How To?

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How To?

Postby angelwings » December 6th, 2009, 5:58 pm

I am new to this site and don't know much about hypnosis, and am wondering if somebody would be kind enough to help me.
I have a few questions:
First, I am trying to figure out how to use the files here. Am I correct in assuming that I should just make a playlist with an induction file, then whatever files I wish to use, and then an awakening file?
Second, if I'm making a playlist, should I loop the files in between the induction and awakener? If so, how many times should they be repeated, and should there be any particular order?
Third, can I use multiple different trigger/curse/ect. files in one playlist?
Fourth, should I listen to these playlists while I sleep, and if so, should they last the entire time?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Joined: December 5th, 2009, 1:00 am

Re: How To?

Postby zapnosis » December 6th, 2009, 6:29 pm

Hi Angelwings, welcome to WMM!
It's cool that you are new, we have all been there, but you should understand that there is no absolutely right or wrong answer to a lot of questions. If in doubt, try it. If it works for you, then it's good. It is that simple and that complicated!

1) No. Most files have induction and awakener "built in" - they are designed to be listened to on their own. If you have premium access, you can download the "body" of these files where listed, which means you need to add your own induction and awakener. There are exceptions and a read of the file description usually mentions this. If in doubt, listen to the first minute or two and you should be able to tell the difference.

2) If you are dealing with files without induction or awakener, you can loop them in a playlist or not, it is entirely up to you.

3) You can. However, if any of the suggestions conflict with each other then that would make everything less effective. This is quite likely. I would suggest that this is something to build up to.

4) The accepted theorey is that listening while asleep produces no results. It is possible that some effects may break through, but I have never heard of it working. Trance and sleep are two very different things.

In general, going into trance is usually a lot more difficult than people expect and when it happens it is usually very different to what people imagined. I would strongly recommend just trying basic inductions to start with. There is plenty of time to explore the rest. :D

Welcome again,
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Joined: December 30th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby angelwings » December 6th, 2009, 7:12 pm

Thanks a bunch!
What advantages would there be in looping a file?
When would be the best time to listen to the playlists?
Are there any files that you would recommend for a newbie who wants to see what these things work before trying anything complicated?
Posts: 3
Joined: December 5th, 2009, 1:00 am

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