a troubling experiance

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a troubling experiance

Postby dracolich35 » February 26th, 2010, 12:45 am

ok so I have been persistant in my attempt to get hypnosis to work for me. i believe i am getting into a good trance so this is not another "am i trancing" thread. I recently have started having a strange experiance while I am listening to my hypnosis files. it started once about a month ago, but In the last week and a half or so it has started happening more often. so here's whats happening.

while i listen to my files i lay down on my bed, and when i close my eyes i start to have very vivid and akward dreams, yet at the same time i feel as though i am fully awake, I have these vivid dreams usually in recognizable environments like my own house or a friends house, and even once at school, but I conciously know that it's not happening. for instance i had one of these dreams that there was a 5-foot tall model rocket in my beadroom, which i know was not actually there. The whole time that i am having these dreams i can hear the hypnosis file playing, but i can't clearly understand what is being said, it just sounds like a hushed murmer, although i can clearly recognize that it is the same voice from the files that i listen to.

The only other weird thing is that i feel like i'm trapped in these dreams for hours and hours. the other day i thought that i was stuck in one of these dreams almost all day, yet i wake up 25 minuetes after i started my playlist, the exact length of the playlist.

Im just wondering if anyone else has had this kind of experience and What they mean. Is it a sign that i am going into a good trance. could it be a sign of being in a bad trance? I plan on continuing to use the same playlist untill i see results from the files, but i am just wondering if i'm the only one out there with these experiences.
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Postby darkenedav » February 26th, 2010, 2:05 am

It sounds like your mind is trying to get you to look elsewhere.

I'd recommend simply using 1 simple trance mp3 (ie one with inducer, deepener no triggers or anything then up) and listen to this whilst in a comfy chair etc.

Then see if you still dream whilst it happens.

Also if you look at your hands in your dreams you tend to be able to control them better (so I'm told).
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Postby Thrideye » February 26th, 2010, 8:59 pm

darkenedav wrote:It sounds like your mind is trying to get you to look elsewhere.

I'd recommend simply using 1 simple trance mp3 (ie one with inducer, deepener no triggers or anything then up) and listen to this whilst in a comfy chair etc.

Then see if you still dream whilst it happens.

Also if you look at your hands in your dreams you tend to be able to control them better (so I'm told).

I agree from experience, dreams are you piling all that information of the days past together but once you gain control you can do whatever, but I've found the more control I have over a dream the faster I wake up.
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Postby dracolich35 » February 27th, 2010, 2:49 am

so i take it from your responses that having these dreams is potentially a sign that i might not be taking in the effects of my files. that's a bit upsetting.
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Postby Thrideye » February 27th, 2010, 9:34 am

I think there more of a defense mechanism something your mind is doing maybe to protect itself because part of you is still unsure.

Try listening to just the body of the file a few times in a row and then try the entire file to reassure your subconscious this isn't a bad thing.
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Postby dracolich35 » February 27th, 2010, 2:54 pm

that's actually an interesting idea, i never thought of that. i'll take a shot at that and hopefully it will help. i'm just starting to get discouraged because i've been adamantly trying to get hypnosis to work for over a year now with no success, fortunatly though i am stubborn and refuse to give up till i see at least some results
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Postby Thrideye » February 27th, 2010, 6:33 pm

I'm the same way. I am trying a similar technique now, and I also inserted the new EMG Blank file into the Shower Bot File to see if it helps there.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 4th, 2010, 3:27 pm

I've occasionally gone deep enough to hallucinate, and then it was like a dream, but it was the scenario in the file. I'm guessing (though I'm not sure) that you're falling asleep. Dreams can be guided by talk, I've had that happen when I fell asleep listening to the radio. Then you'll see a symbolic representation of what you're hearing.

A professional hypnotist told me once that he prefers his subjects to sit up because it means they can't fall asleep. You might consider trying that, listening to the files while you're sitting up in a chair.
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