Cross-Language Hypnosis.

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Cross-Language Hypnosis.

Postby Jeshi » May 23rd, 2010, 12:10 am

Just as a preface: I do not know any second languages. English is my only language.

So, Many of you have seen Lutz's "FORCE ME" files, The comments on them are all people that don't speak German begging for an English version. I too have wished it was in English, since the description was so good. But I hadn't bothered.

However, European languages all come from the same 2 roots, Germanic, And Latin. English comes from both, resulting from the Germanic Scotland and Latin England being on the same small island. Latin and Scottish fused and became English over time. So almost all European languages have very large similarities to English. Swedish, Dutch, German, Latin, And Italian are even more so. With these languages it isn't too uncommon for people to hear the language and think it's English before realizing they don't understand it.

One day I was looking at a Dutch website, I had set up Google Translate to translate the page but it was still loading. I however was not aware that it was still loading and read 2 paragraphs of Dutch, Understanding all of it. Before the page refreshed and became poorly translated English. This shocked and inspired me. And it gave me the idea to try and listen to Lutz's "FORCE ME" files despite not actually knowing a single bit of German.

I decided to get an English induction to put before it on the playlist. A short induction part followed by FORCE ME and FORCE ME 2. At first it just seemed confusing, All I really understood was that Lutz was moaning every 15 seconds. However I stayed very much in trance and actually found myself going deeper. Usually when a hypnosis file is really bad and takes to long to get interesting I've actually found myself waking up in the middle of the file. But despite the file being in German I did not find that happening.

I had started listening at 1:00am. And after a long time I actually started to understand a little bit of what Lutz was saying. I at least understood the general gist of what he was getting at. I don't actually know what suggestions were in it but I had the same sort of feelings I get when I hear a suggestion in English. Like what had just been said is suddenly lodged in my brain with no way to go against it. Finally at about 1:45am I found myself awake. I thought at first that I had just woken up like when I got subconsciously bored of a file that went on too long. But to my surprise Lutz only said 2 more sentences(Which I could tell were the typical "Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed this file. Come back again" lines) and then the files ended. I had not only stayed in trance for 45 minutes to a German file. I woke up on command! When I didn't even know the language that told me to wake up!

I don't think this would have worked if it was an African or Asian language. I think the similarities between English and German definitely had something to do with it. The word naughty is even the same in both languages ;D

My theory is that because of the trance state and the similarities in language, my subconscious the same techniques as when I was learning English as a baby to try and figure out what was being said. As over time Lutz seemed to become more and more understandable. Similar to Rosetta stone. I probably got to that point where as a kid you understand vaguely what your parents are saying "Oh, they want me to eat." but can't pinpoint any specifics.

While I don't know if any of the suggestions in the file will actually work. The experience was very very interesting experience and I recommend anybody else interesting in Lutz's FORCE ME files to try it out.

The induction I used was johnnycakes's Fast Induction at the beginning of a playlist in VLC player. With FORCE ME and FORCE ME 2 following in the playlist.
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