Panty Files

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Panty Files

Postby Tiffany52 » January 7th, 2010, 11:45 pm

Hey to all!
I don't know if anyone shares the same interests as me but personally I love to wear panties, and have found some hypnosis for it! I have found one that is a curse called Curse Panty Deal but I am not sure about the whole curse sorta thing so I was wondering if someone could make a file that is just wearing panties (i.e. you feeling sexy while in a pair of panties, feel compelled to go out and buy a pair (thats what I really want), having the feeling you want to wear panties all the time! If anyone has suggetsions/constructive criticism please share.

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Postby MacGyver » January 8th, 2010, 8:14 pm

sounds like a cool idea, though if the file is made, ya might not want to mix it with the fembutt file, else ya could get stuck with a girly hiney, LOL.

if i make this file, it will be the second panty file, the one i am working on now is a curse file which curses the listener with a girly hiney, which will continue growing and reshaping without the listener having to hear a trigger.

i will put this in the list i am currently working on. might be a good idea if several tists made a file like this. i got an idea though, maybe give the listener a burning desire to wear them, which grows until the listener cant stand it any more and must go buy themselves some panties, and as soon as they put them on, they feel great, sexy, nothing is better than wearing panties.

word of warning though, do not mix a file like that with my cursed panties file when i finish and upload it.
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Postby Tiffany52 » January 10th, 2010, 8:39 pm

the last idea about the burning sensation sounds sooo awesome!!!!
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Postby MacGyver » January 11th, 2010, 3:59 pm

not a burning sensation but, a burning desire. you will want to wear them so bad that you wont care what people think, you ust have to have a pair and you just have to wear them. might also give the suggestion for the listener to feel like a kid in a candy store when they put a pair on. all happy-go-lucky just because they are wearing panties.
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Postby Tiffany52 » January 13th, 2010, 9:58 pm

I think you should also add something to the file that makes the person feel the urge to go buy a new pair every now and then
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Postby MacGyver » January 13th, 2010, 10:15 pm

sounds like a good idea. but i think i shall include suggestiosn to make sure they have enough to last so they can also be wearing a pair on laundry day as well. that is one i am working into my cursed bra file, enough bras to be able to wear a clean one one laundry day. the thing is though, how often the subject should go buy fresh bras and panties. need a good interval, somet hing that is not too quick yet i dont want the subject to be waiting till their underthings are full of holes neither.
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Postby Tiffany52 » January 16th, 2010, 12:13 am

yea exactly... how long will this file take you?
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Postby MacGyver » January 16th, 2010, 8:36 pm

not sure, i dont write anything down, i pull this stuff out of my head, make a recording, loop the body and see if anything needs changed, make a mental note and go again till i get soemthing that seems like it should work.
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Postby Tiffany52 » January 19th, 2010, 5:13 pm

Oh okay so then can you quickly give me an overview of what will or what you plan on having to file do?
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Postby MacGyver » January 19th, 2010, 7:43 pm

i am thinking of making 2 parts to the file, the first will addict you to wearing panties, the second part should not be listened to unless you want a femme butt and hips. i want the subject to resist buying and wearing panties as long as they possibly can, yet feel the constant need for them. once the subject can stand it no more, they will buy some according to their size mesurements, yet resist wearing them as long as the subject possibly can until finally, they feel as if they are about to burst and have to try them on.

once the subject gets the panties on, they will feel relieved just to be wearing panties, almost as if a giant weight has been lifted off of their shoulders. the subject should feel a sense of joy each and every time they put on a pair. wearing panties makes the listener feel good all the time as long as they are wearing a pair. wearing panties will even make the subject feel sexy. when not wearing panties, those good feelings go away. so to get those good feelings back, the subject will want to wear panties more and more. they will feel a constant need to wear them.

another thing i plan to include is that if the subject is not used to wearing snug fitting underwear, and most womens underwear will fit snug on a guy compared to mens, the subject would tkae it slow, maybe 15 minutes at first and once they can comfortably handle 15 minutes, increase the time by another 15 minutes, and work themselves up to only wearing panties rather than mens underwear.

a word of warning, do not use part 2 as that one is a curse file that will cause the listener to undergo changes and end up with a feminine butt and hips. so, if ya only desire is to wear panties and feel good about it, only use part one of the file. i may also make my bra file into 2 parts as well, but that is for another thread.
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Postby Tiffany52 » February 1st, 2010, 5:39 pm

sounds SOOO awesome
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Panty Files

Postby diggermaloo » February 18th, 2010, 6:45 am

This sounds just wonderful. Please oh please make this file soon.

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Postby Murphy233 » April 15th, 2010, 12:25 pm

sounds very appealing :)
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Postby Tiffany52 » May 6th, 2010, 5:05 pm

hows this file looking?? Coming soon??
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