Feminizing Hypnosis: Your Thoughts and Feelings

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Feminizing Hypnosis: Your Thoughts and Feelings

Postby SerenaSullivan » January 27th, 2010, 9:12 am

Okay, so.. I'm starting this thread because I'm interested in not only the thoughts of people "like us" but humans in general.

Here are my thoughts... please post your own! I'm sincerely interested!

Well, I guess I'll start off by saying that I'm so happy I found this site, with all of its feminization files. Ever since I was little, I've not only wanted to be a girl (It's ALWAYS been a constant dream/wish of mine) but I felt like my spirit, or soul, was that of a female.

But somewhere along the line, my male ego was formed (painstakingly, I might add) Now, being a follower of the Buddhist philosophy, I understand the detrimental effects of the ego.. and I've always felt like the male ego is the most destructive.

But... I did form a male ego, out of what I thought was necessity. And even though I still wished to be a female, my ego did everything it could to hide it not only from my peers, but myself as well. This caused my child self to feel angry, disgusted, and alienated from its own body.

When I turned 18, I met a young girl who drew this "secret female self" out of me.. Now, it had always been there, trying to claw its way out of the prison-like ego I had put it in.. But somehow, this young girl contributed to the freeing of my true self. But, thats a different story..

So, for a while I toyed with the idea that I might in fact be a transgender individual... But still, my ego was there, holding back my true self... Soon after I turned 18, I started researching different beliefs and philosophies. To make a long story a little shorter, I ended up following the teachings of Buddha.

These teachings taught me a lot.. and surprisingly, what I got from my years of being a Christian helped to reinforce some of the philosophies of Buddhism. Again, another story. Anyway, basically, I learned of the "Illusion" that my ego had created in order to follow social norms.. everything I read made so much sense.. made me so happy that tears were brought to my eyes.

This all led to an interest in meditation, hypnosis, ancient knowledge, concept of Self, and other things that led me here... Now, by the time I found my first feminizing hypnosis file, I had already begun to clear all the walls I had created in order to "fit in" and I found that with each wall torn down, I became happier and more.. serene I guess.

So, one day while searching for something, a collection of files feel into my lap. Among them was a couple of files by Allison_in_love. (I had previously found a video by her on youtube) So I started listening to them...

So now here I am.. and what are the pros and cons?

Well... I feel so happy with my Self. Even though I am not really in a Female body, I feel as if it is slowly starting to form itself to my spirit.. I'm finally able to be free, even if as of now, only spiritually and mentally. I feel like I'm finally me, which is a great person... I feel full of so much Love and compassion, when I once felt full of hatred and hunger.

Even if I never have anything like SRS or HRT, I'll still know exactly who I am... which in all honesty, I still haven't got that one quite figured out. I guess right now, Inside I am this pure feminine spirit, full of so much Love. But, who am I supposed to appear to be to all those around me? Thats the only problem I have.

I just don't really know how I should project my Self out into society... Should I try and live as a woman? Or maybe I should just be something different all-together.. like a balance of both? Of one thing I am certain.. I feel this strong urge to spread as much love and compassion as possible.. and thats a Pro that out-weighs all other Cons.

-Serena <3
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Postby Cade » January 27th, 2010, 11:25 am

Thats truely a great story :3

Personally my 'male' spirit never had a chance to begin with, thats how much i felt female already. however i do understand the walls you speak of, because i have a few of my own, so not to scare my parents and friends. I to hope to one day get close to maybe what you have.
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Postby SerenaSullivan » January 27th, 2010, 12:26 pm

:) wow, thanks, Cade! But like I said, I'm still not sure how to present myself to the world. But.. that might be because I'm a little bit of a coward :(

I'm scared my family (My parents mainly) will think I'm a freak... But that might be something I get over.. Anyway, thanks for your reply! Just let your heart be filled with love! :wink:
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Postby CycoMelody » January 27th, 2010, 1:36 pm

Ask me about my adventure in chat some time. I will give you a crazy story. :)

You define your reality!
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Re: Feminizing Hypnosis: Your Thoughts and Feelings

Postby helena » February 4th, 2010, 1:51 pm

Hi Serena,

That's a rather familiar road you've travelled and I'm happy for you that you've been able to obtain so much insight into your psycho-spiritual state.

I really do sympathise with you over your dilemma as to how to present yourself to the world. It would be trite to say, "Just be yourself" and not very productive since we are constantly making and re-making what our "self" is according to new revelations about our inner constitution.

I think you're right, our main enemy (or friend) is fear, in particular a ffear of what others might think. Having said that, I wonder if it isn't that same fear that we have to trancend daily in order to have the beginning of what it is to "be ourselves"?

I do wish there were more hypnotic files that dealt with unravelling the complex knot of male socialization we have all absorbed and replacing this with distinctively female beliefs, attitudes, desires and motivations; perhaps through the use of age regression and memory implantation techniques? I want so much to know that I am a woman in such an unquestioning way that the issue of presentation becomes immaterial and I think it is that residual male cultural incalcation that stands in my way.

Serena, bless you with much love and light.

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Postby Starmaster » February 5th, 2010, 8:33 pm

Well, I certainly can't offer anything like "expert" advice or anything, but I can tell you a little about what I've done so far. The biggest issue I see is in dealing with people that already know you as a man. Basically I think that the people that already know you need to be "brought in" to the idea gradually. You yourself had to take time to make this journey, and it will take them time too. Moreover, this is something you want, which they don't have, so it may take them more time. Some may never come to accept it, but perhaps they can be brought at least part of the way.

For instance, it is already fairly acceptable for men to have long hair and wear earrings, so if this is something you want to do, it shouldn't be much of a problem. Hair takes a while to grow anyway. Earrings might be a little harder because some are more feminine than others, but with those women tend to wear different ones for different occasions anyway, so you just stick with the smaller, more neutral ones when you expect to be around them. This can apply to all your image choices (e.g. I tend to dress fairly goth most of the time, but I "dress down" to more simple black clothes for certain family members because I know they don't like it.)

I have taken to wearing my nails longer, which some family members had a hard time with, but over time they got used to it. They may not like it particularly, but then I don't like that another family member of mine shaved his head bald, so any good family member (or friend) just has to learn to accept it.

Pantyhose and skirts are coming in fashion for men in some circles; do some net searching. The point is to adopt just one thing at a time to "acclimate" the people around you to the changes before moving on to the next one. Perhaps even bring up gender issues in conversation occasionally (naturally if you can, or people will think something is up), slowly expanding their knowledge of the complexities of human gender (this may be important for long-term and more extreme changes, like dresses or certain makeup). If you already speak to them about your Buddhist leanings, you can weave it into that from time to time as well. Start lightly, feel each one out to test their sensitivity to the issue, and proceed at a rate they are not too uncomfortable with.

As for the general public, I don't think that they'll mind too much, and if they do, I don't think much will happen. If you are doing it all gradually anyway, then that will help with your comfort levels too.

I hope that helps. :)
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Postby dottie » February 6th, 2010, 10:34 am

One thing that I think you'll find is that the further you push the boundaries (social norms), the harder it will be for others to accept you.
If you present yourself within the confines of current male or female fashion, if you keep yourself neat, then the people you present yourself to will realize that you take yourself seriously, and will be more inclined to take you seriously, whether you are presenting yourself as a male, a female, or something in-between. (I don't mean runway fashion - I mean real people fashion such as business casual or soccer-mom or even goth depending on the situation)

So I have to disagree with the previous poster on the skirt and pantyhose comment. At no time have I (or more importantly, anyone you know) seen a man overtly wearing pantyhose in public. Likewise, a skirt isn't "acceptable" unless you are Scottish & wearing a kilt, or are in Malaysia wearing a sarong. So don't try and fool yourself that a skirt & hose is a gradual measure. If you are openly presenting yourself as a woman (or T-girl), then they make perfect sense.

Only you can know what feels "right" for you. Maybe wearing slightly effeminate or androgynous clothing is enough for you, and you can present yourself as an effeminate male. Many people will assume that you are gay, which (even if you aren't) is probably not so bad. Maybe you are so far along the spectrum that you need to dress fully womanly to feel satisfied. If so, go for it, and realize that you don't have to "pass" all the time (as I implied above, if you look nice, people will quickly learn to be comfortable around you, and reasonably emotionally mature people will barely bat an eye even when they "read" you right off the bat).

To bring along people with outdated sensibilities, remember that you don't need to have your overt femininity dialed up to 11 for 24/7. ...like a goth girl may wear her lacy lolita dress and glam makeup to the nightclub but a black turtleneck & trousers with fairly normal makeup to visit grandma.
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Re: I'm a fan

Postby SDoll » February 9th, 2010, 12:23 am

TSAlyssa wrote:I'm a fan of feminization hypnosis.. I have been for a long time. It's to the point where I'm not sure if the thoughts I believe are my own started out as my own or not.

That's what I thought for awhile, but then I remembered "Why did I look up ways to become feminine in the first place?" Because I never felt male, but I knew that didn't automatically mean I was female. But after observing and then seeing how I felt being female, it felt right. :) By the way, I'm abbreviating. It was much more complicated than I make it sound.
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Postby SerenaSullivan » February 9th, 2010, 3:34 pm

Thank you all for your posts.

Helena- I know exactly where your coming from, and you, I... It's time for the dominant male energy (for lack of a better word) of the world to recede a little bit. They push the feminine out of everything, to the point where even natural born women become cold and callous. We're taught in the image of the masculine.. and in these new times, it brings new troubles. I think maybe fear is born in that masculine image.. as opposed to Love being born in the feminine... but you do need both, because without fear, how would we know security? Without sorrow, how can we know joy? You get to a point where feelings such as those mean little, but more at the same time. It all just IS to me. Fear runs deep... and I'm still a victim of it, but its something I'm trying to transcend. As far as this "complex knot of male socialization" whats odd is that when I was younger.. as far back as I can remember (around 3 or 4 I guess) I remember my beliefs and attitudes, desires and motivations (what desires a 4 year old can have, anyway..) And I realize that in the beginning I was free from the "complex knot of male socialization" So age regression might work in a good way for that.. its something I'm going to look into.

Starmaster- Yeah, I get where your coming from... although the skirt thing.. I've never seen any of those circles, lol.. But yeah, I guess I've been preparing myself for this my whole life... or maybe I knew it was inevitable... but that brings up the question of destiny... which when you take into account these "curse" files.. idk, it gets harder to understand.. I DO already have long hair (I'm a hippy of the new age) so I got that.. anyway, thanks for your help.

dottie- "Maybe you are so far along the spectrum that you need to dress fully womanly to feel satisfied." I think thats true.. wow.. I really think thats true. What you said makes a lot of sense.. All these posts are helping me to see how to travel this path... this strange, strange path. I can't wait to see where it will end.

TSAlyssa and cd_sara- "It's to the point where I'm not sure if the thoughts I believe are my own started out as my own or not." Well when you start feeling like that, you have to wonder; What makes up my own thoughts and beliefs? From my perspective... your thoughts and beliefs are something you gather on your own, while traveling down your own paths.. thoughts and beliefs are just side effects of perception.. meaning your beliefs are created based upon how you perceive the world around you. Male beliefs are usually based on perceiving that you have to have power, or you will be overcome... Its a lot more complicated than that.. but I'm actually having trouble remembering what it means to be a man, has they say.. lol, I never really knew what it meant to begin with..
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Postby Starmaster » February 11th, 2010, 2:59 am

Well, it may not be your thing, but I know that I've seen skirts and stuff for men, and not necessarily for x-dressing either. In case anyone is interested, here's just a couple links that a quick search brought up. Like I said, if you're interested, do you own research. If not, then no biggie, right?



So no, these are not very common yet, but there is more than enough of these out there to justify a man wearing them. And like I said, even if you don't use them right away or at all, they can be used in conversations about the topic to help chip away at the social resistance to them. You (anyone reading this, man or woman) can help make these things more acceptable by passing on the meme. After all, women can wear men's clothes, why can't it be the other way around?
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