by MN_FriendlyGuy » November 7th, 2009, 9:47 am
Welcome to WarpMyMind, Dokapox.
You've asked for feedback about success with weight-gain trance.
The question is clearly important to you - you've asked twice. And while we wait for subjects to respond, I'll respond from the perspective of hypnotist.
Yes - I have clients who bulk up. They use the focus of trance to manifest their desire and make it reality.
One of the most challenging was a bodybuilder whose goal was 300 pounds of lean muscle mass. And when he reached that goal, he described it in terms of a mountain peak. He had set out to climb that mountain. He worked at it - step by step. And reaching the summit was an incredible moment - a significant celebration.
And bear in mind that this is the WarpMyMind website, isn't it?
There's much more to this client than his bodybuilding goals
And we all have strange desires from time to time