Playing with Fire

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Playing with Fire

Postby jooli » June 26th, 2005, 3:17 am

While I believe that hypnotism can work, and have considerable effects on behaviour, there are a few things I’m pretty sure it CAN’T do. Most importantly, I don’t believe it can cause any physical changes that couldn’t be duplicated by exercise, diet, good posture etc. So, I think that on the right person, a file that encourages them to exercise WOULD improve their fitness and health and probably let them lose weight more easily. Conversely, I don’t think that files like Breast Growth, Penis Shrink, Baldness etc. could cause permanent, or indeed any physical changes.

In the spirit of scientific interest, I’m going to test this out on myself. I’m going to try a couple of files for the next few weeks and see if they can cause my sceptical mind to change my body. To give it a veneer of scientific rigour, I’ll try a file I wouldn’t mind working, and a file I don’t want to work.

Cursed Shaving sounds more like a blessing then a curse to me. I would be happy to have the areas of my body that I currently shave unable to produce hair. In fact, parts of my neck sometimes get so sore when I shave that I’ve considered laser hair-removal to cure the problem. If this file works, I’ll save myself some money! And if it affects any parts of my body that I don’t shave, well, the fashion is for smooth bodies these days so I could live with that, too.

I’m still trying to decide which file to use for an effect I don’t want to happen. I’d use the Breast Growth file, but I don’t like the idea of the submissive overtones (as I said, I think behaviour is changeable by hypnosis). I’ll check out some of the other files until I find a physical TF without any behaviour changes built in – maybe Penis Shrink fits the bill?

I’ll give both files an equal chance and not try to resist either at a conscious level. My bet is that nothing will happen to me. Anyone gonna take me up on it?
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Postby cardigan » June 26th, 2005, 3:54 am

I have to tell you, that hypnosis CAN change your physical body and the way it works or appears. I have tried some things on myself, that have led to instant improvement in the way, that I had instructed myself.

I am a hobby hypnotist, and was also very sceptical about for instance penis- or breast growth etc., and also about changing things at a much deeper level. But I have to say, that I'm cured now of my sceptisism. I make my own hypnotic scripts and do self-hypnosis. I only started doing this a couple of months ago. I started treating mental issues, that I had - for instance stress at work and some trouble with my brother, that kept me feeling unhappy. Then I came across a lady-hypnotist called Wendi Friesen, who sells hypnosis CDs for all kinds of things - including penis- and breast growth. I have listened to some of these scripts - not in trance, but to analyse them, and I found that it was apparently possible to induce changes at a cellular level to the body. I had no need of breasts or a bigger penis, but this approach interested me - none the less. Then came my turningpoint:

Since 1962 when I was 6 years old, I have been suffering from hayfever. I'm allergic to grass big-time, and right now is the season for this pesky illness. And there I was working with myself by means of self-hypnosis, and at the same time sneezing my head off. So being inspired by Wendi, I said something like this to myself while in trance: "I am now sending out a direct signal to my blood and to the places within my body, that produces my blood, that from now on there can be no antibodies in my blood that cause me to be allergic to grass. I want the blood to stop producing these anti-bodies immediately". Before I did this trance, I was eating 3 hayfever-pills per day (the pills are taken when an outburst of allergy occurs and will stop the attack within 5-10 minutes when taken), and so I waited to see, whether I would henceforth need any pills now. For the next 2 days, the ammount of pollen in the air was very, very high - according to meteorologists, but still I felt no need to take pills. For 2 days. Then on the third day, I had a mild sneeze, and I took one pill. I continued to go into trance every day and use the same words. Then came one day without pills and yesterday I had to take one, but today so far still none. Now I'm not saying that I'm totally cured from hayfever, but I am saying that in my 49 years I have never experienced being so unaffected by grass pollen, as I am now! I think I have to repeat these commands on a daily basis, because I believe the body makes new bloodcells all the time, and since they do it according to DNA and heretitary circumstances, they would probably automatically include the antibodies, the DNA material tells them to - unless instructed otherwise. I don't know, but I'm happy to spend 10 minutes in a nice trance every day if that is all it takes.

I have also started to say to myself, that my baldness is disappering now, and that the haircells on top of my head, that have stopped making hairs should go ahead and start making hairs again. I won't know the answer to whether this is possible for a while, but am absolutely optimistic about the outcome now!

But I don't think you can shrink a penis into a womb. That's probably taking things a bit too far! :-)


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Postby Nanashi » June 26th, 2005, 4:16 am

The thing is, we don't know exactly how much control the mind has over us. But we do know that people with terminal illnesses who were given placebos have on many occasions displayed astounding recovery, and that optimists generally live longer than pessimists. So it would seem to do a lot more than we traditional give it credit for. :\
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Re: Playing with Fire

Postby demigraff » June 26th, 2005, 5:23 am

jooli wrote:I’ll give both files an equal chance and not try to resist either at a conscious level. My bet is that nothing will happen to me. Anyone gonna take me up on it?

How are you planning to measure the effects of these files? Even if they cannot produce a physical effect, I would expect you to percieve a change to some degree.
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Re: Playing with Fire

Postby sandy82 » June 26th, 2005, 11:21 am

jooli, demigraff has hit on a significant point. I take it a step further. In order to be credible to a skeptical world, such tests need to involve dozens, even hundreds, of participants; and they need to be double-blind.

Those who plan such tests are reasonably familiar with the power of the mind (although perhaps they don't understand the full scope of the mind's abilities). For that reason, even the medical personnel with whom test participants interrelate do not know whether the pill being administered is a placebo or the actual medicine being appraised. One reason is that the test participant can pick up signals from medical personnel that might affect the outcome of the test.

As I read these debates on the power of the mind, I get the impression that a component of the dispute is what sorts of things various people choose to put their trust in.

Personally, when it comes to matters that can be objectively measured, I tend to come down on the side of science, experience, testable hypotheses.

Jooli, your instincts on this are accurate. Tests do need to be made. My own view is that scientific advances--and, more broadly, even advances in the liberal arts--come from the interaction of realistic and incremental imagination, hypotheses, tests, and conclusions. At which point the process begins again.

What to call the method? How about: an experience-guided, reasoned-recursive trial-and-error process.

I well remember my first introduction to the concept. I was three, and I stuck my finger into a light socket to see what it felt like. I never did that again. :wink:

demigraff wrote:
jooli wrote:I’ll give both files an equal chance and not try to resist either at a conscious level. My bet is that nothing will happen to me. Anyone gonna take me up on it?

How are you planning to measure the effects of these files? Even if they cannot produce a physical effect, I would expect you to percieve a change to some degree.
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Postby dharden » June 26th, 2005, 11:29 am

I would expect that there could be some changes, to some degree, which would result from changes in blood flow and/or hormone balances. I'd also expect them to take more than a few weeks to show up.
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Re: Playing with Fire

Postby jooli » June 26th, 2005, 11:44 am

demigraff wrote:How are you planning to measure the effects of these files? Even if they cannot produce a physical effect, I would expect you to percieve a change to some degree.

Good question - I've checked out Penis Shrink, and the file specfically tries to make you unaware of any changes for the 9 months of the curse. So if it did work I wouldn't realise for 9 months. I don't like the mental aspects of that curse, either, so I guess that one's out. In fact, all of the Curse files I've previewed have a degree of mental change either explicit or implicit to the other effects of the file.

So I'll just try the Cursed Shaving. How will I know if THAT works? Hard to tell, but it does say that the hair will NEVER regrow so eventually I'll be able to stop shaving my face. I suppose it's possible that I'll end up just believing I don't need to shave, but then someone would tell me and I could get the curse removed by EMG.

Edited to answer some posts made while I was posting this!
Re: Sandy82's post.
For me to call my little experiment scientific was a joke at best. As you correctly point out, it's not going to prove anything to me, let alone anyone else.

Re: dharden's post.
I'll persevere for as long as it holds my interest and see what happens.
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