need help to know if it's working?......

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need help to know if it's working?......

Postby iamli3 » May 8th, 2010, 6:03 pm

ok so i've been listening to this fire now for about a week several times now
"· Name: GS-Induction Additional Types: Body/Subliminal/Binaural/Script/Link To File
Description: Preparation file, helps you get used to entering trance and going deep. Recommended for people who have little or no experience with Hypnosis before they try any of the other files.
Author: Goddess Spiral PlayTime: 00:06:13 Added On: 2003-06-08 Downloaded: 17774"
....wait a sec , this has a subliminal in it? and binural? why don't i hear anything then?.....

umm well anyways , so i've been listening to this and it's gotta be the most laid back file i've listened to so far which is good , just gotta get around those couple "obedients" thrown in there , while they aren't so bad on their own , i even figured that i could turn their meaning around so that it's referring/talking to the sub con and it's ability to make this work/accept suggestions and w/e rather then having anything to do with any of the submissive bs

but anyways so all this file says is relax count down then count up , and as far as i know that's all your supposed to do with the listening or w/e , but i seriously seem to have no way to tell if this file is even working at all and if im "trancing" or not , so im looking to see if ppl can help with that and weather or not this is all just a colossal waist of sleeping time...............
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Postby angel123 » May 12th, 2010, 2:13 pm

Hi Iamli3,

from what I can see you are listening to a file that ''helps'' you to go into trance when you later use a ''proper'' file.

I use blinks_good girl_ induction file (definitely a sub file) to help me ''get in the mood'' for EMG's file on weight loss or whichever I want to use thereafter.

Sometimes I fall asleep/trance with the induction file sometimes not depending on what I have going on in my mind.

For me the real trance happened when I used EMG's files that have an induction, then the commands and then the awakener.

For me personally, to assess if you can trance or not I would choose one of his files and try it for a week.

I don't know if you have any medical problems or not, but if you go to (the sister site of warp my mind - see left, in the main menu list) you can register and use one of EMG's files from there that are more neutral in nature.
That's where I got the weight loss file from with no ''obedients'' nor ''submissive over/undertones'' on it. :wink:

Try it for a week and then see if it works, if you choose a neutral file then you aren't going to hurt yourself if you are trancing and don't know it !! 8O

I didn't know I was trancing, I always thought I would NEVER be hypnotised. Sometimes during the trance I go deeper and don't know I am asleep/awake - just nothing .... until I come out of it ....
then I go lighter and start thinking about what happened in the day !!!
Yet from what I have read it is all normal.

I am not a sub nor a domme just someone interested in hypnosis, but I think the suggestions do work, I am now playing online with a friend of mine where I am definitely the sub ... so maybe choose a file without those suggestions in them :lol:

Good luck, you can always message me if you are stuck, although that is almost the blind leading the blind :wink:
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Postby Blink » May 12th, 2010, 5:43 pm

angel123 wrote:I use blinks_good girl_ induction file (definitely a sub file) to help me ''get in the mood'' for EMG's file on weight loss or whichever I want to use thereafter.

Thanks for the props, angel123. You're a very good girl!

As you progress toward your new, healthy weight, I'm sure you can imagine how you'll look and how you'll feel when you achieve your goal. Think about all the good feelings you'll discover in your body and in your mind when you've got the body you've been imagining.

Good girl!

I don't know if you're being selective about what you eat or if you're finding new, fun, active things to do, but I know that each thing you do that helps you toward your fitness goal can make you feel like a very good girl. As you think about some things you can try, you might start to understand that, too.

Very good girl, angel123!

If there's ever any way I can be of assistance, please feel free to ask. My contact information is all on this site.

-- Blink
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Postby iamli3 » May 13th, 2010, 12:11 am

......why don't i get emails about replies from this site anymore?.......

anyways , yes that's what the file says it does

and yes falling asleep mid file and waking up quite a while after it's over is what normally happens , but that has nothing to do with the hypno bull s#$% that's just me falling asleep

the only other thing that ever seems to happen (besides just not being able to listen to/being interrupted the file for w/e reason) is that im awake for the whole thing but nothing ever happens while listening , like with that being able to move and feeling refreshed and awake only after the count up is done , last time i listened to it it just started the count up and i was like *moves arms and general everything else* "yup there's defiantly nothing going on here except me waiting valuable sleeping time by listening to some bloak talk about "feeling relaxed" when i don't even get that much out of any of this".......

and ya don't mention that "emg" name on my topic again , i will have nothing to do with it or it's files......

nope no medical problems , yet i've herd of supposed adhahdhahdha ppl have a better time with this than i am.....

i've been doing this for many months now , i don't understand what "try for a week and see if it works" is there if it's just supposed to be an induction file? that's actually what i was originally asking in this topic.....

blind leading the blind is still a lead , which i have been fresh out of for months now........

right now the 1 other thing i was going to say was that i was mistaken i had forgotten about mcguyver's or w/e's indunction 3 which is the same style of indunction with the relax deepener and awakener just done in a very different way which is actually the most laid back file there is as it doesn't have any sort of mentions simply other then the goal of attaining "trance" where's the other file has several mentions of the word "obedient"

and about this file , i'll have to update this again a bit later but for now i just wanted to say that im trying listening to it again after about a week of listening to this other file , and for the past 2 times that i've listened to it so far i've always passed out on it , just fallen asleep mid way through the file not aware of that (because i was asleep) until a while after the file is done when i regain consciousness
so we'll have to see if this is some continuing trend or not and what it would mean idk.......

and for the angle chick and frick just anybody else that would give 2 shits about helping there's plenty for much more detailed information on my sessions in my journal entries , you know , kinda what they're there for........
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Re: need help to know if it's working?......

Postby sarnoga » May 13th, 2010, 6:18 am

iamli3 wrote:
....wait a sec , this has a subliminal in it? and binural? why don't i hear anything then?.....

The binaural and subliminals are separate files. I would expect that is why you are not hearing them. If you are a premium member you can click on where it says binaural or subliminal and it should begin a download of that file for you.


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Postby angel123 » May 13th, 2010, 2:45 pm

iamli3 are you for real 8O .... I tried to help, maybe I am not understanding you but I feel a bit like you are just saying to me I shouldn't bother replying to you ..... I don't even know myself now.... this is EMG's site .... why wouldn't I mention him and I don't know what is wrong but you aren't a happy person ..... :(
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby angel123 » May 13th, 2010, 2:47 pm

Blink wrote:
angel123 wrote:I use blinks_good girl_ induction file (definitely a sub file) to help me ''get in the mood'' for EMG's file on weight loss or whichever I want to use thereafter.

Thanks for the props, angel123. You're a very good girl!

As you progress toward your new, healthy weight, I'm sure you can imagine how you'll look and how you'll feel when you achieve your goal. Think about all the good feelings you'll discover in your body and in your mind when you've got the body you've been imagining.

Good girl!

I don't know if you're being selective about what you eat or if you're finding new, fun, active things to do, but I know that each thing you do that helps you toward your fitness goal can make you feel like a very good girl. As you think about some things you can try, you might start to understand that, too.

Very good girl, angel123!

If there's ever any way I can be of assistance, please feel free to ask. My contact information is all on this site.

-- Blink

Yes I am a very good girl .... I love your induction file, I sometimes play it 2 or 3 times a day .... I am not a sub/slave but have taken to ''playing'' online with a very good friend of mine .... of course I am the sub in the role play :D .... I love it :wink:
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby iamli3 » May 13th, 2010, 3:51 pm

with this subject hell no im always no edge

and no im not saying that , and yes i am aware this is his site , but i just said there's no point in talking about him as i want nothing to do with him

so hopefully that will make you feel better or something , i don't want to update with the file listening till i get at least a couple listens in........
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Postby angel123 » May 15th, 2010, 9:08 am

iamli3 wrote:with this subject hell no im always no edge

and no im not saying that , and yes i am aware this is his site , but i just said there's no point in talking about him as i want nothing to do with him

so hopefully that will make you feel better or something , i don't want to update with the file listening till i get at least a couple listens in........

I don't know why you are on edge with the topic/subject of hypnosis .... are you sure hypnosis is for you, it appears to be giving you more stress than is curing it .... good luck :)
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby angel123 » May 15th, 2010, 9:31 am

Blink wrote:
angel123 wrote:I use blinks_good girl_ induction file (definitely a sub file) to help me ''get in the mood'' for EMG's file on weight loss or whichever I want to use thereafter.

Thanks for the props, angel123. You're a very good girl!

As you progress toward your new, healthy weight, I'm sure you can imagine how you'll look and how you'll feel when you achieve your goal. Think about all the good feelings you'll discover in your body and in your mind when you've got the body you've been imagining.

Good girl!

I don't know if you're being selective about what you eat or if you're finding new, fun, active things to do, but I know that each thing you do that helps you toward your fitness goal can make you feel like a very good girl. As you think about some things you can try, you might start to understand that, too.

Very good girl, angel123!

If there's ever any way I can be of assistance, please feel free to ask. My contact information is all on this site.

-- Blink

I am enjoying this forum immensely so far ... Blink just had to say it was a good idea to put the triggers in of good girl and bad girl, I enjoy the first one a lot !! :lol:

I just wanted to mention that I didn't want you to be my Master (sorry Blink, I don't know you well enough :wink: ) nor anyone I happen to live with, so I anchored MY response to ''good girl'' to my friend and 'online' Master ......
I cannot tell you the ecstacy I feel when he calls me a ''very good girl'' :wink: 8O :D :lol: :P 8) :o

and so far I have not had to be punished ..... of course ... because I am a good girl :)
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Postby Blink » May 15th, 2010, 3:04 pm

angel123 wrote:I just wanted to mention that I didn't want you to be my Master (sorry Blink, I don't know you well enough :wink: ) nor anyone I happen to live with, so I anchored MY response to ''good girl'' to my friend and 'online' Master ......
As much as I appreciate and am flattered by the consideration (even though...), I wouldn't have the time to make proper use of you, anyway. You're better off with the arrangement you've made.

Furthermore, you get to decide who has the authority to trigger you. That's one way you keep yourself safe. Knowing that you're safe makes the triggers work that much more deeply. I'm glad you're proceeding carefully and enjoying the work. Good girl!

angel123 wrote:I cannot tell you the ecstacy I feel when he calls me a ''very good girl'' :wink: 8O :D :lol: :P 8) :o

and so far I have not had to be punished ..... of course ... because I am a good girl :)
Rewards are much more effective than punishments at effecting behavioral change. There are some situations that require aversion, though. The, ahem, downside of the GG recording is intended to be truly aversive. I'm glad that it hasn't been needed. I hope that it isn't.

You should have your online master check it out, though. Even though it's going to be rough, you need to know that it's working to spec and not a bit more. If you need any assistance with the fine-tuning, let me know.

-- Blink
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Postby iamli3 » May 15th, 2010, 7:03 pm

because it's pure evil , the most evil thing in the world

i don't feel stress , actually i don't feel much any "feelings" at all , but i would agree that almost all the time this subject pushes me very much to what that would feel like......

i could tell up a long ass story of all the thought's i've had about this when i first found out about this which nearly drove me mad , but that would take several hours to write out.......

but i can tell you with certainty that "hypnosis is for me" in a way or another , other wise i wouldn't still be trying to get something done with it , i have this odd obsession with it and at the same time an odd burning passion to see it and all those involved in it eradicated from exsistance , and i don't use those feelings loosely.......
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Postby Calimore » May 16th, 2010, 1:11 am

If you only Believe in Hypnosis, It can Change Your Life.
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Postby angel123 » May 16th, 2010, 10:30 am

Blink wrote:
angel123 wrote:I just wanted to mention that I didn't want you to be my Master (sorry Blink, I don't know you well enough :wink: ) nor anyone I happen to live with, so I anchored MY response to ''good girl'' to my friend and 'online' Master ......
As much as I appreciate and am flattered by the consideration (even though...), I wouldn't have the time to make proper use of you, anyway. You're better off with the arrangement you've made.

-- Blink

Hey, I am sorry if it sounded rude, I just meant on the file, not you as a real person .... :?

I am sending you a message just to ask a few things ... seeing as how you offered :D thanks :wink:
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Postby angel123 » May 16th, 2010, 10:38 am

iamli3 wrote:because it's pure evil , the most evil thing in the world

i don't feel stress , actually i don't feel much any "feelings" at all , but i would agree that almost all the time this subject pushes me very much to what that would feel like......

i could tell up a long ass story of all the thought's i've had about this when i first found out about this which nearly drove me mad , but that would take several hours to write out.......

but i can tell you with certainty that "hypnosis is for me" in a way or another , other wise i wouldn't still be trying to get something done with it , i have this odd obsession with it and at the same time an odd burning passion to see it and all those involved in it eradicated from exsistance , and i don't use those feelings loosely.......

I just don't know iamli,

I can only guess you have had problems with a hypnotist and you are focusing on that, if you feel you have been hypnotised and had a problem why don't you go to see a real life hypnotist?

I personally would recommend a psychiatrist/psychologist or counsellor if you are emotionally ''flat'' .... there is no stigma in that ....

The thing is iamli, your feelings are unusual for someone who hates hypnotists/hypnotism and declaring it on a site for hypnotists and hypnotism :!:

I mean they aren't likely to help you much are they ... and I don't know jack at the moment about hypnotism to advise you much .... except be nice to these guys and they will help you .... :?
Good luck
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Postby iamli3 » May 16th, 2010, 1:40 pm

you know , when i was (at least i assume) on the edge of going into a depression back when i first found out about this i had wondered why my feelings were so extreme and that with reading up on other stories of this shit going "wrong" i wondered if this was because i have had some past experience with this was somehow "went wrong" and i have no recollection of it but all this remained , course with out any real facts to suggest that it is just pure speculation

but no i do not believe i have ever had any encounter with anything related to this subject till when i found out about it through a friend , first about the site "furmorphed" which eventually led to here

no no emotions im fine for those , it's the "feeling" part that even though i've been trying for a while now can not get down in the slightest
no i will not be needed any of that

ya i know it's pretty odd eh? but what i find even more odd is that ppl need to point out how im odd when we're on a site like this , oh the irony , LOL

oh nope , that simply can not happen , have to be careful of exactly what kind of "help" your getting , if only you knew just how enraged the very thought of them makes me , i can't say though cause i don't wanna get banned or anything
nor will i ever even consider such as an irl session , it would be pointless , as im sure they wouldn't make it through the front door.........

in topic related news , i've got a couple more listens in and it seems i was right and that every time i listen to mcgyver's "indunction 3" or w/e i unknowingly pass out at some point in the file and are not made aware of that until however long it takes for me to regain consciousness , well after the file is finished playing , and actually the gs indunction too last night which was next in the play list , now this to me only seems like this stuff is never goning to work for me.............
Last edited by iamli3 on May 16th, 2010, 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Gee, look at the time...

Postby Calimore » May 16th, 2010, 1:43 pm

Check please.
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Postby angel123 » May 17th, 2010, 7:44 am

iamli3 wrote:

ya i know it's pretty odd eh? but what i find even more odd is that ppl need to point out how im odd when we're on a site like this , oh the irony , LOL

I didn't say YOU were odd.

I hope things work out iamli ..... ''normality'' is just a word .... I for one am far from normal :wink:
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby MacGyver » May 18th, 2010, 7:34 pm

jnhormal? noone will ever accuse me of being normal, specially those who know me, LOL
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Postby MacGyver » May 19th, 2010, 2:47 pm

i be working on a new file for ya, hopefully it will help you trance easier.

when most have given up all hope, for some reason i am the weirdo that forges on and refuses to quit. LOL
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