Curse Muscle Growth

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Curse Muscle Growth

Postby MusclesHabilles » April 20th, 2010, 12:27 am

Hello, Everyone!

I'm relatively new to this site, so in all likelihood this is too soon for me to make such a request. But, here goes...

I was wondering is someone could make a muscle-growth file that's a curse (it needn't be like the Gay Muscle Beast or CurseMusclebound files, which are great on their own).

What I have in mind is similar to EMG's Penis Growth Curse, where the listener's muscles will grow for nine months, and if the curse isn't removed on the 18th month, the growth will continue forever.

What do you all think?
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Postby MusclesHabilles » April 20th, 2010, 12:30 am

Wow, I just noticed I've been a member since '07! :lol:

Basically, I've returned a month or two ago, so I feel like "the new guy."
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Postby curiousguy92 » April 20th, 2010, 11:32 am

I think that would be a great file! I'm not sure how well it would work, since physical transformations are supposed to be the hardest, but there usually seems to be someone they work for.

But yeah, I think this would be a great way to do the muscle growth since it would be over time instead of the more instantaneous growth suggested in musclebound and musclebeast.
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Postby MusclesHabilles » April 20th, 2010, 9:22 pm

Thanks, CuriousGuy92!

I hope to see it made into a file some day. I'd do it myself, but I don't have the equipment to make hypnosis files, and I don't really have a voice for it.

I know the Muscle Growth file is supposed to make the listener more muscular, but I kind of like the curse aspect. The idea of losing control over it is exciting.
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Postby randommuscle » August 10th, 2013, 5:13 pm

I would like to see that file real to! :D
Your muscles growing and never stoping hope it doesn't become premium when it's real!
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Postby xdude » August 28th, 2013, 8:10 am

in a way ...I believe a successful bodybuilder has this curse .. if you ever talk to a really big guy...they are not big enough for themselves ...
end result they are always pushing.. the curse for them is real .. constant increasing and pushing . more restrictive on the diet, more research on the hormones..finally caving and doing the juice , hgh and in some cases insulin.

So you figure this out , then you can create successful BB... this does sound like a good file ..and maybe I gave you some pointers
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Postby xdude » August 28th, 2013, 8:12 am

I always though of bodybuilding as a Male version of Anorexia nervousa

don't get me wrong men can get Anorexia nervousa and women can body build ..what I am saying it is in a similar vain...
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Postby BodyBM » August 28th, 2013, 9:44 am

xdude wrote:I always though of bodybuilding as a Male version of Anorexia nervousa

don't get me wrong men can get Anorexia nervousa and women can body build ..what I am saying it is in a similar vain...

The best expression to this is "muscle dysmorphia" alias bigorexia. It is just the opposite pair of anorexia.
I think almost all bodybuilders touched by it at some level, some of us just a bit, some of us very deeply. I'm also touched by it at somewhere middle. As I see, we unconsciously know and feel we are already bigger than average man, but the mirror reflects back only a skinny and average guy who still needs to grow bigger and stronger and more perfect as before. And it is never end, always bigger and stronger. It is an evil trap, a real "curse of muscle growth".
For me the only one problem with this that I just occasionally feel satisfied about myself and it frustrates me sometimes.

Absoltely agree with you xdude! As you said about this (always pushing heavier, more restrictive about eating, etc) is all true.

For a professional bodybuilder who just lives to grow his/her muscles and shows it on the stage it is rather a praise than a curse to helps push the muscle growth to the outer limits, forces him/her to use anything that helps in reach the goal: be bigger at all costs.
And maybe win the contest wins against the frustration.

Anyway I wouldn't want to remove this "curse", it also sooooo gooood to feel the force to grow bigger and stronger. So I would love to listen that "Curse Muscle Growth" file. Ehehehe
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Postby joecomp2000 » August 28th, 2013, 5:38 pm

"For a professional bodybuilder who just lives to grow his/her muscles and shows it on the stage it is rather a praise than a curse to helps push the muscle growth to the outer limits, forces him/her to use anything that helps in reach the goal: be bigger at all costs. "

hmmm ...I disagree ...those guys are obsessed to get the pro card ..and I can image turning pro makes it worse .. I tend to agree with xdude .. this is a bigerexia carried to it's extremes. look it andrea munzer , Momo benaziza , sonny schmidt Nasser el sonbaty ..both menzter brothers...and that is to name a few .. all dead ...So if bodybuilding is healthy , they are at low body
fat etc ...why are they dead of cancer , or kidney or liver failure ?

Just look at the guys that died from going to far...anorexia is similar ..the ones that are really good at it end up in the hospital..
I have talked to a few guys that have ended in the hospital for stupid sh*t like injecting wrong , or insulin OD.. too much weight or one I knew that was too dehydrated .

I tend to think that Bodybuilding is a form of self imposed slavery to their own body... you see guys denying themselves every thing , food, a regimented work out , sleep for burning calories , and even sex to make sure their testosterone remains high ( I understand that is actually backwards, but heard of it being done ) this level of control can only be equated with Slavery ...

so if you ever do a file ..of curse muscle growth

I would think you focus on regiment ..and slowly increasing it .. the curse would be it doesn't end ... you only get more into it...

my $.02
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Postby BodyBM » August 29th, 2013, 3:12 am

Wow a great discussion!

As you said xdude, obviously anorexia touches mainly females, bigorexia rather males. And just the opposite of each others like female and male. Somehow it is in our genes, alpha male as the strongest, most masculine between men. And for females to be feminine fragile, thin and pretty and soft for touch men eyes and hearth. And I think it is great when a man wants to be big and strong and when a female wants to be rather thinner but not fat, just the more extreme cases are horrific I think. In mild cases I don't see much problems if the mania doesn't grow later bigger and bigger.

As I rethink the topic in your view, I agree you. But do you think profs. don't obsessed to muscle grows too? And can you imagine they will think any time in their life "I'm already perfect in all ways and big enough so I don't want my muscles to grow anymore"? Or are they lazy and not strict almost limitless about themselfs in eating and training? (the bigorexia main criterions). I don't know, just thinking about.
Even they give it up do bodybuilding in their later life, I'm sure they still think a lot about "I want to return, do it again" even the force maybe not enough big to really brings them to return.
Pro bodybuilding is not primary about health (but of course health is always in priority) but about the perfect form of appearance. Just think to their heavy bulkin/cutting diets and trainings, diuretics, thirsting before contests, etc very big load and challenge to their whole body and mind and I don't think we can call it somehow healthy. Mainly when they getting older and so their body can't adapt and regenerate so well. Very low bodyfat isn't healthy at all and can be fatal. Under 14% for female and 8% for male increases health risks, like hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular problems, immune system compromises etc. But it can change from person to person. And really hard to keep the muscle mass too on that low bodyfat for relatively long time without use some drugs. So the healthy balances absent in a lot of relations.
Ah I wrote that bigorexia is rather a praise than a curse for a prof. in the delinquent own view, not as outsiders see. A praise in his/her view to helps reach the main goal of his/her life as be bigger, even as we see it is a quick way to the grave.

Agree! Extreme cases in both state is fatal sooner or later, sure.
I think a lot of guys who do bodybuilding just try to compensate some imperfections of their mind (eg. low self esteem) or their body (eg. little haha) or both, with build a more masculine body and try to appear from the average people, and later this compensation action maybe grows into bigorexia. I'm in this shoe just my is not little. Haha

As I see there is a specified threshold in the seriousness of bigorexia when a concerned person's health jumps to be exposed to risks. I mean as you said, when starts to use hormonal drugs like T, insulin, hgh, and other kinds like dnp, long term ephedrine, etc. Or inject synthol into muscles to "grow them". It can be dangerous and can be life threatening and even fatal (greatly overdosed insulin can kill instantly), but not mean exclusively health damages just there is serious possibility of it and sometimes it just happens. As fatal accidents happen sometimes in hospitals too with any drugs as a result of malpractices or stupidity or an unforeseen chain of events.
The most problematic when the mania gets mixed with mindless stupidity, it can be as destructive and fatal as a time bomb in the ass.

Agree with you totally, bodybuilding is a form of self imposed slavery to their own body. Correctly as you said! And it is challening, mainly when have jobs, family/kids, other hobbies.. But it also teaches to be highly consistent, persistent and tough, in other aspects of life too. It is a lifestyle!
Also it it feels really good when I do my training. It somehow like a sex or a light drug, just feels good. So I do it because I enjoy a lot to do it, and enjoy the satisfied tiredness after, not just cos I want to grow my muscles.
By the way a direct abstinence from sex is sometimes used in sports, directly before contests, because believed that a recent sexual action depletes a lot of energies from the body, and men can perform better in sports when keep sexual energies before do the contest.
I also experimented a lot how the sex/orgasms affects my body and strength, just because I'm curious to everything. And I observed that sex is good in all ways, just don't overdo it for long term because it really depletes all of energies then. So there are healthy limits for everybody that should not be exceed.

An interesting aspect, anorexia and bigorexia just like alcoholism. The sufferer doesn't relaize that really suffered/addicted by something. Just tell to an obviously alcoholist person "You are an alcoholist, stop drinking!" and he/she will answer back: "NO I'm not at all alcoholist! Why do think so!?" So just denies that, I observed this many times. I think the same could perceptible from an ano/bigorexic people. I recognized and know about my medial bigorexic mania and I can handle well, cos my personality is very stong, I know what I want, and I want to keep my health well as my family needs me for long time, so it is first priority, build muscle only after somewhere.

Ahah I was just mainly joking about to grows my mania even further. : ) As I said I can handle it really well and I see everything about it crystal clearly in my case. Just I'm curious about the content of that kind of script or a file, how it could try to curse the reader/listener to grows muscles.. So sure I would love to hear that, I'm in charge. Huh
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Postby joecomp2000 » August 29th, 2013, 4:03 pm

I was thinking the whole curse thing would actually be fairly easy and apparent... now that we have provided and discussed the clues

anorexia is actually about control.. the typical person is a teenage girl that has all the mania of being a teenage girl . the one thing that they find in their life they get control of is what goes in their mouth .. the control.. not thinking they are fat because this is what they can control.. every thing is spinning out of control.. but they can control this one thing.. and they hang onto this control cause it is the only thing they do have control over

Bigerexia ... is a similar body dis-morphia.. the set up is simple .
make the file or script about controlling one thing at a time... then let the dominoes fall one by one until you have the dis-morphia the curse

so the set up .. enter the trance, give the person the reward of control.. give up the one thing , make it gone from their life . they have control. they recieve the reward of control.. and every time the refuse that thing they are reward with more self control and should feel good...

start with a food that is bad for them , reward control for refusing to eat it.
a food that is good for them in correct amounts reward control for eating the correct amount.. a plan workout ...again reward control

and finish with you have more control ..and you feel good...

wake and feel refresh yadda yadda yadda...

the curse would be the continuation of listening to the recording say weekly and moving to further and further restrictions and rewarded with the control...

what do you think?
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Postby ViralVixen » August 29th, 2013, 6:14 pm

What would be neat is if there could be a file like this that works on women as well, in order to basically turn them into an amazon.
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Postby joecomp2000 » August 29th, 2013, 7:24 pm

ViralVixen wrote:What would be neat is if there could be a file like this that works on women as well, in order to basically turn them into an amazon.

I like muscular legs on women....something you can take a bite out of
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Postby BodyBM » September 2nd, 2013, 1:32 am

Good start!

We know proper muscle growth needs the following, so we should contentrate all of these:
- enough foods,
- enough training,
- enough resting
- mental focus, to do the workout adequately hard
- concentrate to the muscle contraction while train it, flexing, to build the mind-muscle connection,
- need a lot of motivation to not give it up and not be lazy about workouts, eating and resting even we are tired mentally.

Your idea seems great, control just one thing at a time!

Eating is challenging, we must eat enough to keep grow muscles for long time and not starve our or muscles. Sometimes we simply can't eat because of disgust against adequate food (for me mainly to carbs, rice). It would be nice to change the disgust to a desire to eat the adequate quantinty from good food. For me it would be fantastic!! Reward for eat enough, but we don't want to fatten pigs of course.
Something similar: .. is very healthy for you, it is tasty, it feeds your muscles to grow them bigger, you are able to eat enough from it because you loves its taste and you love the feel as it fills your muscles with energy.. etc.

Training. There is pain and a lot of enjoyment. Plan a workout is a hard task because everybody is soo different, but a weekly 3-5 times 1/2 - 1 hour long training is great to support muscle growth. The listener should select an apprepriate training plan, give rewards after, as you said so.
Training hard causes pain in the muscles, I always loved that feeling (the muscle strains also after I change to new exercise) even sometimes I howl like an animal at the last reps. So suggest that the pain in the muscles under a hard workout feels soo good, a reward for it, and also the enjoyable tiredness after feels good.

Resting. Enough resting is essential to musch growth, because regenerate and rebuild muscles. So I think there should be some suggestion to sleep enough, let muscles and body regenerate and rebuild a bit bigger and stronger. It feels good to wake up refreshed, with regenerated body.

Flexing after a good workout is good. It develops the mind-muscle connection, teach the nervous system to contract the muscle maximal as possible. It is important for develops muscles even further. Watch the muscle while flex and try to contract is maximal (also similar for concentrated bicep curls, must see and concentrate to the muscle contraction), do it even it looks disgust to people don't know why we do this. They think we falled love ourselfs and our muscles, but don't bother about what they think! Watch the big flexed muscles in the mirror gives a satisfied and proud feeling, motivates us do harder next time, because we are doing it well. So give reward to do some flexing after a good workout, and also for concentrate to muscles contractions. It feels good!

For me there is a lot of sexual charge too, thinking on sex (as I do 95% of time every day) makes me much more brutal and heavier in my workouts. Anyway I don't know it is a good idea to combine this into the script. Hehe

I'm thinking more about, even I'm a very beginner in hypno scripts. But I can learn and trying help.

I also love muscular legs on woman, and fortunately my wife has musclar legs I enjoy to see and touch.
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Postby WatDo » September 2nd, 2013, 10:35 pm

Well this has turned into a new kind of thing, huh?

I kind of agree with what you guys are saying. But at least having the obsession to become more muscular is not extremely unhealthy, something you can't say about anorexia or things like it. Assuming you don't use steroids and don't feed on the worst things possible. Oh, and consuming way too many calories. It takes a good amount of food to grow huger, sure, but some guys eat so much that it's entirely unnecessary. Then they learn the habit of just eating and eating no matter what until it gets out of hand.

As for the file, I'm always down for bodybuilder or muscle growth files since they seemingly pale in comparison to feminization files, which we already have tons of. The more detail and choices, the better!
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Postby joecomp2000 » September 4th, 2013, 6:26 pm

I am thinking this more of a curse than you think ..
what I am talking is a slow progression until the obsessive control leads to bigerxia..
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Postby BodyBM » September 5th, 2013, 3:16 am

joecomp2000 wrote:"why are they dead of cancer , or kidney or liver failure ?

Just I read Daniele Seccarecci (33) Italian IFBB pro died yesterday of heart attack in his home. He competed last Saturday at Nordic Pro in Lahti (Finland), where he placed 6th. Soo young.. Rest In Peace!
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Postby joecomp2000 » September 5th, 2013, 9:46 am

BodyBM wrote:
joecomp2000 wrote:"why are they dead of cancer , or kidney or liver failure ?

Just I read Daniele Seccarecci (33) Italian IFBB pro died yesterday of heart attack in his home. He competed last Saturday at Nordic Pro in Lahti (Finland), where he placed 6th. Soo young.. Rest In Peace!

Yeah didn't include heart attacks too.. Kind of counter intuitive if you factor in the low body fat... but there is a lot of stress due to exercise and heavy weights.. and roids really lower the good and raises the bad cholesterol...
and when they look at cholesterol..they are looking for a ratio.. I had a friend that said while he was on Juice his good cholesterol dropped to single digits ( 5 , good is 40 +) the Ratio they are looking for is 5 to 1 or lower so if your good is 5 then they want the bad below 25 which is impossible .

do that for a year to prep for a show, add some form of speed and diuretics
and the heart goes poof...

I remember Momo Benaziza ,, at 30 heart attack... they were trying to give him an IV and couldn't get flowing into the vein..

these deaths often happen in spurts.. so with Olympia a couple weeks off, don't be surprised if there is a couple more ..

I remember after I think the 05 Olympia that there were a couple of guys that had some form of liver failure and boom 4 people were retired .. couple in the hospital and a changing of the line up the next year .. I figured it was bad roids or something...

I am not wishing this on anyone... just a comment..
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Postby joecomp2000 » September 11th, 2013, 6:21 pm

casey viator died 61

former Mr A, 3rd in Mr O 1982
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Postby BodyBM » September 11th, 2013, 11:08 pm

joecomp2000 wrote:casey viator died 61
former Mr A, 3rd in Mr O 1982

RIP! He has past away on his birthday, it seems as a result of heart failure. He died for bodybuilding too, I think.
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Postby joecomp2000 » September 12th, 2013, 7:26 pm

we are way off subject... however just read 12bb'er have dies just in 2013
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