help falling into trance?

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help falling into trance?

Postby Cheshare » December 5th, 2009, 12:09 pm

Ok im new, as in REALLY knew as in I just found this site two days ago and it fascinated me so i decided to join and listen to a few files.

well I have and I got to say I like a lot of it and ive already downloaded a lot of files that I want to work for me but heres my question, Im having a hard time getting them to work. I find most of the time when Im tranced that its only partial, I have a difficult time moving and I feel my limbs get very heavy (my arms especially) however I still have the ability to think and I feel as if I'm not really tranced all the way. There have also been a few occasions where I havent been able to get through a file with out falling asleep at some point it seams. Sometimes I'll wake up mid file, after its repeated itself a few times, or at the end.

my question is, is it good that I "fall asleep" so to speak during some files? And if so are there any ideas on how to make this a more common occurrence?

and also are there just some general advice on falling into trance and getting files that have after effects, like curse's to work?

I"m not sure if this thread is in the right place, and if it isnt I'm sorry but really I just want some help with all this ):
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Joined: December 3rd, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby carsh » December 5th, 2009, 1:47 pm

I had trouble falling into trance at the start and still do, kinda, but have improved I think.

when you say a lot of files how many do you mean? because it is probably best to just listen to one or two. I suggest you listen to some induction files to get use to going into trance.

I find most of the time when Im tranced that its only partial, I have a difficult time moving and I feel my limbs get very heavy (my arms especially) however I still have the ability to think and I feel as if I'm not really tranced all the way

this is a good thing I believe because this is pretty much how I feel when in trance. Dont worry about still having the ability to think, just let yourself think, let your mind wonder while you fall into trance :wink:

There have also been a few occasions where I havent been able to get through a file with out falling asleep at some point it seams. Sometimes I'll wake up mid file, after its repeated itself a few times, or at the end.

This has happened to me a few times and I found that the files were having an effect still. Maybe you are just going really deep or something.

for getting affects from files - repetition is always key :)
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Postby Cheshare » December 5th, 2009, 11:06 pm

oh i havent listened to nearly all of them, but their files that interest me and I want to try at some point or another so I downloaded them when I saw them then put them on a play list for later. Ive listened to a few inductions, the first one I listened to was very effective and I felt it almost instantly, since Ive tried a few others but I guess I'm impatient, I'm trying to find some more inductions that help me.

I feel like sleep would mean its a good thing as i nits a deep trance, but then again I'm usually listening to files between 10pm to 4am because those are the few times I'm guaranteed not to be bothered.

would it help if I listened to an induction a few times then started going through the lists I wanted to to feel the full effects? Im finding Cardigan to have the most effect trance on me and his inductions work very well on me.

im thinking of playing a file on loop while I sleep to help get its effects, do you think that would work? I have a hard time picking up triggers, or after effects. If some ones trying to move me in trance its worked with a few but its the things Im supposed to feel after, or the effects of a trigger word that I'm not getting.
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Joined: December 3rd, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 6th, 2009, 12:12 am

Cheshare wrote:im thinking of playing a file on loop while I sleep to help get its effects, do you think that would work?

Welcome to WarpMyMind, Cheshare.

The desire for the effects is strong, isn't it? A craving

It's so strong that you're considering looping an mp3 so that it plays continuously as you sleep.

I recommend against that plan.

Sometimes less is better.

Your subconscious mind is adept at filtering out 'noise'.

The detection ability of your senses outpaces the capability of the mind. As a result, your mind 'tunes in' to what's important and ignores the rest.

Maybe you're familiar with the phrase "Leave 'em wanting more".

It's considered the first rule of showbiz... Always leave 'em wanting more
    Let the customer want just a little more, and he'll stay tuned for the next installment, or come back to watch the same show again.

It's true with hypnosis, too.

So, let your sleep be restful sleep

After your mind is rested and you're feeling contented and happy -
that's the best time for recreational trance.

And when you wait to listen... when you crave the effects because of waiting... it's powerful.

Again, welcome to WMM.
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