how does hypnotism really make physical changes?

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how does hypnotism really make physical changes?

Postby xzxxz » January 8th, 2010, 6:49 pm

How does it make those physical changes?
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Postby MacGyver » January 8th, 2010, 8:29 pm

by giving suggestions to your "sleeping" mind, which knows everything and can do amzingly wonderous things if we just let it. it can cause ya brain to release chemicals that make you feel pleasure, or chemicals that can relieve pain, it can relax ya muscles. heck just about anything.

i did one text trance, was concerned i would not make trance with my upper back muscles being sore, i dont rememebr everything abotu the text trance but, my muscles loosened up and relaxed and i felt great afterwards.

so, pain can be releived, or replaced with a tickle even, you can be made all happy-go-lucky and a whole host of other things can be done, right now to changing the male body shape, growing breasts and so forth.

that is the best way i know how to explain it.
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Postby Route42 » January 8th, 2010, 10:08 pm

Just to add on to what MacGyver said...

The brain is the most important sex organ. If it "decides" that it is female it can hormonally adjust the body to that. So, at the same token I think that the changes can only really go the extent of that and are still bound by reality. So can someone grow breasts from hypnosis? I would say it is possible--and I'm working on that goal and (I believe) seeing some results. However the brain can do lots of things, but it just can't form a penis into a vagina--that takes surgery. The brain can't take your voice and raise it from the male timbre. My basic thought via hypnosis is that if it is hormonally possible, you might (MIGHT) see some results. What is affected by hormones? Breasts are the big thing... as is body/face fat distribution (keeping in mind that hormones don't shift fat... instead it starts depositing fat in a feminine way--"male" deposit patterns would have to be burned off naturally)... often one of the early indicators is smoother feeling skin (I always get compliments from women on how soft my skin is and they wonder what my secret is)... decrease in penis size... muscle loss... etc.

At the same time, while I believe those sort of changes possible, I've never heard of anyone successfully using just hypnosis as a hormone replacement therapy en route to SRS. So while I believe it to be possible that a person can see the affects of physical change through hypnosis, I also think that someone who is serious about becoming as much of a woman as possible should see a doctor and get hormones--and take the other steps necessary for transitioning: electrolysis to remove unwanted facial hair/body hair, work at finding the upper range of your voice through training, etc.

However, if one doesn't have the money to seriously transition, working with hypnosis might give some of the desired effects. Just remember a lot of people don't see physical effects from hypnosis. Also remember that there isn't a specific hormone for breast grown, and another hormone for widening hips, and another hormone to decrease sperm count... so if (if) your body does start producing hormones from hypnosis files, then you might see effects beyond those listed in the file used. I've seen people on this forum mention softer skin as the result of a feminizing hypnosis file, even when that suggestion isn't listed in the file used. (Which, in my opinion, is a nice little validation of their potential to see more changes, assuming they keep using the file.)
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Postby curiousguy92 » January 9th, 2010, 2:34 pm

On the flip side to what Route42 is saying, would it be just as possible to use hypnosis to increase testosterone and other anabolic hormones to grow muscle and make the body more masculine? I feel like there is a lot of feminization talk (hence this forum) but it's not my personal goal and I thought I'd insert my own question even though it technicall isn't relevant to the forum itself. Any thoughts?
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Postby homerj1620 » January 9th, 2010, 5:12 pm

curiousguy92 wrote:On the flip side to what Route42 is saying, would it be just as possible to use hypnosis to increase testosterone and other anabolic hormones to grow muscle and make the body more masculine? I feel like there is a lot of feminization talk (hence this forum) but it's not my personal goal and I thought I'd insert my own question even though it technicall isn't relevant to the forum itself. Any thoughts?

If hypnosis can increase estrogen/progesterone it should also be able to increase testosterone.

If you want to increase your testosterone, though, you might want to try taking tribulus terrestris. It's fairly cheap and it works for me.
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Re: how does hypnotism really make physical changes?

Postby Alien4420 » January 10th, 2010, 3:05 pm

xzxxz wrote:How does it make those physical changes?

The brain can control or exert influence over some physiological processes, but not others. Allergies are a good example of the processes that it can influence. Even lab animals can be made to have allergic reactions on the basis of psychological triggers, by for example convincing an animal that it has eaten a food to which it previously had a strong allergic reaction.

That being said, many physiological change suggestions don't work, even those that are possible for the body. What they do is convince the subject that for example his breasts have grown, or that he's growing less body hair. If they did work, the world could save a lot of money on surgery! In some cases, I think, even physiological changes that could occur are unlikely to be triggered by a suggestion because the brain doesn't know how to establish the connections. For example, it's well known that testosterone levels respond to psychological factors -- whether one has a mate, whether one is successful or in a position of authority. So it seems likely that a hypnosis file could alter testosterone levels by convincing the brain that it's in one of these states, or another which has the same effect. But if a file says "your testosterone levels will drop," it probably won't.

In the absence of controlled observation, it's impossible to say precisely what works and what doesn't, but I think the bottom line is that if someone wants to produce significant actual physiological changes that can't be influenced by diet, exercise, and so forth, hypnosis won't do the trick.
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Hypnotically possible physical changes

Postby pennyT » January 11th, 2010, 12:59 pm

I am certainly no expert in the field of hypnosis or in what is or is not possible physical change wise through hypnosis. I do agree that if physical change is desired one should persue multiple avenues.

I desire breast growth and I have been listening to hormone change type hypnosis files along with the use of herbal phyto eestrogens and the like. I have and am seeing some results although slow. Did they come from the hyp[nosis induced hormonal changes or the herbals? My thought is that one enhances the other, the hypnosis files help my body accept and use the change in my estrogen/testosterone balance in a way that creates a more femininse shape because that is what I am copnditioning my mind to. :)

Again I have no real scientific clue here but it seems to make sense to me.

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Postby Alien4420 » January 11th, 2010, 6:31 pm

All I can say is that I've never seen evidence of change from hypnosis files alone. Someone did post before and after breast growth shots here once, and they looked the same to me. So I'm still waiting for evidence that hypnosis can do these things. Whereas both estrogens and phytoestrogens do produce breast growth . . .
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Postby curiousguy92 » January 11th, 2010, 10:12 pm

homerj1620 wrote:If hypnosis can increase estrogen/progesterone it should also be able to increase testosterone.

If you want to increase your testosterone, though, you might want to try taking tribulus terrestris. It's fairly cheap and it works for me.

Thanks homerj1620! I think i'll start with just working out since I don't actually do that now lol. Maybe a little down the road supplements will be more plausible in my personal situation.

Also I hope everyone trying to become more feminine reaches their goals!
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Postby VeryGnawty » January 12th, 2010, 7:54 pm

Alien4420 wrote:All I can say is that I've never seen evidence of change from hypnosis files alone.

I'm convinced that major changes to the body require a lot more than listening to a five minute sound clip. You would need to be in a hypnotic state in every waking moment. And that hypnotic state would need to be directed intelligently.
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Postby homerj1620 » January 15th, 2010, 2:53 pm

curiousguy92 wrote:
Thanks homerj1620! I think i'll start with just working out since I don't actually do that now lol. Maybe a little down the road supplements will be more plausible in my personal situation.

Also I hope everyone trying to become more feminine reaches their goals!

You could try No Working Out Necessary:

"This No Working Out Necessary subliminal will make you cause muscle and testosterone growth as well as increase your attraction. No work out Necessary:) Listen 2-4 times every other day for best results or more if you like."
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Postby Mino » January 25th, 2010, 3:02 pm

It doesn't.
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Train Hormone change

Postby abchipster_13 » February 26th, 2010, 3:16 pm

I have been listening to this file now since miod December. Results, I have no idea. But when I look inthe mirror, my breasts are bigger than they were, and it is obvious to. Obvious to me, because I can see a slight difference. Now here is the interesting part. last summer I had blood work done by my Doctor. she also did a Testosterone test because of my ED. Results showed my Testosterone at normal range onthe low side, at 347. I just had more blood work done 2 weeks agao, and they also did another Testosterone test. the results showed my level is now at 344. OK, it has gone 3 points in 7 months. Not really sure al this will lead, but i am listening to the file as much as possible. when i wear my "A" cup bra, it seems fuller. Now, is this in my mind, or real. Not sure.

Just wanted to share sicne there are other posts. Time wil ltell if physical changes can actually occur.
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Postby sarnoga » February 27th, 2010, 8:46 am

The question has been asked at many times and in many ways. Can physical change in the human body be accomplished through hypnosis.

While there are very few things in the world that cannot be honestly disputed, it would seem that if one begins from the premise that hypnosis can induce changes in the mind, then the answer to that question must be yes. Hypnosis can induce physical changes in the human body.

Now you have the answer, not a very useful answer but still an answer. Of course even that answer while not particularly useful depends upon several other things being true.

Sure, the position could be taken that hypnosis doesn’t affect anything, it is all just fraud, make believe and tricks. It seems likely though that anyone who really believed that would not be interested in the other question as they would consider it ridiculous.

Still, if it is taken as true that Hypnosis directly affects the mind one can try on the next statement for size and see how it fits.

The mind can directly effect the brain. If you accept that statement move on to the next.

The brain can directly effect the body. If you also accept that proposition then you are left with the conclusion that yes, hypnosis can bring about physical changes in the human body.

That is still not a very useful answer. Well, what kind of changes, permanent or temporary, large or small, significant or insignificant, etc etc. The questions are endless. And at least at this time I think they may be unanswerable, except in so much as one can rely on personal experience and the experience of others, both of which is often unreliable.

The reason that there cannot be more useful answers as to the extent of the possible changes to the human body that can be induced by hypnosis is that there is so much about both the mind and the body that we don’t know.

We don’t really even know where the mind leaves off and the body starts. Can you even come up with an accurate definition of what the mind is that isn’t subject to honest dispute?

We know the mind can have effects on the brain, but we don’t know the extent of those effects. We know the brain can have effects on the body but again we don’t know the extent of those effects.

With all that is unknown, which is considerable, it seems to be less than helpful to ask exactly what changes hypnosis can bring about in the human body.

What seems to be a much more useful question is to ask what is hypnosis good at and what is it not so good at.

As stated earlier, it is likely that the only direct effect hypnosis has is on the mind. Or at least that is the generally accepted theory. Everything else it effects indirectly by directly effecting the mind. Some things removed by one step and some by two, some more.

Hypnosis is very good at:

Simple changes in Behavior.
Simple changes in perceptions.
Simple changes in desires.
Simple changes in thought patterns and processes.
Causing physical sensations or the perception of them.
Blocking pain.
Recovering old memories.
Creating sexual responses.

Hypnosis is ok at:

Complex changes in behavior
Complex changes in perceptions.
Complex changes in desires.
Complex changes in thought patters and processes.
Creating new memories.
Visual and aural hallucinations.

Hypnosis is some good at:
Controlling some bodily functions that are generally thought to be involuntary functions, heart rate, blood pressure, etc

Hypnosis is not so good at
Simple physical changes.
Hormone changes.

It is very difficult to have dramatic success in the following areas through hypnosis.

Complex or large physical changes.

Im sure everyone has things they want to add to one part of the list or another or maybe move from one part to another. That’s fine, make your own list. But remember this, however you structure that list, if you base it on the arguments above you are basing it on the generally accepted theories of hypnosis that its direct effects are on the mind and any other changes it makes are indirect by working through the mind.

But there is another thing that can be thrown into the equation. Or at least that could be if we knew more about it. Nobody yet fully understands the power and abilities of the human mind. It just may be that the mind can control things more directly than is generally thought. It may be that the mind can directly effect parts of the body without having to use the brain to do so. It may be that it can affect other physical objects that are not even part of the body. So until we better understand the power of the human mind we will never be able to truly know the limits of the power of hypnosis. Likewise we don’t know the full limits of the human brain.

So it just may be that hypnosis can induce changes to the human body in ways we don’t understand. And finally, all of this, both the unknown power of the mind and the accepted theories of hypnosis leave out one other important factor and consideration when attempting to determine the extent to which hypnosis can cause changes to the human body.

IFM... that’s it, IFM. Don’t forget IFM. It’s fucking magic!


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Postby VeryGnawty » February 28th, 2010, 5:42 am

In all honesty, you'd probably have better luck studying tummo meditation than hypnosis.
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Postby rickgek » September 26th, 2010, 11:02 am

Hypnosis CAN NOT CAUSE PHYSICAL CHANGES PERIOD. what people are wanting with these files is something that not even medical science can do. Medical science has proved hypnosis cant cause physical changes as well as proved its not effective on about 85 to 90 percent of people. It only creates the illusion of changes when in fact there hasn't been any. Believe me i would be the first to devote my time to it if there was files that actually worked to give me the perfect smile/teeth on to fix my tongue which due to a dog bite at an early age has a crevice in it. As well as to make me a better guitarist / all round musician. But guess what the only real thing that works is practice practice practice Hard work. Your not gonna get muscles or play guitar better by hypnosis only hard work practice and some of the changes you need to do surgery. But others are simply impossible. Fact is if these so called changes were possible by hypnosis do you really think people would go to doctors for sex changes when they could listen to a file. NO. What about Medical community there would be national news stories about this all over the place if it where true and the first man to successfully have a womb would be plastered all over the news and medical journals,etc no matter if he liked it or not. This are simply fantasy files of people to fulfill their imaginations with nothing more. Because nobody has, can or will be able to prove these files actually work. By the way if you listen to the curse prepubescent she-male file like i have for over 11 days no changes at all. And it tells you to go to doctor and tell them this and that and get your name changed and other documentation. Don't otherwise you will be locked up for 72 hour evaluation in the mental ward. Just saving you from having the problem of being locked up in a rubber room over believing in something as stupid and useless except for a good laugh (which is why i listen to it , just thinking there's people who believe these type curse files work is better than any carrot top prop). As for the mind changing DNA Not gonna happen. DNA is locked. The Human mind is powerful i grant those people that but it doesn't have the power of god. You can change your mind, your clothes but you cant physically change your sex without surgery and still you are just whatever your born as but surgically altered. only god has the power to physically change people the way these files say they do. old saying goes if it's too good to be true than it is. Hypnosis is second biggest con scam since phycology and global warming. Don't believe the hype
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Postby saiumi » September 26th, 2010, 7:49 pm

@rickgek Thank you for your repetitive copy and paste response. Please go troll your wares somewhere that actually cares. (Wall of text fail. Learn to Format)


What Sarnoga said is the most accurate. Thank you for putting it in a way that is very well thought out.
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Postby MsJ » September 27th, 2010, 3:30 am

rickgek wrote: By the way if you listen to the curse prepubescent she-male file like i have for over 11 days no changes at all.

rickgek wrote:except for a good laugh (which is why i listen to it ,

you just keep telling yourself that princess, I bet you're a real stud
Listen and change forever ...
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Re: how does hypnotism really make physical changes?

Postby Liann » October 18th, 2010, 7:12 pm

xzxxz wrote:How does it make those physical changes?

Because the brain "thinks" in electric waves, not in "words".

Hypnotism, can accidentally (in the hands of the inept), or deliberately (in the hands of the skilled) induce a state of being in another person.

That state of being includes suggestions which produce brain wave patterns which emulate or replicate those brain wave patterns of a mind tending its body in the way which produces feedback which tell the mind it is successfully adjusting the 20,000 enzymes and hormones and chemicals in the proper balance to produce the intended state of being.

While "words" do the programming and conditionng, they are translated into brainwave sequences and patterns in the limbic system and cerebellum interface. From here they are transmitted by the brainstem, and primarily the vagus nerve, to control, heart rate, breathing rate, adrenals (producer of 10% of the male & females sex hormones), gonads (producer of the other 90%), digestive system, and others. The liver alone has to generate 20,000 various molecules and strain out thousands of others. Attaching certain post suggestions to strong stimuli, such as orgasm, reinforces the mental state of being into the desired norm.

The entire process takes time to fine tune the internal processes into the new normal. Repetition of the sessions helps ingrain and imprint the "normal" brain patterns required for the desired effect, and endorphins released giving sensations of pleasure reinforce the status quo of the new self-image being matched.
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