trig files and subliminals.

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trig files and subliminals.

Postby sungoddd » January 14th, 2010, 3:54 pm

I've been messing around with trying to make my own files. The one problem I am having is with subliminals. Well current one problem probable a lot more ill discover down the road into this attempt to make a file. I read that subliminals are best not using I or you, instead just a statement "it feels good to be Happy". How does this work with trigger files? The purpose of a trigger file is for something to happen once a statement is said, and to cease acting one another statement is said, at least in the file I am working on. So i guess the problem I believe i am having is how to put a subliminal in that works while the trigger is said. Is it as simple as just having it say, "When I say happy time, I will be happy" or "When hearing the words happy time, I will be happy". I am just confused i guess, probable easy to tell from this post. Any help is appreciated, I hope I made my dilemma clear enough.

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Postby JadynMC » January 14th, 2010, 6:56 pm

Subliminals when I use them, I use them as "peer pressure" in the background to agree with what I am saying.

Also a trigger file is basically some reaction that has been "anchored" to some action or feeling, the easiest being a word or phrase. So somewhere you have to tell the person either directly or indirectly what reaction is going to happen by said action.

So with your question about not using "I" and such. It would be "it feels good to be happy, especially when the phrase of "happy time" is heard. Or something to that extent...

Hopefully this helps some,
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