I have to disagree, as great as hypnosis is. It isn't the most practical.
It takes 2 seconds to take a pill to enlarge your penis, it takes 30 minutes to listen to a penis enlargement file.
The pill WILL work, it just might have side effects. But the file might not have any effect at all.
I could listen to a 30 minute file every day to get over my fear of escalators. But I got over the fear in one day when somebody pushed me onto one and I realized that the chance of me falling backwards wasn't very high if I just held onto the railing.
And live hypnosis isn't much more practical, as you need another person whose trained in the field and you can trust not to mess with you, plus sessions can be expensive and you'll need to schedule many. And live hypnosis takes even longer then files.
It's not the most practical science. It's not even it's own science, Hypnosis falls under psychology I believe.