The forced gay success thread...

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Jeshi » October 29th, 2009, 9:07 pm

I think since Curse Forced Gay is still just a "simulated" gay, in that the mind's associations relating to sex are changed but biologically it's hardwired blueprint on whats attractive doesn't change.

That therefore Curse Forced Straight would pretty much just "Re-Closet" naturally gay guys. Making them so ashamed about having sex with men that they can't do it.

But with either file, Biologically they're still the same.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 29th, 2009, 9:59 pm

If my own experience is any guide, that rewiring can be almost 100% effective. Forex, I'll sometimes be interested in a woman's body for a split second when I see it out of the corner of my eye, then the suggestions kick in and my interest goes away. And ditto if I try looking at porn, I can sense the suggestions kicking in. But it's very minor. Also, if I don't listen to the file for a while, men's faces and then bodies start to repel me as they used to. But then when I listen to the file, that goes away and they become attractive.

But the situation may not be symmetrical or the same for everyone who's gay, it seems to me possible that some people are born that way and some people become that way . . . or that whatever it is that gives identical twins a 50% chance of being gay makes it more or less likely that they'd be susceptible to changing their orientation . . . hard to say more unless more gay guys listen to Forced Straight (IIRC I read about one guy who did, and said his orientation changed).

I have come to believe that whatever we're born with, a lot of the male sexual response is determined by software, and that the software can override the hardware . . . it's hard not to since I've had my sexuality jerked around so many ways, sometimes in the course of a single day.
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Postby ftslave67 » October 30th, 2009, 7:20 am

Alien4420 wrote: men's faces and then bodies start to repel me as they used to

Funny, I've never felt that way about women--I just have no interest. When I've had girlfriends in the past (distant past, lol) and we kissed, I just didn't feel anything. I can appreciate some women as attractive, like Mariska Hargitay, for example--but Chris Meloni is way hot!
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Postby Alien4420 » October 30th, 2009, 8:02 am

That's interesting. I've long suspected that some of the grossout thing may be biological. It could be that naturally gay guys don't have it, just as women don't. It's just about the last thing that goes when you listen to Forced Gay, or it was for me and someone else who mentioned it here -- that, and attraction to women.

So most straight men would have a biological negative reaction to body and facial hair, male pheremones, maybe a few other male secondary sexual characteristics, and a biological positive reaction to some female pheremones and secondary sexual characteristics. And women and (some?) gay guys would have less of that (a study found that women react sexually to anything, including video of copulating chimpanzees, LOL). And sitting on top of any hard-wired biological responses in both sexes and in both gay and straight people you'd have the subconscious, which can reroute them in software . . .
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Postby Alien4420 » October 30th, 2009, 8:08 am

That's interesting. I've long suspected that some of the grossout thing may be biological. It could be that naturally gay guys don't have it, just as women don't. It's just about the last thing that goes when you listen to Forced Gay, or it was for me and someone else who mentioned it here -- that, and attraction to women.

So most straight men would have a biological negative reaction to body and facial hair, male pheromones, maybe a few other male secondary sexual characteristics, and a biological positive reaction to some female pheromones and secondary sexual characteristics. And women and (some?) gay guys would have less of that (a study found that women react sexually to anything, including video of copulating chimpanzees, LOL). And sitting on top of any hard-wired biological responses in both sexes and in both gay and straight people you'd have the subconscious, which can reroute them in software . . .
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Postby ftslave67 » October 30th, 2009, 11:08 am

I don't know if I would agree that "most straight men have a negative biological reaction . . . ". I would guess it is a number significantly lower than "most", lol. Never heard of the six-pack theory?

Plus, this aversion that you felt, was it really biological? How can you tell when you are the observer and mind and body are connected? And how can you distinguish between innate and learned responses in yourself. We learn & absorb things from a very young age, from an age that is beyond most of our memories. Maybe you just never met the right guy :) Could say the same about me though, I guess--never met the right girl, lol.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 30th, 2009, 11:53 am

I can't, I'm just speculating. Based on a few premises --

- The sexual preference of other species is based on visual and/or olfactory cues and is hard wired

- We generally retain a simplified version of animal instincts and then superimpose our more complex minds on it, forex ejaculation and orgasm are so ancient that they're controlled by our spinal columns yet I had an orgasm yesterday from a hypnosis file, just an example of how the old and the new coexist in people. Evolution tends to be conservative, if it works and fills a purpose it doesn't get replaced unless there's reproductive advantage in replacing it.

- We clearly have a biological response to forex facial hair, which is why we shave it off

- I find it interesting that gay guys tend to shave body hair -- could it be there's still a primitive cue there?

- I've dabbled with female hormones and found as others have that I lost that revulsion while I was taking the hormones, hormones don't change orientation but in my experience they do affect our sexual response

- The revulsion to which I refer is reported by a lot of straight men, including those who have gay sex for whatever reason

But it's still just speculation. (Could it be that the "gay gene" removes that repulsion and so makes men who have it more likely to choose men as partners, but not necessarily 100%? That could explain why if one identical twin is gay there's only a 50% chance that the other will be even though they share the same genes.)
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Postby cartoonfan1983 » October 30th, 2009, 9:10 pm

Well, I just wanted to weigh in with some feedback of the Cursed Forced Straight file. I'm a gay man who has come out to all friends and family over the past several years. I even live with a guy who I've been dating for several years. I just wanted to say that I was curious about the file and would it really change someone's orientation?

Well, I have to say that it's a dangerous file. LOL. Just like what people have said about the Forced Gay file, it has immediate changes. I had to stop listening after the first listen because it made many sudden changes I was not comfortable with. The file itself is not great. Someone who recorded it used the voices from MacSpeech, so it's not a real human, it's choppy and such, so I didn't think I'd even trance. I did. I don't remember half of what was said in the file. Something about not liking men's bulges. They're just lumps. And talks constantly about boobs and licking womens' crotchs etc. I noticed myself getting slightly aroused when I was listening to the file, but I just attributed it to getting excited at the prospect of doing something I felt no excitement for.

I finished the file and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and I felt different. It’s hard to explain, but I sorta felt slightly conflicted but sorta less gay. I found myself seeking out women and looking at them differently. I even hugged my “girlfriends” differently (at least it felt different to me).

The scariest part to me was when I decided to look at porn. I looked at some gay porn that I would normally look at and I noticed I couldn’t even get slightly aroused. It freaked me out! I then felt the urge to look at straight porn and so I did. I expected to be freaked out because I’ve never looked at that kind of porn in my life. I immediately got completely aroused as I watched a video of a guy orally pleasuring his girlfriend. I actually have to say that I enjoyed it. Or the sexual side of me did. It still felt very odd. I don’t really know how to explain it.

Anyways, I feel like I can’t continue to listen to this file. I’m gay. Everyone knows that in my life. How awkward would that be to have to “come out of the closet” again to everyone I know? I honestly can say that if a person listened to this file consistently, their actions would definitely make their body think they were straight. Sounds like it would lead to a very, very confusing life.
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Postby Starmaster » October 30th, 2009, 10:42 pm

Sounds like it would lead to a very, very confusing life.

I certainly mean no disrespect to anyone here who tried the file and been fine with it, but this is why I don't understand why anyone would "switch" their orientation, instead of just going bi. I mean, why limit your options? The ones that really get me are the people currently in relationships and decide to switch. That to me sounds awfully unfair to their wife/gf/etc.

So yeah, confusing on many levels. :?
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Postby Alien4420 » October 31st, 2009, 8:03 am

Cartoonfan, that's really interesting. Fortunately, it should wear off quickly enough after just one listen . . .
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Postby ftslave67 » October 31st, 2009, 8:46 am

Alien--interesting points, I enjoy having these discussions with you.

Personally, I can only remember once when I was aroused when thinking about a woman--I think I was 13 or 14--and was happy about it at the time.

One point, though--not all gay guys are into shaving or shaved guys. I myself prefer a little fur!

Would like to know what file made you orgasm.

Female hormones, hmmm--what were the circumstances there, sounds interesting. How did you acquire them--did you need a prescription?

I was on testosterone when I was 13 for a medical issue. Sometimes I wonder if that has anything to do with my orientation.

You can respond directly to me if you want.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 31st, 2009, 9:16 am

Starmaster wrote:I certainly mean no disrespect to anyone here who tried the file and been fine with it, but this is why I don't understand why anyone would "switch" their orientation, instead of just going bi. I mean, why limit your options? The ones that really get me are the people currently in relationships and decide to switch. That to me sounds awfully unfair to their wife/gf/etc.

So yeah, confusing on many levels. :?

People seem to have different reasons. Some guys are bi and want to be gayer, or overcome guilt. One listened because he felt he could have better relationships with men than with women. And didn't one of the guys who left his girlfriend do it on a dare? A lot of times people don't believe the file can do what it says it will. There's also the hypnofetish angle, some people are turned on by the idea of being changed.

Another factor I think is that these sex files lead into one another, you listen to one and then you want to listen to files that take you in the direction suggested in the file. Forex, I'd listened to various feminization files over the years and a lot of them try to get you interested in sex with men. So one day I got sexually intrigued and listened to Train Sex Men, and after I did that, I suddenly found myself trying Forced Gay. And these curse files are like lobster traps.

I'm thinking someone should make a Curse Forced Bi for those who have SO's, these files are great fun if you aren't in a relationship but I agree that no one should listen to these files if they are.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 31st, 2009, 10:05 am

ftslave67 wrote:Alien--interesting points, I enjoy having these discussions with you.

Personally, I can only remember once when I was aroused when thinking about a woman--I think I was 13 or 14--and was happy about it at the time.

One point, though--not all gay guys are into shaving or shaved guys. I myself prefer a little fur!

Would like to know what file made you orgasm.

Female hormones, hmmm--what were the circumstances there, sounds interesting. How did you acquire them--did you need a prescription?

I was on testosterone when I was 13 for a medical issue. Sometimes I wonder if that has anything to do with my orientation.

You can respond directly to me if you want.

Interesting stuff, isn't it? The file that gave me an orgasm was that file of Cal's at

I didn't even listen to it, was just reading it and I find these days I tend to go into a trance when I read the bodies of files so I just went with the flow and stayed in a light trance as I read it.

I'm wondering at this point whether I couldn't just write down a few suggestions for myself, put myself into a trance, and read what I'd written . . . I'm not sure I want to find out, LOL, I've avoided Magic Keyboard because I'm afraid it's so easy that I'll give myself a suggestion I'll regret.

I noticed BTW that some of my aversion to facial hair faded pretty quickly
when I listened to CFG, in fact I was turned on by a bit of it. The body hair and major facial hair aversions though seemed to be the last thing to go, after even the craggy male face thing, and seem to be the first thing to come back when I don't listen for a while. I'm not even sure if it ever went away completely.

I first took female hormones when I was a teenager, stole some of my mother's estrogen pills, LOL because I was turned on by the idea of having a female body. Which is kind of interesting because I had no desire to be effeminate, or a woman, or crossdress . . . so I wasn't TS, I was more like a sexually-motivated TV but interested in the body rather than the clothes. (There's a technical name for that but I forget what it is.) Anyway, it changed me some, gave me a very feminine face and a rounded feminine body, after which I got scared and stopped before my breasts became too big for me to pass as a guy. I didn't use hormones again for many years, then I got back into it and dabbled with estrogen patches (you can order them online without a prescription) and Perfect Woman breast cream (phytoestrogens). I'd go on the patch for a few months, then off it, so I started to get a pretty good feel for the changes it made in my personality and sexuality. And just as the hypnofiles have taught me that a lot of gender and sexual behavior is in software, the hormones taught me that a lot of it is in hardware, and that some of it seems to be both.

Forex, I remember vividly starting on the hormones, which always have a very strong effect the first day because your body hasn't had time to ramp up testosterone production to counter the estrogen, and being really fem at work -- fem gestures, etc. -- and the weird stares I was getting from the other guys there, LOL. And then when I listened to Stroke Sissy years later, my gestures also became feminine. And I know that all guys can behave like a woman when they want, so it's clearly in our brains. So while it isn't definitive, I tend to suspect that feminine gestures and speech are sitting in our brains next to the masculine ones, and that they can be triggered both by hormones and by the subconscious, the main difference being that when they're triggered by hormones you can't control them whereas when they're triggered by the subconscious you can suppress them (I've been doing that lately, I catch myself wagging my tail or such because of CFG and make myself stop because there are other people around). And I suspect that some guys are naturally effeminate and can't control their behavior (which corresponds with what I've heard from some fem guys) and that some guys may be that way due to early life experiences.
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Postby ftslave67 » October 31st, 2009, 12:11 pm

I always figured the fem guys just acted that way from being around & emulating each other--sometimes it seems they are trying to "out-gay" each other. Not that there's anything wrong with that--it's just not something I am attracted to.

Alien, not to be too graphic about it, but you had a "wet" orgasm just from reading that? If so, you must be a pretty darn good subject!
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Postby Alien4420 » October 31st, 2009, 12:55 pm

No, it was a dry orgasm. A rush of pleasure with no ejaculation. Has anyone ever ejaculated from hypnosis? I suppose it's possible in principle, after all, people have wet dreams . . .

I'd say I'm a reasonable hypnotic subject but not a great one, e.g., I've never been able to achieve hallucinatory visualizatons for more than a second or two and suggestions don't always hold. Also, I don't seem to go into deep trance for long when I'm listening to files, I do get amnesia sometimes but I'm aware when it happens (does that happen to anyone else?) and I'm not one of those people who listens to a file and wakes up half an hour later, that only happens when I'm hypnotized in person, maybe because of the trust factor. I think I'm too analytical to be a great subject (as my bloviations no doubt suggest, lol). But I've been under often enough so that it's now very easy for me to go into trance, in fact, I sometimes catch myself doing it when I shouldn't be and have to stop.

The stuff about fem guys I learned online, there were a couple of threads on it somewhere and most guys said they were always fem acting and couldn't stop behaving that way even if they tried, while a few said that they did it intentionally to fit in. I can't be sure that the sample was representative.
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Postby angelcraves » November 1st, 2009, 12:02 pm

listened again,
induction seemed to take forever, and i did not feel like i was sinking at all
next thing, im coming out of trance, just seemed to be straight from induction to awake.
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Postby Jeshi » November 1st, 2009, 10:06 pm

ftslave67 wrote:I always figured the fem guys just acted that way from being around & emulating each other--sometimes it seems they are trying to "out-gay" each other. Not that there's anything wrong with that--it's just not something I am attracted to.

Well, I think that it actually happens because of two factors.

One. When young, Gay men tend to make more female friends then male friends, and when a teenager and struggling with being gay, many gay guys surround themselves with woman as a sort of shield to protect themselves, and when all your peers are woman, you tend to act more feminine.

Two. It is said that 97% of all interaction among straight men is to prove that they aren't gay. Men are expected to fit a Macho image, And you are constantly expected to act certain ways. And the most important one is not to be gay. Once you come out of the closet as gay, you really have no need to care about fitting any kind of gender role at all and stop caring if people think you act too feminine, because you're already gay and since most of the reasons why you don't want people calling you feminine is because they might think you're gay, if you ARE. then who cares!

I pretty much gave up on trying to seem masculine after I came out because everybody assumed I'd be girlier then the girls. So I just acted as I wanted regardless of whether it seemed feminine or masculine.

It's really not intentional. I know straight guys who I'm sure are straight that act more fem then me. It's just a matter of being yourself(As cheesy as that sounds)
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Postby ftslave67 » November 2nd, 2009, 7:07 pm

I agree 100% with being yourself & whatever makes you happy or works for you. I don't agree with the 97% of interactions as being "trying to prove one's straightness". I think for most straight guys it is assumed unless proven or at least hinted or rumored otherwise.
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Postby Jeshi » November 2nd, 2009, 10:28 pm

ftslave67 wrote:I agree 100% with being yourself & whatever makes you happy or works for you. I don't agree with the 97% of interactions as being "trying to prove one's straightness". I think for most straight guys it is assumed unless proven or at least hinted or rumored otherwise.

Obviously it's an exaggeration, but when I was in the closet that sure felt like it was true.
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Postby aristotle_nichole » November 2nd, 2009, 10:32 pm

Jeshi wrote:
ftslave67 wrote:I agree 100% with being yourself & whatever makes you happy or works for you. I don't agree with the 97% of interactions as being "trying to prove one's straightness". I think for most straight guys it is assumed unless proven or at least hinted or rumored otherwise.

Obviously it's an exaggeration, but when I was in the closet that sure felt like it was true.

it is actually the guys who r more homophobic and freak out wen called gay and who try to be as masculine as possible while trying to get a bunch of girls to prove they r not gay
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Postby angelcraves » November 3rd, 2009, 1:15 am

I dreamed about listening to this file last night, and I dreamed about strong defined torsos and muscles on guys bodies.
i'm too aroused typing this :oops: and really resisting listening to the file as I have places to be in a non tranced state.
i've had a few people send me private messaegs and i appreciate them all.
I know i will be listening to this file again soon.
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Postby curiousguy92 » November 4th, 2009, 7:15 pm

I listened to CFG for the first time today, and I can definitely say that I'll be back for more. I guess we'll see where this fantastic file takes me...
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Postby hypnoslave85 » November 5th, 2009, 11:01 am

curiousguy92 wrote:I listened to CFG for the first time today, and I can definitely say that I'll be back for more. I guess we'll see where this fantastic file takes me...



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Postby Alien4420 » November 5th, 2009, 11:25 am

Just wanted to add that Curse Forced Straight can be used to reverse the effects if you don't listen too long.
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oh wow

Postby angelcraves » November 5th, 2009, 2:21 pm

i was reading hypnoslaves post, and now i find myself listening to the file agian, you are so right the voice, and the words.
i wish this file could be listened to on the move, or there was some sort of loop that we could have, but then i don't really know whats said in the middle no maatter how many times i've heard it.
Not that many.
I find myself craving EMGs voice more and more.
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Re: oh wow

Postby Alien4420 » November 5th, 2009, 4:41 pm

angelcraves wrote:I find myself craving EMGs voice more and more.

Cuz the file tells you that it's addictive . . .
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Postby curiousguy92 » November 5th, 2009, 10:02 pm


I've been confused about my sexuality for a while and I just want to be gay. I'm listening to some of the cock sucking files too, but they haven't had much effect yet. It's probably because a lot of them mention being a sissy and that's not what I want.

Thank you for your concern though.
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Postby ftslave67 » November 6th, 2009, 7:16 am

curious guy--try jekkets "cockworship" file--no sissiness there. He also has a good induction, deepener, and my favorite, "be obedient". I think if you run these three on a playlist, followed by cockworship, you may get the effects you desire.
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Postby hypnoslave85 » November 6th, 2009, 12:26 pm

curiousguy92 wrote:

I've been confused about my sexuality for a while and I just want to be gay. I'm listening to some of the cock sucking files too, but they haven't had much effect yet. It's probably because a lot of them mention being a sissy and that's not what I want.

Thank you for your concern though.

Have you cock slut queen by jessica_james i hear that its quite a good file havent had much of a chance to listen to it myself so i cant say how effective it is but it might be worth giving it a try if you havent already.

i wish you the best of luck
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Postby AlphaShepherd » November 6th, 2009, 12:35 pm

ftslave67 wrote:curious guy--try jekkets "cockworship" file--no sissiness there. He also has a good induction, deepener, and my favorite, "be obedient". I think if you run these three on a playlist, followed by cockworship, you may get the effects you desire.

I agree. Sissy-boys are for some, but not for me. My files won't make you into one of them, no way. They'll make you into a cock-sucking, cum-loving, queer as hell MAN. Not necessarily a cigar-chomping leatherman, but a masculine faggot none the less.

I have some job issues right now that don't free up a lot of my time, but I can make room for commissions. Send me a message, and I'll see if I can't make you into the gay MAN that you want to be.
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Postby angelcraves » November 6th, 2009, 1:05 pm

wow that sounds exciting.
i get the feeling curious guy wont be curious for long :O
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Postby ftslave67 » November 6th, 2009, 9:08 pm

That Jekket guy is hot, too, BTW :)
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Postby angelcraves » November 7th, 2009, 1:42 am

Master Jekket have you done any "gay" files?
as much as i am hooked to cfg it doesnt seem intimate.
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Postby curiousguy92 » November 16th, 2009, 9:38 pm

angelcraves wrote:wow that sounds exciting.
i get the feeling curious guy wont be curious for long :O

Haha, thanks angelcraves. I definitely hope not.
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Postby hypnoslave85 » November 17th, 2009, 10:56 am

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Postby curiousguy92 » November 19th, 2009, 12:26 pm

Unfortunately I haven't been able to listen lately. My computer's acting up and I can't download anything. I'm getting it checked out and I'm going to start back up soon.
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Postby angelcraves » November 20th, 2009, 2:06 pm

i need help listening to this file, i seem to have reached a point where although i know it is what i want, i cant bring myself to listen.
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Postby Alien4420 » November 20th, 2009, 3:59 pm

That's interesting. Sounds like you hit some resistance, I've found that Freud's description of how that works is spot on -- strong effect initially, then resistance, followed by acceptance. Maybe you need someone to hypnotize you to listen again?

I found that the file's compulsion to listen worked, but I'd listened some sixty times voluntarily by the time I had occasion to test it. I don't know how others are, but with files I've listened to only a few times the suggestions to listen don't seem to work all that effectively. But I have noticed though that if I read a discussion of the file here, it tends to awaken the suggestions and I find myself listening despite myself. Maybe that will happen to you?

Another thing I've noticed is that with these sex files, when I'm horny I tend to lose whatever resistance is keeping me from listening, it may be only every few weeks that everything lines up but when it does I end up listening again.

Also, since the compulsion is strongest right after you've listened, it may be best to listen to Forced Gay daily if you haven't been. I've broken away from several files when something made it impossible for me to listen -- bad headache, broken computer, etc. A few days' hiatus seems to weaken the power of the suggestion.
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Postby ftslave67 » November 20th, 2009, 5:41 pm

I wouldn't force it, myself. I think if you really want it, the desire will build up within you and you will find yourself listening again, perhaps without even thinking about it. Do you have it somewhere convenient, like an iPod or a burned CD? If not--take care of that and the rest will take care of itself.
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Postby hunner » November 24th, 2009, 3:54 pm

What i still struggle with is the reality here, well i am not going to bash anyone or claim the file don't work, what would i know, i never touched it, and i don't dare to test either, in case it would.

I see a few here that have the following issues.

- Regrets, when that appears my guess you are breaking the curse and going back to where ever you were before the curse. It is just a matter of time. Don't underestimate the subconsciousness.
- totally changed, or falling out of the closet? As i said i do respect the file enough to not test it, but i still have the doubt, however as hetero i find it strange to have the will to change orientation, if you are a Liverpool fan, you don't pop up out of nowhere with a Man Utd jersey.
- Sexual aspect, this one is very hard to really understand, because it so many of them, i can see it be sexual justified, maybe not very tought trough. But again i lean into the coming out of the closet part.
- Unsecurity. I think the guy that started the post was really not sure what he was, and i guess he needed some exploring iRL and maybe hold off the files a while. Hope he ends up happy anyways.

So ok, if CFG is a file that can alter your orientation, what if making a curse forced heterosexual EMG? THAT would not only be interesting, but you'll get a shitload of cash from religious organizations. I bet 10k$ pricetag on that file would be somewhat fair.
Maybe not so fun for gays on WMM, but they don't need to download it anyways, unless they get a kick out of it ;)

Have a fileicious day.
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Postby Alien4420 » November 24th, 2009, 5:05 pm

I don't know of anyone who has broken CFG after having listened to it a substantial number of times. I agree that the subconscious is a powerful thing, but this is a hypnosis file -- it reprograms the subconscious -- so it's the subconscious that prevents you from breaking it, assuming that you listen through the period of resistance. This corresponds well I think with Freud's observations, and that of other hypnotists -- a period of resistance, followed eventually by acceptance.

The changes produced by this file have nothing to do with being in the closet, although some bi guys have used it to overcome their guilt about gay sex. I think one almost has to play around with these sex files to appreciate how easily sexual orientation and object choice can be changed. It's like writing into some computer registers. (Dave was straight, BTW. But his relationships with women didn't work out. He chose to change because he felt he could have better relationships with men, and it seems to have worked well for him.)

My one concern with this file is that the religious nuts *will* discover it and use similar files to hurt gay kids. It's not at all certain that files of this sort can change everybody. For one thing, the mind will reject a suggestion that it seriously doesn't like, and that did happen to someone who listened to it. For another, there's pretty strong scientific evidence that homosexuality is affected by, though not entirely determined by, heredity. For example, if an identical twin is gay, there's a 50% chance the other twin will be gay, whereas if one fraternal twin is gay, there's a *lower* chance that the other twin will be gay. There's also interesting evidence that later children are more likely to be gay. It's possible that some people may be biologically unable to adopt a male orientation.

But beyond that, to the extent that homosexuality is psychological, it's an adaptation that the subconscious mind chose for reasons it is probably better equipped to understand than a bunch of ignorant Bible thumpers, or for that matter, the lesser breed of psychologist. Gay kids are under enormous social pressure as it is. I would hate to see kids have their personalities reset by malicious know-nothings, particularly in cases in which psychic harm could result.

That being said, there is a Curse Forced Straight, based largely on Forced Gay but not as good. A couple of gay guys here have said it *did* affect them, and several guys have used it to reverse the effect of Curse Forced Gay. It should be used by adults who know what they want.
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Postby hunner » November 24th, 2009, 7:36 pm

Yes i think you are right about reprogramming, but to use an example from chaos theory, life finds a way, with that i mean, it dosen't matter what you experiment with, life will find a way to adapt, as in subconsciousness can be reprogrammed, but it might fight it, hence why you need to listen as many times. To utterly guessing... The subconsciousness will find another way to beat the "intruder" even if it is programmed to break it. Another word, the subconscious becomes the virus.
I see someone have some sort of regrets, even in this thread, so it isn't that bulletproof. Maybe for a while, but eventually it will weaken. (unless you are in fact gay to begin with, not everyone is that clear about what they are.)

Mind you this is only my guessing, I have absolutely no knowledge about hypnotism, but I also try to see other sides, by all means, if peoples is happy using this file, I think they should, but a hetero getting a sexual kick out of it would probably be safe, since he isn't unsure of his orientation, or is he? ;) And eventually not being affected.

What i try to say while i trailed off with my "theories" is that this file might NOT be the best file to check if you are gay or not. And think about what/if's before you listen to it.

Well i am off to bed, only to listen to the estrogen cocktail...

Have a nice do as i say, and not as i do evening ;)

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Postby Alien4420 » November 24th, 2009, 8:39 pm

The subconscious does put up a fight, but eventually, with repeated listening, the resistance is overcome and the subconscious adapts. A phenomenon first observed by Freud 100 years ago in his treatment of hysterics. That doesn't mean there aren't regrets, in part because the file plants them. Even if it didn't, the subconscious doesn't eliminate all regret, lots of people straight and otherwise have reason to regret part of their sexuality.

BTW, heterosexual people aren't in the least bit safe with this file. One of the reasons it works is that people tend not to believe it will. By the time they discover otherwise, it's too late. At least two people have ended up breaking up with their girlfriends as a result. It would be pretty silly to write a file to make people gay if it only worked on people who were already gay!
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Postby hypnomeister2 » November 24th, 2009, 10:33 pm

Yea, like I said before. I didn't listen to the file all too much, so it didn't make me gay permanently, but I was for a few days getting off to gay porn, instead of the normal stuff I looked at.

I can still get off to gay porn, actually. I don't think I'd ever want to have a gay experience, but cocks and buff men can be hot sometimes, sometimes I just don't want it, the buff men part, the cock part is ALWAYS welcome.

A new and forver fetish of mine now is Shemales, sure they're technically guys, but get one that looks like a real woman enough, but with a nice cock, that is totally hot. I fantasize about sucking off a shemale.

Before listening to the file, I thought gay porn was revolting, personally. Now I am either indifferent when I see it, or sometimes turned on.

I think the file made me Bi, but with a strong leaning towards women, still. Maybe I'll have a listen...
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Postby angelcraves » November 25th, 2009, 3:12 am

Hi hunner,

hope you are well.

seems to be a bit of a contradication here.

in one post you are saying that the subconscious can always fight back, and in the other you are advocating the listening of femme files.

its very good that you are *clear* that you are heterosexual, but i have a small question, maybe something is niggling away inside of you a little bit?

Heterosexual girls fancy men, date men, have sex with men, go weak at the knees when complimented by men, have drinks with men, find or try to find their soul and life partner with a man..
Homosexual(?) girls fancy girls, date girls, have sex with girls, go weak at the knees when complimented by girls?, have drinks with girls, find or try to find their soul and life partner with a man..

You are listening to feminization hypnosis, because you want to be a girl?

Maybe your brain is putting 2+2 together and getting you a little curious about guys?

Maybe you want to try the file?

I can only speak from my own experience, started with dressing, then when i dressed started thinking a little about guys, but never when not dressed.
Then before you know it, i'm listening to CFG, i don't even know why.

I do know that i love the sound of EMGs voice now, so much so that i typed up one of the script files and had to be careful not to slip into trance doing it.
Luckily it was part of a series so there was no induction, but I still found myself thinking about it.

I don't per-se think i've listened to CFG that much, but it just has a more profound effect. Maybe i tried CFG because i thought hypnosis from mp3s did not work for me, after listening to many others.

I've since found a lot of mp3s do work for me, which i'm very happy about.

If you don't want to try the file, then you don't have to, but without trying it, i find it strange it can be dismissed :)

Have a good day/morning/evening.

be well.
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Postby hunner » November 25th, 2009, 8:47 am

angelcraves wrote:Hi hunner,

hope you are well.

seems to be a bit of a contradication here.

in one post you are saying that the subconscious can always fight back, and in the other you are advocating the listening of femme files.

its very good that you are *clear* that you are heterosexual, but i have a small question, maybe something is niggling away inside of you a little bit?

Heterosexual girls fancy men, date men, have sex with men, go weak at the knees when complimented by men, have drinks with men, find or try to find their soul and life partner with a man..
Homosexual(?) girls fancy girls, date girls, have sex with girls, go weak at the knees when complimented by girls?, have drinks with girls, find or try to find their soul and life partner with a man..

You are listening to feminization hypnosis, because you want to be a girl?

Maybe your brain is putting 2+2 together and getting you a little curious about guys?

Maybe you want to try the file?

I can only speak from my own experience, started with dressing, then when i dressed started thinking a little about guys, but never when not dressed.
Then before you know it, i'm listening to CFG, i don't even know why.

I do know that i love the sound of EMGs voice now, so much so that i typed up one of the script files and had to be careful not to slip into trance doing it.
Luckily it was part of a series so there was no induction, but I still found myself thinking about it.

I don't per-se think i've listened to CFG that much, but it just has a more profound effect. Maybe i tried CFG because i thought hypnosis from mp3s did not work for me, after listening to many others.

I've since found a lot of mp3s do work for me, which i'm very happy about.

If you don't want to try the file, then you don't have to, but without trying it, i find it strange it can be dismissed :)

Have a good day/morning/evening.

be well.

Well you get me there Lady blabla.

Have a fog free day.
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Postby Alien4420 » November 25th, 2009, 9:57 am

angelcraves wrote:I can only speak from my own experience, started with dressing, then when i dressed started thinking a little about guys, but never when not dressed.
Then before you know it, i'm listening to CFG, i don't even know why.

I think several of us got led to CFG through the feminization stuff. Lots of feminization files have suggestions to be bi or make you interested in cocks.

No way would I have listened to CFG a few years ago, but as I think back, I listened to

- Mind Mistress files that make you want cock and sex as a woman
- Mistress Seductra files that make you want cock and become a shemale
- Stroke Sissy, which makes you bi and want cock

So there was lots of suggestion there, over a period of several years.
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Postby Alien4420 » November 25th, 2009, 10:16 am

hypnomeister2 wrote:Yea, like I said before. I didn't listen to the file all too much, so it didn't make me gay permanently, but I was for a few days getting off to gay porn, instead of the normal stuff I looked at.

I can still get off to gay porn, actually. I don't think I'd ever want to have a gay experience, but cocks and buff men can be hot sometimes, sometimes I just don't want it, the buff men part, the cock part is ALWAYS welcome.

A new and forver fetish of mine now is Shemales, sure they're technically guys, but get one that looks like a real woman enough, but with a nice cock, that is totally hot. I fantasize about sucking off a shemale.

Before listening to the file, I thought gay porn was revolting, personally. Now I am either indifferent when I see it, or sometimes turned on.

I think the file made me Bi, but with a strong leaning towards women, still. Maybe I'll have a listen...

If you like the way you are, women, shemales and such, go easy on Forced Gay. Loss of attraction to women was the last thing to happen to me and to some others here, but it does eventually happen. Or you could edit out the loss of attraction to women parts in Audacity . . .
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Postby Ryan83 » December 5th, 2009, 3:32 pm

It's getting harder and harder to fight these urges. I'm pretty convinced at this point that I'm gay. And maybe I should just stop fighting it and give in?

Either way, I'm going to listen to more CFG. :lol:
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Postby Alien4420 » December 5th, 2009, 4:00 pm

I'd got with the flow, then! I mean, if you keep listening, you're going to be gay eventually even if you aren't already, so why not just let go and have fun with it?
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