Decision between making two files...(Pokemon)

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Decision between making two files...(Pokemon)

Postby MdeSiberieux » December 10th, 2009, 10:53 pm

So after getting permission from the original author of a pikachu script, I decided that I want to try and adapt the format for other Pokemon. Right now I'm trying to decide between two, Nidoking and Smeargle. Perhaps you guys can help me decide between the two. What does everyone think?
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Postby darkseed » December 10th, 2009, 11:05 pm

I'm going to vote for Nidoking.
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Postby meganox123 » December 10th, 2009, 11:43 pm

Oh that is a toughy. I'll go with Nidoking
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Joined: May 5th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby darkenedav » December 11th, 2009, 2:01 am

Prepare for trouble!
Make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
That's right!
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Postby MdeSiberieux » December 11th, 2009, 4:21 am

Oh, also, this is just to help me decide which to do first. I will be making both of them.
Posts: 17
Joined: August 28th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby darkenedav » December 11th, 2009, 1:02 pm

WizDom wrote:Okay, that last post was totally unnecessary, and kind of mean to Pokémon furs. To quote Full Frontal Nerdity: "My hobbies need fewer social stigmas, not more, thank you."

That said, my vote would go for Smeargle (imagine combining that with sigil magic), but obviously my vote is a little biased.

It's a joke, google "sense of humour" when you've the time.
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Joined: July 15th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby MdeSiberieux » December 11th, 2009, 3:13 pm

And so, through the magic of boredom and adderall, I notated and changed the script to fit Nidoking. Kerel originally made the script, and it has some very good suggestions in it that take care of the problem that comes up with hygiene and normal daily functions with a transformed body. It even includes suggestions that you can go back to normal at any time, and transform back through meditation or listening to the file again. Within the next day or so, I'll use the format for a Smeargle tf as well. Also, your best bet is to copy and paste into word, the script is a beast, 8 pages long including a pokemon themed induction to help the transformation process on its way. So, without further adieu:

This file will transform you into a Nidoking furry, and it will teach you how to remain that way. I’m going to do this by showing you an easy and comfortable way to add a Nidoking’s essence to your own. You will be able to make yourself as much of a Nidoking as you want, and you will feel great pleasure in being changed. The changes will happen from the inside out, and they will remain effective outside of trance. If you find that your transformation is incomplete, or if there are any elements missing from your new form, you can just listen to this file again, and add what you need, or repeat the process while meditating. Any changes that take effect in trance will remain effective when you are awake, and they will feel very natural. Your human body will become a template, and your furry body will be like a nice, comfortable coat that you don’t need to take off. Even so, you will remember to take care of your template body, and if you really want to take off your furry body, you will be able to do so easily and naturally.

Now we’re going to prepare your mind and body to become a Nidoking Furry.

I want you to think about a time when you felt very comfortable. Think about the last time you took a nice relaxing bath, or maybe a shower. Remember how the water fell over your skin, how fresh and clean it felt when you were washed. Just focus on that feeling, and try to get the details into it. Think about how warm the water was, and how relaxing the temperature was. Not too hot, not too cold. Think about what kind of soap you used, and smell it if you can. Try to feel the air on your face, how warm it was. Just focus on the memory, and let everything else fade out. And the more you let this memory wash over you, the more you realize that it fills your mind, and washes it clean. So nice to feel cleansed, doesn’t it? In fact, you find yourself being pulled into it more and more. Your breath is slowing down all on its own, and your body is relaxing.

In a few moments, I am going to count to five, and with every number I count, you will find yourself slipping more and more, until you feel perfectly relaxed, and your body feels cleansed and at peace. I am going to start the count now. …5…..4…..3…..2……1

There. You are so relaxed now, so peaceful. Now we can go look for the part of you that wants to be a Nidoking. Because you know there is a part of you that wants to transform, that there is also a part of you that doesn’t. You need to realize that this is normal, and to be expected. That’s just how your mind works. The key to changing is to allow the change to happen, and to make it last.

So now that you’re completely relaxed, I want you to imagine that you’re sitting in a forest. Picture it as vividly as you can, ground underneath you, the smell of trees around you, or maybe flowers. Just put yourself in this natural environment sitting down comfortably. Feel the sun and the wind on your face, and relax. Now I’m going to ask you to bring in some company. Your mind and imagination can create any number of things. Any objects, any person, entire cities, whole worlds can fit in your mind. So I want you to tap into that potential now, and picture a Nidoking coming up from behind you. You’ll know that its there before it enters your field of vision. And you know what kind of Nidoking it is. It could be a young one, still rash, or a more mature one, with more experience. It might be wild, or it could be owned by someone you like very much. Perhaps the Nidoking you want is a character in a story, or maybe it simply embodies every Nidoking you could imagine. Everything you see in that creature. Nidoking “god” as it would.

Now, as I count to 3, this Nidoking will come up from behind you. You will see it in your mind’s eye, and you will know exactly what kind it is. As well as the kind of attitude it has. It might be cool, tough, cute, beautiful, even smart if you want. Your mind will bring it forth, no matter what kind of Nidoking it is. I’m going to count now…..1……2……3

There it is, right in front of you. The Nidoking that will act as a model for your furry body. You can see it in detail, the face, tail, horn, ears, and armor. Just look at it for a moment, and let the details sink in. Now we’re going to let some parts of yourself take on this Nidoking’s aspects. We’re going to let some of your cells out, and let them become Nidoking cells. This is a simple process, but you need to understand the trick to it. So just relax as I talk you through it. Now, focus on your ability to change, combine, and to react. Think about a time when you learned something new, and felt proud of it. Doesn’t matter if it was something small, or if it was a long time ago. Just take hold of the pride you feel when you learn something new. You might get the urge to smile, so go ahead. Hold on to that feeling, and move it down into your stomach. Now charge up that feeling with three deep breaths. As you breathe in deep, feel the air go down, and bring your feeling of accomplishment to life.


Okay, now comes the tricky part. With one strong breath out, you’re going to bring that feeling up, and exhale it. You’re going to blow it out, just like blowing a bubble, and it will look a bit strange when it comes out, like a formless black mass. As soon as its out, it will split up into smaller black blobs. These are like cells that carry potential. You are going to breathe out pure potential now. Just breathe in and out. There, that was the hardest part, the rest is a piece of cake. Now you’ve blown out some potential. It looks like a blob because potential has no form, and its black because black envelops every other color.

Now, these blobs are like cells that carry potential. They’re just floating about, and you can see that they’re looking in to take some definition. So just picture the black mass, or smaller masses homing in on the Nidoking that you just brought before yourself. The Nidoking isn’t afraid, it’s a little curios in fact. You can feel how the blobs start touching the Nidoking, and start copying its essence. Every time one of your cells makes contact, it redefines itself as a Nidoking cell. Its just a simple transfer of information, theres no loss of essence, you’re just making a copy of it. And when all of your cells have taken in Nidoking essence, you can take them all back in. You will have your own Nidoking cells to start from, once the process is complete. Just let those black blobs take in what they need, and let the programming complete itself. And when its done, just breathe it all back, and store it in your body.

Now that you have your own Nidoking cells, you can let them mix them with your own, so you can strengthen your furry body. You’re going to put these new cells to work in just a moment, but you need to be in a suitable environment first. Your body already feels cleansed and relaxed, so now we just need to bring you into a cleansed environment. You can let your model depart now, and if you want to contact it again, or another Nidoking for that matter, you’ll be able to do so without any effort.

You’re going to place yourself inside a ball now. Feel how your body is being pulled into a warm, comfortable bubble, and see yourself on the inside. Its dark, soothing, and you can see some mirrors above and below you. Concentrate on this feeling of protection and isolation. You are cut off from the outside world for a moment, and that fact relaxes you more. You can only hear my voice when you are inside this ball, and when you are inside, you find that you can concentrate on your furry body much more easily.

As you sink into this deep level of relaxation, you can feel the little Nidoking cells becoming more active. They are dividing and getting ready to go to work. Bring out your furry body in your minds eye, if you can. See it and feel it in as much detail as you can, and when you’re done, the Nidoking cells will start working. They will transform you into the Nidoking furry you want to become. It is something that you want, so if there is anything that I describe that does not fit your furry body, you will be able to ignore it, and likewise, if there are changes that you want to add that I do not mention, they will happen anyway.

Any changes that happen will persist outside of trance for as long as you want. Any changes that have happened will become stronger and more real. This will be like adding layers to your body, putting on a nice, comfy coat that you don’t need to take off if you don’t want to. However, it is important that you realize this furry body will become very real. You are meant to enjoy every step of the way, so its important that you silence any doubts you may have while becoming a Nidoking furry, even if it is for only a moment. So, while remaining relaxed and perfectly in trance, steel your resolve to become a Nidoking furry. And as you do, let yourself sink deeper into trance, and into your ball.

Ok, you are totally relaxed now, feeling calm, pleasant, and heavy. We can begin your transformation, and you can enjoy it as it happens. The cells you just absorbed were your own, and the essence of them was a copy. That means that your transformation will not be a forced one. You can just relax into it. Everything I describe serves only for changing the way you want to change, so if I describe anything that you don’t want to happen, you can relax and ignore it. Likewise, if there are changes you want that I do not describe, they will still happen. That is simply how this process works.

Your furry body will be fitted over your template body, and it will feel very real to you. Even so, anything that needs to be done for your template will come naturally. Washing, clipping your nails, brushing your teeth, eating, drinking, you will do all of these things as you normally would, its just that you choose to filter your experiences to fit your furry body. You know how people only hear only what they want to hear, or see what they want to see. Your transformation will work in the same way.

Now lets get started. You will get a Nidoking personality first. Focus on the cells that you just brought in, and let them divide. Feel how they make your body more pleasant. Now let them go to your spine, tracing the path of your spine, all the way to your brain, let the Nidoking cells nestle in. You can feel how they are already rewiring your brain, and are making you more of a Nidoking.

Your first change is happening. You are making Nidoking hormones. They will make your experience even more real, and help you feel your furry body. Feels good doesn’t it, like your brain is turning purple, and your body is glowing with soft energy. You know it’ll only get better.

Focus on your eyes now, but keep them closed. The eyes are the window to the soul, so it makes sense that you should have a Nidoking’s eyes. A Nidoking’s eyes are similar to your own, except that they have horizontal slits for pupils. You can feel how the Nidoking cells and hormones are flowing towards your eyes, changing their pupils. Your vision may even improve, if that is what you wish. Whatever the case, every time you look at your eyes in a mirror, or any other reflection, you will see Nidoking eyes, with slits for pupils, and know that they are yours. You don’t have to force anything, if you can’t see it at first, just relax and enjoy the hormones that you are producing. The changes don’t take any effort, just relax into them all

Next we’re going to change your face. The face is the part of your body that is most visible to other people, so you can easily imagine how it looks. These next few changes may affect some of your senses, but the effects are easy to get used to. As I describe the face of your furry body, you will feel it over your template, just like a mask. This mask will be able to feel and move; it will be as if your template and mask are the same thing. However, any time your template requires attention, like shaving or eating, you will be able to act as you normally would. You’ll either mentally take off the mask, or just filter your experience to fit your furry body. You don’t need to worry about not being able to act normal, what you want to happen will happen. You’re just using a different perspective on yourself and the world around you, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

We’re going to start by reshaping your ears. Your ears will be Nidoking ears. You can feel the ears on your template go numb, as your Nidoking cells take over your cellular tissue. You might find the base of your ears are moving up and to the back of your head, or you can let them stay where they are. Whatever fits your furry body is how you ears will be. Either way, your human ears will be just another template, blocked off by the sensation of your Nidoking ears. Nidoking ears are large, a bit rounded, and because of their shape, they catch sounds quite easily. They funnel them into your ear canal so that you may hear in greater detail. They are covered in a slick, sturdy purple skin that is almost armor like. Their insides are a sea green or teal color. Just move your attention to these ears. Feel how they take in sounds and touch, just like normal ears would. You may even feel your heartbeat in your ears. That’s right, these ears are a part of your body, and your heartbeat will keep them alive. You’ll also find that these ears are quite sensitive to both sound and touch, especially around the edges. Imagine how pleasurable it is to be stroked around the edges of your ears. Feels good doesn’t it?

Your furry body is already becoming more real. Nidoking cells are increasing, and the hormones are feeding your furry body. Next we are going to change your nose and mouth. Picture a Nidoking’s muzzle, and move it over your face. It might seem tricky at first, but just let the sensations of your mouth and nose blend in with those of your muzzle. Your nose extends through the length of your large muzzle, which angles towards a point from where it is connected to your face. You have two small nostrils on the top at the tip, and your muzzle is almost triangular. You can let your skin change color as well, allowing it to become purple as the flesh changes color and texture to that of a Nidoking’s. And don’t forget the trademarked fangs. You have two large teeth that protrude out of your mouth from your bottom jaw. They are identical, and are opposite to each other, one on each side of your jaw. Although they stick out quite obviously, they do not prevent you from talking, or change the way that you speak. Out of your forehead then begins to grow a horn. Your nidoking cells move to the point where your new horn will grow, and begin to divide. They create new flesh and bone where there was none at all. Now imagine where the tip of your horn is, how long it is. Feel the new mass extend out from your forehead, growing longer, until it is the length that you desire. The horn is purple, just like the rest of the skin on your head, and is as long as you want it to be. You can feel it there, just like you can feel your ears and muzzle because it is a part of your body. Just relax into these changes, don’t force them.

Your face, the most visible and exposed part of your body, now looks just like that of a Nidoking. You can feel the armor covering you, like a coat that clings to your skin, because its part of your skin. You can feel when you touch it, and you can feel it when its touched. Now let the image sink in, and let it come to life. Notice the color and texture of your skin. You’ll also notice your ears and nose are stronger now. You’ll be able to pick up smells and sounds from all around you, and you might even realize that you can recognize people by their scent. Just let it all happen. Fit the mask over your face and let it become real. Every sensation from your Nidoking face.

Now, with your face all done, we’re going to work on your legs. The same type of changes that have happened to the skin on your face are now happening to your legs. You can feel the Nidoking cells as they work on the change. Your skin turns to purple, the same color that you are now familiar with. The structure also begins to change. You can feel it as all of your toes begin to grow numb. You know that Nidokings do not have toes, but instead, their foot comes to a rounded off end. The Nidoking cells then help to merge your toes into your foot, rounding it off and turning the front where your toes used to be white. The color and texture of your legs then finish changing, and their shape then shifts into that of a nidoking’s legs. You can see that they have gained the shape that a nidoking’s armor like skin has, and your thighs are thinner than your knees, calves and feet. While you can walk around comfortably with these new legs, you should still put your socks and shoes onto your template. However, you will not see these socks and shoes, and will just see your Nidoking feet. You can feel your legs and how they shape easily, just like your face. You can feel how the Nidoking cells in your body help you experience everything to the fullest, and your hormones make you feel even better. Let your legs fit the exact image of your furry body, and you will experience everything fully. Every step you take, even washing your feet and legs, or when you go to sleep, just imagine how real these changes will be. How natural it all seems. And you know your own cells and hormones make them real.

Your legs are done for now. You can just leave them be as they are, changed into the legs of a Nidoking. You can feel how your face and legs are changed, yet so far only your face and legs have a nidoking’s armored skin on them. Nidokings have this skin all over their bodies, and while their belly, chest and tips of their feet are a white color, along the rest of their body, the thick, armor like skin that covers them is purple.

But first, let us bring some life into your tail. There is a trick to this change, and no matter how strongly or weakly you feel it, it will be great. Here goes: move your attention to your tailbone, and feel how far your tail reaches. The tip is all the way by your feet. Now, when you have it, feel how your copied cells travel to it, making brand new bone and tissue, or just adding more feeling to it if you already have one. Its basically an extra limb that will be as real as your legs and arms. You’ll notice that your tail is segmented so that it can remain flexible, while still being covered in your purple armored skin. As you move your attention up and down your tail, you’ll notice that it is thick and heavy, and takes up a large portion of your rump. It is filled with strong muscle however, and you will have no problems moving it in any way. This is what nidoking tails look like, how they feel. And your furry body has one. You can feel your tail coming to life now, nerves becoming more sensitive and more aware as I speak. Nidoking tails often hang down, and if they are long enough, sometimes drag along the ground slightly. This can feel a little strange, but don’t worry, the Nidoking part of you will help you when it has to. Just let it happen, don’t try to move your tail yet.

You are still deeply relaxed and in trance, and your tail is just as relaxed and heavy as the rest of your body. Just let it lie there, don’t try to flex it or move it, just feel it out. You can feel the nerves sending their information through your spine, up into your brain, the same as with the rest of your body. You can feel the tail, and every segment on it. You can feel the air caress the surface. Your tail is covered in the slick purple skin, all over it.
Just let the Nidoking part of you make it real. Don’t try and use any efforts. The fact that you’re listening is effort enough.

Now, I want you to pay attention to the base of your tail. If you focus on your tail base, you will find that there is a large sleeve around it, on your clothes. In fact, at any time you would put on your clothes or take them off, you will find that there is a hole for your tail, and a sleeve for it. You will remember to maneuver your tail through any clothes you put on or take off. Maybe wriggling it through it when you need to. You have a Nidoking’s tail, and you need to take care that it doesn’t get in your way. It’s just a natural part of having a tail. Your nidoking tail is quite strong, and because of its armor, it is not easily hurt. When you need to, you will be able to fold your tail in front of you, or sit on it. It is strong and flexible, and will not be hurt should you need to fold it forwards while driving so that you may sit in the driver’s seat.

Your tail will act and feel like a normal part of your body. Now let all of that sink in from the beginning. Your ears, face, horn, and legs have been brought out to fit your furry body, and you have a tail to match. You can feel the sensations sinking in, able to make them real. Your Nidoking cells and hormones will see to that, just let them do their job, energizing your furry body, while your template fades into the background.

And now, when you’re ready, we’ll get to work on the rest of your armor like skin. Your skin on your face, legs, and tail have already changed. We started with those because they are easier to change, and now we are going to complete the whole change. Since most of this armor will be covered by your clothes, it is best that you think of it as another layer of your skin. Since your legs have already changed, we now come to your private regions and butt. This part will usually be covered by your underwear. Focus on your nether regions, and if you want to change anything about your furry body, you’re free to do so. It’s your call, your decision. Imagine how it presses against your underwear, and how it feels when its pressed. It is your decision as to how your special parts shape, and how big they will be. Now let your skin in that region change in texture and color as it completes the change of your groin.

It feels so good to have your nice, armored skin covering your body, and its still getting better and better. We’ve covered your face, legs, groin and tail in Nidoking skin, and all that’s left now is your upper body. You can feel the Nidoking hormones really surging from your body now. Now that your private regions have that over. When you’re ready we can continue.

The last bit of your skin will now begin to change. You can feel the Nidoking cells working on your stomach, chest, back and arms. You now feel your stomach stick out a little bit and become more rounded. As both your pectorals change shape into two armor like plates, you begin to develop an extra segment of armor like skin between your stomach and pectorals. This extra segment keeps your torso flexible, and the entire front of your torso turns white and slick. Your back and arms then begin to take on the slick textured, purple skin, as the shape of your shoulders and arms changes a bit. They begin to shape more angularly like armor, in a similar way to when your legs changed. Like a Nidoking, you develop joints at your shoulders and elbows, allowing you to move just like before. It is just like wearing a comfortable suit of armor, except that you can feel it, because it is your body. As the armoring develops on your forearms and hands, they become larger than your upper arms. The shape of your hands then changes to fit with your forearms, and though your fingers then change into large white claws, they are still perfectly articulable, and you have not lost any function. When all of this is done, the change will join with the skin on your face, and your transformation into a Nidoking furry will be complete. You feel the skin on your neck and around your collar bone then change, becoming slick and purple. You can feel it as you breathe, and it feels great. Now, as the change is almost finished, it might feel as though you are locking yourself in, and you are locking yourself in, if you want to. You chose to listen to this file, and you chose to transform into a Nidoking furry.

Now your skin is almost done changing. At the count of 5, the skin on your neck will join with the skin on your face, and you’ll get a massive surge of Nidoking hormones from every cell in your body, sending pleasure all through it. This is the last step in your transformation. Are you ready?

1….Building up, slowly getting closer

2…..More and more excited

3….Almost there, just a few inches more

4….The armor is joining, closing the seals

And 5….You are now a Nidoking furry, and you feel great.

You have the face, ears, horn, tail, feet, and armor of a Nidoking. Everything you wanted. Now, before I wake you, I want you to let all of these changes sink in even more. The changes are real, and you now have a furry body. However, your template body still needs to be maintained. You still need to eat, sleep, do everything you would normally do. And you will be able to do all these things. It is just that you are filtering your experiences to fit your furry body. Your furry body is just like a nice, snug coat that is a part of you. And if you really want to, you will be able to take it off. It will not affect how you change back. And if you find that your transformation is incomplete, you can just relax, and go over the steps you need to power your changes even more.

And now, now its time to wake up

I’m going to wake you up on the count of 5

1…waking up
2…becoming more and more aware
3…slowly coming out of your ball
4…aware of the outside world
5…awake, alert, feeling fine and feeling good

I hope you enjoyed this file, and I hope you enjoy your new form.
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Postby MdeSiberieux » December 11th, 2009, 5:57 pm

So if I were to try and record this, would anybody be interested in it?
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Postby IcedOver » December 19th, 2009, 8:20 am

I find it interesting. If you recorded either this, or the Smeargle variation, I would give them a shot.
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Postby MdeSiberieux » December 20th, 2009, 2:43 am

Alright, I'm going to try to write the Smeargle version within the next few days. It'll be alot easier with the script mostly there, and then I'll see about recording them both.
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Postby ranmafan » December 20th, 2009, 11:37 am

Hehe who knows? One day we might cover the whole pokedex! XD We already have a lucario file and I think I still got a eevee file somewhere. :P
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Postby MdeSiberieux » December 20th, 2009, 4:32 pm

As is I've considered doing ones for Rhydon, Abra/Kadabra, and Machamp, but my interest for those at the moment is a bit low, possibly in the future though. I like this format though, it gives it a sense of permanence in that you can stay in the form as long as you like, but take it off at any time while still being able to get it back fully should you want.
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Postby Xheo » January 21st, 2010, 10:21 pm

We definitely need an anthro Lugia file. Who wouldn't want to be the majestic ruler of the sea? I definitely would.
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Postby MdeSiberieux » January 23rd, 2010, 1:22 am

Well if you want to take the Nidoking script I posted and adapt it for a Lugia morph, feel free to. Kerel didn't mind the format being adapted for other Pokemon.
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Postby Xheo » January 23rd, 2010, 1:37 am

Ah, I am not much of a writer, even if it is just making changes. I would if I could.
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Postby EvilHom3r » April 15th, 2010, 4:30 am

Would you mind posting the original pikachu script, or info on where to get it?
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Postby MdeSiberieux » April 24th, 2010, 7:00 pm

I never had the original Pikachu script, I ended up transcribing and changing the script to suit my purposes on the spot while listening to it. If you want the original script however, I suggest you ask Kerel for it.
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