I went on a self hypnosis course years ago and one of the things they tought were anchors that you could use to help for instance if you were nervous. Basically a piece of jewelery or even rubbing your earlobe to activate a trigger for nervousness.
I wonder if its possible to do this with an orgasm or some other erotic hypnosis? I would imagine it would be but I would be interested to hear some others thoughts and feedback about how best to make this work?
Or do you think anchors are best kept for things like nervousness in public speaking or something like that?
It was just one of the other posts that made me remember that from years ago and it also made me think of pavlovs dogs experiement.
I suppose if you have a Dominant or Hypnopartner whatever you want to call them they could set a trigger so that touching or playing with and anchor thats linked to your trigger sets it off. I also wonder if that would make the trigger work better for some people also who are having problems going into trance or with triggers?