Enchantment Series, Breast Growth?

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Enchantment Series, Breast Growth?

Postby Seki » October 7th, 2009, 4:53 pm

This is out of shere curiousity because currently, computer can't download, and I can't find a script anywhere.

So, with the enchantment series, The Portal and the Pink Fairy, it says "You may have breasts after this."

Has anyone actually had real breast growth from this (And possible what is the phrases used in the thing to trigger it, and also, what are the side effects of the file since most files have more than one thing with them.)
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Joined: May 25th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby sabrinaselentra » October 19th, 2009, 9:55 pm

Don't worry they are harmless you have to do my whole program to grow breasts. Although if you got a addicted or where easily hypnotized then all bets are off. For more info chat myself and the nymphettes on brosix instant messenger. Lots of free files and and some nice Halloween svps. R U ready to be a goth girl?

Love Sabrina

P.S. I am uploading a cute little feminine voice file right now
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Postby Blackjaz » October 21st, 2009, 4:40 pm

Sooooo I was listening to your file and I was listening to it, but I think I kinda blackout or something. I can't remember a thing, only thing that comes to mind is Friday and saturday. Btw , I can't find you on Brosix.
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Postby Starmaster » October 21st, 2009, 11:15 pm

sabrinaselentra wrote:For more info chat myself and the nymphettes on brosix instant messenger. Lots of free files and and some nice Halloween svps. R U ready to be a goth girl?

Actually I've been wanting to try that goth girl file on here for a while now. Being a curse though I haven't wanted to get into it just yet, plus I am practicing just getting into a good trance with other files. Unfortunately I can't get brosix since I use Linux, otherwise I'd be interested in seeing what you have. Also, what is a svps? I like Halloween.
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Postby Blackjaz » October 22nd, 2009, 6:50 am

Starmaster wrote:
sabrinaselentra wrote:For more info chat myself and the nymphettes on brosix instant messenger. Lots of free files and and some nice Halloween svps. R U ready to be a goth girl?

Actually I've been wanting to try that goth girl file on here for a while now. Being a curse though I haven't wanted to get into it just yet, plus I am practicing just getting into a good trance with other files. Unfortunately I can't get brosix since I use Linux, otherwise I'd be interested in seeing what you have. Also, what is a svps? I like Halloween.

I think if it's a curse you can get it remove by her. I never noticed that there was a curse in that file. Also , SVPS I think is a flash file. I still have no clue what it is to be in a trance, but I just trust my sense and say am in a trance. I only been in trance in live chat once.
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Postby oddboyx » October 23rd, 2009, 11:01 am

svp often refers to subviewer presets. Subviewer is a program that when given a list of of images (with option of mp3 playing as well) will show the list in the order given for a set time (or until exited if set as 0). Can also change the time images are shown, for a "subliminal" type effect, many use a range in the 60 milliseconds to 200 milliseconds per image.

Mostly find svp in yahoo groups, most of them devoted to feminization, bimboization, sissification or similar.
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