Will marijuana help reach a trance?

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Will marijuana help reach a trance?

Postby pimp951231 » May 30th, 2009, 2:42 pm

Well i like to smoke marijuana. But the problem i cant reach a trance, and if i do its a light trance. Well if I smoke marijuana, Will it help me reach trance while listening to a introduction. Like when i smoke i feel relax, calm, comfortable in any position. Has anyone ever tried this? Does anyone know if it will help me reach trance?
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Postby C87 » May 30th, 2009, 3:31 pm

It takes time to get better at Trancing, but I myself don't know how well that you're marijuana will work for you. :wink:
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Postby pimp951231 » May 30th, 2009, 4:12 pm

lol. im trying. Just checking if there can be an easier way. I mean im just eager lol
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Postby Shad_Phoenix » May 30th, 2009, 6:18 pm

Marijuana affects your brain function. What you get is a trance.

Hypnosis affects your brain function. What you get is a trance.

These are totally incompatible! I've gone on a spiel about this on FM, so I'm not even going to repeat myself. Point is, it won't work. You'll be sorta suggestible, but there's going to be this block that just won't let anything into your subconcious the way the files are supposed to. It's counter-productive, so don't even try.
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Postby nytrmpter » May 30th, 2009, 6:45 pm

Well its really hard to concentrate when high so I guess no.
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Postby spudamore » May 30th, 2009, 7:47 pm

yeah it will work you just got to adjust your dosage, as bandler would say most drug using subjects are the easiest to put in a trance cause they are already in trance state.
what i would suggest is to use a light dose, back in my teenage years i used to use a light dose for meditation, then could get way under, to a state where i am nearly on the verge of sleep, but not, with totally utter peace, and nothingness. i had given myself suggestions which has created my life what it is today.
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Postby stereoxchild » May 31st, 2009, 1:30 pm

since you experience everything a lot more intense when being high/stoned, i think it's rather logical to asume that files would affect you more since you concentrate more on every single sensation you get.
anyway, i tranced alot while being high and i enjoyed the experiences alot more when under influence, i also had the 'idea' that the suggestions sank deeper then doing it clean.
i actually believe it fucks up your mind even more.
crazy times.

btw, i am not promoting this. it was crazy, but a real mindfuck aswell. i'm just saying it seemed i had more effect and an overall intenser experience when trancing stoned.
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Postby pimp951231 » May 31st, 2009, 7:57 pm

Thanks for everyone opinions. I guess ima try it out and let ya kno how it went
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Postby MacGyver » May 31st, 2009, 8:14 pm

well, myself, i been thinkin of tryin with one or two shots of white rum as i trance out to the point that i can easily pass levels on racing games for the ps2, and wont even know someone is in the room with me, wont even hear a word they say, and dont see nothin but the video game and dont even feel my hands pushin the buttons and movin the joysticks on the remote neither. so, if i can find my bottle of rum, i may try trancing with one shot then try again with 2 shots, i know that if i just get a descent buzz from the rum, that is all it takes to get really focused on something. so i figure, might as well give it a shot with trance one day, just not the particular file i am currently experimenting with.
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Postby Rossyfox » June 1st, 2009, 10:33 am

Hypnosis requires focus. Anything that inhibits your focusing is not going to help you trance.
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Postby spudamore » June 2nd, 2009, 1:05 am

just wondering if you ever have tried pot in all different doses from light to heavy?

from my personal experience and those around me it used to be excellent to go into trance, its not the conscious mind that is doing the work so why is really there need to focus with the conscious mind when the unconscious is being accessed?
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Postby stereoxchild » June 2nd, 2009, 5:58 am

true that
the more i smoked, the deeper i went
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Postby Nymphaea » June 3rd, 2009, 5:30 am

The reason is because your concious mind still does something, even if you arent aware of it. Remember your mind isnt as simple as 2 parts, concious and unconcious. That is just how we describe it, the functions we think about, and the ones going on at all times. Thats why marijuana is such a bad thing for hypnosis and mental health in general. It damages brain tissue, and impedes the learning process and slows down memory, both of which are essensial to hypnosis' effects. You say that you go deeper using it, but I highly doubt you have as much of an effect as most people would do when it comes to the file.

In my oppinion, it isnt worth it, and you shouldn't use the stuff in the first place. But all in all, it will, and is, hindering any hypnosis you attempt. Getting into a trance is only one part, if it does help with that. But a trance is just a trance and not the entire aim of hypnosis, and without the rest, you might as well be meditating. I can't speak for you, but most here come for the effects.
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Postby spudamore » June 4th, 2009, 5:20 pm

so me putting myself into a trance, and giving myself suggestions to get higher, and to more blissful states, isn't hypnosis? i have had these experiences of pure blissful states not just a brief moment but for hours on end.

we could have a massive debate on the usage of MJ pros and cons, and you have put down a few fallacies of the usage of in your comment. i am not pro or con of it i think it does have its uses, as long there is no excessive behaviour.

i would like to know if the people that are against the usage of, have even tried it? or have used it for the purpose of hypnosis, light and heavy dosages?
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Postby Nymphaea » June 5th, 2009, 6:21 pm

The excessive use is mostly what I was pointing at, using it to go into trance, depending on how much the person used it for trancing, could lean into that. That and obviously everyones body is different, but generally, it impedes brain function, which brain function is what is needed for a decent bit of hypnosis.

Curious, you said that you use it to reach more blissful states, but have you used it to actually enhance the effect of a file?

To each their own if they want to use it, but I wouldnt suggest it to people for hypnosis, theres many other ways to improve hypnosis, like practice :P
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marijuana and trancing

Postby slutinmyhead » August 11th, 2009, 9:46 pm

I find that it helps me immensely. Definitely worth trying. I've also had success with salvia divinorum.
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Postby Axem_ranger_001 » October 7th, 2009, 10:25 pm

I have a hard time trancing. The stuff puts me to sleep during a trance and I don't wake up untill the alarm goes off. I've tried 1 or 3 shots of 151 rum and it seems to help, but as for pot I don't think it's really helping. :(
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Postby treat » October 12th, 2009, 12:33 pm

Smoking works really well for me. It really helps my trance.
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Postby stephiebaby » October 29th, 2009, 3:54 am

"Well its really hard to concentrate when high so I guess no."

Are you reading from a pamphlet or have you actually smoked? Perhaps concentrate is not the right word, intensly focused would be more accurate. pot can make you almost obsessive about whatever it is you are doing. Many writers and painters use it to become completely immersed in their work. As do many gamers who can beat all endurance records for sitting and staring at a screen. Yes, pot does provide intensly focused trancelike states. The problem with pot and concentration is who chooses the subject to concentrate on. If the smokers choose they can concentrate for hours forgetting everything else around them. If however someone tries to impose an activity the smoker just isn't interested in, well yes then the concentration goes out the window.
Also individuals play a big part. You will find that those with no concentration while smoking pot, won't be much better off (if at all) without it. There are plenty of absent minded people who have never smoked, and plenty who can pass for non smokers while stoned out of their mind.

I had a "professional" hypnotist tell me all drugs had a negative impact on hypnosis, which is not true.

The other thing to consider is if someone is a regular user. If so then not smoking would certainly have a negative impact on concentration.

"but generally, it impedes brain function, which brain function is what is needed for a decent bit of hypnosis. "

Does that mean hypnosis won't work on all the people with naturally limited brain function? At what level of IQ does it become effective?
As for pot and brain function, the individual plays a much bigger part than copious amounts of pot, and yes I have tested this. But unlike many clinical trials I did not pick a low IQ pot smoker, I picked a high IQ one and tested him against average and medium level IQ non smokers. The non smokers didn't stand a chance even though the smoker was so stoned he left any question over two lines long. The problem with clinical trials is they usually find people with low IQs or significant psychological problems (before they started smoking) as the smokers who pass as non smokers don't want to "come out" for obvious reasons. This has led to a massive bias in research on this subject.

I am no expert on hypnosis, but I have known a wide variety of smokers and individual intelligence was always a much bigger influence on concentration, and even memory, than the level of intoxication.
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Postby calvin89 » November 1st, 2009, 2:24 am

Damn you just perfectly described how weed is like for normal, higher iq people that smoke weed, people always point to the people who were already idiots before they smoked weed to put it down, and frankly they have no fucking idea what they are talking about. Then people believe the bull shit the gov puts out their, and try to put weed in the same category with real drugs like heroin and shit. Cannabis is the safest ''drug'' you can do. In all of human history not one single fucking person has died from it, not one. You can't even say that about fucking aspirin. And it does not kill brain cells. Those fucks pull that out from an old experiment where they hot boxed monkeys with weed smoke for a long period of time without oxygen which killed brain cells, not from tree, but from lack of oxygen. But anyways weed defiantly helps with hypnosis i know this for sure because i could not trance until i smoked a blunt and listened to it. You can focus so intensely on it, especially if your into it. I went so deep that i almost was asleep but just awake enough for my sub conscious to focus on everything i was told. I listened to feminization files, like super female whammy and curse told fem, and well i only listened for a little while but over the past like year even tho i haven't' been listening its been changing me. I already wrote a post in the feminzation files its called something like help "used femnization files and it worked" i wrote it pretty recently. But anyways even tho i had stoped listening i kept changing and i think the weed was also a part of that, because every time i smoked i felt the changes more, I thought i was hallucinating the changes for the longest time, but i had my friend check me naked and she was shocked how much it's changed me. But anyways i just wanted to comment on this because weed is the shit, so i like to defend it especially when people have no idea what they are talking about, and share that it most certainly does make hypnosis work better.
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Postby buttlicker79 » December 24th, 2010, 1:04 pm

I smoke pot myself. Usually around 2 times a month give or take. So Im glad this thread was made. Very informative and I will make sure to try trancing out while high next time I have some smoke
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Postby ray2 » December 25th, 2010, 12:56 am

i smoke all day every day and have for years(20 or so) :lol:it helps me with concentration and i cut with machines all day(construction) if the tist is good and you trust the voice you hear then some chronic wont hurt if you dont trust the voice it will be more manifest and the chronic wont change that but help you to recognize :lol:
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Postby DKaiser » December 28th, 2010, 6:29 pm

Never tried it, but research I've seen when looking up for my entries in the other drugs+hypnosis thread supports it. I'll try and sum up here(forgive my lack of citing sources, I don't have them copied down):

Marijuana gives a feeling of relaxation, allowing to ease mental barriers to accepting hypnosis.
Taking marijuana with hypnosis is more of a commitment than just listening in general, thus reducing the feeling of "if it doesn't work well this time, there's always next time".
Some people gain a heightened ability to focus while taking marijuana, which obviously aids with hypnosis.

Again, all secondary sources on this, as I haven't taken it myself(I'm one of those losers who stick to more legal methods of mental modification).
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Postby Enargo » December 28th, 2010, 6:55 pm

From what I've read about Marijuana and hypnosis that, in short, helps you in small doses
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Postby DKaiser » December 28th, 2010, 7:07 pm

Enargo wrote:From what I've read about Marijuana and hypnosis that, in short, helps you in small doses

That's generally true with everything I've tried. One beer is good for alcohol(reducing inhibitions, so same as the first effect with marijuana), being plastered ensures that you won't get any effect from the hypnosis at all(not remembering what you did last night also applies to not allowing the suggestions to last past then).
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 16th, 2011, 10:29 pm

My experience is that smoking helps. This may vary per user.
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Postby autumnheart » February 2nd, 2011, 5:30 pm

New user here, looking for mostly relaxation, fantasy, dream stuff because I don't care for the rest of the stuff here. But let me clear up a few misconceptions that seem to be prevalent within this community.

Shad_Phoenix wrote:Marijuana affects your brain function. What you get is a trance.

No, when you smoke, vaporize or ingest cannabis your perceptions are altered and you feel a 'high'. This is not a trance state.

Nymphaea wrote:In my oppinion, it isnt worth it, and you shouldn't use the stuff in the first place.

So you think listening to hypnosis files, which seem to have no quality control, is any better?

First of all, there is nothing wrong the recreational use of cannabis, there is no legitimate scientific data to support any of the propaganda claims made by federally funded studies. It doesn't impair your memory when your not using, it doesn't kill brain cells, and actually most studied and peer reviewed literature shows that chemicals in pot can help not only alleviate the symptoms of many diseases, but also have a medicinal effect in improving health of those who are sick. (like inducing apoptosis in vitro cancer cultures).

Meanwhile, you think that smoking pot is bad, yet clearly promote these audio files, when left in the hands of the credulous could be very dangerous. Hypnosis is all up to the user to if they want to be put into a state of suggestion and even past that its still the user's responsibility if they want to buy into most of the crap they listen too.

For instance, there are many trans gender files which I listened to out of curiosity and I was somewhat disturbed at what I heard. I'll boil it down quickly, though, but if you think its safer to listen files that support an unrealistic definition of feminine beauty, support eating disorders in order to attain said feminine beauty and essentially promoting one persons hypnotic of what it means to be another gender then you are running into problems. I mean, if you whole sale buy into the power of hypnosis 100% then I think you are having an ethical dilemma here if you think that smoking pot is something 'people shouldn't do' in comparison to some of the crap floating around here.

Now, having said that, cannabis and any mind altering substances should be used responsibly in the given context.

Nymphaea wrote:generally, it impedes brain function, which brain function is what is needed for a decent bit of hypnosis.

I disagree. Pot doesn't impair anything, its simply altering and 'diverting' the amount of activity in certain parts of the brain via neuroendocrines. The high increases one's fascination with what ever they are focusing on. If you can focus on one thing while high then I would have to think it would only heighten the experience if one trained their focus enough.
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