trance the way I have when I've been given a suggestion that I couldn't abide. But I don't believe that hypnosis can't make you do things you don't want to do, my experience has convinced me that it can. And I've always read that while people will reject a direct suggestion they're dead set against, a hypnotist can get around that by altering their beliefs. So, hypothetically, someone might not want to be gay, but could be convinced that they want to be gay, or have no choice about becoming gay.

Also, I've found that with repeated listenings, even a suggestion that you reject can work its way under your skin. For example, I didn't mind the possibility of being attracted to men, but I didn't like the suggestions that you weren't attracted to women. And I rejected them at first, I'd tune them out as I listened or think "I don't want this" and tell myself so what, I can just listen to another file after this one and erase the effects. But eventually, they took hold. And I've seen others say the same thing, that their attraction to women was the last thing to go as they listened to this file.

I've had a fair amount of experience now with being hypnotized into things that I hadn't wanted to do or that never turned me on, even if I'd tried them. With most files, I'd just throw off the suggestions and walk away, but I've found the two curse files I've listened to impossible to break, they cover all angles and no matter how you try to wiggle out they keep reeling you back. And I continue to be astounded by how maleable my sexuality is, not just the big business of gay or straight but the secondary things.
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Postby zapnosis » October 8th, 2009, 1:36 pm

amarino wrote:Okay then, but it is possible to spend years in unconscious denial, trust me. I might only be 20, but I still deluded myself for years. Still having trouble understanding my true feelings. Only as recent as yesterday did I realize that the true reason behind my disdain for flamers was my envy of them.

It seems as though people interested in listening to such a file would be disproportionately more likely to have suppressed homosexual desires. Perhaps that could be attributed to its success rate. Hypnosis doesn't really work unless you want it to...

Hi amarino,
Alien is right. You can try to explain it any way you like, but until you've FELT it you simply don't know. I have been brainwashed myself and I will tell you: it doesn't have to "be real" because your mind makes it real. A major function of the brain is to deal with things that we can't change and as soon as you accept that you can't change something you start adapting yourself to it. The same needs and instincts are simply placed in a new context, and life goes on.

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Postby jordyd19 » August 29th, 2010, 1:04 am

female, there's voice programs out there so anyone could record as female just throwing that out
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