Do you think this is satanic?

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Do you think this is satanic?

Postby tomtomtom » June 27th, 2005, 4:33 pm

I'm not into the whole fetish side of it, but I am into the self help section.

Do you think it is a little bit satanic? I'm not religeous but I dont like to go out of my way to anger the lord so to speak (dont really believe in it, have had sex with many different people, drink, etc.) hard to explain realllly..

Also is there any damage I could do to myself I was looking at some of the files and it was like permantly turn your self into a baby, to me that seems odd could someone explain to me why you would want to do that?

Also anyone had any experiance with the notshy thing, I only started it today (been doing this hyponotism gig for a few days now)
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Postby NWNABA » June 27th, 2005, 11:40 pm

No,there's nothing Satanic about it.So don't even worry about that.
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Postby loadedkaos » June 28th, 2005, 12:01 am

I've grown up mormon and since have jumped to wiccan and satanism(LaVeyen). However this doesn't make me an expert, in fact I'm the last person to ask about religous morales. But if you are christian than most of the files on here would be considered satanic because they inspire lust keep in mind that lust and desire are two diferent things.. Lust is an obsession with sex, and nudity where desire is a natural curiosity about sex. It's a very thin line I'm just paraphrasing what I picked up from a christian book (not the bible, something more idiot proof). It makes sense though. Any way what I was getting at is the want to cause lust in your self or others could be considered satanic, however it's your brain and your life and I'm just a jerk with too many opinions. It just seems like from a dogmatic point of view it would be obvious.
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Postby Mortal » June 28th, 2005, 5:43 am

I'm sure everyone wil love to here from me. :D I don't think the files themselves are "satanic" however what they are intended to be used for is poisionous to the mind and soul. They cloud the mind with impossibilities, lust and selfishness. To illustrate my point in clouded minds search the forum and the voting page and see how clouded many minds have become. I would recommend for self help you go to a more reputable location.
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Postby EMG » June 28th, 2005, 10:53 am

If the site is so poisonous then perhaps you should leave. This site is primarily concerned with fetish and other behaviors that are usually considered outside of the norm and while I'm a VERY patient man, I won't tolerate attacks on the needs/beliefs of others here. If you cannot be tolerant you do not belong here. As for the self help files, they are done just as effectively as any other file on the site, no tricks, games, or traps and by saying that the site is not reputable I do take some small measure of offense. I do this because I enjoy it, a lot of hard work and effort went into it and if it isn't your cup of tea then go somewhere that is.

Mortal wrote:I'm sure everyone wil love to here from me. :D I don't think the files themselves are "satanic" however what they are intended to be used for is poisionous to the mind and soul. They cloud the mind with impossibilities, lust and selfishness. To illustrate my point in clouded minds search the forum and the voting page and see how clouded many minds have become. I would recommend for self help you go to a more reputable location.
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Which is worse: the moral charlatan or a gullible pigeon?

Postby sandy82 » June 28th, 2005, 2:50 pm

tom, you raise some interesting points. I will attempt some answers. If one or more of the answers are terse, it is a function of the hour (too late for lunch and too early for scotch) and does not reflect on the quality of your questions or the depth of your interests.

tomtomtom wrote: I'm not into the whole fetish side of it, but I am into the self help section.

Excellent. Think of this site as one of the world's most varied smorgasbords....and at a price impossible to duplicate elsewhere. Choose whatever you like and leave the rest for others. On your second helping, you might become a little adventurous, but that's up to you.

tomtomtom wrote: Do you think it is a little bit satanic? I'm not religeous but I dont like to go out of my way to anger the lord so to speak (dont really believe in it, have had sex with many different people, drink, etc.) hard to explain realllly..

A new image. A world-class supermarket in an upscale area. Any cut of pork you desire. Twenty brands of bacon. Hams imported from Denmark and the Netherlands. In the frozen food section, breakfast ready for the microwave including cheese biscuits and sausage. Don't forget the steaks. Every cut you can imagine, graded at Choice or Prime or higher. And don't overlook the wide assortment of domestic and imported beers and wines.

Orthodox Jewish customers don't consider the frozen combination of dairy and meat products "satanic", but they do believe it offends God, whose name they (and I) capitalize. The Muslims walk past the pork because they believe it is "haram" (forbidden) and displeases God. I doubt that they think it's satanic. The Hindus don't touch the steaks. Have you noticed how ecumenical alcohol can be? Both the Muslims and many American sect members will hurry past, the Americans much more loudly than the Muslims. The other difference is that the Muslims pay for their purchases and leave. The American sect members, or some of them, wait until almost closing time and grab some beer and wine after they're sure their friends have left the store.

None of these people, with the possible exception of the native-born Americans, have gone out of their way to "anger the Lord." They have quietly walked past temptation. Willpower in the face of temptation is not new to them. Willpower in the face of genuine persecution and even torture is not new to some of them, either.

Your reaction is not hard to explain really. You're shocked at something to which you're not accustomed. That's your choice, although it's not very sophisticated. Don't misunderstand me on that point: the Amish are not shocked to see cars, but they still won't ride in one. The shock itself is unsophisticated....rather like the country boy who gazes skyward on his first trip to Manhattan. Speaking of which, if you had seen Times Square five or so years ago, this site would look to you like the Christian Science Reading Room.

tomtomtom wrote: Also is there any damage I could do to myself I was looking at some of the files and it was like permantly turn your self into a baby, to me that seems odd could someone explain to me why you would want to do that?

Tom, I wish I had a bridge for sale. Surely, living in this country of all places, you have learned to distinguish one advertising claim from another. You say that you "don't really" believe in religion, but you're content to entertain the notion that a series of 1's and 0's sent down a wire to your PC might conceivably, possibly turn you into a baby. Interesting choice you make, in terms of belief systems.

Nobody can turn himself into a baby. Many may like the capability to feel as though they were a baby. It doesn't appeal to me, but I am careful about judging lest I be judged...a turn of phrase with which you may be familiar.

tomtomtom wrote: Also anyone had any experiance with the notshy thing, I only started it today (been doing this hyponotism gig for a few days now)

Tom, two comments here.

First, I don't think you need the "notshy" file. After all, consider what you've accomplished. It's more brazen than shy. You became a registered user at this site on Monday, June 27. Later that day, you wrote your first post, wondering whether the site was satanic and asking how in the world something without appeal to you could possibly appeal to anyone else. Et cetera ad astra. Self-centered? Perhaps. Incautious? Absolutely. Observant and self-aware? Doubtful. Shy? Not a chance.

Second, if you genuinely feel that your presence here will "anger the Lord," by all means choose another site. Better to make that choice sooner rather than later. Personally, I hope you will make the choice that's right for you. Shock, willpower, temptation, choice--those are weighty concepts for anyone to ponder. You might also consider the various ways to measure age...intellectual, emotional, and chronological.

A final note. Something about your post leads me to believe that you're familiar with the concept of "wet" and "dry" counties. The names make them sound as though they are reverse sides of the same coin.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. In a "dry" county, those who oppose alcohol win the local referendum and make it impossible for drinkers to purchase beer, wine, or liquor. In short, the non-drinkers force their belief system on those who disagree. In a "wet" county, those who favor the legal sale of alcohol win the local referendum and then allow everyone to choose whether or not to buy alcohol. No belief system has been forced on anyone.

Two very different concepts. One is dictatorial; the other, voluntary. One is profoundly unequal; the other gives everyone an equal choice.

I myself have no management responsibilities at this site. It doesn't belong to me. But I think I speak for many when I express the following personal opinion. I believe in reciprocal equality. I won't mention my belief system to you, and I hope you will show me the courtesy of not mentioning another word about yours.

Under normal circumstances, I would sound and feel more tolerant. Recently, however, a new acquaintance obtruded on my notice and sensibilities. Even from a distance he gives me the creeps. My understanding is that he used to be a missionary for a certain denomination, but that they had to drop him after numerous complaints about obsession and harassment. I caution that my statement is only as reliable as my source in Florida.

At your relatively (and obviously) young age, I urge you to avoid the pitfall into which many moralizers are wont to fall. They develop an overwhelming, obsessive fear.

They live in dread that....

...someone, somewhere might--just might--be having a good time. :wink:
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Postby Mortal » June 28th, 2005, 5:50 pm

First I do find it interesting that those who preach tolerance have little for anyone with a different opinion. Next, the man asked for opinions and I gave mine. Nothing more, nothing less. You say that the self help are done just as effectively as any other here. That's not in question it's whether they are done as well as elsewhere.

I find it interesting that the question is about satanic files. Satan being only recognized by religions of the God of Abraham and Satanist people. An admitted satanist says they are satanic and others are here to defend them as otherwise. I would say the only people capable of answering the question would be Christians, Jews, Muslims and Satanists.

I would like to reiterate if your instincts tell you that you shouldn't be here then you should leave with haste.
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Postby sandy82 » June 28th, 2005, 6:00 pm

Mortal, people have realized you're a pious fraud.

First, if you're talking about Satan, don't forget Zoroastrianism.

Second, a neat construct in which only certain people can comment on certain topics. In your view, can only Frenchmen comment on French politics?

Take your own advice. Go find yourself a "more reputable" location.

With haste.

Mortal wrote:EMG,
First I do find it interesting that those who preach tolerance have little for anyone with a different opinion. Next, the man asked for opinions and I gave mine. Nothing more, nothing less. You say that the self help are done just as effectively as any other here. That's not in question it's whether they are done as well as elsewhere.

I find it interesting that the question is about satanic files. Satan being only recognized by religions of the God of Abraham and Satanist people. An admitted satanist says they are satanic and others are here to defend them as otherwise. I would say the only people capable of answering the question would be Christians, Jews, Muslims and Satanists.

I would like to reiterate if your instincts tell you that you shouldn't be here then you should leave with haste.
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Postby Mortal » June 28th, 2005, 6:00 pm


Interesting opinion. What does the 82 mean?

Sandy82 wrote:Mortal, people have realized you're a pious fraud.


Sandy82 wrote:Second, a neat construct in which only certain people can comment on certain topics. In your view, can only Frenchmen comment on French politics?

No you can comment but it's interesting how you comment on topics which you "don't believe in". I don't find commenting on flying green pigs necessary.
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Postby sandy82 » June 28th, 2005, 6:10 pm

You're familiar with numbers. I remember a long disquisition on the Number 3.

Don't arrogate to yourself too much importance.

What happened to your good-natured moralism?

I repeat again. Go find yourself a "more reputable" location. With haste.
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Postby Mortal » June 28th, 2005, 7:01 pm

My good natared moralism is still there but I have grown a little weary of the blanket attacks for expressing an opinion. Tolerance except for people who differ from you. Honestly, who has been more tolerant?

I'm just pointing out that I go attacked at every turn and that seems interesting. I say something and it must be commented on. I do appreciate the special importance I seem to take in your life as well. As you seem to have a major interest in bringing me up.

Avoiding the 82?
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Joined: June 15th, 2005, 12:00 am

Posing as a victim

Postby sandy82 » June 28th, 2005, 7:33 pm

You're right. I avoid 82 like the plague. Same as 666. :)

Speaking of Satan, are you avoiding Zoroastrianism? Whatever the name...Mortal or Greg-81.5, for instance....that was a leading source of the satanic concept. You would find that the notion entered with full force into Judaic writings in the wake of the Babylonian captivity.

I disagree that your good-natured moralism is still there. I don't think it was ever there. It's one of those poses. You have shown your true side several times.

And you're not going to get much sympathy as a self-described "victim" after you said that the level of writing in the Forums and in the Voting section showed that people had clouded their minds from listening to recorded files. The quote above is still accurate.

Maybe it's your inherent personality that serves as a neon sign that says "Kick me." Since you have admitted to a high level of personal arrogance, the sign may be justified. Perhaps a higher power put it there.

It's unclear what you mean by "bringing me up." Thomas Aquinas said "Give me the child until he is seven, and I show you the man." It would be impossible for me or anyone else, now, to bring you up. Whatever environmentally-influenced strengths or weaknesses you may possess are the ultimate responsibility of your parents.

You don't get attacked at every turn. You expect to be honored and respected and listened to, at every turn. And then it doesn't happen.

Mortal wrote:My good natared moralism is still there but I have grown a little weary of the blanket attacks for expressing an opinion. Tolerance except for people who differ from you. Honestly, who has been more tolerant?

I'm just pointing out that I go attacked at every turn and that seems interesting. I say something and it must be commented on. I do appreciate the special importance I seem to take in your life as well. As you seem to have a major interest in bringing me up.

Avoiding the 82?
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Postby loony28 » June 28th, 2005, 9:08 pm

Mortal wrote:I'm sure everyone wil love to here from me. :D I don't think the files themselves are "satanic" however what they are intended to be used for is poisionous to the mind and soul. They cloud the mind with impossibilities, lust and selfishness. To illustrate my point in clouded minds search the forum and the voting page and see how clouded many minds have become. I would recommend for self help you go to a more reputable location.

:twisted: Ok Mortal perhaps you can explain better what you mean by the files themselves are not satanic. To me it's obvious that you think that either this site or EMG is satanic. If that's so then I think I'll suggest a file like "Curse Worship Satan" :lol: :lol: :lol: . Perhaps you can give us an example of one file on either the download page or the voting page that is filled with impossibilities. Why are you still here Mortal? If you think that this site isn't reputable then you should of gone someplace else long ago. You don't come out and directly say it but reading in between the lines of your posts I would say that you are here to bash hypnosis and this site and EMG as satanic and it's your duty to save us all from the fiery pits of Hell. Well guess what, most of us here are not fanatics like you and we believe that as long as it doesn't harm anyone that it is ok. I have a high tolerance for most people but my tolerance for you is wearing thin. EMG has been patient with you but I bet his patience is wearing thin now. If I were running this site, you would of been banned after your post. The more you post the more you come across as what you really are. Now then to the original question of this post, no the files are not satanic and neither is hypnosis. :twisted:
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Postby BobbyS » June 29th, 2005, 5:53 am

Handbags at dawn :twisted:

OK, Mortal, just be quiet for a sec...

No, seriously...


I mean it....

OK, good.
I think everyone here should and DOES respect another's religion and won't try to deter them from it. (note - that goes for you, too).
If you have a problem with the site that's also fine. You wouldn't expect a Jew to be 'OK' with a Nazi site, nor would you criticise him for it. Similarly, everyone here undestands if you don't appreciate some (or all) of this stuff.
However, you should bear two things in mind.

1) This site combines fetish and hypnosis. Fetishes can be regarded as 'wrong' by religions - no one is going to force you to like this stuff. However, hypnosis is a psychologically proven technique that can help beat things like addiction, insomnia and phobias. The only religion I know that 'disses' it is puritannical Christianity which claims it leaves the mind open to the devil. However, in my opinion, you're less likely to be influenced by Lucifer under hypnosis because you are focusing on just the hypnosis. In everyday life, tons of stuff can affect you.

2) We respect your view, you've made it known, but it is POINTLESS to hang around this site if it offends you. EMG wasn't being intolerant in his post, he was simply stating that there is nothing to be gained from posting messages on a site which offends you. If you really are as offended as you say you are, you wouldn't still be here.

Unless you've learnt to live with the site, we don't expect another post from you. Good day. :)
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Postby Mortal » June 29th, 2005, 5:58 am

No offense taken.
No, hypnosis is not satanic at all and can be used for tremendous good and on the flip side trememndous evil. No, I do not know EMG's position on satan but he chose an interesting name. This site has a lot of evil on it but it also can not be called Satanic. No whether or not you go to hell really doesn't bother me too much.
I am here because this is my world as well. In a utopia I wouldn't have to worry about the things that go on in a site like this or any other but unfortunately we are all here on earth. My problem is moral relativity in general. It is where Hitler and others emerged from. It does lead to destruction of civilization and you know, I happen to like civilization. I am not out for people's souls I am out for my children and my world.
Guilt for the things people participate in has others blaming society and social norms for the wrongs they commit instead of looking inwardly. This causes them to say society wronged them in some way for not allowing them to get their fix. All leading to a lack of morals in a society that needs it more than ever. You are not hurting anyone you are hurting everyone.
My duty is to make a better world for my children. That may mean preaching, that may mean challenging, and that may mean annoying but never the less it is my duty.
I have been patient with you all.
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Postby BobbyS » June 29th, 2005, 6:15 am

You may have been patient with us but we are losing patience with you.
Let's have three simple yes/no answers before we go any further.

Do you want to surf this site?

Do you like surfing this site?

Does it interfere with your religion?
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Postby makidas » June 29th, 2005, 9:11 am

Mormon, oh shit, I mean Mortal, you should just be quiet, you have no friends here, you obviously are not very intelligent, you obviously can not take a hint. Why are you still here again?

I noticed athinnly veiled swipe at emg's name. If a rose were renamed an evilmindwarpguy today, would it smell any different? Would it now be an evil flower? Would you now be questioning the flowers position on satan? Apparently we're all going to hell too.

You know there's another word for a utopian society, it's called communism, ever heard of it? I feel sorry for your children. You have not been patient, we have been patient, you have been an arrogant, cynical, holier-than-thou, self-righteous ass.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby sandy82 » June 29th, 2005, 9:12 am

Mortal wrote:I have been patient with you all.

Some more arrogance from Mortal Greg, even as he tries to wear his "humble" mask.

If you do have children, Mortal Greg, I say this in all sincerity. May God have mercy on them. I hope they can be placed in foster that they can have a psychologically stable role model as they grow up.

In the meantime, go find yourself a "more reputable" location.
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Postby loadedkaos » June 29th, 2005, 6:49 pm

Well where to begin? First of all I'm suprised this thread hasn't been locked yet because we haven't trailed off topic we destroyed the topic and turned it into a battle. Don't get me wrong it's good to vent but, I'd like to get this shindig back on topic.

As I have said I've studied satanism and have been a satanist(although to me that means adhereing to the philosophies, and life style.) and while I was studying I've run across 3 different types of satanist out there my point of view especially on the previous post is one from what I understand of christianity and what I understand of the Laveying satanism.

Well Any way on to your basic three groups, if you like you can break them down even more, you can break them down into there names: Lucefarianism , Lavey Satanism, Diabolism, ONA etc..... But I am just expressing core beliefs or atleast enough core beliefs for some one who is unfamiliar to understand. The first two groups(which are from the instatutionalized and mor popular forms) of satanism's core belief has alot to do with rational self interest, you may be disapointed to find out that these satanist don't sacrafice babies or take drugs, most of them are too smart to break the law. The main differance in the first two groups is do they believe in Satan or do they think of Satan more as a metaphor Laveyian Satanist and their ilk see him more as a metaphor for life, while another popular group known as setians see Satan as a misinterpratation for Set the egyptian god of destruction who they also believe in. The third are usually sociopaths who think it makes them cool this third group is dangerous for most of them are involved in drugs, animal sacrifices and so on.

So what does this all have to do with some of the hypnosis on this site and if it's satanic. Pick up the Satanic Bible by Anton Szanders Lavey one of the most popular satanic literature and read it. I mean shit I just picked it up flipped to page 81 and sure enough under the chapter heading it says "The Highest Plateau of Human Development is the Awareness of the flesh." oh and page 66 is the beginning of Satanic Sex which may offer an iteresting read.

It seems to be that Satanism is defined by Christianity and Vice versa. The left hand defines the right hand. So to me anything that isn't strictly christian is satanic. Mainly because it encourages people to indulge in pleasurable sensations rather than restrict them this site encourages people to get off on their pleasurable sensations. But these two dogmas aren't the only definitions we have, if it was then we would say that homosexual sex isn't christian therefore it is satanic which would be correct if we were just defining it from these two relgious views but most people are agnostic at best, or atheist plus some religous people aren't even concerned with judeo religions some people are muslims, budist etc....

I guess over all my view point is it's only christian if your sorry you did it and seek the lords forgiveness. If you enjoyed it with out shame and want to do it again then it is everything but christian. Which makes it possible to be satanic even if it is from one persons view point.

(sorry for the long post, just had diahreah of the brain had to get it out.)
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Postby sandy82 » June 29th, 2005, 7:29 pm

Sandy surveys the battlefield. :)

Loadedkaos, a very interesting post on a topic that I know little about.

First, you don't have to apologize for the length of your post. It is a fascinating topic. I read every word, and I hope I learned something. If some readers have Sesame-Street attention spans, that is no fault or responsibility of yours.

It strikes me that I--and perhaps others, too--need some definitions or "anchors." Two reasons. The word "satanism" is highly charged for people who know nothing about it. A typical reaction would be that "satanism" is equivalent to the blackest evil. I know in my head that it's not so, but it's the longstanding mental associations that need to be reformed. Second reason. Satanism probably has some specialized vocabulary that would be useful to know. Without it, can anyone really understand the concepts? I draw on two fields for examples of similar specialized vocabulary. Doctors will tell you convincingly that the cause of your ailment is idiopathic. Sounds good. But "idiopathic" means "I don't know the cause." Lawyers will tell you about constructive eviction, constructive fraud, etc. "Constructive" is a fancy word for "it didn't happen at all, but we'll proceed as if it did." I won't even get into sociology, etc.

I'd like to know more. Is there a good reference source on the Internet that you can point us to? Also, how many stupid questions can you stand from a novice? :)

(Quick thought. If you ever need a fancy--and truthful--name for what sounds like a serious disease, try "idiopathic peditis." It means "my foot hurts, and I don't know why.")
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Postby loony28 » June 29th, 2005, 8:00 pm

:twisted: Mortal, I have lost all patience with you now. This is why.

Mortal wrote:My problem is moral relativity in general. It is where Hitler and others emerged from.

You are comparing us to Hitler and others. I'm half German and I despise Hitler and what he did. Hitler was an EVIL, sick son of a b. I do not take kindly to people who even hint that I am in some way like Hitler. Just get your a out of here. In fact I'm asking EMG to ban you because you do not respect us. If I sound angry that's because I am angry. You need to grow up and face the fact that just because someone doesn't quite live up to your idea of morals doesn't mean that they're immoral. We all agree that there are immoral things but none of them are on this site. And here's a thought, if we're not allowed to enjoy the pleasure that we get from our physical bodies, then why are our spirits incarnated in them in the first place? :twisted:
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Postby loadedkaos » June 29th, 2005, 8:19 pm

Well I just want to make it clear that I don't identify my spiritual views as any religion mainly because I find dogma even satanic dogma enslaving but my world view philosophy at the moment is mostly Satanism with a little budist philosophy. I know it's seems weird but I think one need parodoxes in their world views otherwise it will become stagnant and boring. Although I may change my philosophy or even contradict myself in the future (just warning everbody). The reason why I call it philosophy is because it would just seem to much like lip service if I said I was a satanist and didn't even consider following it forever. Of course this sense of not wanting to be tied down may just be a parodox in itself since most satanist honor individuality. But any way I digress you want some online refrences I am more than willing to share.

You may here right hand and left han path thrown around alot so here is a good link that explains it although not everyone agrees to the same terminology it seems that rhp incluedes religions that are altruistic, and compassionate, where lhp seems to include religions(such as satanism) that encourage rational self-interest.

Even though I don't endorse the use or condone the use of relegion the subject does fascinate me terribly. Any time you have a question that I can answer I will or I'll atleast try and point you to some more interesting site.

p.s. Thanks for the comments sandy82
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Postby Mortal » June 30th, 2005, 7:39 am

Sorry for the delay in my responses. For some reason this thread hasn't been showing up as having changes to me. First the yes no questions.

Yes I occaisionally survey the site.
Yes there are parts I enjoy but not in the way I believe that you do.
Yes sometimes it does go against my religion as I have bouts or wrath and arrogance that rear their ugly head.

As for whether any one likes me I don't really care who likes me and who doesn't. It should be well known that I am comfortable standing out in a crowd.

Sandy, you are right that my statement was out of arrogance. I apologize. However, let me say to you let he who is without sin cast the first stone. How many times has that phrase been said to me? I am not perfect and don't pretend to be.

Communism was described as a utopian society but I think we can all agree it wasn't. Communism tries to force the issue and by doing so violates the very possibility. I am not arguing with your choices I am challenging your positions. You have all the freedom to do what you wish. If I were to force the issue I would be working on shutting the site down not having a discussion in it.

As far as banishment goes. First tell me what I have done that is wrong. I stay to the idle chatter topic which is by definition talk about whatever. I have stayed to threads where either I am addressed or I am talking about the subject. My views are unpopular here and so I should be banished (talk about communism). Also, if anyone thinks banishment on any level can stop someone then you are deluding yourself.

I agree with loadedkaos this thread is off topic. For this reason I will start a Mortal is wrong thread and you can feel free to attack me in it all you wish and not mess up other peoples questions. So they can get their threads out and I can respond if I deem it necessary without destroying the thread.
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Postby sandy82 » June 30th, 2005, 10:32 am

Following post made at 7:39 AM MDT/14:39 GMT, 30 JUN 2005

Mortal wrote:Sorry for the delay in my responses. For some reason this thread hasn't been showing up as having changes to me. First the yes no questions.

Yes I occaisionally survey the site.
Yes there are parts I enjoy but not in the way I believe that you do.
Yes sometimes it does go against my religion as I have bouts or wrath and arrogance that rear their ugly head.

As for whether any one likes me I don't really care who likes me and who doesn't. It should be well known that I am comfortable standing out in a crowd.

Sandy, you are right that my statement was out of arrogance. I apologize. However, let me say to you let he who is without sin cast the first stone. How many times has that phrase been said to me? I am not perfect and don't pretend to be.

Communism was described as a utopian society but I think we can all agree it wasn't. Communism tries to force the issue and by doing so violates the very possibility. I am not arguing with your choices I am challenging your positions. You have all the freedom to do what you wish. If I were to force the issue I would be working on shutting the site down not having a discussion in it.

As far as banishment goes. First tell me what I have done that is wrong. I stay to the idle chatter topic which is by definition talk about whatever. I have stayed to threads where either I am addressed or I am talking about the subject. My views are unpopular here and so I should be banished (talk about communism). Also, if anyone thinks banishment on any level can stop someone then you are deluding yourself.

I agree with loadedkaos this thread is off topic. For this reason I will start a Mortal is wrong thread and you can feel free to attack me in it all you wish and not mess up other peoples questions. So they can get their threads out and I can respond if I deem it necessary without destroying the thread.
Posts: 652
Joined: April 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby missypuss » June 30th, 2005, 3:26 pm

Does anyone else think that "Satanic " is just a state of mind which depends on whose version of reality you were bought up in :?: :twisted:
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Postby VeryGnawty » July 9th, 2005, 10:59 pm

What exactly is this thread asking? If all you want to know is whether or not these fetishes are "Satanic" in the Christian or LaVeyan sense, then the obvious answer is "yes"

But does that help you? Not really. Because that doesn't establish whether "Satanic" things are bad or not. If you are a Christian, this site is obviously bad news. If you are a Satanist, this site is probably good news.

It's all a matter of perception. "Satanic" is just semantics. It's like asking whether existence exists. You don't actually establish anything. The obvious solution is to, instead, discuss whether indulging in your own desires is the correct choice, or if there is a metaphysical reason for restraint.

Wiccan Axiom wrote:An' ye harm none, do as ye Will
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Joined: June 25th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby sandy82 » July 10th, 2005, 12:19 am

VG, this thread was never about "satanism" as you or I would define it. It started with a young guy worrying that elements of the site were "satanic"...and judging from his level of sophistication, he was wondering whether those elements were "bad." The type of person (and I can sympathize with this) who genuinely believes it's bad not to help the old lady across the street. But the omission is not "satanic". The young guy used a big word...and he put it in the title of the thread.

From there, a number of conclusions were jumped to (interesting passive voice), and people gave the word whatever their pet definition happened to be.

The truth was much more mundane.

What exactly is this thread asking? Whether a scared teenager should stay or leave. Nothing more.

I think he left.
- - - - - - - - - - -

One personal note. I don't think any of these fetishes are satanic. I think they are notions/activities that may help some or all of us poor souls to make it through an essentially boring, unproductive modern existence. People deal with their lives as best they can. I detect some "high dudgeon" in your remarks. If that helps you through the day, I'm glad you've found something that you believe in. Voltaire once remarked that if God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent one. Today we do the same thing with excitement. We invent it...along with the epochal causes (du jour) that attend it.

VeryGnawty wrote:What exactly is this thread asking? If all you want to know is whether or not these fetishes are "Satanic" in the Christian or LaVeyan sense, then the obvious answer is "yes"

But does that help you? Not really. Because that doesn't establish whether "Satanic" things are bad or not. If you are a Christian, this site is obviously bad news. If you are a Satanist, this site is probably good news.

It's all a matter of perception. "Satanic" is just semantics. It's like asking whether existence exists. You don't actually establish anything. The obvious solution is to, instead, discuss whether indulging in your own desires is the correct choice, or if there is a metaphysical reason for restraint.

Wiccan Axiom wrote:An' ye harm none, do as ye Will
Posts: 652
Joined: April 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

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