Suggestive Feminzation

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Suggestive Feminzation

Postby abchipster_13 » November 19th, 2009, 7:41 am

Has anyone used this file? What effects did you get from it? Should this be used with other feminzation files to help it move along.
Posts: 28
Joined: June 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby MacGyver » November 19th, 2009, 9:48 am

if ya gonna play with this file, be prepared to get all emotional an stuff. no changes to my body from this file i know of but, i was starting to walk like a woman and even get emotional like a woman while i was playing with this file.
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Re; Suggestive Feminization

Postby abchipster_13 » November 19th, 2009, 3:34 pm

Hi macguyver,

thank you so much for the info. I will remeber that. i have used the file now 8 times while driving in my car. I really do like it, but not sure what changes will happen. If as you, i end up walking like a woman, that is fin ewith me. Beign emontional doesn't bother me.

Please let me know of any other changes you get.
Posts: 28
Joined: June 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby MacGyver » November 19th, 2009, 5:18 pm

those are the changes i remember happening. i was not even aware of walking like a woman till i heard some kids talking behind my back, "look, he walks like a woman....".

as for the emotional stuff, i am tlakin getting emotion watching a movie even. i have not played wityh that file for 4 months or more and still get emotional when watching some movies, LOL.
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Postby abchipster_13 » November 20th, 2009, 7:52 am

Very interesting to hear that the walk becomes that obvious. Listening to the file it appears as though that is one of the effects. I can live with that.

I guess time will tell. So, what other files have you use with any success. Can the use of multiple files help as well.

Thank you
Posts: 28
Joined: June 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby abchipster_13 » November 20th, 2009, 8:01 am

Hi Macgyver,

i just thought of something which maybe yuo can give me some direction on.

I am an adult baby first, submissive second, and a very feminine male. is it possible to use files to bring about changes where i can be a baby girl, with breasts. i do not like curse files and kind of afraid of them.

Thank you
Posts: 28
Joined: June 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby MacGyver » November 20th, 2009, 6:27 pm

well, as for the walk, you wont notice unless someone is makin comments within hearing range, it creeps up on ya.

i have used about every femme file that was free or premium. the fembutt file, my butt looks rounded from the sideview, but from the rear view still needs work. looking down when in just my underwear, my hips appear to be starting to round out a bit like a woman.

no breast growth yet though from any of the files.

cycomelody mixed a file, estrogen cocktail, for a week or 2, my little guy was getting excited several times a day, then all the sudden one day did not want to get excited at all, but is back to normal since i stopped using that file.

curse CCP only gave me major wood.

curse cum had no effect.

GSTrig woman 2, that one dook me down and spooked me as that was the first time i went down that deep that fast without being triggered, totally was not expecting that as i only expect to go that deep that fast when triggered. i dont know if it was imagined or real but, felt a pain in the south as if my body was trying to suck my guy up for real, like he was snatched into a hole real fast.

curse corset, something getting snug around the waist, and after about 2 weeks, started losing a bit of weight, not alot but enough to notice when i stepped on the scale, also an urge to wear womens shoes, specially some sort of heels, even and urge to buy a corset which i went through and did twice now, and have probably 4 or 5 different pairs of heels though i dont wear them since i stopped listening to the file, and dont want to throw them away as that would be like tossing my money away, they come in handy now for halloween seein as a girl i went to school with wants me to keep dressin girly for halloween since i did it this year. yeah, i dont drink much but, that night i had 6 or 7 beers in like 2 hours and got brave and agreed to her request, LOL.

wdbames ultra thin waist, had an effect after only 1 or 2 listens. felt something tightening around my waist.

SFW no effect.

of all the femme files i have used, the ones listed had the most effect on me. for example, the fembutt file, thought of the trigger phrase, did not even say it, thought of a nice round butt and thought of the trigger, and at work today, felt like my butt was starting to grow again.

i am one that if i could stick with a file every day for a few weeks, the trigger will stay for a long time and i can still be triggered for a while after i have stopped using the file, that effect is from having a mind like a steel trap, LOL.

the files where ya supposed to visualize are the hardest for me as i am still working on getting my imagination working proper again. the onyl file set that does get my imagination working is the devinely feminine series as it has me imagine each part of my body as a female body on the way down into trance, the most effective file from that set, which is the one i used the most is the feminine feet and legs as with the push my friend gave me, i now keep my toenails painted, and sometimes spend 10-20 minutes at a time admiring how nice and shiny they are when painted and dry.

that is about all i can think of for now, atleast for the ones that had effects on me that were noticeable to me.

and with all the femme files i have used together over the last year or 2, my feet have shrunk a bit in length and width, and my calves have been shrinking and taking more of a feminine shape.
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