And now for something completely different

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And now for something completely different

Postby Realm » March 14th, 2010, 1:29 am

Hearing the effects that triggers can have following hypnosis, I've had an idea. Would anyone be interested in a computer game that has triggers programmed into it? You would have a traditional audio file to plant the triggers, then once they've been tested and are known to work you could try the game out. It could be any kind of game at all, and contain any kind of triggers at all. When certain events occur in the game, for example, your character passes a level or accomplishes something in-game, a positive visual or aural trigger is displayed. Events like character death may also result in negative triggers. If you wanted to get really advanced you could try conditioning the player to experience what happens in the game as if they were there, in a very detailed hallucination.

Am I the only person who's thought of this or is there something flawed about the idea that wouldn't make it work?
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Postby Jeshi » March 16th, 2010, 9:30 pm

It's sound very neat, although my idea for a trigger-game would be much different.

What I would do is make a very very simple game in which the gameplay itself doesn't change very much, but it would have triggers appear in unexpected ways that would make you have to do something which would make the game more difficult.

You'd read a sign that contains a sentence that triggers you to be unable to press more then one key at a time on the keyboard for the rest of the level.

You'd fight a boss that shouts commands at you that must be obeyed, all the while you have to jump over barrels. "USE YOUR LEFT HAND TO RUB YOUR COCK!" The boss would shout. Suddenly you only have one hand to fight the boss with AND you're being distracted by your masturbation.

It could end up having lots of mind-fuckery too. Like a trigger that makes you suddenly find the baddies incredibly attractive. Can you bring yourself to stomp such a beauty? Or will you just avoid killing those sexy goombas. Of course you would realize that you don't normally find goombas attractive "WHY! WHY IS IT SO SEXY!" you would shout as it distracts and makes you start the level over.
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Postby darkenedav » March 17th, 2010, 2:17 am

This would work for a text/picture based adventure game or perhaps a puzzle/card game :)

You'd have to be super suggestible though as you wouldn't want this stuff bumping into during daily life to :)
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Postby Realm » March 17th, 2010, 2:53 am

Very creative ideas Jeshi, although they raise a couple of potential problems.

Triggers that are game-specific would make the game itself more involving, like the one you suggested to make the goombas sexually attractive. But then the more uh.. interesting triggers while appealing to some may lead others to avoid the game. Someone posted on the forum recently asking if they could have a version of a curse file without the addiction, because that part of it was less than desirable to them. I suppose it would all boil down to the demand from potential players and what the game makers are prepared to do.

Since the triggers could be either graphical or audible I can't see why this wouldn't work for any type of game. The application would vary but anything's possible.
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Postby Tapp » April 7th, 2010, 10:17 pm

I'm in the process of making a game which uses the triggers I have already installed in myself, and it seems to be working OK. It says "feel pleasure now" every time I grab a coin, it says "get hot now" as punishment every time I die and says "orgasm now" at the end of each level. It also says "five-minute orgasm now" at the start of boss-fights. Does anybody have any other ideas?
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Postby darkenedav » April 8th, 2010, 1:26 am

As I said before a puzzle game would work well :)

You have 2mins to solve the puzzle, if you succeed pleasure trigger, if fail a pain trigger :P
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Postby Realm » April 11th, 2010, 7:14 am

A puzzle game would be good since they're easy to make, and unlike action games the timing of events can be easily controlled. I've been hunting around for online flash games to get ideas and I've noticed that pace is very important.

Also if the program were written to simply play defined .wav files at certain points to trigger the player, you could use any trigger you've already been programmed with. You'd just need to have a .wav file of it, put it in the right folder and name it appropriately. That way players could also decide quite easily which triggers they intend to use.
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Postby Realm » April 12th, 2010, 6:32 am

Ok I've just come up with a more complete idea for an actual game. Actually I sort of stole a bunch of ideas from all over the place and stuck them together but I'm sure no one will mind.

I'm not sure if many other people would be interested in this, but I happen to be a big fan of tentacle hentai. The problem with games of this sort for me has always been you're either the heroine, in which case you're trying to avoid being molested (which is what the player would probably rather) or you're the tentacle monster in which case what's the point. The solution came from an artist who goes by the name Marjorie Greene. In her artwork, one of the common motivations for a tentacle monster to molest human females was that they were "trans-tactile empaths", meaning they basically borrow the nervous system of whatever creature they come into physical contact with. Seems like more than enough reason to find women to pleasure as much as possible.

So for the game, you would play a tentacle monster with this trait. You would go around catching victims, you may have to fight them into submission somehow then once you have them you are given the trigger to orgasm. This is where it could get interesting. You might need to do something to keep hold of your prey, and when that happens the orgasm stops. You could develop or evolve (I know it's not the right word here but it's just a game) special abilities, like combat abilities to make it easier to catch victims, the ability to swallow your victim so for a set time they can't escape etc.

It'd be a little complicated to make and I'm sure it won't appeal to everyone but I'd be happy to start working a game like that even just for myself. Does anyone have ideas on how it might be more enjoyable for a wider audience?
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Postby lexii » April 12th, 2010, 9:34 am

love your idea and i would love to help (be it with programmig or scripting) give me a bell if you are interested
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Postby 5HA99Y » May 11th, 2010, 4:01 pm

sounds awesome love to see a game that does trigger you
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Postby hypnoticnapkin » May 11th, 2010, 4:15 pm

Great idea! Before you can even start the game their should be a spiral or something that pops up and hypnotizes you so the triggers will be fresh everytime you play the game.
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Postby Realm » May 11th, 2010, 9:57 pm

So far I've gotten a bunch of sprites from an old SNES game (Chrono Trigger) and I'm planning to start on the game itself soon. The person I was talking to about programming it has gone quiet so I assume they're a bit too busy at the moment.

I might begin with a simpler arcade-style game just to see how well the triggers work though.
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Postby Realm » May 15th, 2010, 12:24 am

I've started putting together the test game; looks like it'll be a top-down puzzle adventure game or something... Not really sure what I'm going to do with it to be honest but it won't be awfully exciting or flashy.

I'd just like to get some requests and suggestions from people. For anyone who has already been implanted with a trigger(s), are there any you would like put into the game and under what conditions? That is I could have a number of triggers to select from when you succeed in the game (probably getting to the end of a level, opening up a treasure chest etc.) and a different set of triggers for negative events (getting hit\killed by an enemy or trap etc.).

Also, along the lines of hypnoticnapkin's idea, are there any suggestions on how to make the game more hypno-friendly? I'm already planning to add a binaural beat to the music and possibly subliminals, but in m my newbishness I seek the wisdom of greater experience.

Again, this is just a test game so I can't guarantee much from the programming itself like clever AI (or probably any for that matter). If it turns out that the game works well for people then I might start on more advanced stuff. Or, hopefully, better game-makers than myself out there will get some ideas.
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Postby neopie » May 15th, 2010, 11:15 am

One that empties your bladder, of course.

Behavior changes.
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Postby Realm » May 15th, 2010, 1:24 pm

Emptying of the bladder, check.

When you say behaviour changes, in what way would you mean for them to be implemented?
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Postby Realm » May 16th, 2010, 6:33 am

Those are some interesting ideas. I don't know how I'd use the first one since "enemies" in this game are more like mobile hazards following determined paths.

Perhaps there will be numerous pickups, each with side-effects. You might really need to pick up a health boost, but each time you do you get more aroused to the point that it could affect your concentration. There could be a potion that lets you temporarily walk through traps unharmed, but for a period of time after that you experience hallucinations like the traps turn into something you'd want to approach.

Of course there are loads of possibilities here that have occured to me but I'm interested in what specific triggers people would want in the game. This is, afterall, just meant to be a test for the real thing so it would make the most sense to use triggers that people have already acquired from this site.
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Postby hypnoticnapkin » May 16th, 2010, 4:16 pm

How about one that makes you dumber for a period of time so you don't know how to type or forget what traps do or forget which items or good or bad, kinda like an amnesia thing.

Also, you would need to write which videos you would need to watch in order for the triggers to work. Most likely you would want to take triggers from free files.
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Postby Realm » May 16th, 2010, 9:22 pm

That was the idea originally. I don't want to cram this with too many ideas so instead I think I'll just get people to PM me the trigger phrases they'd like to see implemented with an explanation of how they work.

I've somehow managed to get most of the game physics operational but there are bugs galore. Rather than spend God knows how long getting every detail perfect, I've decided to just plough on with the mapping and end up with a poorly finished but at least substantial game.

Please don't be disappointed if I can't get everything into this the way everyone would like. Good things take time, and I'm just trying to rush this out there as quickly as possible so I\we can work on some genuinely good games from there.
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Postby Realm » May 19th, 2010, 5:36 am

Ok I've given it a bit of thought. To make it as easy and as flexible as possible, I'm just going to program events in that will be something like "Play file: c:\program files\hypno game\triggers\trig1.mp3". That way people can arrange their own trigger files any way they like.

Basically there will be a number of dummy files somewhere inside the game folder that the game refers to. When I've worked out all the possible events I'll include a list of which files link to which events, opening a chest, falling into a trap etc. Then all you have to do is decide which trigger you would like to play for that event, replace the dummy file with a short recording of the trigger phrase and bingo. That way everyone's happy and I avoid doing a lot of tedious work.
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Postby neopie » May 22nd, 2010, 7:59 am

I was thinking more along the lines of being attracted to things.
Going into a shop "Why buy those poison protection potions in a poison filled area? These purses look hot and make you more feminine? Hotness is better than practicality."
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Postby Realm » May 22nd, 2010, 9:45 am

Well I've done yet more thinking and I believe a simple game with swappable triggers isn't really going to cut it, particularly with the interest people are having in a game that can actually alter the way you play it.

So I've abandoned the little puzzle game and decided to go with a hopefully more immersive approach. You'll start the game by going into a futuristic looking research lab under the pretext that you're some rich and successful "individual" with a deep interest in alternate dimensions. You've comissioned this lab to build a device that can bridge the interdimensional gap with your mind and put you in the body of someone on the other side. This all happens in the form of an induction, which will maybe plant suggestions about you need to follow certain instructions within the game.

After this you take on the role of one of the game's characters and set forth on epic adventures etc. etc. It'll be a non-linear game where rather than having some grand plot which directs you to certain goals, you can decide what you want to do based on what you'd like to get out of the game. It's still in the early stages and things will be added bit by bit, but you might want to go on a quest to gather magical sources of sexual ecstasy, enemies along the way will naturally make the journey difficult and unpleasant in a variety of ways, you might learn a spell that regresses you in age so that you start thinking, acting and being treated like a child, if you are caught commiting a crime you could be locked in the town stocks where you are molested in all sorts of ways by passers by, feeling genuine embarassment and humiliation as if it were really happening and whatever else people can think of.

This way everything gets condensed into one game so I don't have to worry about making a new one every time someone dreams up a new fantasy, and the triggers used will be thematically related to what's happening in the game, as opposed to being thrown out every time something "good" or "bad" happens.

I still plan on starting simple so there's a working game for everyone to try out as soon as possible. First off I might just use very simple and mild pleasure\pain responses, like a weak stab in the stomach when you get injured and a feeling of euphoria when you collect a special item. Not sure how I'm going to go about making the player change his or her behaviour at the game's whim, but I'll definitely keep it in mind and if people have ideas on how to do that please let me know.

The kinds of effects I so far have planned, both from peoples' requests and my own interests, are as follows:

Orgasm on command
Extended orgasm on command, possibly with time distortion
Pain (nothing intolerable)
Bladder emptying
Seduction (enemies becoming attractive to the player)
Public humiliation
"Thinking" more like your character than yourself

I've quite shamelessly stolen all the sprites I intend to use from other games, so that at least should speed things up. Any and all suggestions are, as always, very welcome and appreciated.
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Postby hypnoticnapkin » May 22nd, 2010, 2:06 pm

Also, there could be an enemy or a boss or a person or something that takes control over your mind and makes you turn around or jump off a cliff, or go somewhere where you wouldn't nessacarily want to go otherwise. Then once you are there you realize it but it is too late. I guess kind of like a possesion thing?
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Postby 5HA99Y » May 22nd, 2010, 5:46 pm

maybe a trigger that make you think like a 7yr old
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Postby Cadbury145 » May 31st, 2010, 1:47 pm

this game sounds awesome and i cant wait to play it.

can we get a trigger that will make you act like a baby.

p.s. does this include the actual files that implant the triggers aswell
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Postby jakeofspade » June 8th, 2010, 7:36 pm

Cadbury145 wrote:this game sounds awesome and i cant wait to play it.

can we get a trigger that will make you act like a baby.

p.s. does this include the actual files that implant the triggers aswell

It would be a great trigger in a boss battle.

A lot of mental transformations (I.E - being a dog when you're tying concentrate, brain drains and suddenly not knowing how to spell longer words) would be a lot of fun to play with.
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Postby little-bri » June 10th, 2010, 1:34 am

I really like the idea of slowly lowering the intelligence, mental capabilities as part of a game. If its a strategic game or such, that makes it all the better. Each time losing thinking abilities, like math skills, then reading skills, and so on.

Hope this gets incorporated into this concept, or even gets its own "spin off" from this...
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Postby rcbrest » June 10th, 2010, 3:22 am

Stuff such as forgeting to buy vital supplies or like "Buy the shiniest item", accepting ridicously bad offers from NPC or anything afeting your playing of the game sounds awesome to me
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Postby Lionell » June 13th, 2010, 7:06 am

To be honest I'd prefer a normal game without to many things that damage your gameplay but only with rewards and punishments(hallucinations). Rewards would be something like euphorism or an orgasm, and punishments would be distrations (like your breasts suddenly becoming size d).
I love the idea on the other thread of selecting theme-wise what will come (Some people don't want to pee in their pants, but would like furry TF).
This is a great project. I'm looking foward to playing this.
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Postby Realm » June 13th, 2010, 8:02 am

From now on the rest of the discussion about this game is going to continue in the other thread, where you'll find that there are plans to let the player choose what kinds of triggers to include while they play the game.

It sounds like a lot of people are looking forward to playing this. I'm looking forward to having enough spare time to actually get back to work on it instead of just talking about it.
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