femme curse files possible

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femme curse files possible

Postby MacGyver » December 3rd, 2009, 12:16 am

wasnt quite sure what to put in the subject line, but anywho, i am working with making cursed clothing files to femenise a guy. i was thinking of rather than just going panties, maybe it would be more interesting if one of 3 basic types of panties would cause the listeners butt to grow and shape up different. for example, if the listener wears this type of panties, he will end up with a ghetto booty, another type will cause the listener to grow a nice round heart shaped butt, and yet one more type of panties would cause the listener to grow a nice round bubble butt.

then i was thinking on cursed bra, maybe make it so if the listener wants round breasts they would wwear this kind of bra, pear shaped they would wear that kind of bra.

and other such things for file i am working on. more or less, i am wondering what ya'll would think of files that not only played both sides of the coin but also could give the listener some choice as to how they want their breasts, butt or whatever other parts of their body to be shaped by wearin different types of an article of clothing/underwear and so on.

see, i was thinkin to myself that a TS might want a bubble butt while this one wants a booty yet the third person may want a normally round feminine heart shaped butt, and put that all into one file so the listener could choose the shape of their butt by the type of panties they wear and all.

i promise to use my weird only for good and to do my best to not harm the normals.
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Postby dottie » December 4th, 2009, 12:28 am

I have to suspect that most TGs have fashion/practical preferences for types of undies. So maybe you have mostly full coverage bras rather than demi-cups because they are easiest to stuff. Or maybe you have mostly lace undies because they are pretty or satin cause they are sexy or stretchy nylon because they are comfortable.
So if you do something like that, and want to address TG/TS folk, I think you'll want to separate the files.
Example: If you want a bubble butt and that is assigned to thongs, you don't want to have to avoid the rest of your wardrobe if they're all bikini briefs which would give you a heart shaped butt instead.

So the ability to mix and match may be important.
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Postby MacGyver » December 4th, 2009, 9:16 pm

i was thinkin of doin the panties all in one file, and let the user choose, then for transgendered, i could make a seperate file for those people.

as for the bra, i was thinkin regular vs. underwire. which, according to the limited research i have done on bras, an underwire would help the breasts to grow rounder as apposed to a regular bra where the breasts may become take the pear shape, yet give the listener a choice between the two.

if ya want ya butt or breasts to have a certain shape and size, then choose a certain type of bra and panty but, i may hit a wall with the panty file as some guys may not be able to sufficiently cover their package with a thing, so, i may switch out the thong for boy short. just depends on the suggestions i get before the file is made.
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Postby Krysta » December 5th, 2009, 11:26 pm

I think the trouble with that, though, is that not everyone wanting to listen would necessarily agree with your choices as to which fashions would cause which changes. And how would this affect those who already enjoy a variety of styles, as part of the look of their wardrobe. Either they would have to choose to completely eschew a majority of their underwear to meet the requirements of your file, or they would be sending their body a multitude of mixed messages, thereby decreasing the overall effectiveness of your file.

Instead, you would likely do better to split the effects into files for each type, with only a general garment style. This will, admittedly, be a bit more work on your part, but allow much more freedom or choice, and better overall effectiveness with files devoted to one singular effect.

- Krysta
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Postby Starmaster » December 6th, 2009, 12:45 am

Yeah, this sounds a little limiting to me as well. Wouldn't it just be simpler to include in the file the style of attribute like you mentioned, but just get the person to visualize what they want, and leave out the clothing style choice entirely? I mean, I can see where you are trying to go with this, and if that is what someone wants to do then obviously that's fine. I just know that this wouldn't interest me if it limited my choices in clothing, even if I got to choose which one(s) I was being limited to.
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Postby MacGyver » December 6th, 2009, 7:20 pm

ok so, basically a bit of a change from what i was thinking of going with, keep the cusred clothing such as panties and bra yet it will be up to the listener as to how they would like their butt or breasts to be shaped.

with that in mind, what would ya'll think about a file that would cause their butt or breasts to take the same shape of the female butt/breast they are the most sexually attracted to, this way if round breasts turn the listener on more than pear or triangle, then that is what would happen, or say this listener is most attracted to a ghetto booty, while another is most attracted to bubble butts, and another to the round heart shaped butt, then that would be how theirs would shape up. yet at the same time, they must wear a bra to grow boobs and must wear panties to grow the butt with no specific styles needed just that the clothing be made for a woman.

well, gimme some feedback and see if this one sounds better to ya'll. i would like to make the files right the first time if possible or atleast make them work really well for the listener. these are just a couple files i have in the works in a "cursed clothing" series, this way the human body can concentrate on one part at a time, and if i am correct, this should also make the files a bit more effective. seein as the foundation is what is put on first, why not start out with the foundation for dressing which is the bra and underwear, once these files are made, the next in the series will be the socks/hosiery.
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Postby Krysta » December 7th, 2009, 2:11 am

sounds better, except what if your listener happens to be attracted sexually to men? Or to girls with body types far from what they themselves would want?

especially with men, focusing on what they find sexually attractive would completely defeat your purpose.

- Krysta
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Postby MacGyver » December 7th, 2009, 1:54 pm

i was thinkin the female shape they find most attractive.

i have not planned any files for those who like the same sex.

ok, so how about this, the shape they desire the most.

basically, if they want to look femme, the shape they desire most for their butt, and this go for the panties file and the shape of the boobs for the bra file.
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Postby Krysta » December 7th, 2009, 8:41 pm

that sounds like it should work splendidly, I have no objection.

- Krysta
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Postby MacGyver » December 7th, 2009, 9:16 pm

ok, but as originally planned, they will have to wear the female clothing to get the shape they want. these will also be trigger files unless requested that i put an induction infront of the files, then i will mix the file (s) with an induction that are requested that way.
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Postby Krysta » December 8th, 2009, 12:13 am

I have no issue with the delivery mechanism for the effects, since they're not really intended for me anyway :P

Am I reading right that you're planning to only record the bodies of the files? (no induction no wakener?)
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Postby MacGyver » December 8th, 2009, 11:00 am

there will be an awakener included with each file, just not always the same word is spelled out to awaken the subject.

the subject will be taken down with a trigger, and would need to have been practicing with one of my inductions until they have recieved the arm raise test. i made it so the subject would only get the test after their mind has accepted the trigger, not everyone will get the test after the same amount of listens. my firstinductions were set to a number of listens then the test, and some did not get the test when they should have so, i changed it.

now, if requested, as i know there may be those who cannot seem to get the trigger set, i will add an induction, but induction or not they will all have an awakener. the words i choose to spell out will go with the file i put it in, i like to try and keep it down to 5 letters if i can.
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