Moderator: EMG
Mortal wrote:I'm sure everyone wil love to here from me. :D I don't think the files themselves are "satanic" however what they are intended to be used for is poisionous to the mind and soul. They cloud the mind with impossibilities, lust and selfishness. To illustrate my point in clouded minds search the forum and the voting page and see how clouded many minds have become. I would recommend for self help you go to a more reputable location.
tomtomtom wrote: I'm not into the whole fetish side of it, but I am into the self help section.
tomtomtom wrote: Do you think it is a little bit satanic? I'm not religeous but I dont like to go out of my way to anger the lord so to speak (dont really believe in it, have had sex with many different people, drink, etc.) hard to explain realllly..
tomtomtom wrote: Also is there any damage I could do to myself I was looking at some of the files and it was like permantly turn your self into a baby, to me that seems odd could someone explain to me why you would want to do that?
tomtomtom wrote: Also anyone had any experiance with the notshy thing, I only started it today (been doing this hyponotism gig for a few days now)
Mortal wrote:EMG,
First I do find it interesting that those who preach tolerance have little for anyone with a different opinion. Next, the man asked for opinions and I gave mine. Nothing more, nothing less. You say that the self help are done just as effectively as any other here. That's not in question it's whether they are done as well as elsewhere.
I find it interesting that the question is about satanic files. Satan being only recognized by religions of the God of Abraham and Satanist people. An admitted satanist says they are satanic and others are here to defend them as otherwise. I would say the only people capable of answering the question would be Christians, Jews, Muslims and Satanists.
I would like to reiterate if your instincts tell you that you shouldn't be here then you should leave with haste.
Sandy82 wrote:Mortal, people have realized you're a pious fraud.
Sandy82 wrote:Second, a neat construct in which only certain people can comment on certain topics. In your view, can only Frenchmen comment on French politics?
Mortal wrote:My good natared moralism is still there but I have grown a little weary of the blanket attacks for expressing an opinion. Tolerance except for people who differ from you. Honestly, who has been more tolerant?
I'm just pointing out that I go attacked at every turn and that seems interesting. I say something and it must be commented on. I do appreciate the special importance I seem to take in your life as well. As you seem to have a major interest in bringing me up.
Avoiding the 82?
Mortal wrote:I'm sure everyone wil love to here from me. :D I don't think the files themselves are "satanic" however what they are intended to be used for is poisionous to the mind and soul. They cloud the mind with impossibilities, lust and selfishness. To illustrate my point in clouded minds search the forum and the voting page and see how clouded many minds have become. I would recommend for self help you go to a more reputable location.
Mortal wrote:I have been patient with you all.
Mortal wrote:My problem is moral relativity in general. It is where Hitler and others emerged from.
Mortal wrote:Sorry for the delay in my responses. For some reason this thread hasn't been showing up as having changes to me. First the yes no questions.
Yes I occaisionally survey the site.
Yes there are parts I enjoy but not in the way I believe that you do.
Yes sometimes it does go against my religion as I have bouts or wrath and arrogance that rear their ugly head.
As for whether any one likes me I don't really care who likes me and who doesn't. It should be well known that I am comfortable standing out in a crowd.
Sandy, you are right that my statement was out of arrogance. I apologize. However, let me say to you let he who is without sin cast the first stone. How many times has that phrase been said to me? I am not perfect and don't pretend to be.
Communism was described as a utopian society but I think we can all agree it wasn't. Communism tries to force the issue and by doing so violates the very possibility. I am not arguing with your choices I am challenging your positions. You have all the freedom to do what you wish. If I were to force the issue I would be working on shutting the site down not having a discussion in it.
As far as banishment goes. First tell me what I have done that is wrong. I stay to the idle chatter topic which is by definition talk about whatever. I have stayed to threads where either I am addressed or I am talking about the subject. My views are unpopular here and so I should be banished (talk about communism). Also, if anyone thinks banishment on any level can stop someone then you are deluding yourself.
I agree with loadedkaos this thread is off topic. For this reason I will start a Mortal is wrong thread and you can feel free to attack me in it all you wish and not mess up other peoples questions. So they can get their threads out and I can respond if I deem it necessary without destroying the thread.
Wiccan Axiom wrote:An' ye harm none, do as ye Will
VeryGnawty wrote:What exactly is this thread asking? If all you want to know is whether or not these fetishes are "Satanic" in the Christian or LaVeyan sense, then the obvious answer is "yes"
But does that help you? Not really. Because that doesn't establish whether "Satanic" things are bad or not. If you are a Christian, this site is obviously bad news. If you are a Satanist, this site is probably good news.
It's all a matter of perception. "Satanic" is just semantics. It's like asking whether existence exists. You don't actually establish anything. The obvious solution is to, instead, discuss whether indulging in your own desires is the correct choice, or if there is a metaphysical reason for restraint.
Personally....Wiccan Axiom wrote:An' ye harm none, do as ye Will
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