Painting Nails Addiction Curse

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Painting Nails Addiction Curse

Postby SissyboyGreg » May 22nd, 2010, 7:04 pm

I came up with this idea a while ago, and decided to make a script for it. I am a begginer hypnotist. I have practiced it a few times on friends with good results, so I decided to try this out. Please tell me what you think!

Hello there, and welcome. I am here simply to guide you through a relaxing experience. If at any point during the induction, you do not feel comfortable, you may choose not to go deeper. However, I don't think that will be an issue. You are actually quite comfortable now, aren't you? If not, then why don't you pause this, and get into a comfortable place or position, you might be here a little bit. Are you comfortable yet? Good! Now, let us begin your relaxing experience. I want you to start by clenching your toes. Curl them tightly, tighter, tighter! Now, keep your toes tightened, I want you to tighten up your entire foot. Focus on each muscle, follow it as it tightens, then work on the next muscle, and the next, until your entire foot is tight, then do the same to your other foot if you haven't already. Now we will tighten up your ankles and calf's. Tighten them the same as your foot, don't loosen your feet. Move up and tighten up your knees now. Bend your legs back to tighten up your quadriceps and your entire leg. Hold it for a few seconds. Hold it... Hold it..... Hold it......... Release! Let all the tension flow out, legs dropping limp and immovable, in complete relaxation. Legs feeling so good right now, and the release helped relax your entire body. But we're not done yet. I want you to do the same thing, only this time lets start were we left off, at your hips and waist. Start by clenching in your stomach to tighten your waist, and try to pull in your hips as close together as possible. Hold it, tighter. Tighter. Move up into your chest. Don't make it so that you cannot breath, but tighten your chest and torso muscles. Focus on each muscle, tighten it completely. Now focus on tightening your shoulders. Roll them forward, feel the muscles on your back stretch and tighten. Hold yourself like this for a second...A few more seconds.... Just hold it, tighter... Tighter!... And........ Release! Release all of that built up tension. Feel your torso and stomach fall limp. Like your legs they are now completely relaxed and limp, immovable and feeling good. Your entire body from your torso, excluding your arms, is currently limp, immovable, relaxed. And as all of this is relaxed, it helps you relax more completely. Your mind is becoming relaxed as your body relaxes. It becomes tired through the effort of tightening your muscles. And it is a cycle. The more tired you become, the more relaxed you are. The more you relaxed you are, the more tired your mind becomes. Now, we are almost done completely relaxing your body. We are going to start with your Biceps. Clench and tighten them as tight as they will go. Hold them like this, tighter, tighter. Move down and tighten your Triceps. Your elbows. Your entire arm, from your elbow to your biceps is tightening. Getting tighter by the second. Your forearms tightening, clenching. Your wrists, so that from your biceps to your wrist you are completely tight. Now, curl your hands into fists to tighten them up completely. Tighten your whole arm more and more. Hold your arms and hands in this position, tightening them every second. Hold your arms until you cannot move them and..... Release! Feel all of the tension flow out of your arms and hands, leaving them limp and immovable like the rest of your body. Your entire body now is limp, relaxed, and immovable. Feeling good, relaxed and tired. Your mind tired and relaxed from the effort of tightening and releasing. Feel yourself relaxing even more. Your body sinking deeper into the complete relaxation. Feeling so good, so relaxed. Your body and mind feel wonderful right now, in this state of relaxing bliss. So relaxed, so comfortable and feeling so good. And from now on, whenever you hear me say Release, you will automatically let go of all tension and relax your body completely. Remember, that me saying Release makes you relax and feel good. It feels so good to Release. Release all of your tension, Release and give in to the relaxation. Releasing feels so good. Feels so good to Release. Release all of your cares, your worries, just sink deeper into relaxation and trance. You feel safe in trance, you have been there many times before. In that wonderful state of relaxation and bliss. Whether it has been a light trance, as you are in now, just so relaxed and feeling so good, or a heavy trance, forgetting anything that happened and being completely suggestible. I want you to remember being in a heavy trance, if you can. It doesn't matter if you can't, just remember the deepest trance you have ever been in. It can be with me, or with another Hypnotist, it doesn't matter, so long as you remember being there. Being so relaxed, so blissful and feeling so good. In that suggestible state, so deep and accepting anything anybody tells you. I want you to remember it, and try to call upon that feeling. Feel yourself sink into that wonderful state. Guided by my voice into that safe, happy feeling of trance. Feel my voice guide you safely into trance, almost as if you are floating by, not having to do anything but remember. Let me do the rest, you simply must give in. It will be so much easier, and make you feel so much better, if you simply let me take over and guide you. Just let yourself sink deeper, and sleep. You are so tired and relaxed, it is easy to fall asleep. You have been trying to stay awake, but there is no need anymore. Simply fall asleep and listen to my words. Feel yourself drifting into that deep, timeless, wonderful state. Your conscious mind out of the way, your subconscious directing you. Your subconscious mind is so open and suggestible. Just fall asleep, just go to sleep. Nothing is going to happen to you, you are completely safe. You can trust me, I am only here to help you. Just sleep. You are so sleepy, your eyes have fallen shut, your mind is drifting away. Feeling as though you are floating, taking everything in and accepting it. Just sleep. Sleep. So easy if you just sleep. No longer fighting it. No need to stay awake, needing to fall asleep, wanting to fall asleep. Whether you realize it or not, you are now asleep. Deep in sleep. This is what trance feels like, being asleep. This is what sleeping feels like, being in trance. You are asleep, and completely open to my suggestions. My suggestions are the only things that make sense. You feel your mind opening up, as if opening a door, opening completely to my suggestions. You feel yourself, wanting, needing, desiring my suggestions. Desiring to show how easily you accept my suggestions. Desiring to obey. Obeying my suggestions completely. So easy to obey. Obedience comes easily, naturally, naturally obeying my suggestions. You are so deep in sleep right now, a nice dreamless sleep. Feeling good and relaxed. Open and suggestible. Wanting to take in suggestions, wanting to obey. Feeling the need and desire to obey. There is another desire as well... A desire that is growing and growing. The desire to paint your nails. You have always wanted, always dreamed about this. You have an overwhelming desire to get a manicure, whether professionally at a salon or at home by yourself. It will constantly nag at the back of your mind until you get a manicure. The desire and urge will grow every day, until it is all you can think about. Eventually you will not be able, no matter how hard you try, to ignore it. You will have to give in and paint your nails. And you won't be able to settle for clear polish, you will have to use a bright, noticeable, girly color. A nice, coral pink or a deep red. But the best part about it, is once you have painted your nails, you will feel wonderfully happy. You will show them off to people, you will enjoy them. And once you have had a manicure, you will have a desire to get a pedicure as well. To paint your toenails a deep, girly color. And once your toes are painted, what better way to show them off than by getting a nice lovely pair of heels. Open-toed, so that everyone can admire your lovely girly toes. Once you have given in, and had your manicure and pedicure, you will become obsessed with your nails. You will constantly be cleaning and taking care of them. You will shape them and grow them out into lovely, girly nails. Getting weekly manicures and pedicures to keep them girly and feminine. You will become addicted to your nails. You will become obsessed with your nails. You are obsessed with your nails. You will buy lots of nail polish and fake nails, to use and admire on your nails. If your nails are ever not painted or girly, you will not be able to think or do anything until they are painted and proper again. You will also become addicted to this file, listening to it again and again, and feeling your desire to paint your nails and keep them long, girly and wonderful grow the more you listen. Now, in a moment I will awaken you from this sleep. When you awake, I want you to look at your nails and think to yourself, “These are ugly! I really need to paint them with a pretty color.” Thinking this will be the final act, the act that brings this script to life inside of you. Thinking this will submit to the addiction that will soon grow and blossom, the addiction to maintaining your nails. I will count down from 10 to 1. At 1, I want you to awaken, awaken and take a look at your nails. 10. Slowly stirring, not awake yet, but getting there. 9. Starting to slowly grow out of the haze of your sleep. 8. The haze beginning to clear. 7. You can almost see reality, but still in dreamland for now. 6. Slowly ascending back into reality. 5. Halfway there, you can feel yourself slowly awakening. 4. Beginning to become aware of yourself and whats going on. 3. Eyes fluttering open. 2. Becoming completely awake with... 10. Awaken, feeling completely relaxed and wonderful. I hope you enjoyed this file, and would like to listen to it again.
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Joined: May 18th, 2010, 12:00 am

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